Bengali Bhappa Doi
1 cup plain yogurt, beaten
1 cup milk
1 can (400 gms) sweetened condensed milk
5 almonds
10 pistachio nuts sliced
5 raisins
2 cups water
Beat together yogurt, milk and condensed milk till well blended. Add almonds, pistachio nuts and raisins, and mix. Pour the mixture into a pudding mold. Cover mold tightly with aluminum foil, securely wrapped. Fill a large bowl half with water and bring the water to boil. When the water is about to boil put the tied mold into the water (making sure water can’t splash into it), reduce the heat and cover the bowl. Cook for 20 minutes. Remove the bowl from heat. Allow to cool naturally. Open the cover. Take out and uncover mold. Allow to cool to room temperature. Refrigerate until well chilled (approx. 4 hours). Place a serving dish on top of mold and invert. Shake it gently to release. Remove mold and Serve cold.

Bhapa Doi
Condensed milk 1 tin
Milk 1 cup
Fresh curd 1 cup
Mix the above ingredients in a bowl and beat well. Pour into a container with a lid. Put this dish in a dekchi filled with water. Double boil the doi like you would steam custard pudding. Once ready, garnish with nuts and raisins. Serve cold.

Misti Dahi #1
4 cups long life (UHT) full cream milk
4 cups long life (UHT) single cream
1 cup natural yogurt
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 cup sugar
Mix all the ingredients together. No need to boil and cool the milk. Put the mixture in the oven at very low temperature for 6 hours. By trial and error you’ll find the correct temperature setting for your oven for the perfect Dahi ! If it's not setting up, increase the temperature a bit. You can also hang the yogurt in a cloth over a sink and drain for 6 hours to make it more firm.

Mishti Doi #2
1 can condensed milk
1 can [12 oz.] evaporated milk
1 8 oz. plain yogurt
Cardamom seeds, crushed
Mix the ingredients well with electric hand mixer or in a blender until froth forms on top. Pour the mixture into a rectangular or oval cake pan, cover with foil and put in a pre-heated 300 F. oven for half an hour. Turn off the oven and keep the doi inside [don't open oven door at any time during the process] overnight. Take out doi in the morning and put in refrigerator. Keep at least 3/4 hours before serving. Offer well chilled.

Mishti Doi #3
2 cans of condensed milk
1 32 oz. plain yogurt
1 8 oz plain yogurt
a little rose water/rose essence for food
cardamom seeds crushed
Mix together with an electric hand mixer until it starts frothing. Pour in rectangular 13x9 baking dish [some will be left, pour in a small baking dish]. Put in warm oven at 225/250 F, uncovered, for 30 minutes. If not set yet, let it stay for another 30 minutes. Take out carefully and let it cool. Cover and refrigerate a few hours.

Mishti Doi #4
4-1/4 cups full cream milk
1-1/2 cups sugar
2-3 tbsp. water
3/4 tbsp. fresh curds
Bring the milk to boil with 1 cup sugar. Continue boiling for 7-8 minutes. Meanwhile put remaining sugar in a heavy saucepan. Heat on high stirring continuously, till brown like caramel. Add water and stir well till boil is resumed. Add to the boiling milk and stir well. Boil for a further 5-7 minutes. Cool till warm. Add curds and stir. Either pour into individual cups or a single vessel. Cover with lids. Keep in a warm, dark, dry place (like a kitchen cupboard) till set.

Mishti Doi #5
Milk 4-1/4 cups
Unsweetened curd, (smooth) ½ tsp.
Sugar 1 cup.
Water 2 tbsp.
Boil milk till almost half its original quantity and leave to cool slightly. Blend sugar and water on extremely slow fire and lightly caramelize (light brown). While still liquid, quickly stir caramel into hot milk and whisk vigorously. When milk is room temperature (slightly lukewarm) stir in unsweetened curd till well-mixed. Set overnight in a warm place. Chill when set.

Mishti Doi #6
3 cups milk
2 cups jaggery
¼ cup curds
Heat milk and simmer, stirring constantly till creamy Add jaggery and blend well. Cool While lukewarm, add curds and mix. Pour in a ceramic bowl, cover with a cloth and keep in a warm place. After 4-5 hours, the dhoi will set. Refrigerate when dhoi is firm.

Mishti Doi #7
3 cups milk
2 cups jaggery
¼ cup curds
Boil milk and reduce to half. Caramelize sugar and add to milk. Add curd and set in earthenware pots. Let set, chill and offer.

Mishti Doi #8
Milk 2.25 liters Buffalo Milk (full fat)
Sugar 2-1/2 cups
Yogurt (Dahi) 1/8 cup
Add 1-1/2 cups of sugar to the milk and boil on medium heat for at least 45 minutes. Beat the milk constantly while boiling. Keep boiling until milk is reduced to almost 40% and becomes thick and light brown in color (kheer). Place the remaining sugar in a heavy bottom vessel with ¼ cup water and melt on low heat Allow the sugar mixture to turn dark brown in colour. Gradually add this sugar mixture to the boiled milk and boil again for 15 minutes. Take it off the flame and beat constantly till the mixture becomes Luke warm. Transfer the mixture into an earthen pot. Mix the yogurt into the mixture after 5 minutes. Cover and allow to set for 8 to 12 hours in a warm place. Do not open or move the pot during this period. Uncover and store in a refrigerator. Serve chilled.

Mishti Doi #9
1 liter Milk
1-1/2 cups Sugar
2-3 tablespoons Water
1 tsp. Curd
Boil the milk with 1 cup sugar till it is almost half its original quantity. Take it off the flame and leave to cool slightly. Melt the remaining sugar in a heavy saucepan, stirring constantly, till it is like caramel. Add a little water and stir well. Add this liquid caramel to the boiling milk and whisk vigorously. Take it off the flame and allow the milk to cool down till room temperature. Add curd and stir it well. Now pour into individual cups or a single vessel. Cover and set in a warm place. Once it is set, chill in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours.

Misto Doi
1 can condensed milk
1-1/2 lit milk
1 tablespoon unsweetened yogurt
4 tablespoon sugar
Heat oven to 400 degrees F. Whip milk, condensed milk, sugar and yogurt till smooth and fluffy. Pour into a ceramic bowl. Set the bowl in the heated oven. Remove it after half an hour, then set aside for 6-7 hours. Put it into refrigerator and serve cool.