UPDATED — Mar 23, 2025 11:59 pm PST
His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya, International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)

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"My long desired scheme of a Krsna Conscious daily newspaper is being implemented. Please do this work very nicely. It will be a very great step in the history of ISKCON movement."
~ Srila Prabhupada, Letter to Satsvarupa 1971

"Here in this world there are thousands of newspapers and magazines reporting the stale, repetitious happenings of this limited space. So for reporting the news of the unlimited spiritual realm, concerning the eternal, ever-fresh Supreme Personality of Godhead, we could publish a newspaper at every second, what to speak of daily."
~ Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura

"According to social conventions, it is said that one can speak the truth only when it is palatable to others. But that is not truthfulness. The truth should be spoken in such a straight and forward way, so that others will understand actually what the facts are. If a man is a thief and if people are warned that he is a thief that is truth. Although sometimes the truth is unpalatable, one should not refrain from speaking it. Truthfulness demands that the facts be presented as they are for the benefit of others. That is the definition of truth."
~ Bhagavad-Gita As It Is. Ch 10:4

"May cows stay in front of me; may cows stay behind me; may cows stay on both sides of me. May I always reside in the midst of cows."
(HBV 16.252)
In remembrance of Kurma Rupa dasa

Painting by Jaimini Roy

Sri Nrsimha Worship
in Puri


Mar 23, CANADA (SUN) — A three-part exploration of the worship of Lord Nrsimhadev in Jagannath Puri by Prof. P.C. Mohapatra.

Even though Puri is a famous Vaisnavite center, there is no other Vaisnavite shrine worth the name except the Temple of Jagannath and minor Vaisnava shrines of other incarnations of Visnu. The worship of Lord Visnu is very much popular among the Hindus. He is the Protector who rescues humanity at the time of distress. The time when the evil prevails upon the truth, Visnu takes different incarnations to annihilate the evil and rescue the saints and truthful.


Iravan, Son of Arjuna


Mar 23, CANADA (SUN) — Iravan, the son of Arjuna Pandava, is one of the lesser known characters mentioned in the epic Mahabharata. Nonetheless, he is the object of worship by devotees across India. Also known as Iravat/Iravant, and Aravat, this grandson of Pandu is particularly worshiped in South India, by the Tamil cult of Kuttantavar and the Draupadi cult.


Papamocani Ekadasi


Mar 23, CANADA (SUN) — Papamocani Ekadasi, observed on March 25th in Los Angeles, 26th in Mayapur, from the Bhavishya-uttara Purana.

Sri Yudhisthira Maharaja said, "Oh Supreme Lord, I have heard from You the explanation of Amalakii Ekadasiii which occurs during the light fortnight of the month of Phalguna (February-March), and now I wish to hear about the ekadasii that occurs during the dark fortnight of the month of Chaitra (March-April). What is its name, Oh Lord, and what results can one attain by observing it?"


The Serpent Kaliya – The Hidden Meaning


Mar 20, CANADA (SUN) — By HDG Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur, published in Sree Sajjanatoshani (The Harmonist), May 1932.

"There is a beautiful lake of very sweet water in the Yamuna, which bears the name of Kaliya. This lake happened to be infested by a most venomous Serpent from whom the lake derives its name. On a certain day while the cowboys of Braja were out pasturing their calves on the wooded banks of the Yamuna they happened to feel thirsty and not knowing that the water of the lake had been poisoned by Kaliya drank of its water which resulted in their instantaneous death. On being apprised of their plight Krishna came to the spot and restored them to life.


Universal Brotherhood and the Temple of Lord Jagannath at Paradip


Mar 20, CANADA (SUN) — By Prabhat K. Nanda for Orissan Review.

Paradip Port has specific importance from cultural and religious point of view. As per the religious history of the area, famous monk, Parashar was directed to meditate at the confluence point of river Mahanadi. Bay of Bengal of today was popularly known as Kalinga Sagar from the period Before Christ. There was dense mangrove forest around the confluence point of river Mahanadi and Kalinga Sagar. The name of the area was considered Paradip after the name of monk Parashar. In public parlance, the name "Paradweep" was transferred to " Paradip".


Seeing with Clarity: Beyond Blind Worship and Harsh Judgment in Spiritual Life



Never look up to anything - never look down on anything. See everything as it is. That is all it takes to make a spiritual life successful.

Avoid Blind Worship of Individuals – Srila Prabhupada often warned against blindly putting faith in any person based on external appearances. Even in spiritual circles, one should not elevate someone to an unrealistic pedestal, expecting them to be flawless. Every devotee is on their own journey, and while respect is necessary, attachment to personalities rather than Krishna can lead to disappointment.


Vaishnava Prayers in English Poetry


Mar 15, CANADA (SUN) — Today we conclude our series of articles and monographs written by Srila Prabhupada, and published in his original Back to Godhead magazine during the period 1944 to 1960.

Vaishnava Prayers in English Poetry by Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Back to Godhead, April 20, 1960

(1) Adore thy feet my Master And those who are devotees. Rupa with elder and the other Jiva Adwaita with societies.

Krishna Chaitanya is my Lord Radha Krishna and Lalita accord. Vishaka is there in the midst. That's my prayer in the gist.

(2) I wish my eyes flow in tears As my heart Gouranga it hears Hari thy name could I say Nitaichand thy blessings may


Invasions of the Temple of Lord Jagannath at Puri, Part 2


Mar 15, CANADA (SUN) — Adaptation of an article by Abhimanyu Dash, in two parts.

Prof. Surendranath Dash in his article, "Inroads on the Temple of Sri Jagannath" in the book, Cultural Heritage of Odisha (Vol. XII, p. 214), has pointed out five reasons behind Kesodasmaru's invasion of the Jagannatha Puri Temple, as follows:

1. By the year 1610 A.D. the king of Khurda, Purushottama Deva had acknowledged the overlordship of Delhi. However, he was independent from a practical point of view. This did not satisfy Hasim Khan.


The Message of His Divine Grace


Mar 15, CANADA (SUN) — Edited and Founded Under Direct Order of His Divine Grace Sri Srimad Bhakti-Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada by Goswami Abhay Charan Bhaktivedanta.

Back to Godhead, 1944

His Divine Grace Sree Sreemad Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaj the celebrated Acharya (Spiritual Head) of the Gaudiya Vaisnavas spoke the following few lines as His Message just a few days (23rd December, 1936) before His passing away from this mortal world.

"I have most probably given many people troubles in the mind. Some of them might have thought about me that I am their enemy because I was obliged to speak the plain truth for service and devotion towards the Absolute Godhead. I have given them all those troubles only for the reason that they may turn their face towards the Personality of Godhead without any desire for gain and with unalloyed devotion. I hope some day or other they may understand me rightly."


Sastric Predictions of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Incarnation


Mar 13, CANADA (SUN) — The glorious Appearance of Sri Krsna Caitanya is observed on March 13th.

The birth of Lord Caitanya, as predicted in Sruti, Smriti, and the Vaya Purana. Translated by Kusakratha dasa.

Part One - Quotes from the Sruti-sastra

Text 1

jahnavi-tire navadvipe golokakhye dhamni
govindo dvi-bhujo gaurah sarvatma maha-purusho mahatma maha-yogi
tri-gunatitah sattva-rupo bhaktim loke kasyatiti. tad ete
sloka bhavanti

In the Sri Caitanya Upanishad it is said:

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda, the supreme enjoyer, whose form is transcendental, who is beyond the touch of the three modes of material nature, and who is the all-pervading Supersoul residing in the hearts of all living entities, will appear again in the Kali age. Appearing as the greatest devotee, the Supreme Personality of Godhead will assume a two-armed form of golden complexion in His abode of Goloka Vrindavana manifested on the bank of the Ganga at Navadvipa. He will disseminate pure devotional service in the world. This incarnation of the Lord is described in the following verses.


The Festival of
Jagannath Mishra


Mar 13, CANADA (SUN) — Anandotsava, the Festival of Jagannath Mishra, is observed on March 14th.

The Festival of Jagannath Mishra is an observance of the Jata karma samskara for baby Nimai (Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu). Following the fast for Gaura Purnima, which is broken upon the rising of the moon, the next day is held for feasting. On Jagannath Mishra festival day, the devotees meditate upon the Jata karman ceremony.

Jagannath Mishra was born in the village of South Dhaka in Sylhet (Sylhet). His grandfather, Madhu Mishra, had four sons: Upendra, Rangada, Kirtida, and Kirtivasa. His father and mother, Upendra Mishra and Kalavati, had seven sons: Kamsari, Paramananda, Padmanabha, Sarveshvara, Jagannath Mishra, Janardana and Trailokyanath. (Prema-vilasa, 24). According to the Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika, Upendra was Krishna's grandfather, the cowherd Parjanya, while Jagannath was Nanda Maharaj in Krishna's Vraja pastimes (Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika 37). Nanda or Jagannath were, in Krishna's various appearances, Kashyapa, Dasharath, Sutapa and Vasudeva.


Invasions of the Temple of Lord Jagannath at Puri


Mar 11, CANADA (SUN) — Adaptation of an article by Abhimanyu Dash, in two parts.

Throughout the ages, the temple of Lord Jagannath at Puri has been invaded and plundered eighteen times, as recorded in the annals of history. The temple was a lucrative place of wealth for invaders to plunder. To non-Hindu invaders, the temple was a good place to display Zihad (religious war). To loot its property and profane idols were motives behind every invasion.


'Shri Krishna' The Supreme 'Vedantist'


Mar 11, CANADA (SUN) — Edited and Founded Under Direct Order of His Divine Grace Sri Srimad Bhakti-Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada by Goswami Abhay Charan Bhaktivedanta.

Delhi, Saturday 20th October, 1956

"Sanyasins," who follow the philosophical path of Acharya Sripad Samkara are now generally known as the "Vedantist." And those who follow the philosophical paths of Vaishnava Acharyas such as Acharya Sripad Ramanuja Charya, Sripad Madhvacharya, Sripad Visnuswami etc are known as the "Bhagwats."


Vaisnava Ke (What Kind of Devotee Are You?), Part 2


Mar 11, CANADA (SUN) — A poem in 19 verses by HDG Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur.

Verse 11

sei du'ti katha, bhula' na sarvatha
uccaih svare kara "hari nama-rava"
"phalgu" ara "yukta", "baddha" ara "mukta,"
kabhu na bhaviha, ekakara saba

My dear mind, you should never, under any circumstances, allow yourself to forget the two instructions of Sanatana Gosvami. Constantly engage yourself in loudly chanting the glories of the holy names of Lord Krsna!


Vaisnava Ke (What Kind of Devotee Are You?)


Mar 09, CANADA (SUN) — A poem in 19 verses by HDG Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur – Part 1.

Translation of verses 1 through 4 by HDG AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Translation of remaining verses by HH Jayapataka Swami.

Verse 1

dusta mana! tumi kisera vaisnava?
pratisthara tare, nirjanera ghare,
tava "hari nama" kevala "kaitava"

My dear mind, what kind of Vaisnava are you? Simply for false prestige and a material reputation you sit in a solitary place and pretend to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, but this is all cheating.


Back to Godhead


Mar 09, CANADA (SUN) — Edited and Founded Under Direct Order of His Divine Grace Sri Srimad Bhakti-Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada by Goswami Abhay Charan Bhaktivedanta.

Delhi, Wednesday 20th June, 1956

One who desires to go back to one's eternal home and back to Godhead may adopt the following recognised and authoritative devotional activities in order to train oneself to be eligible to enter into the transcendental realm, the eternal kingdom of God. No body returns from the kingdom of God to this material world of threefold miseries. In the Bhagwat Geeta the process of going back to Godhead is stated as follows:--


Parishads: Sri Madhavendra Puri


Mar 09, CANADA (SUN) — The Disappearance day of Sri Madhavendra Puri is observed on March 10th.

Mahaprabhu's seniors, His parents and gurus, are all his servants and eternal associates and they take their birth prior to His appearance in order to serve Him in their own way.


Unreleased Works and Unsung Songs of
Srila Prabhupada


Mar 07, CANADA (SUN) — Excerpts of an article on Srila Prabhupada's literary pearls, from Krishna Kirtana Songs

"It is said that one of the qualities of the Vaisnava is poetry. Vaisnavas are generally great poets. Looking at how many poetic texts and songs produced by Vaisnavas, it is certainly no surprise that spiritual forefathers such as Brahma, Narada, Vyasadeva, Madhvacarya, Krsnadasa Kaviraja, the six Goswamis, Narottama Das Thakura to more contemporary acaryas have well known songs, like Bhaktivinoda Thakura, and lesser known songs written by Gaura Kisora Dasa Babaji, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, and Bhakti Prajna Kesava Goswami.


Variety of Planetary System


Mar 07, CANADA (SUN) — Edited and Founded Under Direct Order of His Divine Grace Sri Srimad Bhakti-Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada by Goswami Abhay Charan Bhaktivedanta.

In the 'Brahma Samhita' fifth chapter there is a description of variegated planetary system even within the material world. And in the Bhagwat Geeta, such variegated planetary system in thousands and crores of material universes, are considered to be the one-fourth part of the complete energy of Godhead. The major three-fourth part of the Lord's creative energy is manifested in the spiritual sky called by the name Paravyoma or the Vaikuntha Loka.


Amalaki Vrata Ekadasi


Mar 07, CANADA (SUN) — Phalguna-sukla Ekadasi, or Amalaki Ekadasi, observed March 9th in LA, 10th in Mayapur, from the Brahmanda Purana.

King Mandhata once said to Vasishtha Muni, "O great sage, kindly be merciful to me and tell me of a holy fast that will benefit me eternally." Vasishtha Muni replied. "O king, kindly listen as I describe the best of all fast days, Amalakii Ekadasi. He who faithfully observes a fast on this Ekadasii obtains enormous wealth, gets free of the effects of all kinds of sins, and attains liberation.


Unreleased Works and Unsung Songs of
Srila Prabhupada


Mar 04, CANADA (SUN) — Excerpts of an article on Srila Prabhupada's literary pearls, from Krishna Kirtana Songs

"By the order of his spiritual master, Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami, Srila Prabhupada has preached Krsna Consciousness to the Western world, created many preaching centers and temples, initiated thousands of disciples, given thousands of lectures, and has written a Vedic library of literature, which is not only read by devotees of Krsna, but academic scholars have even accepted them as textbooks.


Ramesvara Group of Temples at Boudh, Part 3


Mar 04, CANADA (SUN) — A study of Orissan temple architecture by Ramesh Meher, Birbhum, West Bengal.

Significance of the Stellate Plan

Frequently questions are raised about the explanation of the stellate plan and triangular placing of these three [Ramesvara] temples. Not only the garbhagriha, but also the arghapatta of the Siva lingas within have this stellate design.


Anti-Material World or the Kingdom of Godhead


Mar 04, CANADA (SUN) — Edited and Founded Under Direct Order of His Divine Grace Sri Srimad Bhakti-Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada by Goswami Abhay Charan Bhaktivedanta.

Delhi, Saturday 20th February, 1960

Modern materialistic science has discovered anti-material world which was so long unknown to the wranglers of gross-materialism. In the Times of India dt. 27.10.59 a news service, dated at Stockholm 26.10.59, was published as follows:--

"Two American atomic scientists were awarded 1959 Nobel Physics Prize to-day for the Discovery of Anti-Proton, proving that matter exists in two forms as particles and anti-particles."


Ramesvara Group of Temples at Boudh, Part 2


Mar 02, CANADA (SUN) — A study of Orissan temple architecture by Ramesh Meher, Birbhum, West Bengal.

Architectural Features of the Temples Ramesvara Temples at Boudh

The Group of Ramesvara temples consists of one structure, i.e. vimana. The vimana of theses temples are rekha deula and divided into four parts, such as pista, bada, gandi, and mastaka.

Pista: The pista is prepared of red sandstone; all of the three temples are sited on a pista of 50 inch high, being approach by a flight of steps. Very little of the decoration of the pista survives as the facing stones have mostly been broken off. However enough remains suggest that it was richly ornamented, as images of two riders leaping in the opposite direction and a kirtimukha placed between them can be observed on various faces of the pista, though highly abraded.


Godhead and His Potentialities


Mar 02, CANADA (SUN) — Edited and Founded Under Direct Order of His Divine Grace Sri Srimad Bhakti-Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada by Goswami Abhay Charan Bhaktivedanta.

In the Padmapuranam the Absolute Truth is compared with the Fire. As the Fire illuminates by diffusion of its rays, although it is situated in one place, so also the Absolute Truth, although situated far beyond the reach of our imperfect vision, is omnipresent in all directions by distribution of His varied energies. These energies or potentialities of the Absolute Truth, are innumerable and immeasurable in quantity and quality but primarily all of them can be grouped into three principal divisions under the following headings, viz.,

(1) Internal Potency or "Chit Potency"
(2) Marginal Potency or "Tatastha Potency"
(3) External Potency or "Maya Potency"


Parishads: Sri Purusottama Das Thakur


Mar 02, CANADA (SUN) — The Appearance day of Sri Purusottama Das Thakur is observed on March 2nd.

Nagar Purushottam was previously the cowherd named Daman in Vraja. He is now born in a Vaidya family as the son of Sadashiva. (Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika 131)


Sri Garuda


Mar 23, CANADA (SUN) — A serial exploration of Sri Garuda, the transcendental carrier of Lord Visnu beginning with a summary description of the Introduction to Sri Garuda Purana.

Lord Visnu's Incarnations

Sutji once reached Naimisharanya in the course of his pilgrimage. There he found numerous sages engaged in austerities and penance. All of them were delighted to find Sutji in their midst and considered it a God-sent opportunity to get their doubts related to various religious topics cleared. The Sage Shaunak was also present there, and he asked Sutji --' O revered sage! Who is the creator of this world? Who nurtures it and who annihilates it in the end? How can one realize the supreme Almighty? How many incarnations has the Almighty taken till now? Please enlighten us on all these things, which are shrouded in mystery.'


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 490


Mar 23, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI - Canto CXII - The Rákshas Dames

"High rose the universal wail
That mourned the monarch's death, and, pale
With crushing woe, her hair unbound,
Her eyes in floods of sorrow drowned,
Forth from the inner chambers came
With trembling feet each royal dame,
Heedless of those who bade them stay
They reached the field where Rávaṇ lay;
There falling by their husband's side,
"Ah, King! ah dearest lord!" they cried.


Prabhupada Padma-vakya


Mar 23,

Audio files with transcripts recorded on this day.

March 23, 1968, San Francisco
Morning Walk at Stow Lake
"And the animals, they are in darkness. Although they're on this park, but they do not know where they are, darkness. Their knowledge is not developed. This is the result of the modes of ignorance."

Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.

The Mahajanapadas of Jambudvipa, Part 17


Mar 20, CANADA (SUN) — A serial exploration of the island of Jambudvipa and the sixteen Great States residing there.

The Kamboja Kingdom

Today we present the last of solasa (sixteen) mahajanapadas -- the great states of ancient India. The Kamboja Kingdom has been mentioned in association with the Gandhara Kingdom, the two being located in close proximity to one another in northwest India. Kamboja is also listed along with Darada and the Bahlika (Bactria).


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 489


Mar 20, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI - Canto CXI - Vibhishan's Lament

"Vibhishaṇ saw his brother slain,
Nor could his heart its woe contain.
O'er the dead king he sadly bent
And mourned him with a loud lament:
"O hero, bold and brave," he cried,
"Skilled in all arms, in battle tried.
Spoiled of thy crown, with limbs outspread,


The Mahajanapadas of Jambudvipa, Part 16


Mar 18, CANADA (SUN) — A serial exploration of the island of Jambudvipa and the sixteen Great States residing there.

The Gandhara Kingdom

The Gandhara Kingdom is included in the list of sixteen great states of ancient India known as the mahajanapadas. Gandhara's territory comprised the modern districts of Peshwar and Rawalpindi in northern Punjab. The Gandhara dynasty, located on the grand northern high road (Uttarapatha), had their capital at Takkasila (Takshasila, or Prakrit Taxila). Their domain was the centre of international commerce and served as an important channel of communication with ancient Iran and Central Asia.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 488


Mar 18, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI - Canto CX - Rávan's Death

"Then Mátali to Ráma cried:
"Let other arms the day decide.
Why wilt thou strive with useless toil
And see his might thy efforts foil?
Launch at the foe thy dart whose fire
Was kindled by the Almighty Sire."


The Mahajanapadas of Jambudvipa, Part 15


Mar 15, CANADA (SUN) — A serial exploration of the island of Jambudvipa and the sixteen Great States residing there.

The Avanti Kingdom

The Avantis were an important kingdom in western India. Avanti was also one of the four great monarchies in India in the post era of Mahavira and Buddha, the other three being Kosala, Vatsa and Magadha. The region of the Avanti Kingdom roughly corresponds to modern Malwa, Nimar and adjoining parts of Madhya Pradesh.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 487


Mar 15, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI - Canto CIX - The Battle

"With wondrous power and might and skill
The giant fought with Ráma still.
Each at his foe his chariot drove,
And still for death or victory strove.
The warriors' steeds together dashed,
And pole with pole reëchoing clashed.
Then Ráma launching dart on dart
Made Rávaṇ's coursers swerve and start.


Lord Caitanya: The Golden Avatara


Mar 13, CANADA (SUN) — In honour of Sri Gaura Purnima, the Appearance Day of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, observed March 13th.

By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, Back To Godhead, Vol. 01, No. 39, January 1, 1971

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden avatara, appeared in India nearly 500 years ago. It is the custom in India that when a child is born, an astrologer is called for. When Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appeared 5,000 years ago, Gargamuni was called by His father, and he said, "This child formerly incarnated in five complexions, such as red and golden, and now He has appeared in blackish color." Krsna's color is described in the scriptures as blackish, just like a cloud. Lord Caitanya is understood to be Krsna appearing in golden complexion.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 486


Mar 13, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI - Canto CVIII - The Battle

"He spoke, and vanished: Ráma raised
His eyes with reverence meet, and praised
The glorious Day-God full in view:
Then armed him for the fight anew.
Urged onward by his charioteer
The giant's foaming steeds came near,
And furious was the battle's din
Where each resolved to die or win.


The Mahajanapadas
of Jambudvipa, Part 14


Mar 11, CANADA (SUN) — A serial exploration of the island of Jambudvipa and the sixteen Great States residing there.

The Assaka Kingdom

The Kingdom of Assaka, or the Ashmaka tribe was centered in Dakshinapatha or southern India. In Buddha's time, the Assakas resided on the banks of the River Godavari, south of the Vindhya Mountains. Many pastimes from Ramayana took place in the Vindhya range. Bhattasvami, the commentator of the Kautiliya Arthashastra identifies Ashmaka with Maharashtra. The Paithan paintings used throughout this series are examples of the Paithan School of Maharashtra.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 485


Mar 11, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI - Canto CVI - Glory To The Sun

"There faint and bleeding fast, apart
Stood Rávaṇ raging in his heart.
Then, moved with ruth for Ráma's sake,
Agastya came and gently spake:
"Bend, Ráma, bend thy heart and ear
The everlasting truth to hear
Which all thy hopes through life will bless
And crown thine arms with full success.


The Mahajanapadas
of Jambudvipa, Part 13


Mar 09, CANADA (SUN) — A serial exploration of the island of Jambudvipa and the sixteen Great States residing there.

The Magadha Kingdom

The Kingdom of Magadha was one of the most prominent and prosperous of ancient India's sixteen mahajanapadas. The kingdom roughly corresponds to the modern districts of Patna and Gaya in southern Bihar and parts of Bengal in the east. The capital city, Pataliputra (modern Patna) was situated near several major rivers, bounded on the north by the Ganges, to the east by the river Champa, on the south by the Vindhya mountains and in the west by the river Sona. During Buddha's time its boundaries included Anga.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 484


Mar 09, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI - Canto CIII - Indra's Car

"Then Raghu's son forgot his woe:
Again he grasped his fallen bow
And hurled at Lanká's lord amain
The tempest of his arrowy rain.
Drawn by the steeds his lords had brought,
Again the giant turned and fought.


The Mahajanapadas
of Jambudvipa, Part 12


Mar 07, CANADA (SUN) — A serial exploration of the island of Jambudvipa and the sixteen Great States residing there.

The Matsya Kingdom

The Matsya were one of the prominent tribes of Vedic India. Their kingdom resided in the country south of the Kurus and west of the Yamuna, which separated them from the Panchalas. It roughly corresponds to the former state of Jaipur in Rajasthan, and included the whole of Alwar with portions of Bharatpur.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 483


Mar 07, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI - Canto CII - Lakshman Healed

"But Ráma, pride of Raghu's race,
Gazed tenderly on Lakshmaṇ's face,
And, as the sight his spirit broke,
Turned to Susheṇ and sadly spoke:
"Where is my power and valour? how
Shall I have heart for battle now,
When dead before my weeping eyes
My brother, noblest Lakshmaṇ, lies?


The Mahajanapadas
of Jambudvipa, Part 11


Mar 04, CANADA (SUN) — A serial exploration of the island of Jambudvipa and the sixteen Great States residing there.

The Surasena Kingdom

The kingdom of the Surasenas lies to the east of Matsya Kingdom and west of Yamuna. This corresponds roughly to the Brij region of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan, and the Gwalior region of Madhya Pradesh. Surasena Kingdom had its capital at Mathura (Madhura). Mathura is also associated with Maholi, five miles to the southwest of the present town of Mathura. This should be distinguished from Mathura or Madura, the second capital of the Pandyan kingdom on the river Vaigi in Madras.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 482


Mar 04, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI - Canto CI - Lakshman's Fall

"When Rávaṇ saw his darts repelled,
With double rage his bosom swelled.
He summoned, wroth but undismayed,
A mightier charm to lend its aid.
And, fierce as fire before the blast,
A storm of missiles thick and fast,
Spear, pike and javelin, mace and brand,
Came hurtling from the giant's hand.


The Mahajanapadas
of Jambudvipa, Part 10


Mar 02, CANADA (SUN) — A serial exploration of the island of Jambudvipa and the sixteen Great States residing there.

The Panchala Kingdom

Next among the solasa (sixteen) mahajanapadas is the Panchala Kingdom. The Panchalas occupied the country to the east of the Kurus, between the mountains and the Ganges River. It roughly corresponds to modern Budaun, Farrukhabad and the adjoining districts of Uttar Pradesh. The country was then divided into Uttara-Panchala and Dakshina-Panchala. The northern Panchala had its capital at Adhichhatra or Chhatravati (modern Ramnagar in the Bareilly District), while southern Panchala had it capital at Kampilya, or Kampil in Farrukhabad District.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 481


Mar 02, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI - Canto C. Rávan In The Field

"The plain with bleeding limbs was spread,
And heaps of dying and of dead.
His mighty bow still Ráma strained,
And shafts upon the giants rained.
Still Angad and Sugríva, wrought
To fury, for the Vánars fought.


The Mahajanapadas
of Jambudvipa, Part 9


Feb 28, CANADA (SUN) — A serial exploration of the island of Jambudvipa and the sixteen Great States residing there.

The Kuru Kingdom

As noted in yesterday's segment, the Vatsas were a branch of the Kuru dynasty, whose origin is traced in the Puranas from the Puru-Bharata family. The Puru-Bharata dynasty came about as an alliance and merger between the Bharata and Puru tribes. Aitareya Brahmana locates the Kurus in Madhyadesha (Jambudvipa) and also refers to the Uttarakurus as living beyond the Himalayas.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 480


Feb 28, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI - Canto XCVI - Rávan's Sally

"The groans and cries of dames who wailed
The ears of Lanká's lord assailed,
For from each house and home was sent
The voice of weeping and lament.
In troubled thought his head he bowed,
Then fiercely loosing on the crowd
Of nobles near his throne he broke
The silence, and in fury spoke:


Ramesvara Group of Temples at Boudh


Feb 28, CANADA (SUN) — A study of Orissan temple architecture by Ramesh Meher, Birbhum, West Bengal.

The Indian Silpasastra recognizes three main types of temples known as the Nagara, the Dravida and the Vesara. All the available texts are agreed on the point that the Nagara style was prevalent in the region between the Himalayas and the Vindhyas.

The Dravida country is well known and the texts rightly confine the Dravida style to that part of the country lying between the river Krishna and the cape of Kanyakumari.


Theosophy Ends in Vaishnavism


Feb 28, CANADA (SUN) — Edited and Founded Under Direct Order of His Divine Grace Sri Srimad Bhakti-Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada by Goswami Abhay Charan Bhaktivedanta.

1944 Back to Godhead #1

The man having forgotten himself as the son of Godhead, has forsaken his real constitutional nature. He has misidentified himself with everything non-godly and therefore manipulates a material existence conducted by the mind and the six instrumental senses. He is concerned only with his material coverings of gross body and the subtle mind but cannot see either himself or his so-called numerous fellowmen. This is what we mean by Nescience which is darkness.


Parishads: Sri Rasikananda Deva Goswami


Feb 28, CANADA (SUN) — The Disappearance day of Sri Rasikananda Deva Goswami is observed on February 28th.

Rasikananda Deva Goswami was born in 1512 of the Saka era (1590 AD) in the village of Rohini or Rayni in the Midnapore district. This village is situated at the confluence of the Subarnarekha and Dolanga rivers. His father's name was Raja Achyutananda and his mother, Bhavani Devi.


Sri Garuda
Iravan, Son of Arjuna
Papamocani Ekadasi
Sri Nrsimha Worship in Puri
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 490
Prabhupada Padma-vakya
Mahajanapadas of Jambudvipa
Lord Jagannath at Paradip
The Serpent Kaliya
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 489
Mahajanapadas of Jambudvipa
Vaishnava Prayers in Poetry
Seeing with Clarity
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 488
Mahajanapadas of Jambudvipa
Message of His Divine Grace
Invasions of Puri Temple, Pt. 2
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 487
Lord Caitanya, Golden Avatara
Festival of Jagannath Mishra
Sastric Predictions of Caitanya
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 486
Mahajanapadas of Jambudvipa
Invasions of Puri Temple
Vaisnava Ke, Part 2
'Krishna', Supreme 'Vedantist'
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 485
Mahajanapadas of Jambudvipa
Back to Godhead
Vaisnava Ke
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 484
Mahajanapadas of Jambudvipa
Amalaki vrata Ekadasi
Variety of Planetary System
Unreleased Works, Songs 2
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 483

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