Srila Rupa Goswami's Glorification of Mathura


Mathura Scene by a Western Painter

Jul 28, CANADA (SUN) — Translated by Sriman Kusakratha dasa.

Text 1

harir api bhajamanebhyah
prayo muktim dadati na tu bhaktim
mathure dhanyam namami tvam

Generally Lord Hari gives mukti, but not bhakti, to his worshipers. O Mathura, to you, who gives a great sacrifice of pure bhakti and who are very auspicious, I offer my respectful obeisances.

Text 2

dhanyanam hridayananda-
pradam sangrihyate muda
mahatmyam mathura-puryah

This glorification of Mathura-puri, which is the crest jewel of all holy places, has been very happily collected. It gives joy to the hearts of the fortunate.

Text 3

tatrasyah papa-haritvam. adi-varahe

vimsatih yojananam tu
mathuram mama mandalam
yatra tatra naro snato
mucyate sarva-patakaih

Mathura Removes Sins

In the Adi-varaha Purana it is said:

My abode of Mathura-mandala is 20 yojanas in circumferance. A person who stays there becomes free from all sins.

Text 4

pade pade tirtha-phalam
mathuraya vasundhare
yatra tatra naro snato
mucyate ghora-kilbishaih

With every step he takes in Mathura he gets the result of going to all other holy places. O earth-goddess, any person who bathes in Mathura becomes free from the most terrible sins.

Text 5

purushanam duratmanam
narakarti-hara devi
mathura papa-ghatini

O goddess, Mathura rescues the irreligious from the sufferings of hell and removes their sins.

Text 6

kritaghnas ca surapas ca
cauro bhagna-vratas tatha
mathuram prapya manuja
mucyate sarva-kilbishaih

Ungrateful persons, drunkards, thieves, and they who have broken vows, become free from all sins when they enter Mathura

Text 7-8

suryodare tamo nasyed
yatha vajra-bhayan nagah
tarksham drishtva yatha sarpa
megha vata-hata iva

tattva-jnanad yatha duhkham
simham drishtva yatha mrigah
tatha papani nasyanti
mathura-darsanat kshanat

As darknress is destroyed by the rising of the sun, as elephants fear the goad, as snakes that have seen Garuda, as clouds broken by the wind, as unhappiness destroyed by knowledge, and as deer that have seen a lion, so are sins destroyed by the sight of Mathura.

Text 9

sraddhaya bhakti-yuktas ca
gatva madhupurim narah
brahmahapi visuddhyeta
kim punah tv anya-pataki

A person who with faith and devotion goes to Mathura becomes free from the sin of killing a brahmana, what to speak of other sins.

Text 10

gacchatas tu pade pade
nirasani vrajanty asya
papany eva sariratah

For one who, desiring to bathe in Mathura, goes there, at every step sins, giving up all hope, leave his body.

Text 11

anusangena gacchan hi
vanijyenapi sevaya
papam tyaktva divam vrajet

One who, going to Mathura only on business, takes a bathe there becomes free from all sins and goes to the spiritual world.

Text 12

namani grihnatam asyah
sadaiva tv amhasah kshayah
sada krita-yugam catra
sada caivottarayanam

For one who always chants the name of Mathura sins are always destroyed. For him it is always Satya-yuga. For him it is always the auspicious time of Uttarayana.

Text 13

yah srinoti vararohe
mathuram mama mandalam
anyenoccaritam sasvat
so 'pi papaih pramucyate

O beautiful one, he who hears from others about my Mathura-mandala is always free from sin.

Text 14

tri-ratram api ye tatra
vasanti manuja mune
tesham punanti niyatam
sprishtas carana-renavah

O sage, to touch of the dust of the feet of they who live for three nights there purifies one.

Text 15

padme patala-khande hara-gauri-samvade

krishna-krida-karam sthanam
mathurayas tatam bhuvi
punya madhupuri yatra

In the Padma Purana, Patala-khanda, in a conversation between Lord Siva and Gauri, it is said:

On this earth the shore of the Yamuna is the place where Lord Krishna enjoys pastiumes. On that shore is sacred Mathura puri, which destroys all sins.

Text 16

yatha trina-samuham tu
jvalayanti sphulingikah
tatha mahanti papani
dahate mathura-puri

As sparks set grass on fire, so does Mathura-puri burn the greatest sins.

Text 17

skande kasi-khande

hridyam madhuvanam prayo
yamunayas tate mahat
adyam bhagavatah sthanam
yat punyam hari-medhasah
papo 'pi jantus tat prapya
nishpapo jayate dhruvam

In the Skanda Purana, Kasi-khanda, it is said:

The charming forest of Madhuvana is situated on the shore of the Yamuna. Madhuvana is the original place of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is very sacred to they whose hearts are fixed on Lord Hari. A sinful man who goes there becomes at once free from all sins.

Text 18

atha punya-pradatvam yatha adi-varahe

yat punyam asvamedhena
yat punyam rajasuyatah
mathurayam tad apnoti
tri-ratra-sayanad yami

Mathura Grants Pious Merit

In the Adi-varaha Purana it is said: The pious merit attained by performing an asvamedha-yaj{.sy 241}a and the pious merit attained by performing a rajasuya-yajna is at once attained by a self-controlled person who stays for three nights in Mathura.

Text 19

vimsatir yojananam tu
mathuram mama mandalam
pade pade 'svamedhiyam
punyam natra vicarana

My Mathura-mandala is 20 yojanas (160 miles) in size. With every step there one attains the piety of perfoming an asvamedha-yajna. Of this there is no doubt.

Text 20

snanena sarva-tirthanam
yat syat sukrita-sancayah
tato 'dhikataram proktam
mathure sarva-mandale

In Mathura-mandala one attains piety greater than what is attained by bathing in all other holy places.

Text 21

caturnam api vedanam
punyam adhyayanac ca yat
tat punyam jayate pumsam
mathuram vadatam satam

The same piety that is attained by studying the four Vedas is also attained by a saintly devotee who speak the word Mathura.

Text 22

svodbhava-papa-haritvam. yatha adi-varahe

anyatra hi kritam papam
tirtham asadya nasyati
tirthe tu yat kritam papam
vajra-lepo bhaved dhruvam

Mathura Removes the Sins Performed There

This is described in the Adi-varaha Purana:

Sins performed in some other place become destroyed when they approach a holy place of pilgrimage. However, sins performed at a holy place of pilgrimage become like the licking of lightning bolt.

Text 23

mathurayam kritam papam
mathurayam vinasyati
jnanato 'jnanato 'vapi
yat papam samuparjitam
sukritam dushkritam vapi
mathurayam pranasyati

Sins performed at Mathura become destroyed at Mathura. Whether one is ¨wise, or ignorant, saintly or wicked, his sins become destroyed at Mathura.

Text 24

yatra krishnena sancirnam
kriditam ca yatha-sukham
cakrankita-pada tena
sthane brahmamaye subhe

In this beautiful spiritual place Lord Krishna, whose feet are marked with a cakra, enjoyed transcendental pastimes to his heart's content.

Text 25

esha divya puri devi
nitya-kalam su-gopita
bhakta tvam mama sishya ca
kathita te vasundhare

O goddess, this transcendental city is eternally hidden with great care. O earth-goddess, because you are My devotee and My disciple, it is now described to you.

Text 26

na maya kathitam devi
brahmanas ca mahatmanah
rudrasya na maya purvam
kathitam ca vasundhare
maya su-gopitam hy etad
guhyad guhyatamam smritam

O goddess, I have not described this to the brahmanas and the great souls. I have not described it to Lord Siva. O earth-goddess, it has been carefully hidden by Me because I consider it the most confidential of all secrets.

Text 27

anyatra dasabhir varshaih
prarabdham bhujyate tu yat
kilbisham tan maha-devi
mathure dasabhir dinaih

O goddess, sins that fester for 10 years in other places are destroyed in Mathura in 10 days.

Text 28

atha sarva-tirthadhikatvam. yatha adi-varahe

na vidyate hi patale
nantarikshe na manushe
samam tu mathuraya hi
tirthe mama vasundhare

Mathura Is the Best of All Sacred Places

In the Adi-varaha Purana it is said:

O earth-goddess, neither in hell, heaven,, nor in the world of humans, is there any sacred place equal to Mathura.

Text 29

tatra dharani-prasnah

naimisham pushkaram caiva
purim varanasim tatha
etan hitva maha-bhaga
mathuram kim prasamsasi

The Earth-goddess Asked:

There are Naimisharanya, Lake Pushkara, and the city of Varanasi. O auspicious Lord, why do You ignore them and glorify Mathura?

Text 30

sri-varahenoktam mathureti su-vikhyatam
asti kshetram param mama
su-ramya ca prasasta ca
janma-bhumih priya mama

Lord Varaha said:

Mathura is famous as my supreme abode. It is beautiful and glorious. It is the place where I took birth. It is very dear to Me.

Text 31

sarvesham devi tirthanam
mathuram paramam mahat
krishnena kriditam yatra
tac ca suddham pade pade

O goddess, Mathura is the greatest of all holy places. Krishna enjoys pastimes there. It purifies one at every step.

Text 32

cakrankitam hi tat sarvam
krishnasyaiva padena tu
kritani saha gopakaih

It is completely covered with Krishna footprints. Krishna enjoys childhood pastimes there with the cowherd boys.

Text 33

yani tirthani tany eva
sthapitani majarshibhih
etat te kathitam saram
maya satyena suvrate

The great sages have discovered the holy places places of Mathura. O saintly one, I have thus truthfully described the essence of Mathura to you.

Text 34

na tirtham mathuraya hi
na devah kesavat parah

No holy place is better than Mathura, and no demigod is better than Lord Kesava.

Text 35


srinu tattvena me bhumi
kathyamanam atho 'naghe
mathureti su-vikhyata
yasmin kshetre priya mama

In the Varaha Purana it is said:

O earth-goddess, please listen and I shall tell you the truth. O sinless one, Mathura is very famous as the place where my beloved Radha stays.

Text 36

su-ramya su-prasasta ca
janma-bhumir mama priye
bhavishyati vararohe
dvapare samsthite yuge

O dear one, O beautiful one, delightful and famous Mathura is the place where I will take birth in the Dvapara-yuga.

Text 37

yayati-nripa-vamse 'ham
utpatsyami vasundhare
satani panca varshanam
atra sthasyami niscayah

O earth-goddess, I will take birth in the dynasty of King Yayati and I will stay here for 500 years.

Text 38

skande mathura-khande narada-vakyam

srinu dharmam maha-prajna
yat tvam pricchasi dharma-vit
gopyam sapta-purinam tu
mathura-mandalam smritam

In the Skanda Purana, Mathura-khanda, Narada said:

O wise one, O knower of religion, please listen to the answer to the question you have asked. Mathura-mandala is known to be the most confidential of the seven holy cities.

Text 39

trimsad-varsha-satani ca
yat phalam bharate varshe
tat phalam mathuram smaran

The pious result attained by three thousand years or thirty thousand years of endeavor on earth is attained by simply once remembering Mathura.

Text 40

tatha hi adi-varahe

maha-maghyam prayage ca
yat phalam labhate narah
tat phalam labhate devi
mathurayam dine dine

In the Adi-varaha Purana it is said:

The pious result one attains on the Maha-magha sacred day at Prayaga is attained on any day in Mathura.

Text 41

karttikyam caiva yat punyam
pushkare tu vasundhare
tat phalam labhate martyo
mathurayam dine dine

O earth-goddess, the pious result one attains during the month of Karttika at Pushkara Lake is attained on any day in Mathura.

Text 42

varanasyam tu yat punyam
rahu-graste divakare
tat phalam labhate devi
mathurayam jitendriyah

O goddess, the pious reult one attains on a solar eclipse in Varanasi is attained in Mathura by a person who controls his senses.

Text 43

purne varshe sahasre tu
varanasyam tu yat phalam
tat phalam labhate devi
mathurayam kshanena hi

O goddess, the pious result one attains at Varanasi after a thousand years in attained at Mathura in a single moment.

Text 44

padme patala-khande

purne varsha-sahasre tu
tirtha-rajeshu yat phalam
tat phalam labhate devi
mathurayam dine dine

In the Padma Purana, Patala-khanda, it is said:

O goddess, the same pious result one attains at Prayaga, the king of holy places, by staying there for a thousand years is attained every day at Mathura.

Text 45

godavari-dvadasako naro yah
kshetre kurunam kshiti-dayako yah
shan-masakan sadhayate gayayam
samam bhaven no dinam ekam mathure

A person who lives for twelve months on the shore of the Godavari, who gives a gift of land at Kurukshetra, or who lives for six months at Gaya, is not equal to a person who lives for a single day at Mathura.

Text 46

na dvaraka kasi kanci na maya
gadabhrito yasya samam na tirtham
santarpita yad yamuna-jalena
vanchanti no pitarah pinda-danam

Neither Dvaraka, Kasi, Kanci, nor Maya are equal to Lord Krishna's place of Mathura. Pleased by the offering of Yamuna water there, the pitas do not desire offerings of pinda.

Text 47

ata evottara-khande

mathurayam prakurvanti
ye naras te 'pi vijneyah
papa-rasibhir anvitah

In the Uttara-khanda it is said:

They who think that Mathura is an ordinary city are known to be filled with great sins.

Text 48

sri-krishnakhyam param brahma
yatra kridati sarvada
'dhikam yat tat kim ucyate

The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna, enjoys pastimes there eternally. For this reason it is better than all other holy places. What more need be said?

Text 49

nirvana-khande ca tam purim prapya mathuram
madiyam sura-durlabham
khano bhutvandhako vapi
pranan eva parityajet

In the Nirvana-khanda it is said:

A blind man or a cripple who dies in my city of Mathura, which even the demigods cannot attain, will attain My eternal abode.

Text 50

patala-khande ca

na drishta mathura yena
didriksha yasya jayate
yatra tatra mritasyapi
mathure janma jayate

In the Patala-khanda Purana it is also said:

He who does not see Mathura, although he yearns to see it, will take birth after his death in Mathura.

Text 51

asankhya-tirthasrayatvam. yatha adi-varahe

shashti-koti-satani ca
tirtha-sankhya tu vasudhe
mathurayam mayodita

Mathura Is the Shelter of Numberless Holy Places

In the Adi-varaha Purana it is said:

O earth-goddess, 60 billion sacred places reside in My Mathura.

Text 52

skande mathura-khande

bhume rajamsi ganana
kalenapi bhaven nripa
mathure yani tirthani
tesham sankhya na vartate

In the Skanda Purana, Mathura-khanda, it is said:

O king, in the course of time it may be possible to count the grains of dust on the earth, but it will not be possible to count the number of holy places in Mathura.

Text 53

atha nivasopadesah. padme patala-khande kuru bhoh kuru bho vasam
mathurayah purim prati
yatra gopyas ca govindas
trailokyasya prakasakah

Instruction to Reside in Mathura

In the Padma Purana, Patala-kanda, it is said;

Reside in Mathura! Reside in Mathura, where the gopis, and Lord Govinda, who created the three worlds, live.

Text 54

re re samsara-magnadya
siksham ekam tu me srinu
yadicchasi sukham sandram
vasam kuru madhoh pure

O people plunged in the ocean of birth and death, please hear this one teaching: if you desire intense bliss, then please reside in Mathura.

Text 55

yadiccheh para-samsaram
vahitram mathuram kuru
nauko sa prerakah krishno
bhoh sive para-karakah

O Gauri, if you desire to cross the ocean of repeated birth and death, then reside in Mathura. Mathura is a strong boat, and Krishna, the captain of this strong boat, will lead you to the other shore.

Text 56

aho loko mahan andho
netra-yukto na pasyati
mathure vidyamane 'pi
samsritim bhajate sada

The people of this world, although they have eyes, are blind and cannot see. Although Mathura is manifest in this world, they remain attached to this world of repeated birth and death.

Text 57

manushim yonim atulam
labdhva bhagyasya yogatah
vrithaivayur gatam tesham
na drishtva mathuram purim

If, after attaining this rare and valuable human form of life, one does not see Mathura, then he wastes his life.

Text 58

aho mateh sudaurbalyam
aho bhagyasya daurvidham
aho mohasya mahima
mathura naiva sevyate

O what foolishness! What misfortune! What illusion when Mathura is not served.

Text 59

sapadam sampadam jnatva
sapayam kayam uccakaih
capalam cancalam caiva
drishtva mat-puram asrayet

Knowing that prosperity contains calamity within it, and knowing that this body contains death within it, and seeing that the goddess of fortune is fickle, one should take shelter of My city of Mathura.

Texts 60-62

skande mathura-khande

tatraiva bhavatam bandhuh
pandavanam suhrit sakha
satvatanam priyah sakshad
yadavanam kulesvarah krishnah kamala-patrakshah
so 'vatirno yudhishthira
ramena saha devakyam

tasya karmany anekani
parigitani suribhih
jatani mathure dese
tam purim ko na sevate

In the Skanda Purana, Mathura-khanda, it is said:

O Yudhishthira, who will not serve this city of Mathura, where lotus-eyed Krishna, who appeared with Balarama in the womb of Devaki in the palace of Vasudeva, and whose activities are glorified by the demigods, and who is the friend of all you Pandavas, and who is dear to all the Satvatas, and who is the king of all the Yadus, decsended?

Text 63

ata evadi-varahe

mathuram ca parityajya
yo 'nyatra kurute ratim
mudho bhramati samsare
mohito mama mayaya

In the Adi-varaha Purana is is said:

One who leaves Mathura and is happy in to stay in some other place is a fool who, bewildered by My maya, wanders in this world of birth and death.

Text 64

skande mathura-khande

mathuram ca parityajya
yo 'nyatra kurute spriham
durbuddhes tasya kim jnanam
ajnanena vimohitah

In the Skanda Purana, Mathura-khanda, it is said:

He who, although having attained Mathura, desires to go somewhere else, is bewildered. What knowledge does he have? He is bewildered by ignorance.

Text 65

athagati-gatitvam. adi-varahe matra pitra parityakta
ye tyakta nija-bandhubhih
yesham kvapi gatir nasti
tesham madhu-puri gatih

Mathura Is the Shelter of the Shelterless

In the Adi-varaha Purana it is said:

For they who are abandoned by mother, father, friends and relatives, and who have no shelter, Mathura is a shelter.

Text 66

papa-rasibhir akranta
ye daridrya-parajitah
yesham kvapi gatir nasti
tesham madhu-puri gatih

For they who are overpowered by a host of sins, and who are defeated by poverty and who have no shelter, Mathura is a shelter.

Text 67

ye ca yoga-paribhrashta
ye tapo-dana-varjitah
yesham kvapi gatir nasti
tesham madhu-puri gatih

For they who have fallen from the path of yoga, who have neither austerity nor charity, and who have no shelter, Mathura is a shelter.

Text 68

sruti-smriti-vihina ye
yesham kvapi gatir nasti
tesham madhu-puri gatih

For they who have no knowledge of sruti or smriti, who have no purity, and have no shelter, Mathura is a shelter.

Text 69

sarat sarataram sthanam
guhyanam guhyam uttamam
gatim anveshamananam
mathure parama gatih

The ultimate, the supereme secret of all secrets, the goal for they who seek it, Mathura is the supreme shelter.

Text 70

pade pade samakranta
ye vipadbhir ahar-nisam
yesham kvapi gatir nasti
tesham madhu-puri gatih

For they who, at every step, day and night, are defeated by a host of calamities, and who have no shelter, Mathura is a shelter.

Text 71

atha nitya-hari-sannidhanatvam.

adi-varahe mathurayah param kshetram
trailokye napi vartate
yasmad vasamy aham devi
mathurayam tu sarvada

Lord Hari Stays Eternally In Mathura

In the Adi-varaha Purana it is said:

O goddess, because no place in the three worlds is superior to Mathura, I eternally stay in Mathura.

Text 72

aho 'ti-dhanya mathura
yatra sannihito harih
sarvesham yatra papanam
praveso na hi vidyate

Mathura, where Lord Hari stayed, and where no sin can enter, is supremely opulent

Text 73

padme patala-khande

aho madhu-puri dhanya
yatra tishthati kamsaha
tatra deva-munih sarvo
vasam icchati sarvada

In the Padma Purana, Patala-khanda, it is said:

In opulent Mathura, where Lord Krishna stays, all the demigods and sages aspire to live eternally.

Text 74

sri-bhagavate prathama-skande

aho alam slaghyatamam yadoh kulam
aho alam slaghyatamam madhor vanam
yad esha pumsam rishabhah priyah sriyah
sva-janmana cankramanena cancati

In Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.10.26 it is said:

Oh, how supremely glorified is the dynasty of King Yadu, and how virtuous is the land of Mathura, where the supreme leader all ¨living beings, the husband of the goddess of fortune, has taken His birth and wandered in His childhood.*

Text 75


tat tata gaccha bhadram te
yamunayas tatam sucim
punyam madhuvanam yatra
sannidhyam nityada hareh

In Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.8.42 it is said:

My dear boy, I therefore wish all good fortune to you. You should go to the bank of the Yamuna, where there is a virtuous forest named Madhuvana, and there be purified. Just by going there one draws nearer to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who always lives there.*

Text 76


rajadhani tatah sabhut
mathura bhagavan yatra
nityam sannihito harih

In Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.1.28 it is said:

Since that time, the city of Mathura had been the capitol of all the kings of the Yadu dynasty. The city and district of Mathura are very intimately connected with Krishna, for Lord Krishna lives there eternally.*

Text 77

sri-vishnu-purane prathame 'mse

hatva ca lavanam raksho-
madhu-putram maha-balam
satrughno mathuram nama
purim tatra cakara vai

In the Vishnu Purana, First Canto, it is said:

This city is named Mathura because Satrughna here killed powerful Lavanasura, the son of the rakshasa Madhu.

Text 78

yatra vai deva-devasya
sannidhyam hari-medhasah
sarva-papa-hare tasmims
tapas tirthe cakara sah

He (Dhruva Maharaja) performed austerities at this holy place, where all sins are destroyed, and where the the Supreme Personality of Godhead, on whom the devotees fix their hearts, always stays.

Text 79

vayu-purane catvarimsad yojananam
tatas tu mathura smrita
yatra devo harih sakshat
svayam tishthati sarvada

In the Vayu Purana it is said:

In Mathura, which is 40 yojanas (320 miles) in measurement, Lord Hari stays eternally.

Text 80

atha sri-bhagavat-kripa-labhyatvam. adi-varahe

na tat-punyair na taj-jnanair
na tapobhir na taj-japaih
na labhyam vividhair yajnair
labhyam mad-anubhavatah

In Mathura One May Attain the Mercy of the the Supreme Personality of Godhead

In the Adi-varaha Purana it is said:

Not by great expertise, not by transcendental knowledge, not by austerities, not by chanting mantras and not by performing many yajnas, but only by my mercy is Mathura attained.

Text 81

sri-vishnoh kripaya nunam
tatra vaso bhavishyati
vina vishnoh prasadena
kshanam ekam na tishthati

By the mercy of Sri Vishnu one attains residence in Mathura. Without Vishnu's mercy one cannot stay for even q moment in Mathura.

Text 82

padme uttara-khande

harau yesham sthira bhaktir
bhuyasi yeshu tat-kripa
tesham eva hi dhanyanam
mathurayam bhaved ratih

In the Padma Purana, Uttara-khanda, it is said:

The fortunate souls who have firm devotion for Lord Hari, and who have attained His great mercy, take pleasure in Mathura.

Text 83

atha bhagavad-dhyanadi-labhyatvam. adi-varahe

yada visuddhas tapa-adina janah
subhasraya dhyana-dhana nirantaram
tadaiva pasyanti mamottamam purim
na canyatha kalpa-satair dvijottama

Mathura Can Be Attained By One Who Meditates on the Supreme Personality of Godhead

In the Adi-varaha Purana it is saidL:

O best of the brahmanas, living entities who are purified by austerity and other spiritual practices, who hearts are filled with auspicious things, and who are fixed in constant meditation on Me, are able to see my supreme city of Mathura. Others cannot see it in millions of kalpas.

Text 84

moksha-pradatvam. adi-varahe

ya gatir yoga-yuktasya
brahmajnasya manishinah
sa gatis tyajatah pranan
mathurayam narasya ca

Mathura Grants Liberation

In the Adi-varaha Purana it is said:

The spiritual desintation attained by one who practices yoga, one who knows Brahman, or one who is a thoughtful philosospher, is also attained by a person who passes from this life in Mathura.

Text 85

tirthe caiva grihe vapi
catvare pathi caiva hi
yatra tatra mrita devi
muktim yanti na canyatha

O goddess, they who die in this holy place in a home here, in a courtyard, or on the road, attain liberation without any doubt.

Text 86

kasy-adi-puryo yadi santi loke
tasam tu madhye mathuraiva dhanya
ya janma-maunji-vrata-mrityu-dahair
nrinam caturdha vidadhati moksham

If Varanasi and other holy cities were assemnbled together on this earth Mathura would be the greatest and most opulent amongst them. With the fires of birth, death, or brahmnical initiation within its boundaries, Mathura grants the four kinds of liberation.

Text 87

na yogair ya gatir labhya
manvantara-satair api
anyatra helaya satra
labhayte mat-prasadatah

The spiritual destination that in another place cannot be attained byt practicieng yoga for thousands of manvantaras is attainable by My mercy very easily in this place.

Text 88

na papebhyo bhayam yatra
na bhayam yatra vai yamat
na garbha-vasa-bhir yatra
tat kshetram ko na samsrayet

Who will not take shelter of this holy place where there is no fear of sin, no fear of Yamaraja, and no fear of residing again in a mother's womb.

Text 89

vina sankhyena yogena
vina svatma-vicintanam
vina vrata-tapo-danaih
sreyo vai praninam iha

Withyout sankhya, without yoga, without meditation on the Self, and without vows, austerities or charity, the living entities here attain the greatest benediction.

Text 90

mathurayam mrita hi ye
kulat patanti ye vrikshas
te 'pi yanti param gatim

The worms, insects, birds, and other creatures who die here and the trees that fall down from the riverbanks here, all attain the supreme destination.

Text 91


mathurayas ca mandalam
yatra pranan vimuncanti
siddha yanti param gatim

In the Varaha Purana it is said:

They who die in the twenty-yojana (160 miles) area of Mathura become perfect and attain the supreme destination.

Text 92

padme patala-khande

jiva-himsa-ratasya ca
punar janma na vidyate

In the Padma Purana, Patala-khanda, it is said:

There is no next birth for an outcaste, a fool, a deaf-mute, or a sadist, that offers pinda in Mathura.

Text 93

pranalyam ishta-khacite
smasane vyomni mancake
attale va mrito devi
mathure muktim apnuyuh

Dying in Mathura, whether in a ditch, in a brick-house, at a crematorium, in the sky, on a throne, or in a palace, one attains liberation.

Text 94-95


mathura-tirtham atulam
visrutam loka-sat-kritam
yatra krishnas tu gopalaih
samam kriditavan jale

tatra gatva naro brahman
mucyate sarva-patakaih
tri-ratram ushitas tatra
niraharo jitendriyah
viharantam jale krishnam
dhyayan mukto bhaven narah

In the Vamana Purana it is said:

A person who goes to peerless, famous, honored-in-all-the-worlds Mathura-tirtha, where Krishna played in the water with the gopas, becomes free from all sins, O brahmana. A person who, fasting, controlling his senses, and meditating on Krishna playing in the water, stays there for three nights, becomes liberated.

Text 96


astiha mathura nama
trishu lokeshu visruta
sparsanena naras tasya
mucyate sarva-bandhanat

In the Saura Purana it is said:

Here is the place named Mathura, famous in the three worlds, and its pathways purified by dust mixed with the dust of Krishna's feet. By its touch a person becomes liberated from all bondage.

Text 97


mathurayam vasishyami
yasyami mathura-purim
iti yasya bhaved buddhih
so 'pi bandhad vimucyate

In the Mathura-khanda it is said: I will live in Mathura. I will go to Mathura. A person who thinks in this way becomes free from material bondage.

Text 98

atha vishnu-loka-pradatvam. brahmande

ye pasyanty acyutam devam
mathure devaki-sutam
te vishnu-lokam asadya
na cyavante kadacana

Mathura Grants Residence in Vishnuloka

In the Brahmanda Purana it is said:

They who in Mathura see the Deity of Devaki's son, the spog who never falls down, attain Vishnuloka and never fall down.

Text 99

yatram karoti krishnasya
sraddhaya yah samahitah
sarva-papair vinirmukto
vishnulokam sa gacchati

A person who, filled with faith in Lord Krishna, goes on a journey there, becomes free from all sins and goes to Vishnuloka.

Text 100

muka jadandha-vadhiras
kalenaiva mrita ye ca
gacchanti vishnu-mandiram

The deaf, dumb, blind, foolish, and they who hasve no austerity or sense-control, who in the course of time die in Mathura, go to Lord Vishnu's palace.

Text 101

sarpa-dashtah pasu-hatah
labdhapa-mrityavo ye ca
mathure hari-loka-gah

They who, bitten by a snake, killed by a wild beast, consumed by flames, or drowned in water, die in Mathura, attain the planet of Lord Hari.

Text 102


kalpa-gramena kim tasya
varanasya ca va subhe
mathurayam tu yat punyam
tasya punya-phalam srinu

In the Adi-varaha Purana it is said:

"What is the use of living for many kalpas at Varanasi, O beautiful one, when the same pious result is easily attained at Mathura? Listen, and I will tell you of that pious result.

Text 103

mathuram ca samasadya
yah kascid mriyate bhuvi
api kitah patango va
jayate sa caturbhujah

A human, worm, insect, moth, or bird who goes to Mathura and dies there, becomes reborn as a four-armed resident of the spiritual world.

Text 104


mathnati sarva-papani
dadati paramam gatim
uttamo hi naro yatra
tena sa mathura smrita

In the Gautamiya-tantra it is said:

The place that crushes (math) all sins and grants the supreme destination where the Supreme Person resides, is known as Mathura.

Text 105

sarvabhishta-pradatvam. brahmanda-purane

satyam satyam muni-sreshtha
bruve sapatha-purvakam
sarvabhishta-pradam nanyan
mathurayah samam kvacit

Mathura Fulfills All Desires

In the Brahmanda Purana it is said:

It is true! It is true! O sage, I vow that it is true! No other place fulfills all desires as Mathura does!

Text 106

skande mathura-khande

kshetra-palo maha-devo
vartate yatra sarvada
yatra visranti-tirtham ca
tatra kim durlabham phalam

In the Skanda Purana, Mathura-khanda, it is said:

In Mathura, where the Supreme Lord is the all-pervading protector, and where there are places of His transcendental pastimes, what result is difficult to attain?

Text 107


tri-varga-da kaminam ya
mumukshunam ca mokshada
bhakticchor bhaktida kas tam
mathuram nasrayed budhah

In the Padma Purana, Uttara-khanda, it is said:

What wise man would not take shelter of of Mathura, which gives the three goals of life to they who desire them, which gives liberation to they who hanker after liberation, and which gives devotional service to they who desire devotional service?

Text 108

tatraiva patala-khande parvati-prasnah

uktodbhutas ca mahima
mathuraya jatadhara
muner bhuvo va saritah
prabhavah kena va vibho
krishnasya va prabhavo 'yam
samyogasya pratapavan

In the Padma Purana, Patala-khanda, Parvati asks the following question:

O Jatadhara, You have already described the glory of Mathura. What is the glory of the sages, the ground, and the rivers there? What is the great glory of Krishna there?


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