Swami B.V. Narayan's Instructions on Venice Beach Temple


Mar 8, USA (SUN) — Deities moving to Badger.

My dear Bhagavat prabhu, my heartly blessings are for you. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga, all glories to Sri Sri Radha Vinode Bihariji.

I received your letters and carefully noted the contents. I approve your proposals to bring the 5 or 6 brahmacharies to India and engage in full time preaching services without any agony, pressure, or burden for finances. It is my desire that the devotees who have surrendered them selves completely, accepting saffron cloth and living in ashram, whether ladies or gents, they should have full opportunities to engage in sadhana and bhajan, without any mental anxieties.

Regarding the sale of Los Angeles building, it is fully approved by me for the very reason that maintaining it is against the principles of pure bhakti. Srila Rupa Gosvami has given very clear definitions what is favorable for pure bhakti and what is not favorable. It is unfavorable to over endeavor for things that are very difficult to obtain. To obtain sufficient monies for paying the mortgage and rezoning the present building is a very difficult plan and it is taking away all energy from distributing and practicing the process of pure bhakti freely, without anxieties. I do not want the devotees who have left all material obligations in order to practice spiritual life, that they again should be burdened and pressured for money and other worldly problems.

Please come to India with your party, bring Thakurji to Badger under the care of Srimati Gopanandini devi dasi and sell the building as soon as is possible. After the building is sold, at once there should be a simple preaching center where brahmacharies can live in order to practice and distribute the process of pure bhakti without any anxieties for other matters. If there is sufficient profit and you can give a donation for our Navadvip construction and our Badger project, I will be very pleased.

Please know that I have safely arrived in India, in good health, very happy and 100 % engaged in preaching in Bengali villages. I am looking forward to meet with you again very soon. You may show this message to all devotees so that there will be no confusion.

Your ever well-wisher,

Swami B.V. Narayan

Founder Acharya of Bhaktivedanta Trust International [BHAKTI] and International Gaudiya Vedanta Trust

Sri Kesavji Gaudiya Math - Mathura [UP] 281001 India - Ph.: + 91 565.2502334

President of Sri Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti Trust and Vice President of Sri Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti


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