Bhakti Yoga
Bhakti - Yoga of Devotional Service
Qualifications of a Devotee
Principles of Devotional Service
Associating with Devotees
Residing in a Sacred Place
Attaining Perfection in Bhakti
Personification of Devotional Processes
The Devotional Process
Sravanam - Hearing
Hearing from Srila Prabhupada
Hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam
Maharaja Pariksit - The Personification of Hearing
Kirtanan - Chanting
Sukadeva Gosvami - The Personification of Chanting
Smaranam - Remembering
Prahlada Maharaja - The Personification of Remembering
Pada Sevanam - Deity Worship
Laksmi Devi - The Personification of Deity Worship
Offenses in Deity Worship
Arcanam - Temple Service
Prthu Maharaja - The Personification of Temple Service
Vandanam - Offering Prayers
Akrura - The Personification of Offering Prayers
Dasyam - Servitorship
Hanuman - The Personification of Servitorship
Sakhyam - Friendship
Arjuna - The Personification of Friendship
Atma Nivedanam - Surrendering
Bali Maharaja - The Personification of Surrendering
Sadhana Practice
Srila Prabhupada's Program
Daily Sadhana
Deity Worship in the Home

Offering Arati and Kirtana

Paraphernalia Picture Glossary

Detailed Procedures for Worshipping Gaura-Nitai at Home

Pictures of Home Altars
The Morning Program

Srila Prabhupada Pranati

Panca-tattva Maha-mantra

Sri Sri Gurv-astaka

Nama Sankirtana


Sri Nrsimha Pranama

Offering Tulasi to Krsna


Care of Tulasi-devi - Section 1

Care of Tulasi-devi - Section 2

Care of Tulasi-devi - Section 3

Vancouver Temple's Tulasi Tips

108 Names of Tulasi-devi

The Story of Srimati Tulasi-devi
Chanting Japa

Offenses to Avoid While Chanting Japa
Bhagavatam Class

Jaya Radha Madhava

Recitation of Srimad-Bhagavatam

Sri Nama-kirtana
Studying Sastra

A Practical Sanskrit Introductory (PDF File)
The Noon Program
Harinam Sankirtana
Hari Sankirtana
The Evening Program
Bhajan and Kirtana Songs
The Four Regulative Principles
Regulative Principles for Spiritual Life
Engaging The Senses
Personal Practice of the Four Regs
The Forest of Material Existence
Spiritual Vegetarianism
Krsna Conscious Vegetarianism

The Myth of Scarcity
Karma Vegetarianism and Ahimsa

Vegetarian Ethics

Slaughterhouse Civilization

"Thou Shalt Not Kill" or "Thou Shalt Not Murder"?
Dharma and Vegetarianism in Vedic Culture
Controlling Sex Life
No Intoxication
No Gambling
Krsna Prasadam
Krsna Prasadam
Catur-vidha: Four Kinds of Prasada
Cooking for the Lord's Satisfaction
Sattvika-ahara: Food in the Mode of Goodness
The Needs of Human Society
Prasada Protocol
Personal Cleanliness
Kitchen Standards
Shopping for Bhoga
Preparation and Cooking
Taking Prasada

Prasada Prayers
After Prasada
Offering Foodstuffs to The Lord
Bhoga-arati: Offering to the Deities

Temple Deity Worship Menus
Lord Caitanya's Prasada Pastimes

Advaita Acarya Invites Lord Caitanya Home

Mother Saci and Raghava Pandita's Coconut Offering

Taking Prasada at Sarvabhauma Battacarya's

Traveling Through Jharikhanda Forest

Nrsimhananda Brahmacari Cooks for The Lord

The Story of Raghava's Bag

Sivananda Sena and Son Caitanya

Jagadananda Pandita Cooks for Mahaprabhu
Glossary of Bhoga Ingredients



Grains, Pulses & Legumes


Meat Substitutes


Dictionary of Ingredient Terms
Un-bonafide Ingredients
India's Bounty on Canvas
Photos of India's Vintage Markets
Cooking Paraphernalia
Feast Planning

Menu Planning & Bhoga Organization

Using Spreadsheets

Preparation Schedules
Feast Menus
Gaura Purnima
Gauranga's Sankirtana Feast
Sankirtana Feast Recipes
Ingredients Spreadsheet
Sri Caitanya's Travelogue Feast
Travel Highlights and Narration
Travelogue Feast Recipes
Ingredients Spreadsheet
Govardhan Puja
Replicas of Govardhana Hill
Govardhana Hill Recipes
Ingredients Spreadsheet
Govardhana Hill Pastime from Krsna Book
Janmastami Feast Recipes
Ingredients Spreadsheet
Nityananda Trayodasi
Nityananda's Appearance Feast Recipes
Ingredients Spreadsheet
Nrsimha Caturdasi
Nrsimha Caturdasi Feast Recipes
Ingredients Spreadsheet
Chipped Rice Festival Recipes
Ingredients Spreadsheet
Caitanya-caritamrta Story of Panihati Festival
Radhastami Festival Recipes
Ingredients Spreadsheet
Ratha Yatra
Radhastami Tiffin Recipes
Ingredients Spreadsheet
Srila Prabhupada's Appearance Day (Vyasa Puja)
Srila Prabhupada's Vyasapuja Recipes
Ingredients Spreadsheet
Srila Prabhupada's Disappearance Day
Srila Prabhupada's Disappearance Feast Recipes
Ingredients Spreadsheet
1970's Devotee Cookbook
The Hare Krsna Cookbook (PDF)
The Higher Taste
Srila Prabhupada's Recipes & Menus
Regional Index of Recipes
Bengali Cuisine
"Lord Krishna's Cuisine" by Yamunda devi
Prasada Distribution
Prasadam Preaching

Favorite Prasadam Handouts
Health and Nutrition
Vegetarian Health and Nutrition

Calorie & Nutrition Chart for Indian Foods (Excel)

Calorie & Nutrition Chart for Indian Foods (Word)
Nama Hatta
Nama Hatta Preaching
Marketplace of the Holy Name
Ajna Tahal: Patrolling on the Lord's Command
Nama Hatta - Vancouver, WA
Asrama Pictures
Nama Hatta Activities
Bhagavad-gita Discussion Group
India Pakistan Solidarity Day (ACHA)
Nrsimha Caturdasi 2005

108 Transcendental Names of Lord Nrsimhadev
Chidi-dadha Mahotsav, 2005
Portland India Festival, 2005
The Flying Jiva