"I am pleased to learn that you are thinking of putting together a cookbook of our Krishna prasadam recipes. I understand that in London, Yamuna Dasi has already done some work on this same project, so you may correspond with her in this connection. I know that at our feasts especially many persons become interested in preparing foodstuffs in this way, so this cookbook is a nice thing to instruct such persons in preparing and offering nice prasadam for the Lord. So when there is some tangible book ready for publication, please inform me, and we shall try to arrange for its publication. I am pleased to note your description of the increasing interest in vegetarian diet in this country. Actually, the practice of meat-eating is very detrimental to spiritual life, because in spiritual life the goal is to become free from all sinful reactions, and meat-eating means simply to force oneself to suffer the sinful reactions of killing our fellow living entities. So as many people will be taking to practicing spiritual life through the influence of our Sankirtana Movement, such cookbook will be very important, and you should work for this as you are able. Please convey my blessings to your husband, Dinesh, and to your child, Visnu Arati. I hope this will find you all well."
Srila Prabhupada Letter to Krsna dasi, 06-15-69, Vrindaban
 1970's Devotee Cookbook This cookbook was handed to us a few years ago, in the form of a nearly illegible photocopy manuscript. The author's comments indicate it to be circa early 1970’s. This manuscript contains simple instructions that are perfect for those just learning to cook prasadam recipes.
From the preface: “This is a very limited presentation of recipes for prasadam offerings that I have become practiced in preparing over the last few years. The ingredients and basic techniques used in the preparations are according to parampara tradition. Whether the details are as Srila Prabhupada would have exactly instructed, I do not know, but I have experienced on many occasions that He has been pleased by some of these exact preparations. Also I have experienced that devotees especially, and usually karmies (non-devotees) as well, are very much attracted by my preparations. For these reasons - to increase the attractiveness of our offerings to Sri Sri Radha and Krishna, and to increase the satisfaction of both the devotees and karmies with the prasadam they take to purify their existence - I have prepared this small cook-book. It is simply an offering of one devotee’s experience in the matter of prasadam preparation.”
 The Hare Krsna Cookbook
Bhaktivedanta Book Trust.
"The Hare Krsna Cookbook", originally published in 1973, was the first widely distributed book of prasadam recipes.
"The Hare Krsna Cookbook" is a delightful presentation of the philosophy of Krsna Prasadam, illustrated with black and white photos of the preparations, and transcendental drawnings throughout. The cookbook features well-loved devotee preparations like Chudy Noodles, Radhaballabha Kachoris, Brahmin Spaghetti, Chandra Murti and Puffed Rice. The cookbook is presented here as a scanned copy, so the documents are rather large. Click to open, or right click to save:
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 The Higher Taste
A Guide To Gourmet Vegetarian Cooking and a Karma-Free Diet
Bhaktivedanta Book Trust.
"The Higher Taste clearly explains the many reasons why people stop eating meat. But beyond that it contains over sixty gourmet vegetarian recipes that are guaranteed to carry you beyond the pleasures of ordinary food into new realms of epicurean delight. If you ever thought that being a vegetarian means eating only limp steamed vegetables and cold salads – you're in for a big surprise. In The Higher Taste you'll learn how to prepare complete, nourishing, taste-tempting meals."
Enjoy reading the introductory chapters of The Higher Taste, then visit the Atishaya Cookbooks section below for a link to purchase the complete Higher Taste cookbook.
 Atishaya Book Collection: Cookbooks, Food & Vegetarianism
A wonderful selection of vegetarian cookbooks are offered in Atishaya. You'll find books on traditional Vedic cooking, and several excellent editions written by Srila Prabhupada's disciples. Also included are books on Indian cuisine from many regions, vegan and vegetarian cookbooks from many cultures, and a number of good books on the culture of vegetarianism.
 Lord Krishna's Cuisine: The Art of Indian Vegetarian Cooking
The world's finest cookbook on Indian vegetarian cuisine and cooking preparations for offering to Sri Sri Radha-Krsna.