Atasi Flower


Jan 14, USA (SUN) — Today we read that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati describes Krishna's color as that of an Atasi flower (Purport to Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya 20.337). I am sending for your reading pleasure some of Google search results on Atasi flower.

Srila Prabhupada's Purport:

    "This is a quotation from SB 11.5.27. The syama color is not exactly blackish. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura compares it to the color of the atasi flower. It is not that Lord Krishna Himself appears in a blackish color in all the Dvapara Yugas. In other Dvapara yugas, previous to Lord Krishna's appearance, the Supreme Lord appeared in a greenish body by His own personal expansion. This is mentioned in the Vishnu Purana, Hari-vamsa and Mahabharat."

Atasi (Linum usitatissimum) - Flax
This pretty blue flower is popular in Sanskrit literature for comparing with the complexion of Krishna. A famous sloka in Krishna's praise goes "atasii pushpa sankaasam haara noopura shobhitam". This flower, along with the blue butterfly-pea flower, Aparaajita, is also popular in worship of Goddess Durga (who is also sometimes considered an "amsha" of Krishna).

    Morphology Description (Habit)
    It is an erect, herb, cultivated for its oily seeds. Leaves narrow and entire. Flowers are large, blue or bluish violet and entire. Flowers are large, blue or bluish violet and pentamerous in terminal panicles. Stamens 5 and alternating with staminodes. Fruits capsular, with five cells, each containing 2 seeds. Seeds are yellowish or blackish brown, small, flattened, oval, with smooth and shining seed coat and small albumen. It is cultivated throughout India.

    Principal Constituents
    It is used internally in habitual constipation, functional disorders of the colon resulting from the misuse of laxatives and irritable colon, as a demulcent preparation in gastritis and enteritis. Externally, the powdered seeds or the press-cake are used as an emollient, in poultices for boils, carbuncles and other skin afflictions

    Used in Soothing Body Lotion for dry skin.


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