Temples, Terrorism and Politics in India


Terrorist attack at Akshardham temple in Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Oct 23, INDIA (ORGANISER) — In the wake of terrorist bombings at ISKCON Manipur and elsewhere, politicians and temple authorities demand all-out war on terrorism in India.

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (ABKM) meet at Varanasi from October 13 to 15 asked the central government to launch an all-out war on terror. It said there was no room for pussy-footing on terror or prevaricating on awarding stringent punishments to the culprits. It also demanded an early solution to the Ramjanmabhoomi temple stalemate. The resolutions passed at the ABKM are as follows:

The RSS deplores the wooly and vacillating attitude of the union government towards the growing menace of terrorism and demands that it should abandon the politics of appeasement and take immediate steps towards strengthening our national security without further delay.

The Karyakari Mandal is of the view that only because of this attitude of the government at the Centre, the terrorists and their apologists are having a field day. A recent glaring example is the attempts to secure clemency for the dreaded terrorist Md. Afzal, who was the mastermind behind the conspiracy to attack our Parliament with a view to wiping out the entire political leadership of our country. It is unfortunate that leaders of some political parties as also the Chief Ministers of J&K, Andhra Pradesh, etc, are vying with each other to save an anti-national hardcore criminal for their immediate political ends forgetting the fact that many of them are alive today because of the sacrifices of brave policemen including a police woman while fighting the conspiracy of that very same criminal.

It is in the fitness of the things that the Supreme Court has categorically stated in its recent judgment that considerations of caste, religion and political loyalties are irrelevant and fraught with discrimination in granting clemency.

The Karyakari Mandal warns that protecting such criminals who do not deserve any clemency for the heinous act that they perpetrated against our Motherland will set a very bad precedent and prove very costly for our country in the future.

The Karyakari Mandal urges our hon’ble President to remember the sacrifices of those brave policemen and let the punishment be executed as per the decision of the judiciary including the Supreme Court without any delay thereby sending a strong message that Bharat is no longer a soft state towards terrorism.

The Karyakari Mandal condemns the direct or discreet support lent by some leaders and parties to the terrorists thus severely crippling the campaign against terrorism. While the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh is busy issuing certificates of patriotism to the hardened terror outfits like SIMI, leader of the Congress party in Uttar Pradesh is busy arguing the case of lifting the ban on SIMI in the Supreme Court. A Minister in the Andhra Pradesh cabinet found nothing wrong in visiting the house of a terrorist to console the family members immediately after his own government’s police arrested him.

Left and Congress leaders have displayed their utter disregard for the national security by passing a unanimous resolution in the Kerala Assembly seeking parole for the dreaded terrorist and mass murderer Abdul Nazar Madani who masterminded the terror attack on a BJP rally in Coimbatore in 1998 through serial blasts that killed more than 60 innocent persons. Chief Ministers of Tamil Nadu and Kerala also showed undue interests in extending various facilities to this terrorist. The Karyakari Mandal is of the view that a large section of our political establishment has compromised with the terrorists and is singing the tunes set by them.

That the Justice Thomas P. Joseph Commission appointed by the Government of Kerala to look into the massacre of Hindus at Marad in 2003 came out with a report squarely blaming the Indian Union Muslim League for its direct complicity too reinforces this point only. The Karyakari Mandal demands that the IUML should immediately be shown the door out of the union cabinet.

The Karyakari Mandal deplores the Havana Declaration that seeks to put the perpetrator of terrorism, i.e. Pakistan and its victim i.e. Bharat, on the same pedestal. The Karyakari Mandal deeply resents the naïve utterances of our Prime Minister like ‘Pakistan is also a victim of terrorism’, ‘there is no alternative to dialogue’ etc in his Havana address.

It has been established time and again that the Inter Services Intelligence-intelligence wing of Pakistan-is behind many terrorist incidents in Bharat including the ones in Mumbai and Malegaon or the failed attack on the RSS headquarters at Nagpur. But we always met with denials by that country. The Karyakari Mandal is of the considered opinion that time has come for us to stop supplying evidence and start acting swiftly and strongly to teach a lesson to Pakistan.

Equally grave is the fact that many Bangladeshis are being found among the arrested terrorists. The Karyakari Mandal also wants to draw the attention of the nation to a significant development largely ignored, that the homegrown terrorism has gained momentum in last few years. Facilities to train, equip and financially and logistically support Islamic terrorism are available within the country now. Reports suggest that some of the madrasas have become breeding grounds of Islamic terrorism.

The Karyakari Mandal also wants to highlight the fact that the menace of the Maoist terrorism is acquiring alarming proportions with more than 150 districts under its grip and the Maoists securing sophisticated weapons like rocket launchers, etc. They receive monitory and logistic support from agencies within and without that include some Christian churches as well. Many political parties enter into secret understanding with these terrorists in order to gain electoral advantages from time to time thus granting legitimacy to them. Disturbing is the news of the newly created M-I Axis-the Maoist-Islamist Axis. The Karyakari Mandal is categorical that the Naxalite terrorism is a war against our nation and its democratic institutions and whoever joins hands with them should be considered anti-national.

Terrorism has been taking its toll in the north-east for several years now. The attack on the ISKCON temple in Imphal on the Janmashtami day is the latest proof of the anti-Hindu face of these terrorists.

The Karyakari Mandal wants to place the following suggestions before the central government in its fight against terrorism:

Legal instruments on the lines of POTA should be immediately brought in to combat terrorism effectively.

Proper institutional framework should be developed at the union level to coordinate and exclusively deal with the anti-terror activities in the country.

State-of-the-art training and equipment should be made available to our security agencies that are engaged in fighting Islamic and Maoist terrorism.

States that are fighting against Islamic and Maoist terrorism should be provided with necessary logistical, strategic and institutional support.

Media should be used effectively for a global campaign against terrorism.

Act sternly against forces like Leftist front organisations and pseudo-human rights groups that extend open or clandestine support to terrorism. Also ensure that such forces do not get any State support.

Prevent the fight against terrorism from being made a victim of the politics of religion and secularism as was attempted unsuccessfully by the Communists and anti-Hindu media during the Malegaon incidents. Efforts were made by these anti-national elements to put the blame for the Malegaon bomb blasts on Hindu organisations thus trying to protect terrorists. It was well known from the beginning that the Malegaon incidents are also a part of the Islamic terrorism only.

The Karyakari Mandal calls upon the countrymen to rise in honour of those of our brethren, security personnel and leaders who have sacrificed their lives fighting terrorism and protecting the dignity and honour of our country by vociferously opposing and demolishing the attempts of the elements that are trying to protect these dreaded terrorists.

Opposition to attacks on centres of Hindu reverence

Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal considers the attempt to defile and bring the Hindu centres of veneration into controversy a dangerous trait in our national life. Temples are traditionally the cultural centres and unifying force of Hindu society. The decorum of these centres is being violated these days and the non-Bharatiya religions are getting foothold for their proselytising activities, which is highly condemnable. The objectionable presentation of Hindu gods and goddesses, instigations against Hindu religious festivals and programmes, arrests and subsequent harassments of Hindu religious leaders are glaring examples of attacks, atrocities and insult meted out to the Hindu society.

Tirumala Tirupati is an ancient and holy place of pilgrimage. The attack of Christian missionaries on it by means of the proselytising activities and the succumbing of government machinery to their machinations reveal the hollowness of our political and bureaucratic system. The ABKM supports the fierce protest by the Hindu devotees of Balaji against these reprehensible activities.

Our cultural and religious life has been full of diverse traditions. Respect for these traditional decorum has been a part of our integral life for centuries. The tendency to make them controversial and insulting our centres of veneration due to West-influenced mentality should be rebutted. The ABKM while respecting the decorum of religious centres, has been welcoming the timely changes and so does presently also. However, only the devotees and trustees of the places of veneration concerned have the authority to bring reforms, and it is not in the domain of secularists of western mindset.

The ABKM is a supporter of the autonomy of religious places and traditions. The acquisition of muth-mandirs and government interference in pilgrimage centres should be stopped.

The ABKM rejects the concept of development, which denigrates the sanctity, and historical tradition of our cultural and religious centres. Any attempt to create a hurdle through blockades in the serene and perennial flow of revered Ganga and tampering with the precious eco-balance of the holy Himalaya are the risks we can ill-afford in the name of western development models. Likewise, the authorities should change the tendency to play with the sanctity of pilgrimages in the name of tourism development.

The only aim of the perverted non-Bharatiya thinking of the leftist intellectuals is to insult Hindu sentiments. They abhor every fact, which reflects the ancient glory of Bharat. These leftists start hurting national i.e. Hindu reverences on every occasion, be it the rejuvenation of river Sarasvati or the fact of ‘Setubandh Rameshwaram’ being scientifically proved. The ABKM strongly denounces such attempts and appeals to the nationalist intellectuals to come forward and retort them in every field.

The ABKM considers the numerous revered centres and places of pilgrimages to be the living heritage of our national life stream, and appeals to the society in general and swayamsevaks in particular, to remain ever vigilant and be ready to struggle against every attempt of assaulting Hindu sentiments.

Temple construction on Shri Ramjanmabhoomi

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal strongly supports the spirit of the resolution ‘Shri Ramjanmabhoomi, Ayodhya’ passed by the Kendriya Margadarshak Mandal of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad in its meeting held in New Delhi on September 16-17, 2006.

Crores of Hindus from all cities and 27,5000 villages across Bharat and also from abroad had expressed their firm determination with unprecedented zeal and solidarity in 1989 to construct Shri Ramjanmabhoomi Mandir proposed by Shri Ramjanmabhoomi Nyas on the same site where Shri Ram Lala is graciously seated today. The model of the proposed mandir also has reached all the houses in all those cities, villages and abroad. The Hindus are sentimentally attached to this model. It is the firm opinion of ABKM that these sentiments must be honoured and the construction of Shri Ram Mandir should begin at the earliest under the auspices of Shri Ramjanmabhoomi Nyas, as per the proposed model as also using the stones carved out specially for this purpose with the help of money collected from common people by the Nyas.

The ABKM calls upon the Hindus to maintain their solidarity and remain determined to achieve its goal of Shri Ram Mandir construction under the leadership of saints disregarding the attempts to create confusion.


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