Welcome to the SunBlogs. Each of the topics below is associated with a Feature story, News story or Editorial recently published in the Sampradaya Sun. We invite you to engage the authors of Sun article by commenting on the related Blog thread, below.

By Design
Posted by SunEditor @ 11:53 AM PST [Link]
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"There has always been some conflict between science and religion. One famous example was when Galileo Galilei, by supporting the Copernican notion of the Earth orbiting the sun, was placed under house arrest by the Catholic Church. A more recent example has been seen in American classrooms -- when the religious concept of intelligent design was suggested as a viable alternative theory to be taught alongside Darwinian evolution, it left the scientific community up in arms." Read full article.
Freedom of Religion and Public Education
Posted by HG Urmila devi dasi @ 01:29 PM PST [Link]
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"The first schools in America were generally run by religious organizations and helped to maintain the authority of both government and religion. The very Protestant influence in schools inspired Catholics to open their own educational institutions (Spring, 2001, chap. 2). Arguing over whether Catholic or Protestant doctrine should be taught in school became more prevalent after a huge Irish Catholic migration in the mid 19th century." Read full article.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Politically Correct Handbaskets
Posted by Vishoka dasa @ 01:27 PM PST [Link]
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"There’s a streetcar named desire, and there’s a chariot drawn by mules
called “second guessing” and so there are various handbaskets and conveyances, which take one merrily down to Patalaloka, all the while thinking one is politically correct." Read full article.
It's Taboo, Prabhu
Posted by Rocana dasa @ 02:26 PM PST [Link]
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"Over the months of September and October, HH Danavir Goswami and I were engaged in a series of discussions on the subject of ISKCON's re-initiation policy and guru tattva, in general. For those interested in revisiting the entire thread, the editorials were as follows:" Read full article.
Tony Blair is Right: It Is About the Masses
Posted by Prahlada Maharaj dasa @ 01:38 PM PST [Link]
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"In an article published recently in the Guardian, the Prime Minister of Britain makes the observation that the country needs many, many university educated students, not a handful as may be had from Oxbridge (the two leading and prestigious universities Oxford and Cambridge)." Read full article.
Scientific Evidence and Intelligent Design
Posted by SunEditor @ 12:44 PM PST [Link]
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Shiva dasa writes: "Due to blind faith in propaganda from committed atheists who promote evolution for philosophical and political reasons, the intellectually lazy and easily fooled sector of society accepts evolutionary theory despite their lack of study on the topic. They don't know anything about evolution nor do they know anything about Intelligent Design. They simply accept "argument from authority". Read full article.
Moral of the French Riots
Posted by Prahlada Maharaj dasa @ 12:50 PM PST [Link]
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"Nations throughout the world, communist and capitalist, first world and third world, have engaged in what can be described as the Great (secular-liberal) Experiment. Recent history has proven it to have failed. The French riots are but the latest in the results of this failed experiment. Material solutions of diplomacy, money, education, health care, a global village, technology, etc. have not resolved any of the entrenched problems of old. The only difference is now people use cars, boats and airplanes for horses, camels and elephants." Read full article.
Part II: The God Solution
Jaur Gita Govinda
Posted by SunEditor @ 12:18 PM PST [Link]
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"Amongst the nectar ocean of Vaisnava literatures, the Gita-Govinda has had a phenomenally pervasive influence on the World. Gita-Govinda has been distributed far and wide by way of more than a hundred published editions, along with a vast wealth of extant source materials including epigraphical records, commentaries, translations and imitative paintings. " Read full article.
"Guru" in the Singular and Clarity about "Fall Down"
Posted by Dhira Govinda dasa @ 12:35 PM PST [Link]
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"We need a guru in whom we have absolute faith and whom we are willing to follow unconditionally in order to spiritually progress to the realm of pure devotion to Sri Krsna. This statement is made with reference to the point that each of us has many gurus, with "gurus" used in the sense of "teacher", or "person who inspires and guides us". " Read full article.