Verses Glorifying Sri Caitanya, Nityananda and Advaita
Mar 20, CANADA (SUN)
by Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Text 1
gurau sri-gaurange tad-dita-subhakti-grakarane
sacisunor lila-vikasita-sutirthe nija-manau
harer namni preshthe hari-tithishu rupanuga-jane
suka-prokte sastre pratijan mamastam khalu ratih
May I develop constant transcendental love and devotion towards my spiritual master, to golden-complexioned Caitanya Mahaprabhu and to Lord Caitanya's words which deliver the highest form of devotional service to the hearers, to the Holy abode of Srii Mayapur, where Lord Caitanya, the Son of Saci-devi manifested His transcendental pastimes, to the very dear Holy Name of Lord Hari, to the Sacred days commemorating the Lord's pastimes and devotees, to the great devotees who follow the footsteps of Srila Rupa Gosvami, and to the sacred Srimad-Bhagavatam, spoken by Sukadeva Gosvami.
Text 2
sada vrindaranye madhura-rasa-dhanye rasa-mayah
param saktim radham parama-rasa-murtim ramayati
sa caivayam krishno nija-bhajana-mudram upadisan
saci-sunur gaude praaaatijani mamastam prabhu-varah
May Lord Krishna be my supreme worshipable Lord at every moment. The forest of Vrindavana is full of the great treasure of the most exalted mellows of devotional service (madura-rasa), and in that forest Lord Krishna, full of the mellows of transcendental love, delighted Srimati radharani, the supreme goddess of fortune whose form is full of the most exalted mellows of ecstatic love. That very same Lord Krishna appeared as the Son of Srimati Saci-devi in Bengal, and taught the actual nature of His own devotional service.
Text 3
na vairagyam grahyam bhavati na hi yad bhakti-janitam
tatha jnanam bhanam citi yadi visesam na manute
spriha me nashtange hari-bhajana-saukhyam na hi yatas
tato radha-krishna-pracura-paricarya bhavatu me
I shall not accept renunciation outside the scope of devotional service, and I also reject transcendental knowledge and realization devoid of that service. I reject any desire to rise to a higher post in the law court or the government, and I even reject the happiness attained by serving Lord Hari. May I only have the intense devotional service of Sri Sri radha and Krishna.
Text 4
kutire 'pi kshudre vraja-bhajana-yogye taru-tale
saci-sunos tirthe bhavatu nitaram me nivasatih
na canyatra kshetre vibudha-gana-sevye pulakito
vasami prasade vipula-dhana-rajyanvita iha
I shall reside in even a small cottage at the base of a tree. A small cottage, suitable for performing the same devotional service performed by the residents of Vrajabhumi, situated at the base of a tree in Sri Mayapura, the Holy place of Lord Caitanya, the Son of Saci-devi, shall be my continual residence. The hairs of myt body shall not stand upright with joy if I must reside in any other holy place, even if it is worshiped by many learned devotees, and even if I am provided with a palace, great wealth and kingdom.
Text 5
na varne saktir me na khalu mamata hy asrama-vidhau
nadharme nadharme mama ratir ihaste kvacid api
param tat-tad-dharme mama jada-sariiram dhritam idam
ato dharman sarvan subhajana-sahayan abhilase
I do not feel attached to any specific occupational duty, I do not identify myself as a member of one of the four spiritual asramas, and I am not attached to any pious or impious activity. I engage in different occupational duties only to maintain this inert material body. I actually desire only those duties which will lead me to pure devotional service.
Text 6
sudainyam saralyam sakala-sahanam manada-danam
dayam svi-kritya srii-hari-carana-seva mama tapah
sad-acaro 'sau me prabhupada-parair yah samuditah
prabhos caitanyasyakshaya-carita-piyusa-kritisu
I shall accept the mercy of Lord Caitanya, and the devotional service of the lotus feet of Lord Hari shall become my austerity, humility, honesty, welfare work for others, patience, tolerance and rspect towards others. My pious activities shall be those described by the exalted devotees, and those deeds which have arisen from the nectar of the eternal pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Text 7
na vaikunthe rajye na ca visaya-karye mama ratir
na nir/vane mokshe mama matir ihaste kshanam api
vrajanandad anyad dhari-vilasitam pavanam api
kathancin mam radhanvaya-virahitam no sukhayati
I am not attracted to live in Vaikuntha, nor to possess a kingdom, nor to enjoy happiness of the senses meeting with the material sese-objects. My mind never desires impersonal liberation, even for a moment. Even the purifying pastimes of Lord Hari performed away from Vrajabhumi do not please me. Anything which has no relation to Srimati radharani does not give happiness to me.
Text 8
na me patni-kanya-tanaya-janani-bandhu-nicaya
harau bhakte bhaktau na khalu yadi tesam sumamata
abhaktanam anna-grahanam api doso visayinam
katham tesam sangad dhari-bhajana-siddhir bhavati me
How shall it be possible for me to become perfect in devotional service if I accept foodstuffs prepared by materialistic non-devotees, or if I associate with mother, son, daughter, wife or band of relatives who have no devotion for Lord Hari or the Lord's devotees.
Text 9
asat-tarkair andhan jada-sukha-paran krishna-vimukhan
kunirvanasaktan satatam ati-dure pariharan
aradham govindam bhajati nitaram dambhikataya
tad abhyase kintu kshanam api na yami vratam idam
I shall reject the association of those who are blinded by faulty logic, attached to the happiness of this life-less material body, averse to Krishna, and attached to the wretched state of impersonal liberation. I vow that I shall not foolishly worship Lord Govinda without Srimati radharani, even for a moment.
Text 10
prasadanna-kshirasana-vasana-patradibhir aham
padarthair nirvahya vyavahritim asangah kuvisaye
vasann isa-kshetre yugala-bhajananandita-manas
tanum mokshye kale yuga-pada-paranam pada-tale
Nourished only by milk offered to Lord Krishna, studying the Vaisnava scriptures, and avoiding the association of materialistic sense-enjoyers, I shall live in a cottage thatched with leaves at the pilgrimage place sacred to the Lord, and my mind will be always jubilant by engaging in the pure devotiona service of the Divine Couple, Sri Sri radha and krishna. At the destined time I shall give up this material body in the presence of the litus feet of those who have dedicated their lives to the service of radha and Krishna.
Text 11
sacisunor ajna-grahana-caturo yo vraja-vane
pararadhyam radham bhajati nitaram krishna-rasikam
aham tv etat-padamritam anudinam naishthika-mana
vaheyam vai pitva sirasi ca muda sannati-yutah
I shall offer respectful obeisances to those great devotees who are very expert at following the instructions of Lord Caitanya, the Son of Saci-devi, and who, residing in Vrindavana, with great intensity worship Srimati radharani, who takes great delight in serving Lord Krishna. With an undeviating mind, and with great joy, I shall drrink the vectarean water that has washed their feet and I shall sprinkle it upon my head every day.
Text 12
harer dasyam dharmo mama tu-cita-kalam prakritito
maha-maya-yogad abhinipatitah duhkha-jaladhau
ito yasyamy urdhvam svaniyama-suratya pratidinam
sahayo me matram vitatha-dalani vaisnava-kripa
Although I am by nature a servant of Lord Hari, from a very remote time I have fallen into the ocean of misery because of contacting the Lord's illusory energy (maha-maya). By faithfully following these vows every day, I hope to rise up from that ocean. The only way I will have the strength to follow these vows is by attaining the mercy of the Vaisnava devotees. That mercy destroys the illusion of material life.
Text 13
kritam kenapy etat sva-bhajana-vidhau svam niyamakam
pathed yo visraddhah priya-yugala-rupe 'rpita-manah
vraje radha-krishnau bhajati kila samprapya nilayam
sva-manjaryah pascad vividha-varivasyam sa kurute
These verses, which contain the vows of a certain devotee to engagte in Krishna's service, are now completed. A faithful devotee who reads these verses, worships the dear and youthful couple radha and Krishna, and places his mind upon Them, will attain the home of one of the assistants of the gopis (manjaris), and bicome engaged in the Lord's service in many different ways.
Dvitiya Sri Caitanyashtaka
Prayers Glorifying Lord Caitanya
by Srila Rupa Gosvami
Text 1
kalau yam vidvamsah sphutam abhiyajante dyuti-bharad
akrishnangam krishnam makha-vidhibhir utkirtanamayaih
upasyam ca prahur yam akhila-caturthasrama-jusham
sa devas caitanyakritir atitaram nah kripayatu
By performing the sacrifice of congregational chanting of the holy name, scholars in the age of Kali worship Lord Krishna, who is now non-blackish because of the great upsurge of feelings of Srimati Radharani. He is the only worshipable Deity for the paramahamsas, who have attained the highest stage of the fourth order (sannyasa). May that Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Caitanya, show us His great causeless mercy.*
Text 2
caritram tanvanah priyam aghavad-ahladana-padam
jayodghoshaih samyag-viracita-saci-soka-haranah
sa devas caitanyakritir atitaram nah kripayatu
Loudly shouting "jaya" as He manifested His sankirtana pastimes that delighted even the fallen and sinful, and His hips bound by a silk garment that eclipsed the splendor of the rising sun, He pacified His mother's grief. May that Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Caitanya, show us His great causeless mercy.
Text 3
aparam kasyapi pranayi-jana-vrindasya kutuki
rasa-stomam hritva madhuram upabhoktum kam api yah
rucam svam avavre dyutim iha tadiyam prakatayan
sa devas caitanyakritir atitaram nah kripayatu
Lord Krishna desired to taste the limitless nectarean mellows of love of one of His multitude of loving damsels (Sri Radha), and so He has assumed the form of Lord Caitanya. He has tasted that love while hiding His own dark complexion with Her effulgent yellow color. May that Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Caitanya, show us His great causeless mercy.*
Text 4
anaradhyah pritya ciram asura-bhava-pranayinam
prapannanam daivim prakritim adhidaivam tri-jagati
ajasram yah sriman jayati sahajananda-madhurah
sa devas caitanyakritir atitaram nah kripayatu
By the demons He is never worshiped with love. For the surrendered devotees He defeats the power of material destiny in the three worlds. He is handsome, blissful, and charming. May that Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Caitanya, show us His great causeless mercy.
Text 5
gatir yah paundranam prakatita-navadvipa-mahima
bhavenalankurvan bhuvana-mahitam srotriya-kulam
punaty angi-karad bhuvi paramahamsasrama-padam
sa devas caitanyakritir atitaram nah kripayatu
He is the shelter of the people of Bengal. His glory is manifested in Navadvipa. By birth He ornaments the brahmana community, which is worshiped in all the worlds. By accepting it, He purifies the paramahamsa-asrama in this world. May that Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Caitanya, show us His great causeless mercy.
Text 6
mukhenagre pitva madhuram iha namamrita-rasam
drisor dvara yas tam vamati ghana-bashpambu-misatah
bhuvi premnas tattvam prakatayitum ullasita-tanuh
sa devas caitanyakritir atitaram nah kripayatu
To reveal the truth of pure transcendental love in this world He first jubilantly drank with His mouth the nectar of the holy name, and then discharged it from His eyes on the pretext of shedding tears. May that Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Caitanya, show us His great causeless mercy.
Text 7
tanum avishkurvan nava-purata-bhasam kati-lasat-
karankalankaras taruna-gaja-rajancita-gatih
priyebhyo yah siksham disati nija-nirmalya-rucibhih
sa devas caitanyakritir atitaram nah kripayatu
His form is splendid as new gold. His waist is decorated with a waterpot. He is as graceful as a regal young elephant. By appreciating His own krishna-prasadam garlands, He teaches His dear associates. May that Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Caitanya, show us His great causeless mercy.
Text 8
smitalokah sokam harati jagatam yasya parito
giram tu prarambhah kusala-patalim pallavayati
padalambah kam va pranayati na hi prema-nivaham
sa devas caitanyakritir atitaram nah kripayatu
His smiling glance at once drives away all the bereavements of the world, and His very words enliven the auspicious creepers of devotion by expanding their leaves. Taking shelter of His lotus feet invokes transcendental love of God at once. May that Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Caitanya, show us His great causeless mercy.*
Text 9
saci-sunoh kirti-stabaka-nava-saurabhya-nibidam
puman yah pritatma pathati kila padyashtakam idam
sa lakshmivan etam nija-pada-saroje pranayitam
dadanah kalyanim anupadam abadham sukhayati
At every step may the glorious Supreme Personality of Godhead bring transcendental happiness and grant auspicious pure love for His own lotus feet to that person who very happily reads these eight verses, which contain the fresh, sweet fragrance of the many blossoming flowers of the glories of Lord Caitanya, the son of Saci.
Sri Gauranga-stava-kalpa-vriksha
The Desire Tree of Prayers to Lord Gauranga
by Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami
Text 1
gatim drishtva yasya pramada-gaja-varye 'khila-jana
mukham ca sri-candropari dadhati thutkara-nivaham
sva-kantya yah svarnacalam adharayac chidhu ca vacas-
tarangair gauraggo hridaya udayan mam madayati
When everyone sees His graceful motions they revile the graceful mad elephant and when they see His face they spit at the moon. He is splendid as a gold mountain and the waves of His words are nectar. The appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, awakening in my heart, maddens me.
Text 2
alankrityatmanam nava-vividha-ratnair iva valad-
hasan svidyan nrityan siti-giri-pater nirbhara-mude
purah sri-gaurango hridaya udayan mam madayati
Decorating Himself with the jewels of paleness, becoming stunned, stuttering, trembling, shedding tears, and bodily hairs erect with joy, and laughing and perspiring as He danced for the pleasure of Lord Jagannatha, may Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu rise in my heart and make me mad with love.
Text 3
rasollasais tiryag-gatibhir abhito varibhir alam
drisoh sincal lokan aruna-jala-yantratva-mitayoh
muda dantair dashtva madhuram adharam kampa-calitair
natan sri-gaurango hridaya udayan mam madayati
Staggering about in ecstasy, sprinkling everyone with water from the reddish syringes of His eyes, joyfully biting His charming lips with His teeth, and trembling as He dances, may Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu rise in my heart and make me mad with love.
Text 4
kvacin misravase vraja-pati-sutasyoru-virahat
slathac chri-sandhitvad dadhad adhika-dairghyam bhuja-padohluthan bhumau kakva vikala-vikalam gadgada-vaca
rudan sri-gaurango hridaya udayan mam madayati
Sometimes Sri Caitanya would go to the house of Kasi Misra. There He would be greatly aggrieved, feeling separation from Krishna. The joints of His transcendental body would slacken, and His arms and legs would become elongated. Rolling on the ground, the Lord would cry out in distress in a faltering voice and weep very sorrowfully. The appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, awakening in my heart, maddens me.*
Text 5
anudghatya dvara-trayam uru ca bhitti-trayam aho
vilanghyoccaih kalingika-surabhi-madhye nipatitah
tanudyat-sankocat kamatha iva krishnoru-virahad
virajan gaurango hridaya udayan mam madayati
How wonderful it is! Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu left His residence without opening the three strongly bolted doors. Then He crossed over three high walls, and later, because of strong feelings of separation from Krishna, He fell down amidst the cows of the Tailanga district and retracted all the limbs of His body like a tortoise. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who appeared in that way, rises in my heart and maddens me.*
Text 6
svakiyasya pranarbuda-sadrisa-goshthasya virahat
pralapan unmadat satatam ati kurvan vikala-dhih
dadhad bhittau sasvad vadana-vidhu-gharshena rudhiram
kshatottham gaurango hridaya udayan mam madayati
Because of separation from His many friends in Vrindavana, who were like His own life, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu spoke like a madman. His intelligence was transformed. Day and night He rubbed His moonlike face against the walls, and blood flowed from the injuries. May that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu rise in my heart and make me mad with love.*
Text 7
kva me kantah krishnas tvaritam iha tam lokaya sakhe
tvam eveti dvaradhipam abhivadann unmada iva
drutam gaccha drashtum priyam iti tad-uktena dhrita-tad-
bhujantar gaurango hridaya udayan mam
"My dear friend the doorkeeper, where is Krishna, the Lord of my heart? Kindly show Him to Me quickly." With these words Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu addressed the doorkeeper like a madman. The doorkeeper grasped His hand and replied very hastily, "Come, see Your beloved!" May that Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu rise within my heart and thus make me mad also.*
Text 8
samipe niladres cataka-giri-rajasya kalanad
aye goshthe govardhana-giri-patim lokitum itah
vrajann asmity uktva pramada iva dhavann avadhrito ganaih svair gaurango hridaya udayan mam madayati
Near Jagannatha Puri was a great sand dune known as Cataka-parvata. Seeing that hill, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Oh, I shall go to the land of Vraja to see Govardhana Hill." Then He began running madly to it, and all the Vaishnavas ran after Him. This scene awakens in my heart and maddens me.*
Text 9
alam dola-khela-mahasi vara-tan-mandapa-tale
svarupena svenapara-nija-ganenapi militah
svayam kurvan namnam ati-madhura-ganam murabhidah
sa-rango gaurango hridaya udayan mam madayati
Under a charming pavilion at the swing festival, with Svarupa Damodara and the other devotees He sweetly sang the holy names of Lord Krishna. May Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu rise in my heart and make me mad with love.
Text 10
dayam yo govinde garuda iva lakshmi-patir alam
puri-deve bhaktim ya iva guru-varye yaduvarah
svarupe yah sneham giridhara iva srila-subale
vidhatte gaurango hridaya udayan mam madayati
As Lord Narayana is kind to Garuda, He is kind to Govinda dasa. As Lord Krishna is devoted to His guru, He is devoted to Isvara Puri. As Lord Giridhari loves Subala, He loves Svarupa Damodara. May that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu rise in my heart and make me mad with love.
Text 11
maha-sampad-davad api patitam uddhritya kripaya
svarupe yah sviye kujanam api mam nyasya muditah
uro-gunja-haram priyam api ca govardhana-silam
dadau me gaurango hridaya udayan mam madayati
Although I am a fallen soul, the lowest of men, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu delivered me from the blazing forest fire of great material opulence by His mercy. He handed me over in great pleasure to Svarupa Damodara, His personal associate. The Lord also gave me the garland of small conchshells that He wore on His chest and a stone from Govardhana Hill, although they were very dear to Him. That same Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu awakens within my heart and makes me mad after Him.*
Text 12
iti sri-gaurangodgata-vividha-sad-bhava-kusuma-
prabha-bhrajat-padyavali-lalita-sakham sura-tarum
muhur yo 'ti-sraddhaushadhi-vara-balat-patha-salilair
alam sinced vindet sarasa-guru-tal-lokana-phalam
One who, with the water of careful reading mixed with the medicine of strong faith, waters this celestial tree, its charming branches the verses of this poem, and the splendor of its flowers pure love for Lord Gauranga, will reap that tree's heavy fruit: the sight of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Eight Prayers Glorifying Lord Nityananda
by Srila Vrindavana dasa Thakura
Text 1
sarac-candra-bhrantim sphurad-amala-kantim gaja-gatim
hari-premonmattam dhrita-parama-sattvam smita-mukham
sada ghurnan-netram kara-kalita-vetram kali-bhidam
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi
I worship Lord Nityananda, the limitless root of the tree of devotional service, who is pure and splendid as the autumn moon, who walks as gracefully as majestic elephant, who is maddened with pure love of Krishna, who is the Absolute Truth, who smiles, whose eyes are always rolling, who holds a staff in His hand, and who breaks the power of the age of Kali.
Text 2
rasanam agaram svajana-gana-sarvasvam atulam
sada-premonmadam param aviditam manda-manasam
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi
I worship Lord Nityananda, the limitless root of the tree of devotional service, who is the abode of the mellows of devotional service, to whom no one can be compared, who is His devotees' life-treasure, who is the Lord of Jahnava-devi and Vasudha-devi, who both think Him more dear than life, who is always maddened with pure love of Krishna, and whom the unintelligent non-devotees cannot understand is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself.
Text 3
sacisunu-preshtham nikhila-jagad-ishtam sukha-mayam
kalau majjaj-jivoddharana-karanoddhama-karunam
harer akhyanad va bhava-jaladhi-garvonnati-haram
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi
I worship Lord Nityananda, the limitless root of the tree of devotional service, who is very dear to the son od Saci-devi, who is worshiped by the entire universe, and who by chanting the name of Lord Hari mercifully rescues the souls drowning in the age of Kali and crushes the pride of the ocean of repeated birth and death.
Text 4
aye bhratar nrinam kali-kalushinam kim nu bhavita
tatha prayascittam racaya yad-anayasata ime
vrajanti tvam ittham saha bhagavata mantrayati yo
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi
I worship Lord Nityananda, the limitless root of the tree of devotional service, who said to Lord Caitanya, "O Brother, the people will become infected by the sins of Kali-yuga. How will they atone for them? Please give them a way easily to approach You."
Text 5
yatheshtam re bhratah kuru hari-hari-dhvanam anisam
tato vah samsarambubdhi-tarana-dayo mayi laget
idam bahu-sphotair atati ratayanyah pratigriham
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi
I worship Lord Nityananda, the limitless root of the tree of devotional service, who went to each house and raised His arms, saying, "O brother, if you will, please constantly chant the Holy Name of Lord Hari. If you do this, you will become free from the ocean of repeated birth and death. Please ¨give this gift of your liberation to me."
Text 6
balat samsarambhonidhi-harana-kumbhodbhavam aho
satam srieyah-sindhunnati-kumuda-bandhum samuditam
khala-srieni-sphurjit-timira-hara-surya-prabham aham
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi
I worship Lord Nityananda, the limitless root of the tree of devotional service, who is an Agastya Muni forcibly swallowing the ocean of repeated birth and death, who is a rising full moon expanding the ocean of the saintly devotees' welfare, and who is a blazing sun extinguishing the darkness that is the community of demons.
Text 7
natantam gayantam harim anuvadantam pathi pathi
vrajantam pasyantam svam api na dayantam jana-ganam
prakurvantam santam sakaruna-drig-antam prakalanad
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi
I worship Lord Nityananda, the limitless root of the tree of devotional service, who traveled on every path, dancing, singingthe names of Lord Hari, and mercifully glancing at the people.
Text 8
su-bibhranam bhratuh kara-sarasijam komalataram
mitho vaktralokocchalita-paramananda-hridayam
bhramantam madhuryair ahaha madayantam pura-janan
bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi
I worship Lord Nityananda, the limitless root of the tree of devotional service, who wandered here and there, delighting the townspeople with His sweetness, and whose heart became filled with bliss when he held His brother's (Lord Caitanya) gentle lotus hand and They gazed into each other's face.
Text 9
rasanam adharam rasika-vara-sad-vaisnava-dhanam
rasagaram saram patita-tati-taram smaranatah
param nityanandashtakam idam apurvam pathati yah
tad-anghri-dvandvabjam sphuratu nitaram tasya hridaye
May Lord Nityananda place His two lotus feet in the heart of one who who reads this unprecedented Nityanandashtaka, which is the abode of the mellows of devotional service, the great treasure of the great devotees that know what is really sweet, the abode of sweetness, and the savior the memory of which delivers the fallen souls.
Bhaktivedanta Book Trust.
Sri Advaitashtaka
Eight Prayers Glorifying Lord Advaita
by Srila Sarvabhauma BhattacaryaText 1
ganga-tire tat-payobhis tulasyah
patraih pushpaih prema-hunkara-ghoshaih
prakatyartham gauram aradhayad yah
sriiladvaitacaryam etam prapadye
Let me surrender to Srila Advaita Acarya, who with tulasi leaves, flowers, water from the Ganges' shore, and loud calls of love, worshiped Lord Gaura and begged Him to appear.
Text 2
yad-dhunkaraih prema-sindhor vikarair
akrishtah san gaura-goloka-nathah
avirbhutah sri-navadvipa-madhye
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye
Let me surrender to Srila Advaita Acarya. Attracted by His loud calls, the golden Lord of Goloka Vrindavana, who is an ocean of ecstatic love, appeared in Sri Navadvipa.
Text 3
brahmadimam durlabha-prema-purair
adinam yah plavayam asa lokam
avirbhavya srila-caitanyacandram
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye
Let me surrender to Srila Advaita Acarya who, by making the moon of Lord Caitanya rise, flooded the world with a love even Brahma and the great demigods cannot attain.
Text 4
sri-caitanyah sarva-sakti-prapurno
yasyaivajna-matrato 'ntardarde 'pi
durvijneyam yasya karunya-krityam
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye
Let me surrender to Srila Advaita Acarya, whose mercy is beyond understanding, and by whose request alone all-powerful Lord Caitanya disappeared from this world.
Text 5
srishti-sthity-antam vidhatum pravritta
yasyamsamsah brahma-vishnv-isvarakhyah
yenabhinnam tam maha-vishnu-rupam
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye
Let me surrender to Srila Advaita Acarya, who is not different from the form of Lord Maha-Vishnu, and whose parts and parcels are the Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva engaged in the creation, maintenance, and destruction of the worlds.
Text 6
kasmimscid yah sruyate casrayatvat
sambhor ittham sambhavan-nama dhama
sarvaradhyam bhakti-matraika-sadhyam
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye
Let me surrender to Srila Advaita Acarya, who is worshiped by all, who is attained only by devotional service, and who, as is heard in a certain Vedic literature, because He is Lord Siva's shelter, has a name and glory like Lord Siva's.
Text 7
sita-namni preyasi prema-purna
putro yasyapy acyutananda-nama
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye
Let me surrender to Srila Advaita Acarya, who is flooded with love for Lord Caitanya, and whose beloved Sita-devi and son Acyutananda are also filled with love.
Text 8
nityanandadvaitato 'dvaita-nama
bhaktyakhyanad yah sad-acarya-nama
sriladvaitacaryam etam prapadye
Let me surrender to Srila Advaita Acarya, whose heart is Lord Gaura's eternal home, who is named Advaita because He is not (a) different (dvaita) from Lord Nityananda, and who is named Acarya because He teaches devotional service.
Text 9
pratah pritah pratyaham sampathed yah
sitanathasyashtakam suddha-buddhih
so 'yam samyak tasya padaravinde
vindan bhaktim tat-priyatvam prayati
A person whose intelligence is pure and who every morning happily reads these eight verses glorifying Lord Advaita, the husband of Sita, attains devotion for His lotus feet and becomes dear to Him.
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