Sri Garga Samhita


Jan 14, CANADA (SUN) —

Canto One, Volume Four
Chapter Four

The Liberation of Vatsasura

Text 1

sannandasya vacah srutva
gantum nandah samudyatah
sarvair gopa-ganaih sardham
mudito 'bhun maha-manah

After hearing Sannanda's words, noble-hearted Nanda became happy. He decided to go there with all the cowherd people, . . .

Text 2

yasodaya ca rohinya
sarva-gopi-ganaih saha
asvai rathair vira-janair
mandito vipra-mandalaih

Decorated with Yasoda, Rohini, all the gopis, many horses, chariots, soldiers, and brahmanas, . . .

Text 3

gobhis ca sakatair yukto
vriddhair balais tathanugaih
gayakair giyamanais ca

. . . with many cows, carts, adults followed by children, musicians playing sankhas and dundubhis, . . .

Text 4

putrabhyam rama-krishnabhyam
nanda-rajo maha-matih
ratham aruhya he rajan
vanam vrindavanam yayau

. . . and with His two sons, Krishna and Balarama, noble-hearted King Nanda, riding on a chariot, went, O king, to Vrindavana forest.

Texts 5 and 6

vrishabhanu-varo gopo
gajam aruhya bharyaya
anke nitva sutam radham
giyamanas ca gayakaih

venunam kala-nihsvanaih
gopala-go-ganaih sardham
vrindaranyam jagama ha

Then, with his daughter on his lap and his wife by his side, and accompanied by many cows and gopas, King Vrishabhanu, riding on an elephant as many musicians sweetly played mridangas, talas, vinas, and flutes, also went to Vrindavana forest.

Text 7

upanandas tatha nandas
tatha shad vrishabhanavah
sarvaih parikaraih sardham
jagmur vrindavanam vanam

then the Nandas, the Upanandas, and the six Vrishabhanus, accompanied by all their associates, also went to Vrindavana forest.

Text 8

vrindavane sampravisya
gopah sarve sahanujah
ghoshan vidhaya vasatir
vasam cakrur itas tatah

When they entered Vrindavana forest all the gopas and their followers made homes for themselves here and there.

Texts 9 and 10

sa-durgam parikha-yutam

sarovaraih parivritam
raja-margam manoharam
sahasra-kunjam ca puram
vrishabhanur aciklpat

Maharaja Vrishabhanu built a beautiful city with many assembly-houses, pavilions, lakes, royal roads, and a thousand gardens. Everything was surrounded by a fortress with seven gates and a moat four yojanas around.

Text 11

sri-krishno nanda-nagare
vrishabhanu-pure 'rbhakaih
cacara kridana-paro
gopinam pritim avahan

Filled with love for the gopis, and intent on enjoying many pastimes, Sri Krishna wandered in Nanda's city and Vrishabhanu's city with the boys.

Text 12

atha vrindavane rajan
babhuvatur vatsa-palau
rama-krishnau manoharau

O king, then handsome Krishna and Balarama, as well as the other gopa boys, were given the duty of protecting the calves in Vrindavana.

Text 13

carayam asatur vatsan
grama-simny arbhakaih saha
kalindi-nikate punye
puline rama-kesavau

Accompanied by the boys, Krishna and Balarama herded the calves on the sacred outskirts of the village near the Yamuna's shore.

Text 14

nikunjeshu ca kunjeshu
sampralinav itas tatah
ringamanau ca kutrapi
nandantau ceratur vane
nikunjeshu—in gardens; ca—and; kunjeshu—in groves; sampralinav—entered;

Passing here and there through many groves and gardens, enjoying many pastimes as They went, and sometimes even crawing on the ground, Krishna and Balarama, walked in the forest.

Text 15


Wearing a network of tinkling ornaments and tinkling anklets, wearing garments of blue and yellow, decorated with necklaces and bracelets, . . .

Text 16

kshepanaih kshipatau balair
mukhena kinkini-sabdam
kurvadbhir balakais ca tau

. . . throwing things with the boys, intently playing Their flutes, along with the boys making an array of noises with their mouths, . . .

Text 17

dhavantau pakshibhis chayam
rejatu rama-kesavau

. . . and chasing the birds' shadows, Krishna and Balarama, decorated with flowers, leaves, and peacock feathers, were very splendid and glorious.

Text 18

ekada vatsa-vrindeshu
praptam vatsasuram nripa
kamsa-pranoditam jnatva
sanais tatra jagama ha

O king, aware that the demon Vatsasura had entered among the calves on Kamsa's order, Krishna stealthily approached him.

Text 19

dhavan gopeshu sarvatra
langulam calayan muhuh
daityah pascima-padabhyam
harim amse tatada ha

Moving his tail as he ran among the gopas, with his hind legs the demon struck Krishna on the shoulder.

Text 20

palayiteshu baleshu
krishnas tam padayor dvayoh
grihitva bhramayitvatha
patayam asa bhu-tale

As the boys fled, Krishna grasped the demon's two legs, whirled him about, and threw him to the ground.

Text 21

punar nitva karabhyam tam
kapitthe prahinod dharih
tada mrityum gate daitye
kapittho 'pi maha-drumah

Picking him up again, with both hands Krishna threw the demon into a kapittha tree. When the demon died the great kapittha tree . . .

Text 22

kapitthan patayam asa
tad adbhutam ivabhavat
vismiteshu ca baleshu

. . . made the other kapittha trees fall. As the astonished boys called out "Well done! Well done!", . . .

Text 23

divi deva jaya-ravaih
pushpa-varsham pracakrire
tad daityasya mahaj jyotih
krishne linam babhuva ha

. . . the demigods in heaven showered flowers amid shouts of "Victory!" Then from the demon came a great light then entered Lord Krishna.

Text 24

sri-bahulasva uvaca

aho purvam su-krita-krit
ko 'yam vatsasuro mune
sri-krishne linatam prapta
sri-prapurne parat pare

Sri Bahulasva said: O sage, what pious deeds did Vatsasura do in his previous life so that now he is able to enter Lord Krishna, the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is greater than the greatest?

Text 25

sri-narada uvaca

muru-putro maha-daityah
pramilo nama deva-jit
vasishthasyasrame prapto
nandinim gam dadarsa ha

Sri Narada said: He was a great demon who was named Pramila and was the son of Muru. After conquering the demigods, he entered Vasishtha Muni's asrama and saw a cow named Nandini.

Text 26

tal-lipsur brahmano bhutva
yayace gam manoharam
tushnim sthite gaur uvaca
vasishthe divya-darsane

Desiring that cow, the demon transformed himself into a brahmana and begged for the beautiful cow. As Vaishtha, who had divine vision, stood silent, the cow spoke.

Text 27

sri-nandiny uvaca

muninam gam samahartum
bhutva viprah samagatah
daityo 'si muru-jas tasmad
go-vatso bhava durmate

Sri Nandini said: You are a demon, Muru's son, and you have assumed the form of a brahmana to steal the sages' cow. Therefore, O wicked-hearted one, now you become a calf!

Text 28

sri-narada uvaca

tadaiva vatsa-rupo 'bhun
muru-putro mahasurah
vasishtham gam parikramya
natva trahity uvaca ha

The great demon that was Muru's son at once became a calf. He circumambulated Vasishtha and the cow, bowed down, and said, "Please save me!"

Text 29

sri-gaur uvaca

dvaparante maha-daitya
vrindaranye yada tava
go-vatseshu gatasyapi
tada muktir bhavishyati

The cow said: O great demon, at the end of Dvapara-yuga, when you go among many calves, you will attain liberation.

Text 30

sri-narada uvaca

paripurnatame sakshat
krishne patita-pavane
tasmad vatsasuro daityo
lino 'bhun na hi vismayah

Sri Narada said: For this reason the demon Vrindavana Vatsasura entered Lord Krishna, the original Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is not very surprising.


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