Sastric Predictions of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Incarnation


Feb 27, CANADA (SUN) — On the glorious observance of Gaura Purnima, the Appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, February 28, 2010.

In honor of the observance of Lord Caitanya's Appearance on this day, we interrupt our series on Mahaprabhu's pilgrimage travels to offer this collection of sastric predictions of the Lord's incarnation as the Golden Avatar in Kaliyuga. In fact, of all the preaching journeys Lord Caitanya made during His lila, one might say that the greatest of all was His travel to America through the agency of His pure devotee, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, thus inaugurating the Sankirtana Movement's proliferation to every town and village.

The birth of Lord Caitanya, as
predicted in Sruti, Smriti, and the Vaya Purana
Translated by Kusakratha dasa.

Part One
Quotes from the Sruti-sastra

Text 1

jahnavi-tire navadvipe golokakhye dhamni
govindo dvi-bhujo gaurah sarvatma maha-purusho mahatma maha-yogi
tri-gunatitah sattva-rupo bhaktim loke kasyatiti. tad ete
sloka bhavanti

In the Sri Caitanya Upanishad it is said:

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda, the supreme enjoyer, whose form is transcendental, who is beyond the touch of the three modes of material nature, and who is the all-pervading Supersoul residing in the hearts of all living entities, will appear again in the Kali age. Appearing as the greatest devotee, the Supreme Personality of Godhead will assume a two-armed form of golden complexion in His abode of Goloka Vrindavana manifested on the bank of the Ganga at Navadvipa. He will disseminate pure devotional service in the world. This incarnation of the Lord is described in the following verses.

Text 2

eko devah sarva-rupi mahatma
gauro rakta-syamala-sveta-rupah
caitanyatma sa vai caitanya-saktir
bhaktakaro bhakti-do bhakti-vedyah

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the master of all transcendental potencies, and who may be known only by devotional service, appears in innumerable transcendental forms. He has appeared with red, white, and black complexions, and He will also appear in the golden form of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He will assume the role of a perfect devotee and He will teach the conditioned souls the path of pure devotional service.

Text 3

namo vedanta-vedyaya
krishnaya paramatmane
caitanyaya namo namah

"I offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Sri Krishna, the all-pervading Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is understood by the study of Vedanta philosophy. He is the master of all transcendental potencies, and He appears as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Text 4

vedanta-vedyam purusham puranam
caitanyatmanam visva-yonim mahantam
tam eva viditvati mrityum eti
nanyah pantha vidyate 'yanaya

"One who understands that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is known by the study of Vedanta philosophy, who is the original cause of the universe, and who is the oldest, the original person, crosses beyond this world of birth and death. This is the proper understanding of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and aside from this there is no other way to achieve liberation.

Text 5

sva-nama-mula-mantrena sarvam hladayati vibhuh

"Appearing in this golden form, the all-powerful Supreme Lord will fill the entire universe with transcendental bliss by the chanting of His own holy names.

Text 6

sa eva mula-mantram japati harir iti krishna iti rama iti.

"The Supreme Lord will chant a mantra consisting of the names Hari, Krishna, and Rama (the maha-mantra: hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare, hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare).

Text 7


saptame gaura-varna-vishnor
ity anena sva-saktya caikyam etya prante pratar avatirya saha
svaih sva-manum sikshayati.

In the Atharva-veda Purusha-bodini Upanishad it is said:

"In the seventh manvantara, in the beginning of the Kali-yuga, the Supreme Personality of Godhead will, accompanied by His own associates, descend in a golden form to the earth. He will teach the chanting of His own holy names."

Text 8


ito 'ham krita-sannyaso 'vatarishyami sa-guno nirvedo
nishkamo bhu-girbanas tira-stho 'lakanandayah kalau catuh-
sahasrabdhopari panca-sahasrabhyantare gaura-varno
dirghangah sarva-lakshana-yukta isvara-prarthito nija-
rasasvado bhakta-rupo misrakhyo vidita-yogah syam.

In the Atharva Veda, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself says:

"When between four-thousand to five-thousand years of the Kali-yuga have passed, I will descend to the earth in a place by the Ganges' shore. I will be a tall, fair, and saintly brahmana devotee of the Lord. I will have all the signs of an exalted person. I will be renounced, free of all material desire. I will accept the order of renunciation (sannyasa). I will be a devotee advanced in bhakti-yoga. I will chant the holy names of the Lord. I will taste the sweet mellows of My own devotional service. Only the great devotees will understand Me."

Text 9


tathaham krita-sannyaso bhu-girbano 'vatarishye tire
'lakanandayah punah punar isvara-prarthitah sa-parivaro niralambo
nirdhuteh kali-kalmasa-kavalita-janavalambanaya.

In the Sama Veda, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself says:

"To deliver the people devoured by the sins of Kali- yuga, I will, accompanied by My associates, descend to the earth in a place by the Ganges' shore. I will be a brahmana avadhuta- sannyasi. Again and again I will chant the holy names of the Lord."

Text 10


sa eva bhagavan yuge turiye 'pi brahma-kule
jayamanah sarva upanishadah uddidirshuh sarvani dharma-
sastrani vistarayishnuh sarvan api janan santarayishnuh
sarvan api vaishnavan dharman vijrimbhayan sarvan api
pashandan nicakhana.

In the Krishna Upanishad it is said:

"In the Kali-yuga, Lord Krishna will appear in a brahmana's family. He will teach the message of the Upanishads and the dharma-sastras. He will defeat the atheists and offenders and He will establish the truth of Vaishnava-dharma."

Text 11


atra brahma-puram nama
pundarikam yad ucyate
tad evashta-dalam padma-
sannibham puram adbhutam

In the Chandogya Upanishad it is said:

"In that place is a wonderful city like an eight- petal lotus flower.

Text 12

tan-madhye daharam sakshat
mayapuram itiryate
tatra vesma bhagavatas
caitanyasya paratmanah
tasmin yas tv antarakaso
hy antar-dvipah sa ucyate

"In the middle of that lotus-city is a place called Mayapura, and in the middle of Mayapura is a placed called Antardvipa. That place is the home of Lord Caitanya, the Supreme Personality of Godhead."

Text 13


sada pasyah pasyate rukma-varnam
kartaram isam purusham brahma-yonim
sada vidvan punya-pape vidhuya
niranjanah paramam samyam upaiti

In the Mundaka Upanishad it is said:

"One who sees that golden-colored Personality of Godhead, the Supreme Lord, the supreme actor, who is the source of the Supreme Brahman, is liberated."*

Text 14


mahan prabhur vai purushah
sattvasyaisha pravartakah
su-nirmalam imam praptim
isano jyotir avyayah

In the Svetasvatara Upanishad it is said:

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead is Mahaprabhu, who disseminates transcendental enlightenment. Just to be in touch with Him is to be in contact with the indestructible brahmajyoti."*

Part Two
Quotes From the Smriti-sastra

Text 15


bhakti-priyo bhakti-data
damodara ibhas-patih
indra-darpa-haro 'nanto

In the Narada-pancaratra, Bala-Krishna-sahasra-nama- stotra, it is said:

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead is known by the names Bhakti-priya, Bhakti-data, Damodara, Ibhas-pati, Indra- darpa-hara, Ananta, Nityananda, Cid-atmaka, . . .

Text 16

caitanya-rupas caitanyas
'dvaitah parama-nayakah

. . . Caitanya-rupa, Caitanya, Cetana, Guna-varjita, Advaitacara-nipuna, Advaita, Parama-nayaka, . . .

Text 17

nilah svetah sitah krishno
gaurah pitambara-cchadah

. . . Nila, Sveta, Sita, Krishna, Gaura, Pitambara-cchada, Saci-suta, and Jaya-prada."

Text 18


krishna-varnam tvishakrishnam
yajnaih sankirtana-prayair
yajanti hi su-medhasah

In Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.5.32) it is said:

"In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead, who constantly sings the name of Krishna. Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Krishna Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons, and confidential companions."*

Text 19


dhyeyam sada paribhavaghnam abhishta-doham
tirthaspadam siva-virinci-nutam saranyam
bhrityarti-ham pranata-pala bhavabdhi-potam
vande maha-purusha te caranaravindam

In Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.5.33 and 34) it is said:

"We offer our respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of Him, the Lord, upon whom we should always meditate. He destroys insults to His devotees. He removes the distresses of His devotees and satisfies their desires. He, the abode of all holy places and the shelter of all sages, is worshipable by Lord Siva and Lord Brahma. He is the boat of the demigods for crossing the ocean of birth and death.*

Text 20

tyaktva su-dustyaja-surepsita-rajya-lakshmim
dharmishtha arya-vacasa yad-agadarapyam
maya-mrigam dayitepsitam anvadhavad
vande maha-purusha te caranaravindam

"We offer our respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of the Lord, upon whom one should always meditate. He left His householder life, leaving aside His eternal consort, whom even the denizens of heaven adore. He went into the forest to deliver the fallen souls, who are put into illusion by material energy."*

Text 21

ittham nri-tiryag-rishi-deva-jhashavatarair
lokan vibhavayasi hamsi jagat-pratipan
dharmam maha-purusha pasi yuganuvrittam
channah kalau yad abhavas tri-yugo 'tha sa tvam

In Srimad-Bhagavatam (7.9.38) it is said:

"My Lord, You kill all the enemies of the world in Your multifarious incarnations in the families of men, animals, demigods, rishis, aquatics, and so on. Thus You illuminate the worlds with transcendental knowledge. In the age of Kali, O Mahapurusha, You sometimes appear in a covered incarnation. Therefore You are known as Triyuga (one who appears in only three yugas)."*

Text 22

adi-purane narada-purane ca

aham eva dvija-sreshtho
nityam pracchanna-vigrahah
lokam rakshami sarvada

In the Adi Purana and Narada Purana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself declares:

"My true identity always concealed, I will assume the form of a brahmana devotee of the Lord. In this form I will deliver the worlds."

Text 23


kalina dahyamananam
uddharaya tanu-bhritam
janma prathama-sandhyayam
bhavishyati dvijalaye

In the Kurma Purana it is said:

"To deliver the conditioned souls burning in the troubles of Kali-yuga, in the first sandhya of that age the Supreme Personality of Godhead will take birth in a brahmana's home."

Text 24


kalina dahyamananam
paritranaya tanu-bhritam
janma prathama-sandhyayam
karishyami dvijatishu

In the Garuda Purana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself declares:

"To deliver the conditioned souls burning in the troubles of Kali-yuga, in the first sandhya of that age I will take birth among the brahmanas."

Text 25


aham purno bhavishyami
yuga-sandhau viseshatah
mayapure navadvipe
bhavishyami saci-sutah

In the Garuda Purana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead again declares:

"In my original spiritual form, perfect and complete, I will become the son of Saci-devi in Navadvipa- Mayapura at the beginning of Kali-yuga."

Text 26

kaleh prathama-sandhyayam
lakshmi-kanto bhavishyati
sannyasi gaura-vigrahah

In the Garuda Purana it is also said:

"In the first sandhya of Kali-yuga, the Supreme Personality of Godhead will assume a golden form. First He will be the husband of Lakshmi, and then He will be a sannyasi who stays near Lord Jagannatha at Puri."

Text 27

yad gopi-kuca-kumbha-sambhrama-bhararambhena samvardhitah
yad va gopa-kumara-sara-kalaya range subhandi-kritam
yad vrindavana-kanane pravilasac chridama-damadibhis
tat prema-prakatam cakara bhagavan caitanya-rupah prabhuh

In the Garuda Purana it is also said:

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who enjoyed glorious pastimes with Sridama, Dama, and the other gopa boys in Vrindavana forest, and whose eyes glanced at the gopis' breasts, will again come to this world to reveal the nature of pure spiritual love. At that time His name will be Caitanya.

Text 28

yo reme saha-ballavi ramayate vrindavane 'har-nisam
yah kamsam nijaghana kaurava-rane yah pandavanam sakha
so 'yam vainava-danda-mandita-bhujah sannyasa-veshah svayam
nihsandeham upagatah kshiti-tale caitanya-rupah prabhuh

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who enjoyed pastimes with the gopis, who day and night filled the people of Vrindavana with happiness, who killed Kamsa, and who in the war between the Kauravas made friendship with the Pandavas, will come again to the earth. Of this there is no doubt. His arm decorated with a bamboo danda, He will be a sannyasi and His name will be Caitanya."

Text 29


kvacit sri-krishna-caitanya-
nama loke bhavishyati

In the Devi Purana it is said:

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead will again appear in this world. His name will be Sri Krishna Caitanya and He will spread the chanting of the Lord's holy names."

Text 30


satye daitya-kuladhi-nasa-samaye simhordhva-martyakritis
tretayam dasa-kandharam paribhavan rameti namakritih
gopalan paripalayan vraja-pure bharam haran dvapare
gaurangah priya-kirtanah kali-yuge caitanya-nama prabhuh

In the Nrisimha Purana it is sdaid:

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who in the Satya-yuga appeared as a half-man half-lion to cure a terrible disease that had ravaged the daityas, and who in Treta-yuga appeared as a person named Rama, a person who defeated the ten-headed demon Ravana, and who in the Dvapara-yuga removed the earth's burden and protected the gopa people of Vraja-pura, will appear again in the Kali-yuga. His form will be golden, He will delight in chanting the Lord's holy names, and His name will be Caitanya."

Text 31


yatra yogesvarah sakshad
yogi-cintyo janardanah
caitanya-vapur aste vai
sandranandatmakah prabhuh

In the Padma Purana it is said:

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is filled with bliss, who rescues the devotees from a host of calamities, and who is the master of yoga and the object of the yogis' meditation, will appear in His transcendental form and be known by the name Caitanya."

Text 32

kaleh prathama-sandhyayam
gaurango 'ham mahi-tale
bhagirathi-tate ramye
bhavishyami saci-sutah

In the Padma Purana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself affirms:

"In the first sandhya of Kali-yuga I will appear on the earth in a beautiful place by the Ganges's shore. I will be the son of Saci-devi and My complexion will be golden."

Text 33


aham eva kalau vipra
nityam pracchanna-vigrahah
lokan rakshami sarvada

In the Narada Purana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself affirms:

"O brahmana, in the age of Kali I will appear disguised as a devotee of the Lord and I will deliver all the worlds.

Text 34

divija bhuvi jayadhvam
jayadhvam bhakta-rupinah
kalau sankirtanarambhe
bhavishyami saci-sutah

"O demigods, in the Kali-yuga please take birth as devotees on the earth. I will appear as the son of Saci in Kali- yuga to start the sankirtana movement."

Text 35


kaleh prathama-sandhyayam
gaurango 'ham mahi-tale
bhagirathi-tate bhumni
bhavishyami sanatanah

In the Brahma Purana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself declares:

"In the first sandhya of the Kali-yuga I will reveal My eternal golden form by the Ganges' shore on the earth."

Text 36


harsha-purnam tapo-dhana
sarve mam eva drakshyanti
kalau sannyasa-rupinam

In the Bhavishya Purana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead declares:

"O sage whose wealth is austerity, in the Kali-yuga everyone will see My form as a sannyasi, a form filled with tears of bliss and bodily hairs standing erect in ecstasy."

Text 37


prasantatma lamba-kanthas
gaurangas ca suravritah

In the Agni Purana it is said:

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead will appear in a golden form with a graceful long neck and a peaceful heart. He will be surrounded by a host of saintly devotees.

Text 38


su-pujitah sada gaurah
krishno va veda-vid dvijah

In the Saura Purana it is said:

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead appears in two forms. He is either dark Lord Krishna, who is always worshiped by all, or He is fair Lord Gaura, a brahmana who knows the meaning of all the Vedas."

Text 39


mundo gaurah su-dirghangas
dayaluh kirtana-grahi
bhavishyami kalau yuge

In the Matsya Purana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead declares:

"In the Kali-yuga I will take birth in a place where three rivers meet. I will be fair and tall. I will have a shaven head. I will be very merciful. I will eagerly chant the holy names."

Text 40


suddho gaurah su-dirghango.
dayaluh kirtana-grahi
bhavishyami kalau yuge

In the Vayu Purana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead declares:

"In the Kali-yuga I will take birth in a place by the Ganges' shore. I will be fair and tall. I will be very merciful and pure in heart. I will eagerly chant the holy names."

Text 41


golokam ca parityajya
lokanam trana-karanat
kalau gauranga-rupena

In the Markandeya Purana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead declares:

"In the Kali-yuga I will leave Goloka and, to save the people of the world, I will become handsome and playful Lord Gauranga."

Text 42


aham eva dvija-sreshtho
lokan rakshami sarvada

In the Varaha Purana the Supreme Personality of Godhead declares:

"I will become a brahmana devotee of the Lord. Enjoying many transcendental pastimes, i will deliver the people of the world."

Text 43


sarvan acara-varjitan
saci-garbhe ca sambhuya
tarayishyami narada

In the vamana Purana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead declares:

"O Narada, taking birth in Saci-devi's womb, I will deliver the sinful people from the terrible darkness of Kali-yuga."

Text 44


aham eva kvacid brahman
sannyasasritam asritah
hari-bhaktim grahayami
kalau papa-hatan naran

In the Upapuranas, the Supreme Personality of Godhead declares:

"O learned brahmana, sometimes I accept the renounced order of life to induce the fallen people of the age of Kali to accept devotional service to the Lord."*

Text 45


paurnamasyam phalgunasya
bhavishye gaura-rupena
saci-garbhe purandarat

In the Vayu Purana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead declares:

"In the month of Phalguna, when the star phalguni is conjoined with the full moon, I will appear in a golden form begotten by Jagannatha Misra in Saci-devi's womb.

Text 46

svarnadi-tiram asthaya
navadvipe janasraye
tatra dvija-kulam prapto
bhavishyami janalaye

"I will take birth in a brahmana family in the city of Navadvipa, by the Ganges' shore.

Text 47

lokasyanugrahaya ca
sannyasa-rupam asthaya

"In order to show mercy to the people and engage them in devotional service, I will accept sannyasa. Then My name will be Sri Krishna Caitanya.

Text 48

yena lokasya nistaras
tat kurudhvam mamajnaya
dharitri bhavita cabhir
mayaiva dvija-dehina

"All of you please follow My order and deliver the people of the world. In my form of a brahmana, I will make the earth fearless."

Text 49


tatah pravir asau viprah
kvacil loke bhavishyati

In the Vishnu Purana it is said:

"When in the world there is no Vedic study, and no yajnas with the chanting of vashat-kara, svadha, and svaha, the Supreme Personality of Godhead will appear as a brahmana."

Text 50


svarnadi-tiram asritya
navadvipe dvijalaye
sampradatum bhakti-yogam
lokasyanugrahaya ca

In the Ananta-samhita

"To show mercy to the people and give them devotional service, the Supreme Personality of Godhead will appear in a brahmana's home in Navadvipa by the Ganges' shore.

Text 51

sa eva bhagavan krishno
srishty-adau sa jagannatho
gaura asin mahesvari

"The Supreme Person, Sri Krishna Himself, who is the life of Sri Radharani, and is the Lord of the universe in creation, maintenance, and annihilation, appears as Gaura, O Mahesvari."*

Text 52

avatirno bhavishyami
kalau nija-ganaih saha
saci-garbhe navadvipe

"In Kali-yuga I will descend to the earth with My associates. In Navadvipa, which is surrounded by the Ganges, I will take birth in Saci-devi's womb. Texts 53 and 54

aprakasyam idam guhyam
na prakasyam bahir mukhe
bhaktavataram bhaktakhyam
bhaktam bhakti-pradam svayam man-maya-mohitah kecin
na jnasyanti bahir-mukhah
jnasyanti mad-bhakti-yuktah
sadhavo nyasino 'malah

"They who are bewildered by My illusory potency will not understand the great secret of the appearance in this world of Me in My personal form, in My form as the incarnation of a devotee, in My form bearing the name of a devotee, in My form as a devotee, and in My form as the giver of devotional service. This secret is not to be revealed to them. Only the saintly, pure, renounced devotees, diligently engaged in My devotional service, will be able to understand Me in these five forms.

Note: This verse, reminiscent of Caitanya-caritamrita Adi 1.14, describes the panca-tattva.

Text 55

krishnavatara-kale yah
striyo ye purushah priyah
kalau te 'vatarishyanti

"My dear male and female associates, headed by Sridama and Subala, who came to this world at the time of My advent as Lord Krishna, will come again during the Kali-yuga.

Text 56
catuh-shashti-mahantas te
gopa dvadasa balakah
viharishyami tair aham

"The gopas will become the sixty-four mahantas and the twelve gopalas. To establish the truth of religion, I will enjoy many pastimes with them.

Text 57

kale nashtam bhakti-patham
sthapayishyamy aham punah
gacchantu bhuvi te putrah
jayantam bhakta-rupinah
dharma-samsthapanam kale
kurvantu te mamajnaya

In this way I will again reveal the path of devotional service, which had been destroyed in the course of time. My sons should also descend to the earth, assume the forms of devotees, and, by My order, also work to re-establish the principles of true religion.

Text 58

krishnas caitanya-gaurango
gauracandrah saci-sutah
prabhur gauro gaura-harir
namani bhakti-dani me

At this time My names will be: Krishna Caitanya, Gauranga, Gauracandra, Sacisuta, Mahaprabhu, Gaura, and Gaurahari. Chanting these names will bring devotion to Me."

Text 59


dvapariyair janair vishnuh
pancaratrais tu kevalaih
kalau tu nama-matrena
pujyate bhagavan harih

In the Narayana-samhita it is said:

In Dvapara-yuga, devotees of Lord Vishnu and Krishna rendered devotional service according to the principles of pancaratrika. In this age of Kali, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is worshiped simply by chanting His holy names."*

Text 60


evam anga vidhim kritva
mantri dhyayed yathacyutam
druta-hema-nibham tu va

In the Tantras it is said:

O dear one, a person following the rules of scripture should meditate on the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead, who has two forms: one dark like a kalaya flower, and the other fair like molten gold."

Text 61


sandhau krishno vibhuh pascad
devakyam vasudevatah
kalau purandarat sacyam
gaura-rupo vibhuh smritah

In the Urdhvamnaya-tantra, the Supreme Personality of Godhead declares:

In the sandhya at the end of Dvapara-yuga, I appeared as dark Lord Krishna, the son of Vasudeva and Devaki. In Kali-yuga I will appear as golden Lord Gaura, the son of Jagannatha Misra and Saci-devi.

Text 62

avataram imam kritva
kalau mayapurim gatva
bhavishyami saci-sutah

In order to deliver the condition souls in Kali- yuga, I will go to Mayapura and become the son of Saci-devi."

Text 63


kvacit sapi krishnam aha
srinu mad-vacanam priya
bhavata ca sahaikatmyam
icchami bhavitum prabho

In the Kapila Tantra it is said:

Then Sri Radha said to Lord Krishna: `O beloved, please hear My words. I yearn to become one with You. Texts 64 and 65

mama bhavanvitam rupam

rupam ekam pradarsaya
srutva tu preyasi-vakyam

`Please show a form where You and I embrace and Our two bodies become one, a form filled with the love I bear for You, a form filled with auspicious and blissful pastimes, a form that brings bliss to the heart, a form that unites Our two natures.'

Hearing His beloved's words, which were filled with joy and love, . . .

Text 66

svecchayasid yatha purvam
utsahena jagad-guruh
hy acintya-sakti-yogatah

. . . Lord Krishna passionately embraced Her. Then, by the touch of His inconceivable potency, . . .

Text 67

murtim ekam prakasayan
svapne tu darsayam asa
radhikayai svayam prabhuh

. . . Their two forms joined and became one, a single form endowed with Sri Radha divine love and glorious splendor. In a dream Lord Krishna showed all this to Sri Radha."

Text 68


aham purno bhavishyami
yuga-sandhau viseshatah
mayapure navadvipe
varam ekam saci-sutah

In the Krishna-yamala, the Supreme Personality of Godhead declares:

"During the first sandhya of Kali-yuga I will descend, with all My powers and glories, to Mayapura in Navadvipa and become the son of Saci-devi."

Text 69


athavaham dhara-dhamni
bhutva mad-bhakta-rupa-dhrik
mayayam ca bhavishyami
kalau sankirtanagame

In the Brahma-yamala, the Supreme Personality of Godhead declares:

Sometimes I personally appear on the surface of the world in the garb of a devotee. Specifically, I appear as the son of Saci in Kali-yuga to start the sankirtana movement."*

Text 70


gaurangam gaura-diptangam
pathet stotram kritanjalih
nanda-gopa-sutam caiva
namasyami gadagrajam

In the Brahma-yamala it is also said:

With folded hands one should recite the following prayer before Lord Gauranga, whose limbs are splendid like gold: `I bow down before He who is the son of the gopa Nanda, before He who is the elder brother of Gada.' "

Text 71


kalau prathama-sandhyayam
bhavishyati navadvipe
saci-garbhe janardanah

In the Brahma-yamala it is also said:

In the first sandhya of Kali-yuga, Lord Krishna will appear in Navadvipa, in Saci-devi's womb. In that incarnation He will teach the chanting of Lord Hari's holy names.

Text 72

nama-vistaranaya ca
yo hi krishnah sa caitanyo
manasa bhati sarvada

In this way, to preach the glories of the holy names and to deliver the conditioned souls, Lord Krishna will appear as Lord Caitanya."

Text 73


bhavishyami ca caitanyah
kalau sankirtanagame
lokan nistarayamy aham

In the Brahma-yamala, the Supreme Personality of Godhead declares:

"I Kali-yuga I will appear as Sri Caitanya and I will start the sankirtana movement. Giving them the chanting of Lord Hari's holy names, I will deliver the people of the world."

Text 74


gangayah dakshine bhage
navadvipe manorame
saci-garbhe sanatani

In the Visvasara Tantra, the Supreme Personality of Godhead declares:

"O eternal goddess, in order to destroy the sins of Kali-yuga, I will appear on the Ganges' southern shore, in beautiful Navadvipa, in the womb of Saci-devi.

Text 75

janishyati priye misra-
purandara-grihe svayam
phalgune paurnamasyam ca
nisayam gaura-vigrahah

"O beloved, on the full-moon night of the month of Phalguna, I will appear in a golden form in the home of Jagannatha Misra."

Text 76


jambudvipe kalau ghore
mayapure dvijalaye
janitva parshadaih sardham
kirtanam prakatishyati

In the Kapila Tantra, the Supreme Personality of Godhead declares:

"In the horrible Kali-yuga I will take birth on the earth in a brahmana's home in Mayapura. Assisted by My eternal associates, I will start the sankirtana movement."

Text 77


tatah kale ca samprapte
kalau ko 'pi maha-nidhih
ganga-tire janishyati

In the Kularnava Tantra it is said:

"During the Kali-yuga, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is a great treasure house of transcendental glories, will take birth by the Ganges' shore in order to teach the chanting of Lord Hari's holy names."

Text 78


lokasyanugrahaya ca
sannyasasramam asritya

In the Jaimini-bharata it is said:

"To show mercy to the people by teaching them the science of devotional service, the Supreme Personality of Godhead will descend to the earth. He will accept the sannyasa-asrama and His name will be Sri Krishna Caitanya."

Text 79


gauri sri-radhika devi
harih krishnah prakirtitah
ekatvac ca tayoh sakshad
iti gaura-harim viduh

In the Ananta-samhita it is said:

"Fair Goddess Radha is known by the name Gauri and dark Lord Krishna is known by the name Hari. Aware that They both have combined in the form of Sri Caitanya, the the wise call Him Gaurahari."

Text 80


navadvipe ca sa krishna
adaya hridaye svayam
gajendra-gamanam radham
sada ramayate muda

In the Ananta-samhita it is also said:

"Lord Krishna will appear in Navadvipa. Taking Her into His heart, Lord Krishna will again and again please Sri Radha, who is graceful like the best of elephants.

Text 81

navadvipe tu tah sakhyo
bhakta-rupa-dharah priye
ekangam sri-gaura-harim
sevante satatam muda

"O beloved, assuming the forms of devotees, the gopis will also take birth in Navadvipa. With great happiness they will again and again serve Lord Gaurahari, who is Radha and Krishna combined in a single form.

Text 82

ya eva radhika-krishnah
sa eva gaura-vigrahah
yac ca vrindavanam devi
navadvipam ca tat subham

"O goddess, Radha and Krishna will combine to become a single golden form, and Vrindavana will become beautiful Navadvipa. Texts 83 and 84

vrindavane navadvipe
bheda-buddhis ca yo narah
tam eva radhika-krishne
sri-gaurange paratmani

dehah so 'pi naradhamah
pacyate narake ghore
yavad ahuta-samplavam

"With my trident I will cut into pieces anyone who thinks that Vrindavana and Navadvipa are different, or that Radha- Krishna and Lord Gauranga are different, or that Lord Gauranga is not the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Such a person is most degraded. He will burn in a terrible hell until the time when the universe is flooded with water.

Text 85


iti matva kripa-sindhur
amsena kripaya harih
prasanno bhakta-rupena
kalav avatarishyati

In the Krishna-yamala it is said:

"Thinking in this way, Lord Krishna, who is an ocean of mercy, mercifully decided to appear as a devotee in Kali-yuga.

Text 86

gaurango nada-gambhirah
dayaluh kirtana-grahi
bhavishyati saci-sutah

"His limbs will be golden and His voice deep. He will be very merciful. He will yearn to taste the nectar of His own holy name. He will be attached to chanting His holy name. He will be the son of Saci-devi.

Text 87

matva tan-mayam atmanam
pathan dvy-aksharam uccakaih
gata-trapo madonmatta-
gajavad viharishyati

"Loudly chanting the two syllables of His own holy name, the Lord will enjoy pastimes like a maddened elephant, without giving any thought to ordinary, peaceful decorum.

Text 88

bhuvam prapte tu govinde
caitanyakhya bhavishyati
amsena tatra yasyanti
tatra tat-purva-parshadah
prithak prithan namadheyah
prayah purusha-murtayah

"In this way Lord Krishna will have the name Caitanya. His eternal associates will also come to this world and will also have different names. For the most part, they will have male forms.

Text 89


krishna-caitanya-namna ye
kirtayanti sakrin narah
nanaparadha-muktas te
punanti sakalam jagat

In the Vishnu-yamala it is said:

"They who once chant the name Krishna Caitanya become free of all offenses and purify all the worlds."

Text 90


anyavatara bahavah
sarve sadharana matah
kalau krishnavataras tu
gudhah sannyasa-vesha-dhrik

In the Jaimini-bharata it is said:

"Lord Krishna descends to the world in many different forms. However, in Kali-yuga, His incarnation is hidden. Then He appears disguised as a sannyasi."

Text 91


krishna-caitanyeti nama
mukhyan mukhyatamam prabhoh
helaya sakrid uccarya
sarva-nama-phalam labhet

In the Brahma-rahasya it is said:

"The holy name Krishna Caitanya is the most important of the Lord's holy names. By chanting this name a single time, a person attains the results of chanting all other holy names."

Text 92


kaleh prathama-sandhyayam
gaurango 'sau mahi-tale
bhagirathi-tate ramye
bhavishyati sanatanah

In the Yoga-vasishtha it is said:

"In the first sandhya of Kali-yuga, on the earth, by the beautiful shore of the Ganges, the Supreme Personality of Godhead will appear in His eternal golden form."

Text 93


suvarna-varno hemango
varangas candanangadi
sannyasa-kric chamah santo

In the Vishnu-sahasra-nama-stotra it is said:

"In His early pastimes He appears as a householder with a golden complexion. His limbs are beautiful, and His body, smeared with the pulp of sandalwood, seems like molten gold. In His later pastimes He accepts the renounced order, and He is equipoised and peaceful. He is the highest abode of peace and devotion, for He silences the impersonalist nondevotees."*

Text 94


antah krishno bahir gaurah
saci-garbhe samapnuyam

In the Skanda Purana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead declares:

"Outwardly of a fair complexion, but inwardly Krishna, I will take birth in Saci-devi's womb. Accompanied by My associates, servants, weapons, and confidential companions, I will assume the role of a human being."

A Passage From the Vayu Purana

Text 1

sri-satananda uvaca

bruhi tata kripa-sindho
paritranaya lokanam
hetum kalmasha-cetasam

Sri Satananda said:

"O father, O ocean of mercy, O saint overcome with mercy for the devotees, to protect the people please tell why the hearts of the people in Kali-yuga have become dirtied with sin.

Text 2

na tapas ca na cejya ca
na dhyanam jnanam avyayam
na danam sattva-samyuktam
kalau na dirgha-jivanam

"In the Kali-yuga there is no austerity, worship, meditation, eternal knowledge, charity, truth, or long life.

Text 3

kenopayena nistaro
bhavishyati kalau yuge

"How may the people in Kali-yuga be delivered?

Text 4

sri-gautama uvaca

sadhu prishtam tvaya putra
guhyad guhyatamam mama
samahita-mana bhutva
srinu tat paramadbhutam

Sri Gautama Muni said:

"My son, your question is very good. Please attentively hear from me a wonderful answer, an answer that contains the most secret of all secrets.

Text 5

etad guhyatamam vakyam
brahma loka-pitamahah
vaikuntham nagaram gatva
sendrair deva-ganaih saha
vakta sri-loka-natham vai

"Accompanied by Indra and the demigods, Lord Brahma, the grandfather of the worlds, went to Vaikuntha and spoke to Lord Narayana, the master of the worlds.

Text 6

sri-satananda uvaca

katham vai brahmana tata
prishtah sri-purushottamah
karanam tatra va kim vai
kathyatam muni-pungava

Sri Satananda said:

"What question did Brahma present before the Supreme Lord? O best of sages, please tell.

Text 7

sri-gautama uvaca

srinu putra prayatnena
kalau kalmasha-samjnake
sarve papa-rata lokas
canda mithya-vivadinah

Sri Gautama Muni said:

"O son, please listen carefully. In the contaminated Kali-yuga everyone is a sinner. Everyone is passionate, hot-tempered, and a liar.

Text 8

svadhyayadina rahita
parasva-lolupah kecit

"The people do not worship the demigods, observe the holy days, or study the Vedas. Some are eager to snatch the property of others. Some are adulterers.

Text 9

iti vikshya samudvigna
dharani bhara-sankula
dhenu-rupa-dhara dina
kripana malinanana

"Seeing this, the earth-goddess became unhappy with the burden she bore. She assumed the form of a cow. She was filled with lamentation. Her face was filled with sorrow.

Text 10

gatva vai brahma-sadanam
rodamana punah punah
sa-gadgada-vaco bhutva
stutva brahmanam isvaram

"She approached the demigod Brahma. Weeping again and again, with words choked with grief she said to him:

Text 11

sarve kali-mala-grastah
papishtha lobha-tat-parah

"Everyone in Kali-yuga is a great sinner, a greedy materialist, a blasphemer of demigods and brahmanas.

Text 12

tesham pada-praharena
kampate mamaki tanuh
tasmat loka-paritranam
prithivyam kena jayate

"My body trembles when they walk. How can these people of the earth be delivered?

Text 13

yena santir bhaven mama
ity uktvadho-mukhi-bhuya
sthita bhur asurakula

"O master of the demigods, please do something to make them peaceful and saintly."

After speaking these words, the earth goddess, troubled by the presence of so many demons, lowered her face.

Text 14

tatah sancintya devesam
brahma loka-pitamahah
vaikuntha-nagaram gatva
stutva tam purushottamam

"After thinking for some time, Lord Brahma, the grandfather of the worlds, went to Vaikuntha and offered prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Text 15


jaya krishna jagannatha
jaya vaikuntha-nayaka
jaya deva kripa-sindho
jaya lakshmyah pate prabho

Sri Brahma said:

"O Krishna, O master of the worlds, glory to You! O master of Vaikuntha, glory to You! O ocean of mercy, glory to You! O husband of Lakshmi, glory to You!

Text 16

jaya nilambuja-syama
jaya srivatsa-lanchana

"O Lord dark like a blue lotus, O Lord dark like a monsoon cloud, glory to You! O Lord more handsome than millions of Kamadevas, O Lord marked with Srivatsa, glory to You!

Text 17

jaya pitambara-dhara
jaya kaustubha-bhushana
jaya padma-palasaksha
jaya padmanana prabho

"O Lord dressed in yellow garments, glory to You! O Lord decorated with the Kaustubha jewel, glory to You! O Lord whose eyes are lotus petals, glory to You! O Lord whose face is a lotus flower, glory to You!

Text 18

jaya padma-pada-dvandva
jaya natha jagad-bandho

"O Lord whose feet are lotus flowers, glory to You! O Lord whose graceful nose is a sesame flower, glory to You! O friend of the worlds, glory to You! O Lord carried by Garuda, glory to You!

Text 19

jaya cakra-gada-padma-
sankha-hasta catur-bhuja
jaya padma-dharitribhyam

"O Lord who hold a disc, club, lotus, and conchshell in Your four hands, glory to You! O Lord whose lotus feet are served by the goddesses Padma and Dharitri, glory to You!

Text 20

sri-gautama uvaca

iti samstuyamano 'pi
sri-krishnah karuna-nidhih
brahmanam deva-deveso
jagada kripayanvitah

Sri Gautama Muni said:

"After hearing these prayers, Lord Krishna, who is an ocean of mercy and the master of the demigods, kindly asked the demigod Brahma:

Text 21

kim vrittam jagati-natha
bruhi kim karavami te
ity uktva padma-yonis ca
provaca sri-gadagrajam

"O master of the universe, how are things with You? What may I do for you? Please tell."

Hearing these words, Brahma spoke to Lord Krishna:

Text 22


kalau papa-rata lokah
sudra-vritti-dvijah sudra

Sri Brahma said:

"In Kali-yuga the people are sinners. They neither study the Vedas nor follow their rules. The brahmanas act like sudras, and the sudras hate the brahmanas.

Text 23

dvijanam gunato nicah
sudra mantra-pradayinah
sishnodara-para vipra
vipratve sutra-dharinah

"The brahmanas are degraded and addicted to pleasing their bellies and genitals. Brahminical status is determined only possession of a sacred thread. The sudras are now gurus and give mantras.

Text 24

mahaharah kharva-kaya
alasa manda-buddhayah
janas tvad-vimukhah sarve

"The people are gluttonous, short in stature, lazy, foolish, greedy after others' property, and averse to You.

Text 25

asat-patha-ratah sarve
agamyagaminas tatha

"Everyone follows the wrong path. They abandon their prescribed duties, commit adultery, and blaspheme the demigods and brahmanas.

Text 26

iti tad-bhara-magna sa
dharani rudati punah
tasmal loka-paritranam
prithivyam kena jayate
tat kurushva jagannatha

"Troubled by the burden of these sins, the earth- goddess weeps again and again. How may the people of the earth be delivered? O master of the worlds, please do something to deliver them.

Text 27

sri-gautama uvaca

iti samjnapito devo
brahmana prabhur acyutah
sa devan aha tad vishnur
guhyad guhyatamam vacah

"Hearing Brahma's words, Lord Vishnu, the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead, spoke to the demigods words that revealed the most secret of secrets. He said:

Text 28

ditija bhuvi jayadhvam
jayadhvam bhakta-rupinah
kalau sankirtanarambhe
bhavishyami saci-sutah

"O demigods, please take birth as devotees on the earth. I will take birth as Saci-devi's son and I will start the sanirtana movement, a movement of chanting the holy names.

Text 29

krite japair mama pritis
tretayam homa-karmabhih
dvapare paricaryabhih
kalau sankirtanair api

"In Satya-yuga I am pleased by japa, in Treta-yuga by yajna and karma, in Dvapara-yuga by worship, and in Kali-yuga I am pleased by the chanting of the holy names."

Text 30


bruhi me karuna-sindho
kirtanam kim svarupakam
katham vatra bhagavatah
para pritir bhavishyati

The demigod Brahma said:

"O ocean of mercy, please describe to us the nature of this movement of chanting the Lord's holy name. How should it be performed so that Your Lordship will be most pleased.

Text 31

sri-bhagavan uvaca

srinu brahman pravakshyami
sankirtanam atah param
samahita-mana bhutva
sarat sarataram hi yat

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said:

"O Brahma, please listen carefully and I will describe to you the most exalted sankirtana movement.

Text 32

mridangaih karatalais ca
raga-raganvitam ganam
yatah syat tulya-kirtanam

"In the sankirtana movement are sweet singing and the music of mridangas, karatalas, and other musical instruments.

Text 33

te sabdenocyate radha
na sabdenocyate janah
teneti sruti-matrena

"When in sankirtana there is the word `tena', the syllable `te' means `Radha', and the syllable `na' means `person'. In this way the word `tena' means `O Lord Krishna, O master of Radha!'

Text 34

tatha catra bhavishyami
sahasraso 'vatara me
gita brahman yuge yuge

"O Brahma, yuga after yuga I kindly appear in many thousands of incarnations.

Text 35

bana-margair veda-margai
ripunam tatra sankshayam
bhaktanam taranam kritva
khyapitam sva-yasah kshitau

"Walking either on the path of arrows or the path of the Vedas, I deliver the devotees, destroy their enemies, and place My glory on the earth.

Text 36

kalau nashta-drisam esha
mat-padyarka udeshyati

"For they who have become blinded by Kali-yuga, a verse with My holy names will rise like a glorious sun. This verse is:

Text 37

hare krishna hare krishna
krishna krishna hare hare
hare rama hare rama
rama rama hare hare

"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

Text 38

sakrid dvis trir yatha-sakti
yavaj jivam athapi va
vyaharan svapaco 'pi syan
mama bhakto na samsayah

"One should chant this mantra once, twice, thrice, as many times as one is able, or again and again for as long as one lives. By chanting this mantra even a person who was a dogeater may become My devotee. Of this there is no doubt.

Text 39

sarva-veda-vido viprah
na cen mad-bhakta-bhaktas te
dure tishthanti varitah

"Even if they are learned in all the Vedas and even if they have traveled to the farther shore of the Agamas and Puranas, they who are not devotees of My devotees cannot approach Me. They must stay far away from Me.

Text 40

api cet su-duracarah
pukkasah svapaco 'thava
mad-bhakta-bhakti-krit sa syan
mama kaustubha-sannibhah

"Even a barbarian, a dogeater, or a person who has performed the most abominable action may come very close to Me, almost touching My Kaustubha jewel, if he has devotedly served My devotee.

Text 41

bhakta-rupam aham dhritva
mat-paran uddharishyami

"Fulfilling My devotees' request, I will accept the form of a devotee and I will deliver My devotees from the terrible ocean of repeated birth and death.

Text 42

tilakancita-bhalah sri-
mulah kaupinah vasasah

"In that form of a devotee My forehead will be decorated with tilaka, My neck with Tulasi beads, and My hands with the marks of a disc and conchshell. I will accept the dress of a sannyasi.

Text 43

mad-bhakta vicarishyanti
kalau bhagavatottamah

"In Kali-yuga My devotees will work to convince the people to become devotees also.

Text 44

svarnadi-tiram asthaya
tatra dvija-kulam prapto
bhavishyami janalaye

"I will take birth a brahmana family in Navadvipa, by the Ganges' shore.

Text 45

lokasyanugrahaya ca
sannyasa-rupam asthaya

"To show mercy to the people and give them devotional service, I will become a sannyasi. My name will be Sri Krishna Caitanya.

Text 46

bhakti-yogam pradasyami

"Devoted to chanting the holy names of Lord Hari, My eyes filled with tears, and the hairs of My bodily erect, I will give to the people the gift of devotional service.


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