1. The circle of His face is a blossoming golden lotus. His eyes are restless khanjana birds. His broad forehead is anointed with the tilaka that is Lord Hari's temple. He carries a waterpot. A kaupina is tied about His waist.
2. (Refrain) Glory, glory to Lord Gauracandra, the destroyer of sins, the purifier of the fallen, the savior of the worlds, the Lord who revealed the sankirtana movement of chanting the holy names!
3. His glorious arms reach to His knees. A malati garland swings to and fro from His neck. His tall form enchants the world's hearts. Like kadamba filaments, the hairs of His body stand erect in ecstasy.
4. The blossoming flowers of the soles of His feet are red like the rising sun. He is not different from Advaita and Nityananda. The nectar at the lotus flowers of His feet makes Vijayananda dasa float in an ocean of bliss.
Vrindavana dasa
Song 1 (Sri-raga)
1. pulake carita gaya sukhe gadagadi yaya
dekha re caitanya abatara
baikuntha-nayaka hari dwija-rupe abatari
sankirtane karena bihara
2. kanaka jiniya kanti shri-bigraha shobha bhanti
a-janu-lambita bhuja saje
sannyasira rupa dhari apana rasa bihwala
na jani kemana sukhe nace
3. jaya shri-gaurasundara karunara sindhu-maya
jaya brindabana-raya re
nabadwipe purandara brindabana pamare
carana-kamale deha chaya re
1. Please gaze, O, at Caitanya-avatara. As He sings, the hairs of His body stand erect. Overcome with ecstasy, He rolls on the ground. He is Lord Krishna, the king of Vaikuntha. To this world descending in the form of a brahmana, He enjoys pastimes of sankirtana.
2. His form is graceful and glorious. His complexion defeats gold. His long arms reach to His knees. Manifesting the form of a sannyasi, He is overcome by tasting the nectar of love for a person who is actually Himself. How does He dance in such ecstasy? I do not know.
3. O Sri Gaurasundara, O ocean of mercy, glory to You! O king of Vrindavana, glory to You! O king of Navadvipa, please give the shade of Your lotus feet to this wicked Vrindavana dasa.
Song 2 (Dhanashi-raga)
1. gaura govinda-gana shuna he rasika-jana
bishnu maha-bishnu para pahum
yanra pada-nakha-dyuti parama brahmera sthiti
sura-muni pranera gana tuhum
2. antare barana bhinna bahire gauranga cihna
shri-radhara anga-kanti raje
shata-dala-kamala hema-karnikara majhe
bihara-i cari dwari saje
3. goloka baikuntha ara shwetadwipa name sara
ananda apara eka nama
basudeba sankarshane pradyumnaniruddha-sane
cari dike saje cari-dhama
4. kshiroda-sagara-jale bhujanga-rajera kole
yoga-nidra abalambita lila
tahe saba abatari shwetadwipa adhikari
ananta nityananda pela
5. (Refrain) sahasra sahasra kane loliya loliya pade mukhe
sriji du-i jihwaya gauracandra guna gaya
pada-padme maha-lakshmi buke
6. dasha-shata pheni-mani mukutera sajani
shweta anne dhare nana jyoti
kata kata parishada sanaka sanatananande
deba rishi-gane kare stuti
7. yanra eka loma-kupe kateka brahma-swarupe
nana-mate srije saba praja
rama adi abatara amshe parakasha yanra
se saba brahmandera yenho raja
8. e hena ananta-lila mayara kata srijila
shri-radhara katak sha-bana tune
brahmanda upari dhama shri-brindabana nama
guna-gana kare brindabane
1. O devotees of Lord Gaura and Lord Govinda, O rasikas, please hear of the Supreme Lord who is Lord Vishnu and Lord Maha-Vishnu. His toenails are the abode of the Brahman effulgence. He is the life's breath of the sages and demigods.
2. Externally His complexion is fair. In His heart His complexion is different. His external complexion glistens with the color of Sri Radha's limbs. He enjoys pastimes on a thousand-petal lotus, a lotus with four gates.
3. His abodes are Goloka, Vaikuntha, and Shvetadvipa. Any single one of His names is a shoreless ocean of bliss. He is Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna, and Aniruddha, who have abodes in the four directions.
4. Reclining on the lap of a snake king floating on the ocean of milk, He enjoys pastimes of mystic sleep. That snake king is the origin of all avataras. He is the master of Shvetadvipa. He is Lord Ananta-Nityananda.
5. (Refrain) With thousands and thousands of forked tongues moving in thousands of thousands of mouths, Lord Ananta-Nityananda chants the glories of Lord Gauracandra. Goddess Maha-Lakshmi places Lord Vishnu-Gauracandra's feet on her chest.
6. On each of Lord Ananta-Nityananda's thousands of hoods rests a jewel crown. His white body glistens with many colors. How many associates has Lord Vishnu-Gauracandra? Sanaka-kumara, Sanat-kumara, and a host of sages and demigods joyfully glorify Him with prayers.
7. How many Brahmas are born from each one of His body's pores? Each Brahma begets a great variety of creatures. Ramacandra and the other avataras are all His plenary parts. They are the rulers of the universes.
8. In this way Lord Vishnu-Gauracandra enjoys pastimes without end. How many worlds of maya does He create? His eyes are quivers filled with sidelong-glance arrows aimed at Sri Radha. Above the material world is His spiritual abode, which bears the name Sri Vrindavana. Thus the devotee who bears the name Vrindavana dasa sings His glories.
Song 3 (Bhatiyari-raga)
1. abanika majhe dekha dona bha-i
aparupa rupa goracanda nita-i
2. hena padma jini duhum mukha chata
tahe parakashala prema-ghata
3. ghana candane duhum anga bhari
bhuja-yuga tuli dohe bala hari
4. nama sankirtana karala prakasha
guna ga-oye brindabana dasa
1. Look at Lord Gauracandra and Lord Nitai, the two brothers who have descended to this earth, two brothers whose forms are wonderful and glorious!
2. The glory of Their faces defeats the lotus flowers. They are effulgent with the glory of ecstatic spiritual love.
3. Their limbs are anointed with sandal paste. Raising Their arms, They chant, "Hari!"
4. In this way They manifest the nama-sankirtana movement, the movement of chanting the holy names. Vrindavana dasa thus sings Their glories.
Song 4 (Suha-i-raga)
1. madana-mohana tanu gauranga sundara
lalate tilaka shobho urdhwe manohara
2. tri-kaccha basana shobhe kutila-kuntala
prakrita nayana du-i parama cancala
3. shukla-yajna-sutra shobhe bediya sharire
sukshma-rupe ananta ye hena kalebara
4. adhare tambula hase adhara capiya
yana brindabana dasa se-rupa nichiya
1. Graceful Lord Gauranga is more enchanting than Kamadeva. Glistening Vaishnava tilaka adorns His forehead.
2. He wears glorious trikaccha garments. His hair is curly. His two eyes are naturally restless.
3. Manifesting a very slender form, Lord Ananta has become His white sacred-thread.
4. On His lips rest betelnuts and a smile. Vrindavana dasa worships Him.