An excerpt from a room conversation recorded June 8, 1976 in Los Angeles offers us some insight into this period of Srila Prabhupada’s historic journey on the Jaladuta.
Prabhupada: Hmm. So it is a great history. (laughs) There was two days I was attacked in heart on the ship. So hardship.
Guest: Then you had a dream?
Prabhupada: Hmm.
Guest: What was that, Srila Prabhupada?
Prabhupada: That is...(laughs) The dream was I must come here.
Guest: It was some instruction that you got?
Prabhupada: The dream was that Krsna in His many forms was bowing the row. What is called?
Guest: Rowing the boat.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Prabhupada: And when I arrived in Boston I wrote that poetry.*
*Markine Bhagavata-dharma