Bhagavad Arka Marichi Mala, Part 21


Jun 10, 2011 — CANADA (SUN) — Bhagavad Arka Marichi Mala by HDG Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur.

Bhagavad Arka Marichi Mala

The Essential Nature of the Energies of the Lord (bhagavata-sakti tattvam)

02.05.13 Brahma to Narada Muni

vilajjamanaya yasya
sthatum iksha-pathe 'muya
vimohita vikatthante
mamaham iti durdhiyah

vilajjamanaya--by one who is ashamed; yasya—whose; sthatum—to stay; iksha-pathe—in front; amuya—by the bewildering energy; vimohitah—those who are bewildered; vikatthante—talk nonsense; mama—it is mine; aham—I am everything; iti—thus vituperating; durdhiyah—thus ill conceived.

The illusory energy of the Lord cannot take precedence, being ashamed of her position, but those who are bewildered by her always talk nonsense, being absorbed in thoughts of "It is I" and "It is mine".

02.06.32 Brahma to Narada Muni

shrijami tan-niyukto 'ham
haro harati tad-vashah
vishvam purusha-rupena
paripati tri-shakti-dhrik

shrijami--do create; tat—by His; niyuktah—appointment; aham—I; harah—Lord Shiva; harati—destroys; tat-vashah—under His subordination; vishvam—the whole universe; purusha—the Personality of Godhead; rupena—by His eternal form; paripati—maintains; tri-shakti-dhrik—the controller of three energies.

By His will, I create, Lord Shiva destroys, and He Himself, in His eternal form as the Personality of Godhead, maintains everything. He is the powerful controller of these three energies.

02.07.41 Brahma to Narada Muni

nantam vidamy aham ami munayo 'gra jas te
maya-balasya purushasya kuto 'vara ye
gayan gunan dasha-shatanana adi-devah
shesho 'dhunapi samavasyati nasya param

na--never; antam—end; vidami—do I know; aham—myself; ami—and all those; munayah—great sages; agra jah—born prior to you; te—you; maya-balasya—of the omnipotent; purushasya—of the Personality of Godhead; kutah—what to speak of others; avarah—born after us; ye—those; gayan—by singing; gunan—the qualities; dasha-shata-ananah—one who has ten hundred faces; adi-devah—the first incarnation of the Lord; sheshah—known as Sesa; adhuna—until now; api—even; samavasyati—can achieve; na—not; asya—of Him; param—limit.

Neither I nor all the sages born before you know fully the omnipotent Personality of Godhead. So what can others, who are born after us, know about Him? Even the first incarnation of the Lord, namely Shesha, has not been able to reach the limit of such knowledge, although He is describing the qualities of the Lord with ten hundred faces.

02.09.01 Shukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Parikshit

shrii-shuka uvaca
atma-mayam rite rajan
parasyan ubhavatmanah
na ghatetartha-sambandhah
svapna-drashtur ivanjasa

shrii-shukah uvaca—Shrii Shukadeva Gosvami said; atma—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; mayam—energy; rite—without; rajan—O King; parasya—of the pure soul; anubhava-atmanah—of the purely conscious; na—never; ghateta—it can so happen; artha—meaning; sambandhah—relation with the material body; svapna—dream; drashtuh—of the seer; iva—like; anjasa—completely.

Shri Shukadeva Gosvami said: O King, unless one is influenced by the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there is no meaning to the relationship of the pure soul in pure consciousness with the material body. That relationship is just like a dreamer's seeing his own body working.

03.06.39 Maitreya Rishi to Vidura

ato bhagavato maya
aayinam api mohini
yat svayam catma-vartmatma
na veda kim utapare

atah--therefore; bhagavatah—godly; maya—potencies; mayinam—of the jugglers; api—even; mohini—enchanting; yat—that which; svayam—personally; ca—also; atma-vartma—self-sufficient; atma—self; na—does not; veda—know; kim—what; uta—to speak of; apare—others.

The wonderful potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is bewildering even to the jugglers. That potential power is unknown even to the self-sufficient Lord, so it is certainly unknown to others.

03.06.02 Maitreya Rishi to Vidura

kala-sanjnam tada devim
bibhrac-chaktim urukramah
trayovimshati tattvanam
ganam yugapad avishat

kala-sanjnam--known as Kali; tada—at that time; devim—the goddess; bibhrat—destructive; shaktim—potency; urukramah—the supreme powerful; trayah-vimshati—twenty-three; tattvanam—of the elements; ganam—all of them; yugapat—simultaneously; avishat—entered.

The Supreme Powerful Lord then simultaneously entered into the twenty-three elements with the goddess Kali, His external energy, who alone amalgamates all the different elements.

03.06.40 Maitreya Rishi to Vidura

yato 'prapya nyavartanta
vacash ca manasa saha
aham canya ime devas
tasmai bhagavate namah

yatah--from whom; aprapya—being unable to measure; nyavartanta—cease to try; vacah—words; ca—also; manasa—with the mind; saha—with; aham ca—also the ego; anye—other; ime—all these; devah—demigods; tasmai—unto Him; bhagavate—unto the Personality of Godhead; namah—offer obeisances.

Words, mind and ego, with their respective controlling demigods, have failed to achieve success in knowing the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, we simply have to offer our respectful obeisances unto Him as a matter of sanity.

03.07.02-3,5 Vidura to Maitreya Rishi

vidura uvaca
brahman katham bhagavatash
lilaya capi yujyeran
nirgunasya gunah kriyah

vidurah uvaca--Vidura said; brahman—O brahmana; katham—how; bhagavatah—of the Personality of Godhead; cit-matrasya—of the complete spiritual whole; avikarinah—of the unchangeable; lilaya—by His pastime; ca—either; api—even though it is so; yujyeran—take place; nirgunasya—who is without the modes of nature; gunah—modes of nature; kriyah—activities.

Shri Vidura said: O great brahmana, since the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the complete spiritual whole and is unchangeable, how is He connected with the material modes of nature and their activities? If this is His pastime, how do the activities of the unchangeable take place and exhibit qualities without the modes of nature? (2)

kridayam udyamo 'rbhasya
kamash cikridIshanyatah
svatas-triptasya ca katham
nivrittasya sadanyatah

kridayam--in the matter of playing; udyamah—enthusiasm; arbhasya—of the boys; kamah—desire; cikrid Isha—willingness to play; anyatah—with other boys; svatah-triptasya—for one who is self-satisfied; ca—also; katham—what for; nivrittasya—one who is detached; sada—at all times; anyatah—otherwise.

Boys are enthusiastic to play with other boys or with various diversions because they are encouraged by desire. But there is no possibility of such desire for the Lord because He is self-satisfied and detached from everything at all times. (3)

deshatah kalato yo 'sav
avasthatah svato 'nyatah
sa yujyetajaya katham

deshatah--circumstantial; kalatah—by the influence of time; yah—one who; asau—the living entity; avasthatah—by situation; svatah—by dream; anyatah—by others; avilupta—extinct; avabodha—consciousness; atma—pure self; sah—he; yujyeta—engaged; ajaya—with nescience; katham—how is it so.

The pure soul is pure consciousness and is never out of consciousness, either due to circumstances, time, situations, dreams or other causes. How then does he become engaged in nescience? (5)

03.07.09 Maitreya Rishi to Vidura

maitreya uvaca
seyam bhagavato maya
yan nayena virudhyate
ishvarasya vimuktasya
karpanyam uta bandhanam

maitreyah uvaca—Maitreya said; sa iyam—such a statement; bhagavatah—of the Personality of Godhead; maya—illusion; yat—that which; nayena—by logic; virudhyate—becomes contradictory; ishvarasya—of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; vimuktasya—of the ever liberated; karpanyam—insufficiency; uta—as also, what to speak of; ba ndhanam—bondage.

Shri Maitreya said: Certain conditioned souls put forward the theory that the Supreme Brahman, or the Personality of Godhead, is overcome by illusion, or maya, and at the same time they maintain that He is unconditioned. This is against all logic.

10.14.57 Shukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Parikshit

sarvesham api vastunam
bhavartho bhavati sthitah
tasyapi bhagavan krishnah
kim atad vastu rupyatam

sarvesham--of all; api—indeed; vastunam—entities; bhava-arthah—the original, unmanifested causal phase of material nature; bhavati—is; sthitah—established; tasya—of that unmanifest nature; api—even; bhagavan—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; krishnah—Lord Krishna; kim—what; atat—separate from Him; vastu—thing; rupyatam—may be ascertained.

The original, unmanifested form of material nature is the source of all material things, and the source of even that subtle material nature is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna. What, then, could one ascertain to be separate from Him?


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