Bread Crumb Pudding
Bread crumbs - 1 cup
Milk - 1-1/2 cup
Sugar- 3/4 cup
Ghee- 5 tsp
Food colour
Rose Water, few sprinkles
In a little hot ghee fry the cashews and raisin. When done add the unsalted bread crumbs and fry for few minutes. then add milk and cook for 10 minutes on low flame. When 1/2 cooked add the sugar and food colour, and add the remaining ghee. When cooled add a little rose water and serve chilled. Garnish with saffron and nuts, and offer.

Dubble Ka Mittha
1 loaf sliced Bread
4 cups whole Milk
2 cups Sugar
2 cups Water
1 pint Heavy Cream
1/2 cup roasted Cashews, chopped
1/2 cup Almonds, soaked & chopped
Good pinch of Saffron, soaked in a bit of milk
Cardamom extract or powder to taste
1 tsp Vanilla
1 stick Butter
Put the milk in a pan and boil until it is reduced in volume about half (kheer). Let it cool a bit. Make a syrup by dissolving the sugar in the water, bring to a hard boil and get a nice, thick 1-string syrup. Remove from head, add cardamom and saffron/milk and set aside. Use a bread that has a semi-hard crust, like Italian. Cut the bread slices into pieces, 4 to 6 per slice. Melt butter and fry the bread pieces. Let some of them become a bit charred. Make sure most pieces are toasted golden on at least one side. Put the bread in a pan, sprinkle the vanilla on top and mix into the bread with your hands. Sprinkle the nuts on top, then pour the sugar syrup over it, followed by the kheer, then the cream. Time it so that you're pouring the liquids on while the bread is still a little warm. Chill it immediately, and offer it chilled. Hare Krsna!

Nawabi Shahi Tukde
Sandwich Bread 6 slices
Milk 2 cups
Cream 3/4 cup
Mava (khoya) crumbled (or fine ricotta) ½ cup
Sugar 4 tbsps.
Green elaichis (cardamom) 6
Saffron crushed 2 pinches
Cashewnuts A handful
Kewra & Rose essence. few drops
Ghee for frying
Chironji 1 tbsp.
Silver foil
Rose petals
Remove crust and cut each bread slice into two. Fry the bread pieces in ghee till golden brown, then arrange on a plate. Heat milk, adding the sugar and saffron and a few drops essence. Pour over the bread slices. Allow the bread to soak up the milk, then arrange the bread pieces on a decorative plate. Heat 2 tsps. of ghee and lightly fry the crumbled mava, elaichi powder and 2 tsps. of sugar. Spread the mava layer over the soaked bread pieces. To the cream, add essence. Cover the mava with a cream layer and decorate with varakh, nuts and rose petals. Serve warm or cold.