Mathura Mahatmya: Srila Rupa Goswami's Glorification of Mathura


May 03, 2010 — CANADA (SUN) —

Text 108

tatraiva patala-khande parvati-prasnah

uktodbhutas ca mahima
mathuraya jatadhara
muner bhuvo va saritah
prabhavah kena va vibho
krishnasya va prabhavo 'yam
samyogasya pratapavan

tatra-there;iva-like; patala-khande-in thre Patala-khanda; parvati-prasnah-Parvati's question; ukta-said; udbhutah-manifested; ca-and; mahima-glory; mathuraya-of Mathura; jatadhara-O Siva; muner-of the sage; bhuvah-of the world; va-or; saritah-of the rivers; prabhavah-glory; kena-by what?; va-or; vibhah-O Lord; krishnasya-of Krishna; va-or; prabhavah-glory; ayam-this; samyogasya-contact; pratapavan-powerful.

In the Padma Purana, Patala-khanda, Parvati asks the following question:

O Jatadhara, You have already described the glory of Mathura. What is the glory of the sages, the ground, and the rivers there? What is the great glory of Krishna there?

In the Padma Purana, Patala-khanda, Parvati asks the following question:

O Jatadhara, You have already described the glory of Mathura. What is the glory of the sages, the ground, and the rivers there? What is the great glory of Krishna there?

Text 109

tatraiva sri-mahadevottaram

na bhumika-prabhavas ca
sarito va varanane
rishinam na prabhavas ca
prabhavo vishnu-tarake

tatra-there; eva-indeed; sri-mahadeva-Lord Mahadeva's uttaram-reply; na-not; bhumika-of ground; prabhavah-glory; ca-and; saritah-of rivers; va-or; varanane-O girl with the beautiful face; rishinam-of sages; na-not; prabhavah-glory; ca-and; prabhavah-glory; vishnu-tarake-of Lord Vishnu's taraka potency.

Sri Mahadeva replied:

O girl with a beautiful face, this is not the glory of ordinary ground, rivers, and sages. This is the glory of Lord Vishnu's taraka potency.

Text 110

tatha paraka-cic-chakter
ubhe tat-pada-karake
tad eva srinu bho devi
prabhavo yena vartate

tatha-so; paraka-ci-chakter-from the paraka potency; ubhe-both; tat-pada-karake-cause; tad-this; eva-indeed; srinu-hear; bhah-O; devi-O goddess; prabhavah-glory; yena-how;l vartate-is.

The glory here is also manifest from the spiritual paraka potency. O goddess, please hear of these two potencies.

Text 111

sri-krishna-mahima sarvas
cic-chakter yah pravartate
tarakam parakam tasya
prabhavo 'yam anahatah
tarakaê jayate muktih
prema-bhaktis ca parakat

sri-krishna-of Krishna; mahima-glory; sarvahall; ci-chakter-spiritual potency; yah-who; pravartate-is; tarakam-taraka; parakam-paraka; tasya-of that; prabhavah-glory; ayam-this; anahatah-glorious; tarakaj-from taraka; jayate-is born; muktih-liberation; prema-bhaktih-pure devotional service; ca-and; parakat-from paraka.

All Krishna's glories are manifest from His spiritual potency. His glories are His taraka potency and His paraka potency. From His taraka potency liberation is manifest. From His paraka potency loting devotional service is manifest.

Text 112

tatraiva sri-bhagavad-vakyam

ubhau mantrat ubhe namni
nana-namani mantras ca
tan-madhye saram ucyate

tatra-there;iva sri-bhagavad-of the Lord; vakyam-words; ubhau-both; mantrav-mantras; ubhe-âoth; namni-names; madiya-My; prana-life; vallabhe-dear; nana-various; namani-names; mantrah-mantras; ca-and; tan-madhye'in the midst; saram-best; ucyate-is said.

There also the Supreme Lord says:

O girl more dear to me than life, in this way there are two mantras and two names. Among all mantras and names they are said to be the best.

Text 113

ajnatam athava jnatam
tarakam japate yadi
yatra tatra bhaven mrityuh
kasyam tu phalam adiset

ajnatam-not known; athava-or; jnatam-known; tarakam-taraka; japate-chants; yadi'if; yatra-where; tatra-there; bhavet-is; mrityuh-death; kasyam-in Varanasi; tu-indeed; phalam'result; adiset-shows.

If a person knowingly or unkowingly chants the taraka mantra, then no matter where he dies, he attains the result of dying in Varanasi.

Text 114

vartate yasya jihvagre
sa pumal loka-pavanah
chinatti sarva-papani
kasi-vasa-phalam labhet

vartate-is; yasya-of whom; jihvagre-on the tip of the tongue; sah-he; puman-person; loka-pavanah-purifying the world; chinatti-cuts; sarva-all; papani-sins; kasi-in Varanasi; vasa-residence; phalam-result; labhet-attains.

He on whose tongue the name taraka appears, purifies the people of the worlds. He breaks all sins. He attains the result of living at Varanasi.

Text 115

iti taraka-mantro 'yam
yas tu kasyam pravartate
sa eva mathure devi
vartate 'tra varanane

iti-thus; taraka-mantro ayam-this taraka mantra; yah-who; tu-indeed; kasyam-in Varanasi; pravartate'is; sah-he; eva-indeed; mathure-in Mathura; devi-O goddess; vartate-is; atra-here; varanane-O girl with the beautiful face.

O goddess, O girl with the beautiful face, even though he lives in Varanasi, a person who chants this taraka mantra actually lives here in Mathura.

Text 116

atha parakam ucyeta
yatha-mantram yatha-balam
parakam yatra varteta

atha-now; parakam-paraka; ucyeta-is said; yatha-as; mantram-mantra; yatha-balam-as far as there is power; parakam-paraka; yatra-where; varteta-is; riddhi-siddhi-samagamah-powers and opulences.

When the powerful paraka mantra is chanted, spiritual opulences and perfections appear.

Text 117

pujyo bhavati trailokye
satayur jayate puman
vartate yatra parakam

pujyah-worshiped; bhavati-is; trailokye-in the three worlds; satayur-a life of 100 years; jayate-is âorn; puman'person; ashta-siddhi-samayuktah-with the 8 mysti powers; vartate-is; yatra-where; parakam-paraka.

A person who chants the paraka mantra becomes worshiped by the three worlds. He lives for a hundred years. He attains the eight perfections.

Text 118

parakam yasya jihvagre
tasya santosha-vartita
paripurno bhavet kamah
satya-sankalpata tatha

parakam-paraka; yasya-of whom; jihvagre-on the tongue; tasya-of him; santosha-vartitahappiness; paripurnah-full; bhavet-is; kamah-desire; satya-sankalpata-wishes become true; tatha-as.

A person who places the paraka mantra on the tip of his tongue becomes happy. His desires become fulfilled.

Text 119

dvi-vidha prema-bhaktis tu
sruta drishta tathaiva ca
tad-gato jneya-lakshanah

dvi-vidha-two kinds; prema-bhaktih-loving devotion; tu-indeed; sruta-heard; drishta-seen; tatha-so; eva-indeed; ca-and; akhanda-unbroken; parama-anandahbliss; tad-gatah-attained; jneya-lakshanah-known.

Prema-bhakti (devotional service in pure love of God, is of two kinds: that attained by hearing about Me and that attained by seeing Me. A person who has thus fallen in love with Me becomes filled with a bliss that never breaks.

Text 120

asru-patam kvacin nrityam
kvacit premati-vihvalah
kvacit tasya maha-murccha
mad-guno giyate kvacit

asru-patam-shedding tears; kvacit-sometimes; nrityam-dancing; kvacit-sometimes; premati-vihvalah-overcome with love; kvacit-sometimes; tasya-of him; maha-murccha-fainting; mad-gunah-My virtues; giyate-glorified; kvacit-sometimes.

Sometimes he sheds tears. Sometimes he dances. Sometimes he becomes overcome with love. Sometimes he faints. Sometimes he glorifies Me in song.

Text 121

atha prapancatitam. adi-varahe

anyaiva kacit sa sristir
vidhatur vyatirekini
na yat kshetra-gunan vaktum
isvaro 'pisvaro yatah

atha-now; prapanca-the material world; atitam-beyond; adi-varahe-in the Adi-varaha Purana; anya-another eva-indeed; kacit-certain; sa-it; sristir-creation; vidhatur-of the creator; vyatirekini-distinguished; na-not; yat-what; kshetra-of the place; gunan-virtues; vaktum-to describe» isvarah-able; api-even; isvarah-Siva; yatah-because.

Mathura' is Beyond the Material World of Five Elements

In the Adi-varaha Purana it is said: Mathura' was not created by Brahma. Even Lord Siva has not the power to properly describe Mathura's glories.

Text 122

skande mathura-khande

tan-mandalam mathuram hi
vishnu-cakropari sthitam
padmakaram sada tatra
vartate sasvatam nripa

skande mathura-khande-in the Skanda Purana, Mathura'-khanda; tan-mandalam- mathuram-the circle of Mathura; hi-indeed; vishnu-cakra-upari-above Lord Vishnu's circle; sthitam-situated; padma-akaram-in the form of a lotus; sada-always; tatra-there; vartate-is; sasvatam-eternaly; nripa-O king.

In the Skanda Purana, Mathura-khanda, it is said:

O king, this circle of Mathura is like a lotus eternally above the circle of Lord Vishnu's realm.

Text 123

padme patala-khande

rishir mathura-namatra
tapah kurvati sasvate
tato 'sya mathuram nama-
bhavad adhyam sriya yutam

padme patala-khande-in the Padma Purana, Patala-khanda; rishir-sage; mathura-nama-named Mathura; atra-here; tapah kurvati-performs austerities; sasvate-always; tatah-therefore; asya-of him; mathuram-Mathura; nama-name; abhavad-was; adhyam-enriched; sriya-the goddess of fortune; yutam-with.

In the Padma Purana, Patala-khanda, it is said:

A sage named Mathura performed austerities there for a long time. Beautiful Mathura is named after him.

Text 124

tatraiva nirvana-khande

nityam me mathuram viddhi
vanam vrindavanam tatha
yamunam gopa-kanyas ca
tatha gopala-balakan
tatra-there; eva-indeed; nirvana-khande-in the Nirvana-khanda; nityam-always; me-My; mathuram-Mathura; viddhi-know; vanam-forest; vrindavanam-Vrndavana; tatha-so; yamunam-Yamuna; gopa-kanyah-gopis; ca-and; tatha-so; gopala-balakan-gopa boys.

In that same book, in the Nirvana-khanda, it is said:

Know that My Mathura is eternal. So also is Vrindavana forest. So also are the Yamuna, the gopis, and the gopa boys.

Text 125

aho na jananti nara durasayah
purim madiyam paramam sanatanim
manoramam tam mathuram param gatim

ahah-Oh; na-not; jananti-know; narah-people; durasayah-wicked; purim-city; madiyam-My; paramam-supreme; sanatanim-eternal; surendra-leaders of the demigods; nagendra-leaders of the nagas; munindra-leaders of the sages; samstutam-glorified; manoramam-enchanting; tam- mathuram-this Mathura; param- gatim-the supreme destination.

Wicked men cannot understand My eternal, beautiful, transcendental city of Mathura, which is the supreme destination, and which is glorified by the kings of the demigods, nagas, and sages.

Text 126

atha deva-traya-rupatvam. padme patala-khande

ma-kare ca u-kare ca
a-kare canta-samsthite
mathurah sabda-nishpanna
om-karasya tatah samah

atha-now; deva-traya-rupatvam-the form of the three demigods; padme patala-khande-in the Padma Purana, Patala-khanda; ma-kare-the syllable ma; ca-and; u-kare-the syllable u; ca-and; a-kare-the syllable a; ca-and; anta-samsthite-at the end; mathurah-Mathura; sabda-nishpanna-as sound; om-karasya-of om; tatah-to that; samah-equal.

Mathura' Is the Form of the Three Deities

In the Padma Purana, Patala-khanda, it is said: Mathura' is the same as the syllable aum. The a, u, and m in aumkara come from the same letters in the word Mathura.

Text 127

maha-rudro ma-karah syad
u-karo vishnu-samjnakah
a-karo 'ntyas tu brahma syat
tri-sabdam mathuram bhavet

maha-rudrah-Siva; ma-karah-the letter m; syad-is; u-karah-the letter u; vishnu-samjnakah-is Vishnu; a-karah-the letter a; antyah-at the end; tu-indeed; brahma-Brahma; syat-is; tri-three; sabdam-sounds; mathuram-Mathura; bhavet-is.

In the syllable aum the m is Lord Siva, the u is Lord Vishnu, and the a is Lord Brahma. These three letters are the same as Mathura.

Text 128

tada varah sreshtha uktah
satya evabhavat tatah
sa tri-devamayi murtir
mathuri tishthate sada

tada-then; varah sreshthah-the best; uktah-said; satye-in truth; eva-indeed; abhavat-was; tatah-then; sa-that; tri-devamayi-the three demigods; murtir-form; mathuri-Mathura; tishthate-stands; sada-always.

Of these this is the best statement. Of these this is the truth. Mathura' is eternally the form of these three demigods.

Text 129

atha sri-vishnu-bhakti-pradatvam. padme uttara-khande anyeshu punya-tirtheshu
muktir eva maha-phalam
muktaih prarthya harer bhaktir
mathurayam ca labhyate

atha-now; sri-vishnu-to Lord Vishnu; bhakti-devotion; pradatvam-giving; padme uttara-khande-in the Padma Purana, Uttara-khanda; anyeshu-in other; punya-tirtheshu-holy places; muktir-liberation; eva-indeed; maha-phalam-great result; muktaih-by the liberated; prarthya-requested; harer-of Lord Hari; bhaktir-devotion; mathurayam-in Mathura; ca-and; labhyate-is attained.

Mathura Gives Lord Vishnu's Devotional Service

In the Padma Purana, Uttara-khanda it is said: Liberation is the great result attained at other holy places. Devotional service to Lord Hari, for which the liberated souls pray, is attained at Mathura.

Text 130

tri-ratram api ye tatra
vasanti manuja mune
harir dadyat sukham tesham
muktanam api durlabham

tri-ratram-three nights; api-even; ye-who; tatra-there; vasanti-reside; manujah-persons; mune'O sage; harir-Hari; dadyat-gives; sukham-happiness; tesham-to them; muktanam-liberated; api-even; durlabham-difficult to attain.

O sage, to they who stay there for three nights, Lord Hari happily gives what even the liberated souls cannot attain.

Text 131


sevanad durlabha hi ya
paranandamayi siddhir

brahmanda-purane-in the Brahmanda Purana; trailokya-varti-in the three worlds; tirthanam-of the holy places; sevanad-by service; durlabha-rare; hi-indeed; ya-which; paranandamayi-blissful; siddhir-perfection; mathura-of Mathura; sparsa-matratah-simply by the touch.

In the Brahmanda Purana it is said:

The blissful perfection difficult to attain by serving all holy places in the three worlds is attained by simply touching Mathura.

Text 132

skande mathura-khande

smaranti mathuram ye ca
mathuresam visampate
sarva-tirtha-phalam tesham
syac ca bhaktir harau para

skande mathura-khande-in the Skanda Purana, Mathura'-khanda; smaranti-meditiate; mathuram-on Mathura; ye-who; ca-and; mathuresam-Mathura's king; visampate-O king; sarva-tirtha-phalam-result of all holy places;; tesham-of them; syac-is; ca-and; bhaktir-devotion; harau-to Lord Hari; para-supreme.

In the Skanda Purana, Mathura-khanda, it is said:

O king, they who meditate on the king of Mathura' attain transcendental devotion to Lord Hari, which is the fruit of all pilgrimages.

Text 133

atha svatah parama-phalatvam. padme patala-khande

aho madhu-puri dhanya
vaikunthac ca gariyasi
dinam ekam nivasena
harau bhaktih prajayate

atha-now; svatah-personally; parama-phalatvam-the greatest result; padme patala-khande-in the Padma Purana, Patala-khanda; ahah-Oh; madhu-puri-Mathura; dhanya-opulent; vaikunthac-than Vaikuntha; ca-and; gariyasi-greatesr; dinam-day; ekam-one; nivasena-by residence; harau'for Lord Hari; bhaktih-devotion; prajayate-is born.

Mathura Gives the Greatest Result

In the Padma Purana, Patala-khanda, it is said:

Opulent Mathura' is greater than Vaikuntha. Living there for a single day creates genuine devotion to Lord Hari.

Text 134

atha sapta-purinam tu
sarvotkrishtam tu mathuram
sruyatam mahima devi

atha-now; sapta-7; purinam-of the cities; tu-indeed; sarva-utkrishtam-best of all; tu-indeed; mathuram'Mathura; sruyatam-should be heard; mahima-glory; devi-O goddess; vaikuntha-in thre spiritual world;bhuvana-abode; uttamah-highest.

Mathura' is the best of the seven holy cities. O goddess, please hear of its glories greater than Vaikuntha.

Text 135


bhur-bhuvah-svas-tale vapi
na patala-tale 'malam
nordhva-loke maya drishtam
tadrik kshetram vasundhare

adi-varahe-in the Adi-varaha Purana; bhur-bhuvah-svas-tale-on Bhur, Bhuvar, and Svar; va-or; api-and; na-not; patala-tale'in hell; amalam-pure; na-not; urdhva-loke-in the higher world; maya-by Me; drishtam-seen; tadrik-like this; kshetram-a plae; vasundhare-O earth.

In the Adi-varaha Purana it is said:

Not in Bhurloka, Bhuvarloka, Svarloka, Patalaloka, or Urdhvaloka have I seen any place like this, O earth-goddess.

Text 136


labhanam mathura-labho
jnananam jnanam uttamam
pritinam parama pritir
gatinam gatir uttama

varahe-in the Varaha Purana; labhanam-of attainments; mathura-of Mathura; labhah-the attainment» jnananam-of knowledges; jnanam-knowledge; uttamam-utlimate; pritinam-of loves; parama-ultimate; pritir-love; gatinam-of goals; gatir-goal; uttama-ultimate.

In the Varaha Purana it is said:

Attainment of Mathura' is the greatest of attainments. Knowledge of Mathura' is the greatest of knowledges. Love for Mathura' is the greatest of loves. The goal of Mathura' is the greatest of goals.

Text 137

rahasyanam rahasyam ca
kriyanam ca maha-kriya
etan marana-kale tu
smartavyam manasapi ca
yadicchet paramam siddhim
samsarasya ca mokshanam

rahasyanam-of secrets; rahasyam-the secret; ca-and; kriyanam-of actions; ca-and; maha-kriya-greatest action; etat-this; marana-kale-at the time of death; tu-indeed; smartavyam-should be remembered; manasa-by the heart; api-and; ca-and; yadi-if; icchet-desires; paramam-supreme; siddhim-perfection; samsarasya-of the material world; ca-and; mokshanam-liberation.

The secret of Mathura' is the greatest secret. Actions in Mathura' are the greatest actions. If one yearns for the supreme perfection and release from the cycle of birth and death, he should, with all his heart, meditate on Mathura' at the time of his death.

Text 138

atha mathura-mandala-simajnanam. adi-varahe

vimsatir yojananam tu
mathuram mama mandalam

atha-now; mathura-mandala-of the circle of Mathura; sima-boundaries; jnanam-boundaries are unknown; adi-varahe-in the Adi-varaha Purana; vimsatir'20; yojananam-of yojanas; tu-indeed; mathuram-Mathura' mama-My; mandalam-circle.

The Boundaries of the Circle of Mathura Are Unknown

In the Adi-varaha Purana it is said:

My circle of Mathura' is 20 yojanas (160 miles).

Text 139

tatha padme yamuna-mahatmye

ramyam apsarasam sthanam
yasmims cancalatam gatah
yayavarah pura vipras
tapasvi vijitendriyah

tatha-as; padme yamuna-mahatmye-in the Padma Purana, Yamuna-mahatmya; ramyam-charming; apsarasam-of apsaras; sthanam-place; yasmin-where; cancalatam- gatah-went; yayavarah-Yayavara; pura'before; viprahvipra; tapasvi-austere; vijitendriyah-controlling the senses.

In the Padma Purana, Yamuna-mahatmya, it is said: One day an austere, sense-controlled brahmana named Yayavara went to the beautiful place Apsaras-tirtha.

Text 140

cira-kalam prataptam tam
sprishta vari-kanenenam
mocayitva tu patakat
prapayat tam suralayam

cira-kalam-for a long time; prataptam-austerities; tam-this; indra-Indra's; sapa-curse; agnina-by the fire; arditam-tormented; sprishta-touched;l vari-kanena-by a drop of water; enam-this; mocayitva-freeing; tu-indeed; patakat-from sins; vimanena-by an airmplace; arka-varnena-splendid as the sun; prapayat-brought; tam-him; suralayam-to the abode of the demigods.

Tormented by the fire of Indra's curse, he performed austerities for a long time, but it was only when he was touched by a single drop of water there that he at once became free from his sin and an airplane splendid as the sun took him to the home of the demigods.

Text 141

vanaprasthair yatha-vidhi
mathura-mandalam prapta
tasmad devarshi-sevita

pujyamana-worshiped; adarena-with respect; arghyair-with arghya; vanaprasthair-vy Vanaprasthas; yatha-vidhi'following the rules; mathura-mandalam-the circle of Mathura; prapta-attained; tasmad'from that; devarshi-by Narada; sevita-served.

Respectfully worshiped with arghya by the vanaprasthas and served by the sages, the Yamuna river flows through Mathura'-mandala.

Text 142

pavayitva kurun desan
surasenan samavisat
vanani dvadasa sphita-
sphitani guna-sampada

pavayitva-purifying; kurun-Kurus; desan-lands; surasenan-Surasenas; samavisat-entered; vanani-forests; dvadasa-12; sphita-sphitani-great; guna-sampada-rich with good qualities.

After purifying the Kuru and Surasena lands, it enters twelve great and glorious forests.

Text 143

kramad visrantim asadya
visranta kesavalaye

kramad-gradually; visrantim-Visranti; asadya-attaining; visranta kesavalaye-abode of Krishna; sudarsana-Sudarsana; upari-gata-above; gata-srama-samipa-ga-near Gatasrama.

Gradually it reaches Visranti-tirtha in the abode of Lord Kesava. It goes to Sudarsana and then it flows by Visrama-ghata.

Text 144

ity upakramya

aslishta vasudevena
sat-krityabhyarcya tapani
samprapta punya-salila
su-punyam dhrauvyam asramam

iti-thus; upakramya-following; aslishta-embraced; vasudevena-by Krishna; sat-kritya abhyarcya'respectfully worshiped; tapani-Ymauna; samprapta-attained; punya-salila-pure waters; su-punyam-sacred; dhrauvyam asramam-Dhruva's asrama.

Lord Vasudeva respectfully worships and embraces the Yamuna, which with its pure waters flows to pure Dhruva-asrama.

Text 145

samprapta punya-salila
su-punyam renukasramam
dikshito yatra ramo 'bhut

samprapta-attained; punya-salila-pure water; su-punyam-sacred; renukasramam-Renukasrama; dikshitah-initiated; yatra-where; ramah-Rama; abhut-was; sarva-kshatra-kshayadhvare-in the sacrifice to kill all the ksatriyas.

With its pure waters it flows to pure Renuka'-asrama, where Lord Rama was initiated to perform a yaj,sy 241a to kill all the kshatriyas.

Text 146

tatah prayata yamuna
ishtam sakuntaleyena
sarangair yatra saptabhih

tatah-then; prayata-gone; yamuna-Yamuna; bharatasya-of Bharata; asvamedhikam-asvamedha; ishtam-done; sakuntaleyena-the son of Sakuntala; sarangair-saranga-yajnas» yatra-where; saptabhih-seven.

Then the Yamuna' flows by the place where Bharata performed an asvamedha-yajna and the place where Sakuntala's son performed seven saranga-yajnas.

Text 147

atha sa saptabhir medhyaih
somapendro 'py amadyata
tatah pratyanmukhi bhutva
samprapta saukarim purim
yasyam dharam samuddhartum
utpannas cadisukarah

atha-now; sah-he; saptabhir medhyaih-with seven sacrifices; somapendrah-Indraq; api-also; amadyata'was pleased; tatah-then; pratyanmukhi bhutva-turning west; samprapta-attained; saukarim- puri-Saukari Puri; yasyam-in which; dharam-earth; samuddhartum- utpannah-lifted; ca-and; adisukarah-Varaha.

Indra was pleased when he drank soma at those seven yajnas. Then the river turns west and flows to Saukari Puri, where Lord Varaha lifted the earth.

Text 148

tatas tam nagarim sauri
bhutva pratyanmukhi punah
parikramya vinishkranta
jihma-gatyeva pannagi

tatah-then; tam-that; nagarim-city; sauri bhutva pratyanmukhi punah parikramya -continuing west;vinishkranta-crooked; jihma-gatya iva pannagi-like a snake.

Continuing west, the river circles that city and then continues with crooked motions as a snake.

Text 149

tatah sa surasenebhyah
pancalanam vimukti-da
ishtakasramam apede
vasishthayatanam mahat

tatah-then; sa-it; surasenebhyah-from the land of Surasena; pancalanam-to the people pof Pancala-desa; vimukti-liberation; da-giving; ishtakasramam-Istakasrama; apede-attained; vasishthayatanam-the home of Vasishta Muni; mahat-great.

Then it leaves the land of Surasena and gives liberation to the people of Pancala-desa, and then it flows to ishtaka-asrama, the home of Vasishta Muni.

Text 150

etena yaya-varam adhikritya saukari-vatesvara-paryantam mathura-mandalam jneyam. evam eva sarvasu diksht api jneyam. vimsati-yojanatmake bahu-tirthavat tvaya viseshah.

etena-thus; yaya-varam-Yayavara; adhikritya-in relation; saukari-vatesvara-paryantam-from Saukari to Vatesvara; jneyam-is known; evam-thus; eva-indeed; sarvasu dikshu-in all directions; api-also; jneyam'known; vimsati-yojanatmake-20 yojanas; bahu-tirthavat-like a great holy place; tvaya-by you; visesha-specific.

In this way the circle of Mathura' goes from Yayavara-asrama to Saukari Puri to Vasishtha-asrama. Turning to all directions, it makes a circle 20 yojanas (160 miles, in circumference. There are many holy places within that circle.

Text 151

mathura-mandalam tad dhi
yojananam tu dvadase
yatra tirtha-sahasrani
krishna-rama-kritani ca

mathura-khande-in Mathura'-khanda; mathura-mandalam-the circle of Mathura; tad-that; hi-indeed; yojananam-of yojanas; tu-indeed; dvadase-12; yatra-where; tirtha-holy places; sahasrani-thousands; krishna-rama-kritani-done by Krishna and Balarama; ca-and.

In the Mathura-khanda it is said:

The circle of Mathura' is 12 yojanas (96 miles, in circumference. Within it are thousands of holy places where Lord Krishna and Lord Rama enjoyed pastimes.

Text 152

tatha hi vaisishthyam

gavyutir dvadasamayi
tatrapi mathura devi

tatha hi-furthermore; vaisishthyam-specific; gavyutir-krosas; dvadasamayi-12; dvadasa-12; aranya-forests; samyuta-endowed; tatra-there; api'also; mathura-Mathura; devi-O goddess; sarva-siddhi-vidhayini-granting all perfections.

A Specific Description (in the Mathura-khanda)

Its measurement is 12 krosas (24 miles). It has twelve forests. O goddess, within it is Mathura, which grants all perfections.

Text 153

tatrapi padmakriter vaisishtyam

idam padmam maha-bhage
sarvesham mukti-dayakam
karnikayam sthito devi
kesavah klesa-nasanah

tatra-there; api-also; padma-of a lotus; akriter-form; vaisishtyam-specific; idam-this; padmam-lotus; maha-bhage-O fortunate one; sarvesham-to all; mukti-liberation; dayakam-giving; karnikayam-whorl; sthitah-standing; devi-O goddess; kesavah'Krishna; klesa-sufferings; nasanah-destroying.

In the Same Scripture a Description of Mathura' as a Lotus Flower

O beautiful girl, this place is a great lotus flower that gives liberation to all. O goddess, in the whorl of this lotus Lord Kesava, the destroyer of troubles, stays.

Text 154

karnikayam mrita ye tu
te nara mukti-bhaginah
madhya-patra mrita ye ca
tesham muktir vasundhare

karnikayam-in the whorl; mritah-after death; ye-who; tu-indeed; te-they; narah mukti-bhaginah'liberated souls; madhya-patra-in the middle leaf; mritah-after death; ye-who; ca-and; tesham-of them; muktir-liberation» vasundhare-O earth.

They who die in the whorl of this lotus become liberated. O earth-goddess,they who die in the middle leaves of this lotus become liberated.

Text 155

pascime tu harim devam
drishtva tam deva-devesam
kim manah paritapyase

pascime-in the west; tu-indeed; harim- devam-the Deity of Lord Hari; govardhana-nivasinam-residing on Govardhana Hill; drishtva-having seen; tam- deva-devesam-the master of the demigods; kim-what?; manah-heart; paritapyase-suffers.

What heart, seeing the Deity of Lord Hari, who resides on Govardhana Hill in the western part of this lotus, and who is the master of the demigods, will remain unhappy?

Text 156

uttarena tu govindam
drishtva devam param subham
nasau patati samsare
yavad ahuta-samplavam

uttarena-in the north; tu-indeed; govindam-Lord Govinda; drishtva-having seen; devam-Deity; param-transcendental; subham-handsome; na-not; asau-he; patati-falls; samsare-into birth and death; yavad-as far as; ahuta-samplavam-an ocean.

A person who sees the handsome Deity of Lord Govinda in the northern part of this lotus will not fall into the ocean of repeated birth and death.

Text 157

visranti-samjnakam tirtham
purva-patre vyavasthitam
yam drishtva tu naro yati
muktim nasty atra samsayah

visranti-Visranti; samjnakam-named; tirtham-holy place; purva-eastern; patre-on the petal;l vyavasthitam-situated; yam-whom; drishtva-having seen; tu-indeed; narah-a person; yati-attains; muktim-liberation; na-not; asti-is; atra-here; samsayah-doubt.

A person who sees Visranti-tirtha on the eastern petals of this lotus attains liberation. Of this there is no doubt.

Text 158

dakshinenottamam viddhi
pratimam divya-rupinim
maha-kayam su-rupam ca
yam drishtva manujo devi
brahmaloke mahiyate

dakshinena-in the south; uttamam-supreme; viddhi-know; pratimam-Deity; divya-rupinim-splendid; maha-kayam-large; su-rupam-handsome; ca-and; kesava-akara-sannibham-Kesava; yam-whim; drishtva-having seen; manujah-a person; devi-O goddess; brahmaloke-on Brahmaloka; mahiyate-glorified.

Know that in the south is a large, splendidly handsome Deity of Lord Kesava. O goddess, a person who sees this Deity becomes glorious in the spiritual world.

Text 159

athatra kala-viseshe nivasa-phalam. adi-varahe tatra jyaishthe jyaishthasya sukla-dvadasyam
snatva tu niyatendriyah
mathurayam harim drishtva
prapnoti paramam gatim

atha-now; atra-here; kala-time; viseshe-s[ecific; nivasa-of residence; phalam-result; adi-varahe-in the Adi-varaha Purana; tatra-there; jyaishthe-in the month of Jyaistha; jyaishthasya-of Jyaistha; sukla-dvadasyam-on the sukla-dvadasi; snatva-having bathed; tu-indeed; niyata-controlling; indriyah-the senses; mathurayam-in Mathura; harim-the Deity of Lord Hari; drishtva-having seen; prapnoti-attains; paramam- gatim-the supreme destination.

The Result of Residing at Mathura' During Certain Specifi Times

In the Adi-varaha Purana the month of Jyaishtha (May-June, is described: A person who is sense-controlled and who bathes in Mathura' during the sukla-dvadasi in the month of Jyaishtha attains the supreme destination.

Text 160

caturmasye. adi-varahe prithivyam yani tirthani
a-samudra-saramsi ca
mathurayam gamishyanti
supte caiva janardane

caturmasye-during Caturmasya; adi-varahe-in the Adi-varaha Purana; prithivyam-on the earth; yani-which; tirthani-holy places; a-samudra-saramsi-to the oceans and lakes; ca-and; mathurayam-in Mathura; gamishyanti-will go; supte-asleep; ca-and; eva-certainly; janardane-Krishna.

Residing in Mathura' During Caturmasya

In the Adi-varaha Purana it is said:

When Lord Janardana will go to sleep all holy places, lakes, and seas on the earth will go to Mathura.

Note: Lord Krishna sleeps during the four months of Caturmasya.

Text 161

caturo varshikan masan
madhu-purya vasemahi
sarvani tatra tirthani
vividhani vasanti ca

caturah-four; varshikan-of the monsoon season; masan-months; madhu-purya-of Mathura; vasemahi-let us reside; sarvani-all; tatra-there; tirthani-holy places; vividhani-various; vasanti-reside; ca-and.

Let us reside in Mathura'-puri during the four months of the monsoon season, when all holy places also reside there.

Text 162

tatraiva janmashtamyam

janmashtami-dine prapte
tatra yo mam prapasyati
janma-koti-kritam papam
tat-kshanad eva nasyati

tatra-there; eva-indeed; janmashtamyam-on janmastami; janmashtami-dine-when Janmastami day; prapte-has arrived; tatra-there; yah-who; mam-Me;l prapasyati-sees; janma-koti-kritam-done in millions of births; papam-sin; tat-kshanad-in that moment; eva'certainly; nasyati-perish.

Residing in Mathura' During Janmashtami

In the same scripture Lord Krishna says:

For a person who sees Me there (in Mathura, during Janmashtami, the sins of millions of births perish in a single moment.

Text 163

bhadre masi mamashtabhyam
yah karoti mamarcanam
sarvam papam parityajya
mama sthanam sa gacchati

bhadre masi-in the month of Bhadra; mama-My; ashtabhyam-on janmastami; yah-who; karoti-does; mama-My;rcanam-worship; sarvam-all; papam-sin» parityajya-leaving; mama-My; sthanam-abode; sah-he; gacchati-goes.

A person who worships Me during My Janmashtami in the month of Bhadra becomes free from all sins and goes to My abode.

Texts 164 and 165

sarvam taptam tapas tena
sarvam danam ca taih kritam
yaih kritam mathuram gatva
bhadreshtamyam vasundhare
snatva visranti-tirtheshu
pujanam me 'valokanam

sarvam-all; taptam-austerities; tapah-performed; tena-by him; sarvam-all; danam-charity; ca-and; taih-by them; kritam-done;l yaih-by whom; kritam-done; mathuram-to Mathura; gatva-having gone; bhadreshtamyam-on auspicious Janmastami; vasundhare'O earth; snatva-having bathed; visranti-tirtheshu-at Visranti-tirtha; pujanam-worship; me-of Me» avalokanam-sight.

All austerities are automatically performed and all charity automatically given by they who, going to Mathura' during Janmastami in the month of Bhadra, bathe in Visranti-tirtha, worship me, and see My Deity-form, O earth-goddess.

Text 166

viseshatah karttike. padme karttika-mahatmye narada-vakyam

yatra kutrapi dese ca
karttike snana-danatah
agni-hotra-samam punyam
pujayam tu viseshatah

viseshatah-specifically; karttike-in karttika; padme karttika-mahatmye-in the Padma Purana, Karttika-mahatmya; narada-of Narada; vakyam-words; yatra-where; kutrapi-in a certain; dese-country; ca-and; karttike-during Karttika; snana-from bathing; danatah-and giving charity; agni-hotra-to an agnihotra sacrifice; samam-equal; punyam-pious merit; pujayam-in worship; tu-indeed; viseshatah-specifically.

Residing in Mathura' During the Month of Karttika

In the Karttika-mahatmya, Narada says:

By bathing in sacred places and giving charity during the month of Karttika, a person in any country attains piety equal to an agnihotra-yajna.

Text 167

kurukshetre koti-guno
gangayam api tat-samah
tato 'dhikah pushkare syad
dvarakayam tu bhargava

kurukshetre-in Kurukshetra; koti-gunah-millions of times; gangayam-in the Ganges; api-also; tat-samah-equal to that; tatah-than that; adhikah-greater; pushkare-in Pushkara; syad-is; dvarakayam-in Dvaraka; tu-indeed; bhargava-O Bhargava.

When these activities are performed at Kurukshetra or on the banks of the Ganges, the benefit is multiplied by millions of times. The benefit is even greater at Pushkara or Dvaraka, O Bhargava.

Text 168

krishna-salokya-do masah
puja-snanais ca karttikah
anyah puryas tat-samana
bhavanti mathuram vina

krishna-salokya-dah-giving residence on the same planet as Krishna; masah-month; puja-with worship; snanaih-bathing; ca-and; karttikah-Karttika; anyah'another; puryah-of the city; tat-samana-equal; bhavanti-are; mathuram-Mathura; vina-without.

In Mathura' bathing and worship during the month of Karttika place one on the same planet as Lord Krishna. No other holy place is equal to Mathura.

Text 169

damodaratvam hi hares
tatraivasit yatah kila
mathurayam tatas turjo
karttiko mathurayam vai
paramavadhir ishyate

damodaratvam-the state of being Damodara; hi-indeed; harehof Lord Hari; tatra-there; eva-indeed; asit-was; yatah-because; kila-indeed» mathurayam-in Mathura; tatah-then; tu-indeed; urjah-Karttika; vaikuntha-Lord Vaikuntha; priti-pleasure; vardhanah-increasing; karttikah-Karttika; mathurayam-in Mathura; vai'indeed; parama-avadhir-the supreme destination; ishyate-is accepted.

The month of Karttika, when Lord Hari enjoyed His Damodara-pastime in Mathura, delights Lord Vaikuntha. The month of Karttika spent in Mathura' brings the supreme destination.

Text 170

yatha maghe prayagah syad
vaisakhe jahnavi tatha
karttike mathura sevya
tatrotkarshah paro na hi

yatha-as; maghe-in Magha; prayagah-Prayaga; syad-is; vaisakhe-in vaisakha; jahnavi-the Ganges; tatha-so; karttike-in karttika; mathura-Mathura; sevya-to be served; tatra-there; utkarshah-excellence; parah-better; na-not; hi-indeed.

As Prayaga should be served in the month of Magha, and the Ganges in the month of Vaisakha, so Mathura' should be served in the month of Karttika. Nothing is better than that service.

Text 171

mathurayam narair urje
snatva damodaro 'rcitahkrishna-rupa hi te jneya
natra karya vicarana

mathurayam-in Mathura; narair-by people; urje-in Karttika; snatva-having bathed; damodarah-Lord Damodara; arcitah-worshiped; krishna-rupah-the form of Krishna; hi-indeed; te-they; jneyah-should be known; na-not; atra-here; karya-to be done; vicarana-doubt.

They who, after properly bathing, worship Lord Damodara in Mathura' during Karttika, attain forms like that of Lord Krishna. Of this there is no doubt.

Text 172

durlabhah karttiko vipra
mathurayam nrinam iha
yatrarcitah svakam rupam
bhaktebhyah samprayacchati

durlabhah-rare; karttikah-Karttika; viprah-O brahmanas; mathurayam-in Mathura; nrinam-of people; iha-here; yatra-where; arcitah-worshiped; svakam-own; rupam-form; bhaktebhyah-to the devotees; samprayacchati-gives.

O brahmanas, residence in Mathura' during Karttika is a rare attainment for humans. To they who worship Him there and then the Lord gives their original spiritual forms.

Text 173

bhuktim muktim harir dadyad
arcito 'nyatra sevinam
bhaktim tu na dadaty eva
yato vasya-kari hareh

bhuktim-sense gratification; muktim--liberation; harir-Krishna; dadyad-gives; arcitah-worshiped; anyatra-in another place; sevinam-of the servants; bhaktim'devotional service; tu-indeed; na-not; dadati-gives; eva-indeed; yatah-because; vasya-kari-brought under the dominion; hareh-of Krishna.

When He is worshiped in any other place, Lord Hari gives only liberation or sense-gratification to His servants. He does not give them pure devotional service, for that service brings Him under their dominion.

Text 174

sat tanjasa harer bhaktir
labhyate karttike naraih
mathurayam sakrid api

sa-this; tu-indeed; anjasa-easily; harer-to Krishna; bhaktir-devotion; labhyate-is attained; karttike-in karttika; naraih-by people; mathurayam-in Mathura; sakrid-once; api-even; sri-damodara-sevanat-from serving Lord Damodara.

By once serving Lord Damodara in Mathura' during Karttika, the people can easily attain pure devotional service to Lord Hari.

Text 175

mantra-dravya-vihinam ca
vidhi-hinam ca pujanam
manyate karttike devo
mathurayam mad-arcanam

mantra-mantras; dravya-offerings; vihinam-without; ca-and; vidhi-proper rules; hinam-without; ca-and; pujanam-worship; manyate-is considered; karttike-during Karttika; devah-the Lord; mathurayam-in Mathura; mad-arcanam-worship of Me.

They who, even without proper mantras and offerings, and without properly following the rules, worship Him in Mathura' during Karttika, the Lord considers His true devotees.

Text 176

yasya papasya yujyeta
marananta hi nishkritih
tac-chuddhy-artham idam proktam
prayascittam su-niscitam
karttike mathurayam vai

yasya-of whom; papasya-sin; yujyeta-engaged; maranantah-to the time of death; hi-indeed; nishkritih'atonement; ta-chuddhy-artham-to purify; idam-this; proktam-is said; prayascittam-atonement; su-niscitam-carefully considered; karttike-in Karttika; mathurayam-in Mathura; vai-indeed; sri-damodara-pujanam-worship of Lord Damodara.

The perfect atonement to purify the sins of a lifetime is: worship Lord Damodara in Mathura' during Karttika.

Text 177

sulabha mathura loke
pratyabdam karttikas tatha
tathapi samsarantiha
nara mudha bhavambudhau

sulabha-easy to attain; mathura-Mathura; loke-in this world; pratyabdam-every year; karttikah-Karttika» tatha-so; tathapi-still; samsaranti-go; iha-here; narah-peple; mudhah-bewildered; bhava-of repeated birth and death; ambudhau-in the ocean.

Although Mathura' is easy to visit in this world, and although Karttika comes every year, the fools still swim in the ocean of repeated birth and death.

Text 178

kim yajnaih kim tapobhir va
tirthair anyais ca sevitaih
karttike mathurayam ced
arcyate radhika-priyah

kim-what is the use?; yajnaih-of sacrifices; kim-what is the use?; tapobhir-of austerities; va-or; tirthair-holy places; anyaih-of other; ca-and; sevitaih-served; karttike-in Karttika; mathurayam-in Mathura; ced-if; arcyate-is worshiped; radhika-Radha's; priyah-beloved.

What is the use of yajnas? What is the use of austerities? What is the use of serving other holy places if Srimati Radhika's beloved is worshiped in Mathura' during Karttika?

Text 179

yani sarvani tirthani
nada nadyah saramsi ca
karttike nivasanty atra
mathure sarva-mandale

yani-which; sarvani-all; tirthani-holy place; nadah-streams; nadyah-rivers; saramsi-lakes; ca-and; karttike-in Karttika; nivasanti-reside; atra-here; mathure sarva-mandale-in the circle4 of Mathura.

All holy places and all holy rivers, streams, and lakes reside in the circle of Mathura' during Karttika.

Text 180

paropahasam uddisya
karttike hari-sevaya
mathurayam labhed bhaktim
kim punah sraddhaya narah

para-upahasam uddisya-as a joke; karttike-in Karttika; hari-sevaya-with service to Lord Hari; mathurayam-in Mathura; labhed-attain; bhaktim-devotion; kim-what?; punah-again; sraddhaya-with faith; narah-a person.

They who as a joke serve Lord Hari during Karttika in Mathura' will attain pure devotional service, what to speak of they who serve the Lord with faith and devotion.

Text 181

tatraiva dhumrakesam prati yama-vakyam

tasman nripatmaja sreyah
param kincin na-not; vidyate
karttike mathurayam ca

tatra-there; eva-indeed; dhumrakesam- prati-to Dhumrakesa; yama-vakyam-words of Yama; tasmat-from this; nripatmaja-O prince; sreyah param-better; kincit-something; na-not; vidyate-is; karttike-in Karttika; mathurayam-in Mathura; ca-and; sri-damodara-of Lord Damodara; pujanat-than worship.

In the same scripture Yamaraja says to Dhumrakesa:

Therefore, O prince, nothing is better than to serve Lord Damodara in Mathura' during Karttika.

Text 182

na catra samsayah karyah
isitritvam idam hareh
raja hi kasyacid dhritva
sarvasvam cet prayacchati
parasmai kasya kas tatra
niyanta syat prabhor yatha

na-not; ca-and; atra-here; samsayah-doubt; karyah-to be done; isitritvam-power; idam-this; hareh-of Krishna; raja-king; hi-indeed; kasyacid-of someone; dhritva-holding; sarvasvam-everything; cet-if; prayacchati-gives; parasmai-to another; kasya-of whom?; kah-who?; tatra-there; niyanta-controller; syat-is; prabhor-the Lord; yatha-as.

Of this there is no doubt. This is the power of Lord Hari. He can take everything from one person and He can give everything to another. Who is a controller as powerful as Lord Hari?

Text 183

ayam sarvesvarah sriman
anyatha kartum isvarah
aty-alpam bhuri kurute
bahu tuccham ca manyate

ayam-He; sarvesvarah-the Lord of all; sriman-master of opulences; anyatha-otherwise; kartum-to do; isvarah-able; aty-alpam-tiny; bhuri-great; kurute-makes; bahu-great; tuccham-insignificant; ca-and; manyate-is considered.

He is the supremely opulent controller of all. He has the power to change anything. He can make the very small great and He can make the great insignificant.

Read Mathura Mahatmya, Verses 1 to 108


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