Krsna Prasada
One should respect the prasada of the Lord by first offering one's obeisances to it, then singing its glories, then chanting the maha-mantra and uttering the Prema-dvani to the Spiritual Master, Acaryas, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Radha-Krsna and all the assembled Vaisnavas.
The Glorification of the Lord's Prasada
naivedyam jagadisasya
anna-panadikam ca yat
bhaksyabhaksya-vicaras ca
nasti tad-bhaksane dvijah
brahmavan-nirvikaram hi
yatha visnus tathaiva tat
vikaram ye prakurvanti
bhaksane tad dvijatayah
nirayam yanti te vipras
tasman navartate punah
"O brahmanas, in the eating of food such as rice and water, etc., which has been tasted by the Lord of the universe, Sri Krsna, there is no consideration of whether it is eatable or uneatable. Just as Lord Visnu is spiritual and is not subject to mundane transformation, so in the same way His prasada is spiritual and untransformable. Those brahmanas, who consider that in the eating of visnu-prasada there is some mundane transformation of its spiritual qualities and thus it can become contaminated by contact with someone's mouth or hands, become afflicted with leprosy, become bereft of their sons and wife, and go to hell, never again to return from that place." (Visnu Purana)
maha-prasade govinde
nama-brahmani vaisnave
svalpa-punya-vatam rajan
visvaso naiva jayate
"O king, for those who have amassed very few pious activities, their faith in maha-prasada, in Sri Govinda, in the Holy Name and in the Vaisnava is never born."

from Bhaktivinoda Thakura's Gitavali
1) bhai-re!
sarira abidya-jal, jodendriya tahe kal,
jibe phele bisaya-sagore
ta'ra madhye jihva ati, lobhamoy sudurmati
ta'ke jeta kathina somsare
2) krsna baro doyamoy, karibare jihva jay,
swa-prasad-anna dilo bhai
sei annamrta khao, radha-krsna-guna gao,
preme dako caitanya-nitai
"O brothers! This material body is a place of ignorance, and the senses are a network of paths to death. The senses throw the soul into this ocean of material sense enjoyment and, of all the senses, the tongue is most voracious and uncontrol-lable; it is very difficult to conquer the tongue in this world. O brothers! Lord Krsna is very kind to us and has given us such nice prasada, just to control the tongue. Now let us take this prasada to our full satisfaction and glorify Their Lordships, Sri Sri Radha and Krsna and, in love, call for the help of Lord Caitanya and Prabhu Nityananda."
1) bhai-re!
ek-dina santipure, prabhu advaitera ghare,
dui prabhu bhojane bosilo
sak kori' asvadana, prabhu bole bhakta-gana,
ei sak krsna asvadilo
2) heno sak-asvadane, krsna-prema dise mane,
sei preme koro asvadana
jada-buddhi pari-hari', prasada bhojana kori',
'hari hari' bolo sarva-jan
"O brothers! One day at Santipura, in Sri Advaita's house, Lord Caitanya and Nityananda were seated at prasada. When Lord Caitanya tasted the green vegetables, He said, 'My devotees, this sak is so delicious! Lord Krsna has definitely tasted it. At the taste of such sak as this, love of Krsna arises in the heart. In such love of God you should take this prasada. Giving up all materialistic conceptions and taking the Lord's prasada, all of you just chant 'Hari! Hari!'"
1) bhai-re!
sacir angane kabhu, madhavendra-puri prabhu,
prasadanna koren bhojana
khaite khaite ta'ra, ailo prema sudurbar
bole, suno sannyasirf gana
2) moca-ghanta phula-bari, dali-dalna-caccari,
saci-mata korilo randhana
ta'ra suddha bhakti heri', bhojana korilo hari,
sudha-sama e anna-byanjana
3) joge jogi pay jaha, bhoge aj ha'be taha
'hari boli' khao sabe bhai
krsnera prasad-anna, tri-jagat kore dhanya,
tripurari nace jaha pai'
"O brothers! Whenever Madhavendra Puri took prasada in the courtyard of Mother Saci, uncontrollable ecstatic symptoms of love of God overwhelmed him while he ate. O assembled sannyasis, just listen to this. Mother Saci cooked and prepared semi-solid preparations made with banana flowers, a special dahl preparation, baskets of fruits, small square cakes made of lentils and cooked-down milk and many other varieties of prasada. Seeing her pure devotion, Lord Krsna personally ate all these different vegetable preparations, which were just like nectar. All the results the mystic obtains in the execution of yoga will be obtained today in the taking of the prasada of the Lord. O brothers! Everyone simply eat the prasada of Lord Hari and chant His holy name. The entire universe glorifies and praises the prasada of Lord Krsna. Obtaining that prasada, Lord Siva dances in great joy."
1) bhai-re!
sri-caitanya nityananda, srivasadi bhakta-brnda,
gauridasa panditer ghare
luci,cini khir, sar, mithai, payas,ara,
pitha-pana asvadan kore
2) mahaprabhu bhakta-gane, parama-ananda-mane
ajna dilo korite bhojana
krsnera prasad-anna, bhojane ho-iya dhanya
'krsna' boli' dake sarva-jan
"O brothers! Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda, along with all Their devotees headed by Srivasa Thakura, relish and taste different varieties of prasada at the home of Gauridasa Pandita. They are taking puris made with white flour and sugar, khir, solid cream collected over yogurt, sweetmeats, sweet rice and many kinds of cakes and condensed milk preparations. Mahaprabhu, Sri Krsna Caitanya, gave the order to all His devotees, in whose minds there was transcendental bliss, to eat the prasada of the Lord. Becoming very ecstatic by eating the prasada of the Lord, everyone chanted 'Krsna! Krsna!'"
1) bhai-re!
ek-din nilacale, prasad-sevana-kale,
mahaprabhu sri-krsna-caitanya
bolilen bhakta-gane, khecaranna suddha-mane,
seva kori' hao aj dhanya
2) khecaranna pitha-pana apurba prasad n(?)a,
jagannatha dilo toma sabe
akantha bhojana kori', bolo mukhe 'hari (?),
abidya-durita nahi ra'be
3) jagannatha-prasadanna, birinci-sambhur m(?)a,
khaile prema ho-ibe udoy
emana durlabha dhana, paiyacho sarva-jana
jaya jaya jagannatha jaya
"O brothers! One day in Jagannatha Puri, at the time of honouring the Lord's prasada, Lord Caitanya said to all the devotees, 'Honouring the khichuri of the Lord with a pure mind, may you become blessed on this day. Lord Jagannatha gave to all of you varieties of extraordinary and wonderful prasada, such as khichuri and many kinds of cakes and condensed milk preparations. Therefore, take all of this prasada till you are filled up to the neck and chant 'Hari! Hari!' In such a transcendental atmosphere ignorance and sin will not remain. This prasada of Lord Jagannatha is even worshipable for Lord Brahma and Lord Siva. Upon eating it, love of God will certainly arise within the heart. All of you have obtained such a rarely obtained treasure. All glories, all glories, all glories to Lord Jagannatha.'"
1) bhai-re!
rama-krsna gocarane, jaiben dura bane,
eta cinti' jasoda-rohini
khir, sar, chana, nani, du'jane khaowano ani',
batsalye ananda mane gani'
bayasya rakhala-gane, khay rama-krsna-sane,
nace gay ananda-antare
krsner prasad khay, udara bhoriya jay,
'ara deo' 'ara deo' kare
"O brothers! One day Mother Yasoda and Mother Rohini were thinking: 'Today our two boys Balarama and Krsna will go to a forest to tend Their cows.' Thus contemplating in such ecstasy of parental affection, they prepared a wonderful feast for the two boys consisting of khir, solid cream collected over yogurt, curd and fresh yellow butter. All the cowherd boyfriends took lunch with Balarama and Krsna and danced and sang in ecstasy within their hearts. They all ate the remnants of Krsna's lunch and filled up their bellies saying, 'Give us more, give us more!'"