Welcome to the SunBlogs. Each of the topics below is associated with a Feature story, News story or Editorial recently published in the Sampradaya Sun. We invite you to engage the authors of Sun article by commenting on the related Blog thread, below.

What in the Name of Krsna is Going On?
Posted by Hari dasa @ 01:01 PM PST [Link]
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"Recently, I have been doing a lot of thinking based on my 15 years of being in Iskcon and witnessing a number of trends within the movement, it's Gaudiya counterparts and it’s various offshoots. The purpose of this paper is to present the obvious." Read full article.
Posted by Rocana dasa @ 03:18 PM PST [Link]
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"In his recent articles, Bhakta Wallace prabhu indicates that he has read and re-read my Sampradaya Acarya paper. Unfortunately, it seems that he was unable to wrap his head around my main themes. I will continue endeavoring to improve my written vision, until it is crystal clear to all readers." Read full article.
It Is Already Settled
Posted by Ragaputra dasa @ 11:48 AM PST [Link]
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"Regarding our allotment of happiness and distress in this life, Srila Prabhupada would often state that “it is already settled”. In other words, there is nothing one can actually do to increase his enjoyment or reduce his suffering. That is preordained in accordance with one’s previous work." Read full article.
The Assisted Suicide Debate
Posted by Ragaputra dasa @ 11:46 AM PST [Link]
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"Recently, visitors to the Supreme Court had an opportunity to see the newly appointed Chief Justice Roberts in action. The arguments being heard turned on Oregon’s assisted suicide law. The law was established in 1997 by a 60% margin. The federal government has sought to intervene on the grounds that the Controlled Substances Act gives the Federal Government exclusive jurisdiction to regulate what the assisted suicide law permits." Read full article.
Lend Me Your Ears
Posted by Bhakta Wallace Dorian @ 01:07 PM PST [Link]
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"I happened to catch the motion picture, "X" the other night about the life of the famed civil rights activist, Malcolm X . The film directed by Spike Lee was intriguing in that the faith and conviction that triggered Malcolm X's conversion from petty criminal while serving a seven year sentence in prison to the outspoken leader of the Nation of Islam was not all that different from the type of conversions that took place for becoming devotees of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, although both movements are gulfs apart in terms of their ideology, conclusions and goals." Read full article.
The Intelligent Designer
Posted by Gadadhara dasa @ 03:58 PM PST [Link]
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"Recently there has been a debate over whether God is the creator of the universe or that the creation is formed by combination of chemicals, a chance occurrence if you will. The scientific group who supports a "theory" called Intelligent Design (ID) says that there is an intelligence behind the creation." Read full article.
More Study Desperately Needed
Posted by Visnurata dasa @ 01:47 PM PST [Link]
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"Garuda Prabhu's article "More Gurus Desperately Needed" (September 30, 2005) suffers from a major flaw. He fails to quote any words from Srila Prabhupada which explain what type of gurus Lord Caitanya was asking for; but rather, he speculates that Lord Caitanya must have meant that everyone becomes a diksa guru with their own disciples." Read full article.
The Honor of HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami
Posted by Hari dasa @ 12:24 PM PST [Link]
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"Recently, there has been many negative things being said about my Nama Guru and dearmost wellwisher- His Holiness Bhakti Tirtha Swami. Maharaja, as most of you know, left his body rather recently after an intense and extremely painful fight with melanoma skin cancer." Read full article.
"Time Is Running Out: My Final Article" by Hari dasa
"Mentality of a Sheltered Disciple" by Rocana dasa
"Hari Hurrah" by Rocana dasa
"Sentiment, Not Siddhanta" by Rocana dasa
"The Letter He Didn’t Ask Me To Write"