Sri Padyavali
Oct 16, CANADA (SUN) A serial presentation of 'Sri Padyavali' by Srila Rupa Gosvami.
Bhaktanam nishtha
The Devotees' Faith
Text 81
yo bhavani sa bhavani kim tatah
utpathe kvacana sat-pathe 'pi va
manasam vrajatu daiva-desikam
devaki-of Devaki; tanaya-of the son; sevaki-a servant; bhavan-become; yah-one who; bhavani-becomes; sah-he; bhavani-becomes; kim-how?; tatah-then; utpathe-on a rough path; kvacana-someone; sat-pathe-on a smooth path; api-even; va-or; manasam-the heart; vrajatu-may go; daiva-of the Supreme Lord; desitam-to the instructions.
I will become a servant of the son of Devaki. Because of my past karma the path may be rough or smooth. What is that to me?
-author unknown
Text 82
mugdham mam nigadantu niti-nipuna bhrantam muhur vaidikah
mandam bandhava-sancaya jada-dhiyam muktadarah sodarah
unmattam viveka-caturah kamam maha-dambhikam
moktum na kshamate manag api mano govinda-pada-spriham
mugdham-illusioned; mam-me; nigadantu-may say; niti-in morality; nipunah-the experts; bhrantam-misled; muhuh-continually; vaidikah-experts in Vedic activities; mandam-a fool; bandhava-of friends and relatives; sancayah-hosts; jada-stunted; dhiyam-whose intelligence; mukta-without; adarah-respect; sodarah-brothers; unmattam-mad; dhaninah-the wealthy; viveka-caturah-learned philosophers; kamam-to their hearts content; maha-dambhikam-very proud; moktum-to abandon; na-not; kshamate-is able; manak-slightly; api-even; manah-my mind; govinda-of Lord Krishna; pada-of the feet; sprham-the desire.
Let the sharp moralist accuse me of being illusioned; I do not mind. Experts in Vedic activities may slander me as being misled, friends and relatives may call me frustrated, my brothers may call me a fool, the wealthy mammonites may point me out as mad, and the learned philosophers may assert that I am much too proud; still my mind does not budge an inch from the determination to serve the lotus feet of Govinda, though I be unable to do it.*
-Sri Madhavendra Puri
Text 83
syamam eva param rupam
puri madhu-puri vara
vayah kaisorakam dhyeyam
adya eva paro rasah
syamam-the form of Syamasundara; eva-certainly; param-supreme; rupam-form; puri-the place; madhu-puri-Mathura; vara-best; vayah-the age; kaisorakam-fresh youth; dhyeyam-always to be meditated on; adyah-the original transcendental mellow, or conjugal love; eva-certainly; parah-the supreme; rasah-mellow.
The form of Syamasundara is the supreme form, the city of Mathura is the supreme abode, Lord Krishna's fresh youth should always be meditated upon, and the mellow of conjugal love is the supreme mellow.*
-Sri Raghupati Upadhyaya
Text 84
puratah sphuratu vimuktis
ciram iha rajyam karotu vairajyam
sevam evabhivanchami
puratah-in the presence; sphuratu-may become manifest; vimuktih-liberation; ciram-enduring; iha-here; rajyam-kingdom; karotu-may be; vairajyam-of Lord Brahma; pasupala-of the cowherd; balaka-boys; pateh-of the leader; sevam-the service; eva-certainly; abhivanchami-I desire.
Liberation may appear before me. The enduring kingdom of Lord Brahma may also appear before me. I do not care for them. I simply desire to serve Lord Krishna, the leader of the cowherd boys.
-Sri Surottamacarya
Text 85
kshauni-patitvam athavaikam akincanatvam
nityam dadasi bahu-manam athapamanam
vaikuntha-vasam atha va narake nivasam
ha vasudeva mama nasti gatis tvad-anya
kshauni-patitvam-the post of a king; athava-or; ekam-one; akincanatvam-a poverty-stricken condition; nityam-always; dadasi-You give; bahu-very; manam-respectable; atha-or; apamanam-not respected; vaikuntha-in Vaikuntha; vasam-residence; atha va-or; narake-in hell; nivasam-residence; ha-O; vasudeva-Krishna; mama-of me; na-not; asti-is; gatih-goal; tvat-for You; anya-except.
O Vasudeva, You may make a king, or a poverty-stricken beggar. You may make others respect me, or revile me. You may give residence in Vaikuntha, or in hell. Whatever You do, You will always remain the only goal of my life. No one else will ever become my goal.
-Srigarbha Kavindra
Text 86
disatu svarajyam va
vitaratu tapa-trayam va_pi
sukhitam duhkhitam api mam
na vimuncatu kesavah svami
disatu-may show; svarajyam-Your own kingdom; va-or; vitaratu-may give; tapa-miseries; trayam-three-fold; va-or; api-even; sukhitam-happy; duhkhitam-distressed; api-even; mam-me; na-not; vimuncatu-may abandon; kesavah-Krishna; svami-Lord.
He may show His own kingdom, or He may make me suffer the three-fold miseries. Whether I suffer or enjoy, I pray that Lord Kesava never abandon me.
-Sri Kaviraja Misra
Go to Text 72-80