The Sampradaya Sun welcomes submissions for publication including news, event announcements, press releases, editorial statements, creative stories, articles and philosophical position papers. Submissions should be accurate and objective, and common journalistic standards apply. A second collaborative source may be required for exposé-type articles. In certain circumstances, we will consider publishing anonymous articles, but the submitter's name and contact information must be made known to a Sun editor. The Sun will honor confidentiality on all submissions, but may decline to publish anonymous pieces.

All submissions for publication in the Sampradaya Sun should be sent to us at: Please DO NOT submit articles to any other email address. Please be sure to include your name with the article, not just your email address.

If accepted for publication, your article will be published in the order in which it was received. If your article is time sensitive, please let us know by including the word ‘DATED” in the email subject line. We will make every effort to publish articles in a timely fashion.

The Sun will not impose a length limit on articles being submitted, as we wish to encourage submission of the kinds of philosophical content that is often lengthy by nature. If we receive articles of extensive length (more than 10 pages), we may request that you add basic HTML code before publication. If that's not possible for you, we will attempt to accommodate.

The Sun reserves the right to make editorial corrections and cosmetic revisions before publication. However, if we feel substantive changes are needed, we will provide a proof copy for your approval before publication. If your article is not accepted for whatever reason, the Editors will advise you by email. Whenever possible, we'll give an explanation on why a submission was rejected, and will offer suggestions for revision and re-submission. Please spell-check your articles before submitting.

Please carefully review your article before submission. Once published, we will not be able to accept requests to revise or correct a piece. We will, however, retract articles found by the author or Sun editors to be substantively incorrect after publication. Otherwise, articles will not be removed once they're published.

If you submit an editorial, position paper or other article that is likely to generate reader response, we will establish a Sun Blog linked to your article. We'll open the Sun Blog by pasting in a summary paragraph of your article. Readers can then freely add comments, which you can reply to as you see fit. If you would like Admin access to the Blog (enabling separate blog postings outside of the comment thread), please let us know and we'll provide it. There will be no editorial oversight by Sun staff as long as reasonable etiquette is observed, but staff reserves the right to comment, like any other reader. Your Sun Blog will stay active for the length of the discussion, after which it will be closed and deleted or archived. All dialogue published in the Sun Blog becomes the property of the Sampradaya Sun/ and their respective authors, all rights reserved. Please see our copyright notice and disclaimer.

What Types of Content Will be Published?

As explained on the About the Sun page, the Sun's editorial staff places greatest emphasis on content that is Srila Prabhupada-centric, but any story directly or indirectly related to the Vaisnava community worldwide will be considered for publication. We encourage ISKCON-friendly articles. We welcome philosophically based critiques.

We will accept philosophical articles and brahminical position papers from all parties - ISKCON, independent and Gaudiya Matha alike. We will be less likely to publish current events stories, announcements, or similar articles promoting the Gaudiya Matha or other non-ISKCON camps. Other online news sites are available and better suited to accept that content.

Our editorial emphasis will always be on philosophical content, and we don't wish to discourage non-ISKCON parties from submitting anything that is on the philosophical platform, regardless of viewpoint. The Sun editors reserve the right to freely editorialize on issues from all viewpoints, as has always done.

We discourage submission of articles that are primarily comprised of quotes, with little original writing. We welcome quotations that are used in the context of an originally authored piece to illustrate a point or provide source citations.

Content Format

TEXT: Text submissions may be included in the body of an email, or sent as an email attachment. We receive email in text format (not HTML), so formatting may be lost if you transmit an article in the body of an email. Text attachments can be in TXT, DOC, or WPS formats, although we prefer TXT or DOC. Please do not submit articles as PDF files. PDF's may be submitted only if they're intended as an additional download support piece to an article (e.g., newsletters, brochures, etc.). You may include basic HTML tags in an article, but please do so only if you're a practiced coder. Otherwise, Sun staff will handle formatting.

Due to the increase of problems with spam filters, please send us a cover email without an attachment, telling us that a submission article will follow attached to a second email. This will allow us to request a re-send if the attachment was dropped or the 2nd email doesn't make it through the filter.

PICTURES: Digital images may be included with all text submissions. All feature stories must include one image. If we choose your submission as the day's Feature Story, we will request an image if one was not provided. If no image is available, Sun staff will provide a related art image. Images will be included with other stories as space and download weight permit. Images may be provided in GIF or JPG format.

AUDIO and VIDEO: We welcome the submission of audio and video files, which must be accompanied by a descriptive text article. Please keep in mind that the Sun's server costs increase when we host audio and video content, so if you're already hosting a particular audio or video file on another site, please provide a link rather than ask us to host a duplicate copy.

BLOGS and PodCASTS: Individuals who are publishing their own Blogs, PodCasts or Tribes are encouraged to submit their RSS feeds for inclusion in the Sun's aggregate media stream library, where Sun readers can view and subscribe to your content. We will make every effort to adapt our stream protocol to accept your feed platform.

Become a Sun Correspondent

We welcome your participation as a Sun correspondent. There are no requirements for the frequency, length or type of articles submitted by correspondents, only the basic submission requirements above apply. Please email us if you're interested in participating in either a limited or regular capacity. We hope to establish correspondents in local devotee communities around the world.


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