Jaur Gita Govinda #14


Nov 24, USA (SUN) — This month-long series explores text and manuscript illustrations from Gita-Govinda

Text Folio No. 28

Bhavas 38, 39 and 40

Radha at last relents and begins to prepare herself to meet Krsna. She first has a bath, and then she repeats the name of Krsna with each step. Gradually she approaches Krsna and beholds him. Both are moved to tears. The waiting has indeed been long and painful.

In bhava 40, Krsna addresses Radha endearingly. The journey no doubt was long, and she must be tired. He offers to hold her feet, loosen her garments and soothe her weariness away. This is no doubt a prose rendering of the famous verses of Gita-Govinda - dehi pada pallavamudaram.

Illustration Folio 28

In one section, Radha is seen walking in darkness towards Krsna. She holds a vessel in one hand. Hand outstretched, she walks towards two peacocks. In the next panel, Krsna is seen taking with a cowherd, possibly Balarama, who wears a costume typical of cowherds in paintings of the Vaisnava themes in Gujarat. There is no mention of this male character in the text. However, the painting gives us a clue about the author's being familiar with Rana Kumbha's version of the Gita-Govinda. In the sixth sarga, there is a reference to a cowherd in a passage which is considered an interpolation.


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