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Tips on how to find what you're looking for
at HareKrsna.com

If a search query is entered without any arguments between the words, then each word must be present in a document in order for it to show up on the results list.

Try using the following search arguments to get a better search return:

+ (plus)

Using the word AND between your query words requires that both/all the words be present in a document. Instead of AND, you can also use a plus sign (+). For example:

Bhaktivinode AND Thakur AND books
Bhaktivinode +Thakur +books

When using + be sure to eliminate spaces between the symbol and the word following it.

- (minus)

Using the word NOT between your query words defines what you do NOT want the search to return. Instead of NOT, you can also use a minus sign (-). For example:

Bhaktivinode AND Thakur NOT books
Bhaktivinode AND Thakur -books

When using - be sure to eliminate spaces between the symbol and the word following it.


Using the word OR between your query words means that the word or phrase can be present (and thus gets a higher relevancy ranking), but it is not required for a document to show up on the results page. For example:

Bhaktivinode OR Bhaktivinoda
Bhaktivinode OR Bhaktivinoda AND Thakur

Searching for phrases means that the words between the quotes must show up in that exact order, adjacent to one another. For example:

"In 1895 Bhaktivinode Thakur published"

Searching with Wildcards allows you to search for a partial match of a word. The conditions are that a wildcard can only appear at the end of a search term, and at least two characters must be provided before the wildcard * (asterisk) argument. In the example below, all matching documents that contain words that begin with the characters Go and contain the word Krsna will show up on the search results page:

Go* +Krsna

Examples of words that satisfy the Go* wildcard search term are: Gopal, Govardhan, and Govinda.

When using Wildcards, be sure to eliminate spaces between the symbol and the word.