Aahha Carrot Juice
Carrots (Medium size) : 4
Milk : 3 cups
Sugar : As required
Cardamom : 4
Peel carrots and steam them without chopping them. (You can leave them on top of a plate in the pressure cooker while cooking rice.) Add milk, sugar and cardamom to the carrots and mix them well in a blender. Keep it in the refrigerator and serve chilled or on ice.

Bedana (Pomegranate) Juice
Cinnamon powder
Crushed ice-1cup
Take the pomegranates and cut into halves. Scoop out the seeds and strain out the liquid through a strainer in a bowl. Add a few pinches of cinnamon powder and one cup of crushed ice. Stir well and serve.

Bengali Watermelon
Watermelon juice-300ml
Lemon juice-25 ml
Sugar-15 gms
Black salt according to taste.
Mint juice-2tbls.
Salt according to taste
Mint leaves 2 to 3
Mix watermelon juice, lemon juice, mint juice, sugar, black salt and salt and chill it in a refrigerator. Pour over ice and garnish it with mint.

Bilimbi Squash
Bilimbi (cut into circles or lengthwise), 1 pound
Sugar, 1/3 pound
Water, 2-1/4 cups
Citric acid, 1 teaspoon
Apple green color, a pinch
Beat the bilimbi in a blender after adding 1/4 cup water. Strain the pulp through a sieve and set the juice aside. In another vessel boil the remaining water and the sugar along with citric acid (lemon or lime juice is good). Remove the matter that floats on the top of the syrup, using a spoon. When the sugar is completely dissolved, remove from the fire and add the juice of the Bilimbi. Bottle in clean sun-dried bottles when cool. This can be used as an effective thirst quencher, adding water in the ratio 1:3 (one part juice and three parts water).

Emerald Cooler
2 Cups Green Grapes
1 Cups Water
2 Tbsp Sugar
6 Tbsp Sugar
Juice of one Lemon
A drop Green Food Colour
2 Tbsp Khas Khas
Crushed Ice
In a blender liquify the Grapes,2 Tbsp Sugar, and Water. Strain well and add 6 Tbsp Sugar, Lemon Juice, Lemonade, Colour and paste made from Khas Khas (poppy seeds) to the strained liquid. Blend again. Serve chilled with crushed ice and garnish the glass with grapes and mint sprig.

Fruit Cocktail
2 oranges
2 sweet limes
1-1/2 cups fresh pineapple cubes, chopped fine
a pinch of black salt
a few mint leaves
a pinch of pepper powder (optional)
3-4 cherries sliced
sugar and salt to taste
Extract the juice of oranges and sweet limes. Add the seasoning. Fill in tall juice glasses. Put a few pineapple cubes in each glass. Garnish with sliced cherries and mint leaves and offer.

Fruit Punch #1
Orange juice 1-1/2 cups
Chopped orange peel 1/4 cup
Lemon grass 4 blades
Hot water 1 cup
Sweet lime juice 1-1/2 cups
Jaggery 1/4 cup
Put the orange peel and lemon grass in hot water. Cover and keep for 10 minutes. Strain and add jaggery and let it melt. When cool, add the orange juice, lemon and sweet lime juice. Keep chilled till serving time. Makes four glasses.

Fruit Punch #2
1/2 medium sized pineapple, peeled and cut into pieces
6-7 oranges
juice of 2 lemons
1-1/2 cups sugar
a pinch of salt
Extract orange juice. Extract lemon juice Separately crush, extract and strain pineapple juice. Chill all the three juices separately. Just before serving mix all the juices together. Add salt and sugar and stir well. Offer with orange iced balls in each glass.

Fruit Squash
12 oz frozen concentrated lemonade
24 oz frozen concentrated apple juice
1/2 gallon ginger juice
Enough water to fill up to 1/2 gallon
1/2 cup finely ground fresh black pepper
Make 1/2 gallon ginger juice by high-speed blending 2 lbs. of ginger and the water. When available fresh fruit (with prana) is preferable to frozen concentrates. Mix all, blend well, serve over ice.

Green Mango Drink
2 medium green mangos
1/4 cup sugar
1/8 tsp. toasted and powered saffron threads
1 tsp dry roasted, crushed fennel seeds
1/4 tsp ground cardamon
3 cups water
Bake one large or 2 medium green mangos at 300 degrees for 30-40 minutes untill flesh is soft. Cool. Deseed and scrape out flesh. Puree in blender. Add water, sugar, saffron, cardamom and fennel. Strain through sieve. Add crushed ice and serve.

Green Mango Sharbat
Green mangoes-6
Sugar to taste
Black salt-1 tsp
Mint leaves- 1 bunch
Fried and powdered cumin seeds-1tsp
Burn the green mangoes over the gas oven. Boil mint leaves in three glasses of water and filter it. Mix the pulp of the mangoes, sugar, black salt, cumin powder and mint water and add ice to serve.

Ginger Watermelon Sharbat
Watermelon juice -2 glasses
Pineapple juice -half glass
Ginger powder-half tsp
Ice cubes
Mix both the juices and add ginger powder and ice cubes, blend thoroughly and serve.

Gulabi Shaam
2 cups Pomegranate seeds (Anaar)
4 Tbsp-Sugar
2 cups Water
4 Tsp Rose Sherbet (rosewater)
Crushed Ice
Put Pomegranate seeds, sugar and water in a blender and blend well, then strain. Add Rose Sherbet and serve chilled on crushed ice. Decorate with fresh rose petals.

Hariali Squash
Fennel (saunf) seeds 1 cup
Sugar 6 cups
Water 6 cups
A few drops of green colour
Powder the cup of fennel seeds and dissolve in water. Boil for five minutes. Add sugar and simmer till the syrup is sticky (mild chasani). Remove from heat and strain. Add the colour. Cool and store in a bottle. Keep refrigerated. To make squash, fill half a glass with squash and top it with cold water. Stir well and serve. It has an excellent flavour and is very cooling.

Jaggery Lemon Ginger Juice
Jaggery 1/2 cup
Ginger 1 inch
Pepper powder 2 teaspoons
4 to 5 teaspoonful lemon juice
A pinch of salt
Add jaggery to 4 cups of water and stir continuously to dissolve. Crush ginger, add to liquid, then add pepper, lemon juice and salt. Strain and serve chilled or over ice.

Kalingad Sherbet
1/2 watermelon
2 cups sugar
1 orange
juice of 1 lemon
a few sprigs mint leaves
salt to taste
Peel and de-seed the watermelon. Cut one slice into ½ inch cubes, and cut the rest of the watermelon into large pieces. Extract orange juice. Put the large watermelon pieces, sugar and salt in a mixer. Add a few ice cubes and whisk for three to four minutes. Remove from the mixer. Add orange juice, watermelon cubes and lemon juice. Offer chilled on ice with mint.

Lime or Lemon Soda
2 limes or lemons, juiced
Sugar to taste
Small bunch of Mint leaves
Soda or sparkling water, As required
Juice the limes or lemons and remove seeds and rough pulp. Add sugar to the juice. Add this squash mixture to soda and garnish with mint leaves. Serve on ice.

Mixed Fruit Shake
8 sweet limes
4 oranges
2-3 chikoos (sapota)
1 medium red guava
1 medium apple
sugar to taste
a pinch of salt (optional)
Peel, stone and cut the fruits. Put all the fruits along with salt and sugar in a juicer and extract the juice. Serve chilled in tall glasses.

Orange Melody
Orange juice 2 cups
Water 1/2 cup
Ginger juice 1/2 cup
Sugar 3/4 cup
Lemon juice 1/4 cup
Crushed ice 1 cup
Chilled water 2 cups (or a bottle of soda)
A few sprigs of mint and slices of orange
Prepare the ginger juice by blending a one inch piece of ginger with half a cup water and strain. Put the ginger juice, half a cup of water and the sugar into a vessel. Place on low heat till the sugar dissolves and then bring to a boil. Remove from heat and cool. Mix in the orange juice and lemon juice and keep chilled. To prepare orange melody, fill half a glass with prepared drink. Add the ice and fill with cold water or soda. Top each glass with a sprig of mint and a slice of orange. Makes 6 glasses.

6 limes
12 cups of water
1 1/2 cups sugar
A pinch of saffron soaked in hot water (2 teaspoons)
1/4 teaspoon of cardamom powder
Squeeze the limes and mix all the ingredients. Add ice, if required, and serve.

Raw Mango Delight
1 pound raw mangoes
Water as needed
Sugar to taste
A pinch of salt
1 tsp cardamom
Grated fresh nutmeg
Cook raw mangoes with enough water till done. When cool, scoop out the pulp from the raw mangoes and mash well. Dissolve sugar and salt well in 3/4 liter water. Add the raw mango pulp to it and stir well to ensure there are no lumps. Add cardamom and nutmeg powder. Serve chilled.

Tetul (Tamarind) Squash
Tamarind paste, a lime-sized chunk
Water-6 cups
Powdered (confectioners) Sugar-half cup
Black Salt- one-fourth spoon
Crushed ice- 2 cups
Mix together tamarind paste, sugar and black salt. Add crushed ice, stir well and serve.

Tomato Juice Cocktail
Tomato, 2 medium
Salt and pepper to taste
Thinly sliced Lemon- 1
Mmint leaves-5 to 6
Tabasco sauce-1tsp
Vegetarian Worcestershire -1tsp
Wash tomatoes and cut into pieces, mash it in a blender. Strain, add the salt and pepper to the juice and refrigerate it. Pour the chilled juice in a cocktail glass. Add to it Tabasco sauce and Worcestershire sauce. Garnish it with mint leaves and sliced lemon and serve.

Vanilla Orange Juice
6 cups vanilla frozen yogurt
4 cups milk
1-1/2 cups Orange Juice concentrate (frozen)
A few fresh strawberries and cherries
A few dry fruits
Mix all the ingredients in a blender and process till smooth. Add chopped fruits, chill and serve.