Puri King Honours Late Fighter's Family


[Photos by D. Mohapatra, Sampradaya Sun]

Jan 06, JAGANNATHA PURI, ORISSA Puri King, Gajapati Dibyasingh Deb presented a wheel of Lord Jagannath's chariot to the family of late freedom fighter, Chakhi Khuntia (Chandan Hazuri) at Puri on Tuesday. Hundreds of priests of the 12th century shrine congratulated the descendants of Khuntia and moved around the Jagannath Temple amid a boisterous procession.

"This is a red letter day in the history of the Jagannath Temple. The Jagannath Temple managing committee had decided to shower the posthumous honour on Chakhi Khuntia. So a wheel of Nandighos Chariot (of Lord Jagannath's) was presented to the family members of the great freedom fighter," said Rabindranath Pratihari, a senior priest and member of the temple managing committee.

Earlier on Tuesday afternoon, a sea of humanity gathered in front of the Royal Palace to witness the rare occasion. The King offered the sacred wheel to the family members of Khuntia. Then a huge procession marched towards the Jagannath Temple. The priests made a parikrama around the Jagannath Temple.

Meanwhile, Pratihari said the tradition of offering a chariot wheel was initiated by the King in the year 1862. "In 1862, the then King presented a chariot wheel to Chakhi Khuntia, who showed a great amount of valour in India's freedom struggle with the British. After that, there was a long lull till 2009," Pratihari said.

"Two years ago, the family members of Khuntia approached the Jagannath Temple administration and urged to bestow posthumous honour on Khuntia. Then we took up the matter with the managing committee members, including the Puri King, who is the Chairman of the committee. Everyone gave consent to present a wheel of Lord Jagannath's Chariot to the family of Khuntia," Pratihari revealed.

"It is a great moment for us. The whole city and priests of Jagannath Temple turned up to witness the glorious moment. We will preserve the wheel with utmost care," the elated family members of Khuntia said.


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