"Throughout the palace there were many canopies made by Visvakarma that were decorated with strings of pearls. The chairs and other furniture were made of ivory, bedecked with gold and diamonds, and jeweled lamps dissipated the darkness within the palace. There was so much incense and flavored gum burning that the scented fumes were coming out of the windows. The peacocks sitting on the steps became illusioned by the fumes, mistaking them for clouds, and began dancing jubilantly. There were many maidservants, all of whom were decorated with gold necklaces, bangles and beautiful saris. There were also many male servants, who were very nicely dressed in cloaks and turbans and jeweled earrings. Beautiful as they were, the servants were all engaged in different household duties."
Krsna Book, Chapter 69
Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.

Lord Krsna's most prominent servants are Bhangura, Brngara, Sandhika, Grahila, Raktaka, Patraka, Patri, Madhukantha, Madhuvrata, Salika, Talika, Mali, Mana and Maladhara. They carry Krsna's venu and murali flutes, buffalo-horn bugle, stick, rope and other paraphernalia. They also bring the mineral dyes used by the cowherd boys to decorate their bodies.
The gopis are very expert at cleaning and decorating Krsna's home, anointing it with various aromatic substances, carrying milk and performing other duties. There are a number of leading gopis who are engaged in Krsna's service, including Dhanistha-devi, Candanakala-devi, Gunamala-devi, Ratiprabha-devi, Taruni-devi, Induprabha-devi, Sobha-devi and Rambha-devi. They are joined by a number of other maidservants, like Kurangi-devi, Bhrngari-devi, Sulamba-devi, Alambika-devi.
Krsna's servants, gopi servants and maidservants engage in various household duties. Vimala and Komala care for the Lord's kitchen. Sobhana, Dipana and others provide lamps for the Lord, and Punyapunja and Bhagyarasi are the two sweepers who clean the area around Krsna's home. Raucika is the tailor who sews clothes for the Lord, while Saranga and Bakula are the most important of the servants engaged in expertly washing Lord Krsna's laundry. Others who help to wash the Lord's laundry are Sumukha, Durlabha, and Ranjana. Payoda and Varida are water carriers.
Rangana and Tankana are goldsmiths who make ornaments for the Lord. Pavana and Karmatha are potters who make drinking vessels and jugs for churning butter.
Vardhaki and Vardhamana are carpenters who serve the Lord by building carts, couches and other objects. Kunda, Kanthola, Karanda and others are craftsmen who make ropes, churning rods, axes, baskets, balances for carrying heavy objects and various other ordinary utensils.
In addition to these household activities, other servants provide art, music, dance and drama for the Lord's pleasure. Sudhakara, Sudhanada, Sananda and others play the mrdanga for His satisfaction. Vicitrarava and Madhurarava are the leaders of the talented and virtuous poets who compose prayers glorifying Sri Krsna, while Candrahasa, Induhasa and Candramukha are leaders of the servants who dance for the Lord. Kalakantha, Sukantha, Sudhakantha, Bharata, Sarada, Vidyavilasa, Sarasa are learned in the arts of all kinds of literary composition. They carry their books and papers with them and are fully aware of all the mellows ofdevotional service. Sucitra and Vicitra are talented artists who paint pictures for the Lord. Other servants, called Vitas, are expert in music, drama, literature, the science of various kinds of scents and a host of other arts, and they are very happy to serve Lord Krsna in many different ways.
Other servants provide specific duties, as in the case of Pallva, Mangala, Phulla, Komala, Kapila, Suvilasa, Vilasaksa, Rasala, Rasasali and Jambula, who are the most important of Lord Krsna's betel-nut servants. They are younger than Krsna and always expert at singing and playing musical instruments.
Still other servants are engaged in decorating the Lord in various ways. Premakanda, Mahagandha, Sairindhra, Madhu, Kandala and Makaranda are the most important of the servants engaged in constantly decorating Lord Krsna with various ornaments and clothing. Sumanah, Kusumollasa, Puspahara, Hara and others expertly provide Krsna with various aromatic substances such as flowers, flower ornaments, flower garlands and camphor. Svaccha, Susila, Praguna and other Napitas are engaged in caring for the Lord's hair, massaging Him, giving Him a mirror and guarding over His treasury.

There are eight gopi maidservants who are especially expert at cooking various preparations from the milk products at Vraja village. Kurangaksi-devi is the leader of these gopi cooks.
Ragalekha-devi, Kalakeli-devi and Bhurida-devi are the leaders of those gopis who are Srimati Radharani's maidservants. Among the maidservants are Sugandha-devi and Nalini-devi (the two daughters of Divakirti-devi) and Manjistha-devi and Rangaraga-devi (the two daughters of Nanda Maharaja's laundry washers). Bhagyavati-devi and Punyapunja-devi, the two daughters of Maharaja Nanda's sweeper, are also the maidservants of Srimati Radharani.
Also included among Srimati Radharani's servants are Gargi-devi and other very respectable brahmana girls, Bhrngarika-devi and other girls from the ceti community, Vijaya-devi, Rasala-devi, Payoda-devi and other girls from the vita community, as well as the boys Subala, Ujjvala, Gandharva, Madhumangala and Raktaka.