Sri Yamunacarya’s Stotra-ratna


Yamuna Devi
Ahichchhatra, Uttar Pradesh, 5th c. Gupta
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May 21, CANADA (SUN) — Translated by Sriman Kusakratha dasa.


tattvena yas cid-acid-isvara-tat-svabhava-
bhogapavarga-tad-upaya-gatir udarah
sandarsayan niramimita purana-ratnam
tasmai namo muni-varaya parasaraya

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the best of the sages, Parasara, who mercifully composed the gem of the Puranas (Vishnu Purana), and in that book taught the truth about the nature of matter, spirit, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, material sense-gratification, liberation, and the means of attaining liberation.


mata pita yuvatayas tanaya vibhutih
sarvam yad eva niyamena mad-anvayanam
adyasya nah kula-pater bakulabhiramam
srimat-tad-anghri-yugalam pranamami murdhna

Sri Nammalvar, the origin of our disciplic succession, is the object of great respect for all Sri Vaishnavas, and for us he is our father, mother, wealth, sons, daughters, and everything. Bowing my head, I offer my respectful obeisances to his feet, which are as beautiful as blossoming bakula flowers.


yan murdhni me sruti-sirahsu ca bhati yasmin
asman-manoratha-pathah sakalah sameti
stoshyami nah kula-dhanam kula-daivatam tat
padaravindam aravinda-vilocanasya

I shall now glorify lotus-eyed Lord Krishna's lotus feet, which are splendidly manifest on my head and on the heads of all the Vedas, which are the place where all the pathways of my desires converge, and which are the Deity and the great treasure of our family.


tattvena yasya mahimarnava-sikaranuh
sakyo na matum api sarva-pitamahadyaih
kartum tadiya-mahima-stutim udyataya
mahyam namo 'stu kavaye nirapatrapaya

I am so proud and shameless that I shall now offer respectful obeisances to myself, a poet intent on praising bthe Supreme Personality of Godhead whose glories are like a great ocean, even a drop of which cannot be properly understood by Brahma, Siva, and all the demigods.


yad va sramavadhi yatha-mati capy asaktah
staumy evam eva khalu te 'pi sada stuvantah
vedas caturmukha-mukhas ca maharnavantah
ko majjator anu-kulsalayor viseshah

Now, even though I am weak and incompetent, as far as I have any knowledge or intelligence, I shall glorify the Lord until I must stop from exhaustion. The Vedas and the Brahma's many mouths always glorify the Lord. What is the difference between a great mountain and a speck of dust when both are plunged in the depths of the ocean?


kim caisha sakty-atisayena na te 'nukampyah
stotapi te stuti-kritena parisramena
tatra sramas tu su-labho mama manda-buddher
ity udyamo 'yam ucito mama cabja-netra

O lotus-eyed Lord, this poet does not expect to earn Your mercy by a display of powerful eloquence. His intelligence is dull and these prayers were composed with great labor.


navekshase yadi tato buvanany amuni
nalam prabho bhavitum eva kutah pravrittih
evam nisarga-suhridi tvayi sarva-jantoh
svamin na citram idam asrita-vatsalatvam

O Lord, if You had not glanced on them, these worlds would not exist. Without Your glance how can anything happen? O Lord, it is not surprising that although You are everyone's friend, You especially love they who take shelter of You.


narayana tvayi na mrishyati vaidhikah kah
brahma sivah satamakhah parama-svarad ity
ete 'pi yasya mahimarnava-viprushas te

O Lord Narayana, what learned Vedic scholar will not accept You as the all-powerful and unlimited Personality of Godhead? Brahma, Siva, Indra, and the liberated residents of Vaikuntha are but drops in the ocean of Your transcendental glory.


kah srih sriyah parama-sattva-samasrayah kah
kah pundarika-nayanah purushottamah kah
visvam vicitra-cid-acit-pravibhaga-vrittam

Who is the splendor of the goddess of fortune? Who is the shelter of the pure devotees? Who has handsome lotus-eyes? Who is the Supreme Person? In a fraction of a fraction of a hundred-million-millionth part of whom is this world, filled with wonderful spiritual and material variety, manifested?


ko 'nyah praja-pasu-pati paripati kasya
padodakena sa sivah sva-siro-dhritena

Who, by giving the most precious gifts and by removing a host of calamities, such as the troubles brought by the demons, the theft of the Vedas, and a host of heavy sins, protects Brahma and Siva? The water from whose feet does auspicious Siva carry on his head?


kasyodare hara-virinci-mukhah prapancah
ko rakshatimam ajanishta ca kasya nabheh
krantva nigirya punar udgirati tvad-anyah
kah kena vaisha paravan iti sakya-sankah

In whose abdomen is this material world, headed by Brahma and Siva, manifested? Who protects this world? From whose navel was this world born? But for You, who jumps over the world, devours it, and then spits it out? Who can be considered greater than You?


tvam sila-rupa-caritaih parama-prakrishtaih
sattvena sattvikataya prabalais ca sastraih
prakhyata-daiva-paramartha-vidam matais ca
naivasura-prakritayah prabhavanti boddhum

O my Lord, those influenced by demoniac principles cannot realize You, although You are clearly the Supreme by dint of Your exalted activities, forms, character, and uncommon power, which are confirmed by all the revealed scriptures in the quality of goodness and the celebrated transcendentalists in the divine nature.


sambhavanam tava parivradhima-svabhavam
maya-balena bhavatapi niguhyamanam
pasyanti kecid anisam tvad-ananya-bhavah

O my Lord, everything within material nature is limited by time, space, and thought. Your characteristics, however, being unequalled and unsurpassed, are always transcendental to such limitations. You sometimes cover such characteristics by Your own energy, but nevertheless Your unalloyed devotees are always able to see You under all circumstances.


yad andam andantara-gocaram ca yad
dasottarany avaranani yani ca
gunah pradhanam purushah param padam
parat param brahma ca te vibhutayah

The material universe, everything moving within the universe, the ten coverings around it, the modes of nature, the unmanifested stage of matter, the purusha-avatara, the supreme spiritual world, and the Supreme Brahman, are all Your opulences.


vasi vadanyo gunavan njuh sucir
mridur dayalur madhurah sthirah samah
kriti kritajnas tvam asi sva-bhavatah

You are naturally controlled by the love of Your devotees, generous, virtuous, straightforward, honest, pure, gentle, merciful, charming, steadfast, equal to all, blissful, wise, and saintly. You are a nectar ocean of all auspicious transcendental qualities.


upary upary abjabhuvo 'pi purushan
prakalpya te ye satam ity anukramat
giras tvad-ekaika-gunavadhipsaya
sada sthita nodyamato 'tiserate

Desiring to measure one of Your transcendental qualities, the words of the Vedas again and again multiply by a hundred the qualities of the demigod Brahma. Although eternally engaged in this way, they cannot cross beyond even one of Your qualities.


tvad-asritanam jagad-udbhava-sthiti-
bhavanti lila-vidhayas ca vaidhikas

The creation, maintenance, and destruction of the material universes, the granting of liberation from the cycle of birth and death, a host of other actions You playfully perform, and the words of the Vedas(1), which are the thoughts sheltered deep in Your heart, are all meant for the benefit of they who take shelter of You.


namo namo van-manasati-bhumaye
namo namo van-manasaika-bhumaye
namo namo 'nanta-maha-vibhutaye
namo namo 'nanta-dayaika-sindhave

Obeisances, obeisances to You, who are beyond the power of words and mind! Obeisances, obeisances to You, the only proper object for the voice's words or the mind's thought! Obeisances, obeisances to You, the master of limitless powers and opulences! Obeisances, obeisances to You, who are a limitless ocean of mercy!


na dharma-nishtho 'smi na catma-vedi
na bhaktimams tvac-caranaravinde
akincano 'nanya-gatih saranya
tvat-pada-mulam saranam prapadye

I am not a virtuous person, fixed in the principles of religious conduct, and neither am I a great transcendentalist, awakened to spiritual knowledge. In addition to this, I have not the slightest trace of devotion for Your lotus feet. O refuge of the devotees, although I am so unqualified, please permit me to take shelter under Your lotus feet, for I am now lost in this material world, I do not possess anything of value, and I have no place to turn.


na ninditam karma tad asti loke
sahasraso yan na maya vyadhayi
so 'ham vipakavasare mukunda
krandami sampraty agatis tavagre

In this world there is not a single abominable deed I have not done thousands of times. Now that my sins are bearing fruit, and I have no place to turn, I come before You. I weep and cry out, "O Mukunda!"


nimajjato 'nanta-bhavarnavantas
ciraya me kulam ivasi labdhah
tvayapi labdham bhagavann idanim
anuttamam patram idam dayayah

Drowning for a long time in the limitless ocean of repeated birth and death, I have now attained You, who are like a safe shore, and You, O Lord, have now attained the perfect object for Your mercy.


abhuta-purvam mama vapi kim va
sarvam sahe me sahajam hi duhkham
kintu tvad-agre saranagatanam
parabhavo natha na te 'nurupah

What unprecedented calamity has not already fallen on me? I always suffer. Suffering has become second-nature to me. O Lord, it is not right that they who have taken shelter of You be defeated in this way.


nirasakasyapi na tavad utsahe
mahesa hatum tava pada-pankajam
rusha nirasto 'pi sisuh stanandhayo
na jatu matus caranau jihasati

O Lord, even if You push me away, I cannot leave Your lotus feet. Even if angrily pushed away, an infant can never leave his mother's feet.


tavamrita-syandini pada-pankaje
niveditatma katham anyad icchati
sthite 'ravinde makaranda-nirbhare
madhuvrato nekshurakam hi vikshate

How can my heart wish anything else now that it is placed at Your lotus-feet, overflowing with nectar? In the presence of a honey-filled lotus a bee does not even see a thorny, dried-up ikshuraka flower.


tvad-anghrim uddisya kadapi kenacid
yatha tatha vapi sakrit-krito 'njalih
tadaiva mushnaty asubhany aseshatah
subhani pushnati na jatu hiyate

Placed by anyone, at any time, or even only once, palms folded at Your feet dispel all inauspiciousness and create great good fortune. The benefit obtained from those folded palms will never be lost.


kshanena nirvapya param ca nirvrittim
prayacchati tvac-caranarunambuja-

Quickly extinguishing the forest-fire of repeated birth and death, a single drop from the nectar ocean of love for Your reddish lotus feet, brings great transcendental bliss.


namasyad-arti-kshayane krita-kshanam
dhanam madiyam tava pada-pankajam
kada nu sakshat-karavami cakshusha

When with my own eyes will I see Your lotus feet, which playfully stepped from the bottom to the top of the material world, which quickly remove the sufferings of the surrendered souls, and which are my only treasure?


kada punah sankha-rathanga-kalpaka-
trivikrama tvac-caranambuja-dvayam
madiya-murdhanam alankarishyati

O Lord Trivikrama, when will Your lotus feet, which bear the marks of conchshell, disc, kalpa-vriksha tree, flag, lotus, elephant-goad, and thunderbolt, adorn my head?


nimagna-nabhim tanu-madhyam unnatam

O Lord dressed in splendid yellow garments, O Lord as dark as a smiling atasi flower, O Lord whose navel is deep, O Lord whose waist is thin, O tall Lord, O Lord whose broad chest bears a splendid mark,


cakasatam jyakina-karkasaih subhais
caturbhir ajanu-vilambibhir bhujaih

O Lord splendid with four arms that are handsome with marks of the bowstring, that reach to Your knees, and that praise the touch of Your beloved's garland, lotus, earrings, loosened hair, and ornaments,


mukha-sriya nyak-krita-purna-nirmala-

O Lord whose conchshell-neck is handsome with curling locks of hair and earrings hanging over Your broad shoulders, O Lord the splendor of whose face shames the splendor of lotus and the spotless full moon,


sa-vibhrama-bhru-latam ujjvaladharam
suci-smitam komala-gandam unnasam

O Lord whose eyes are handsome as charming, newly-blossomed lotuses, O Lord who has graceful eyebrow-vines, O Lord whose lips are glorious, O Lord who smiles splendidly, O Lord whose cheeks are delicate and soft, O Lord who has a raised nose, O Lord whose curling locks of hair touch Your forehead,


lasat-tulasya vana-malayojjvalam

O Lord splendid with glistening crown, bracelets, necklace, Kaustubha gem, belt, anklets, many ornaments, disc, conch, sword, club, bow, glorious tulasi, and garland of forest flowers,


cakartha yasya bhavanam bhujantaram
tava priyam dhama yadiya-janma-bhuh
jagat-samagram yad-apanga-samsrayam
yad-artham ambhodhir amanthy abandhi ca

O Lord who made a home for Her between Your arms, O Lord whose dear transcendental abode is Her place of birth, O Lord whose sidelong glance is the resting place of all the worlds, O Lord who churned the ocean for Her sake,


sva-vaisva-rupyena sadanubhutayapy
apurvavad vismayam adadhanaya
gunena rupena vilasa-ceshtitaih
sada tavaivocitaya tava sriya

O Lord who, with the eternal vision of Your supreme handsomeness, pastimes, and virtues, fills the goddess of fortune with unprecedented wonder,


taya sahasinam ananta-bhogini

O Lord seated with Her on the coils of Ananta, which are the abode of great knowledge and strength, and which are splendid with the many glittering jewels on the serpent's hoods,


sarira-bhedais tava seshatam gatair
yathocitam sesha itiryate janaih

O Lord for whose sake Ananta assumes many shapes to become Your residence, bed, throne, sandals, garments, pillow, umbrella, parasol, and many other objects, and in this way has become known to the people as Your sesha (paraphernalia),


dasah sakha vahanam asanam dhvajo
yas te vitanam vyajanam trayimayah
upasthitam tena puro garutmata

O Lord before whom stands Garuda, who bears Your splendid footprints, and who is Your servant, friend, carrier, throne, flag, canopy, fan, and three Vedas,


tvaya nisrishtatma-bharena yad yatha
priyena sena-patina niveditam
tathanujanantam udara-vikshanaih

O Lord who with merciful glances approves every request made by the dear general of Your army, who eats the remnants of Your food, and to whom You have given complete authority,


hatakhila-klesa-malaih sva-bhavatah
sadanukulyaika-rasais tavocitaih
nishevyamanam sacivair yathocitam

O Lord appropriately served in many ways by a host of companions free from all troubles and filled with the nectar of love for You,


prabuddhaya mugdha-vidagdha-lilaya
kshananuvat kshipta-paradi-kalaya
praharshayantam mahishim maha-bhujam

O Mighty-armed Lord pleasing Your queen with charming and clever pastimes that awaken the sweet nectars of many kinds of transcendental love and make many millenniums seem like a moment,


sriyah sriyam bhakta-janaika-jivitam
samartham apat-sakham arthi-kalpakam

O inconceivable, glorious, wonderful, eternally youthful Lord, O nectar ocean of transcendental handsomeness, O splendor of the goddess of fortune, O life and soul of the devotees, O powerful Lord, O friend in times of need, O kalpa-vaykaja tree to they who offer prayers,


bhavantam evanucaran nirantarah
kadaham aikantika-nitya-kiaokarah
praharajayiajyami sa-natha-jaivitam

by serving You constantly, one is freed from all material desires and is completely pacified. When shall we engage as Your permenant eternal servant and always feel joyful to have such a perfect master?


dhig akucim avinaitam nirdayam mam alajjam
parama-puruaja yo 'ham yogi-varyagra-gapyaiah
vidhi-akiva-sanakadyair dhyatum atyanta-dauram
tava parijana-bhavam kamaye kama-vayttah

Fie on me! I am unclean, proud, merciless, and shameless! O Supreme Person, I still yearn to become Your companion, an attainment Brahma, aKiva, the Four Kumaras, and the best of the yogais consider far beyond their reach.


patitam bhaima-bhavarapavodare
agatiam akarapagatam hare
kaypaya kevalam atmasat kuru

O Lord Hari, please mercifully accept this person who is a storehouse of thousands of offenses, who has fallen into the terrible ocean of repeated birth and death, who has no place to go, and who now begs shelter from You.


bhagavan bhava-durdine pathah-
skhalitam mam avalokayacyuta

O Lord, O infallible one, please glance on me, from the right path fallen into the calamity of repeated birth and death, where all directions are darkened with clouds of ignorance and filled with a constant monsoon of sufferings.


na mayaja paramartham eva me
akayapu vijnapanam ekam agratah
yadi me na dayiajyase tada
dayanaiyas tava natha durlabhah

Let us submit one piece of information before You, dear Lord. It is not at all false, but it is full of meaning. It is this: If You are not merciful upon us, then it will be very, very difficult to find more suitable candidates for Your mercy.


tad aham tvad-ayte na nathavan
mad-ayte tvam dayanaiyavan na ca
vidhi-nirmitam etad avyayam
bhagavan palaya ma sma jaihaya

Without You I have no master, and without me You have no suitable candidate for Your mercy. This is our eternal relationship, ordained by fate. O Lord, please protect me. Do not reject me.


vapur-adiaju yo 'pi ko 'pi va
guapato 'sani yatha-tatha-vidhah
tad aham tava pada-padmayor
aham adyaiva maya samarpitah

Whatever I possess in terms of this body and its paraphernalia, and whatever I have from the modes of nature, today I offer at Your lotus feet.


mama natha yad asti yo 'smy aham
sakalam tad dhi tavaiva madhava
niyata-svam iti prabuddha-dhair
atha va kiam nu samarpayami te

An enlightened person prays, "My Lord, O husband of the goddess of fortune, myself and everything I own is already eternally Your property.” How, then, is it possible for me to offer anything to You?


avabodhitavan imam yatha
mayi nityam bhavadiyatam svayam
kripayaivam ananya-bhogyatam
bhagavan bhaktim api prayaccha me

I know that I am eternally Your property. O Lord, please kindly give me pure devotional service.


tava dasya-sukhaika-sanginam
bhavaneshv astv api kita-janma me
itaravasatheshu ma sma bhud
api me janma caturmukhatmana

Let me take birth, even as an insect, in the home of they whose only happiness is Your service. Let me not take birth, even as a Lord Brahma, in the home of any other people.


mahatmabhir mam avalokyatam naya
kshane 'pi te yad-viraho 'ti-duhsahah

Please place me within the sight of the great souls from whom You cannot bear even a moment's separation, and who, yearning for a single glimpse of Your transcendental form, consider both impersonal liberation and the most intense sense pleasure worthless as a blade of straw.


deham na pranan na ca sukham aseshabhilashitam
na catmanam nanyat tava kim api seshatva-vibhavat
bahir bhutam natha kshanam api sahe yatu satadha
vinasam tat satyam madhumathana vijnapanam idam

O Lord, I cannot tolerate for a moment my body, it's breathing, the happiness everyone wants, my self, or anything else kept apart from You. Let them perish hundreds of time. O Lord Madhusudana, this is my actual wish. This is my request to You.


durantasanader apariharaniyasya mahato
vihinacaro 'ham nri-pasur asubhasyaspadam api
daya-sindho bandho niravadhika-vatsalya-jaladhe
tava smaram smaram guna-ganam iticchami gata-bhih

O ocean of mercy, O limitless ocean of fatherly love, even though I am misbehaved, animalistic, and a storehouse of great, limitless, beginningless sins, because I meditate again and again on the great host of Your transcendental virtues, I am able to desire in this way without any fear.


anicchann apy evam yadi punar apicchann iva rajas-
tamas-channa-cchadma-stuti-vacana-bhangim aracayam
tathapittham-rupam vacanam avalambyapi kripaya
tvam evaivam-bhutam dharani-dhara me sikshaya manah

Although I have no such desire to praise You, as if I did desire to praise You, I have written these prayers that are only a trick of passion and ignorance. O maintainer of the earth, please kindly accept these words, and please teach my heart what is right.


pita tvam mata tvam dayita-tanayas tvam priya-suhrit
tvam eva tvam mitram gurur api gatis casi jagatam
tvadiyas tvad-bhrityas tava parijanas tvad-gatir aham
prapannas caivam sa tv aham api tavaivasmi hi bharah

You are my father. You are my mother. You are my beloved son. You are my well-wisher. You are my friend. You are my master. You are the shelter of the universes. I am Your property. I am Your servant. I am Your follower. I have You as the goal of my life. I am surrendered to You. I am Your dependent.


janitvaham vamse mahati jagati khyata-yasasam
sucinam yuktanam guna-purusha-tattva-sthiti-vidam
nisargad eva tvac-carana-kamalaikanta-manasam
adho 'dhah papatma saranada nimajjami tamasi

Even though I was born in a great family of pure brahmanas famous in this world, engaged in Your service, fully aware of the truth about the Supreme Person and the modes of matter, and their hearts naturally placed only at Your lotus feet, still, O giver of shelter, I have become the most sinful person, sinking lower and lower into the darkness of ignorance.


amaryadah kshudras cala-matir asuya-prasava-bhuh
kritaghno durmani smara-para-vaso vancana-parah
nrisamsah papishthah katham aham ito duhkha-jaladher
aparad uttirnas tava paricareyam caranayoh

How will I, uncivilized, degraded, fickle, a breeding-ground of envy, ungrateful, proud, overcome by lust, addicted to cheating, cruel, and sinful, be able to cross this shoreless ocean of pain and serve Your feet?


raghuvara yad abhus tvam tadriso vayasasya
pranata iti dayalur yasya caidyasya krishna
pratibhavam aparaddhur mugdha-sayujya-do 'bhur
vada kim apadam agas tasya te 'sti kshamayah

O Lord Raghuvara, You were kind to a crow that bowed down to offer respect. O Lord Krishna, You granted sayujya-mukti to Sisupala, who offended You in every birth. O Lord, please tell me: What offense will You not forgive?


nanu prapannah sakrid eva natha
tavaham asmiti ca yacamanah
tavanukampyah smaratah pratijnam
mad-eka-varjam kim iti vratam te

Do You remember Your promise that if a person once surrenders to You and says, "O Lord, I am Yours," You will give Your mercy to him? Why am I excluded from Your promise?


prema-prakrishavadhim atmavantam
pitamaham natha-munim vilokya
prasida mad-vrittam acintayitva

Not thinking of what I have done, but looking instead at my grandfather, Natha Muni, a great saint full of sincere love for Your lotus feet, please be kind to me.


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