Sri Garga Samhita
Apr 21, 2010, CANADA (SUN)
Canto Eight, Volume Two
Chapter Thirteen, Part Two
Sri Balabhadra-sahasra-nama
A Thousand Names of Lord Balarama
Text 51
varanasi-gatah kruddhah
sarvah paundraka-ghatakah
sunandi sikhari silpi
He traveled to Varanasi (varanasi-gata). He may become
angry (kruddha). He is everything (sarva). He killed Paundraka
(paundraka-ghataka). He carries the sword Sunanda (sunandi),
wears a crown (sikhari), is artistic (silpi),
and killed Dvivida (dvividanga-nishudana).
Note: Sunanda is the name of Lord Krishna's sword.
Text 52
rathi kaurava-pujitah
visva-karma visva-dharma
deva-sarma daya-nidhih
He dragged the city of Hastinapura (hastinapura-sankarshi),
is a great chariot-warrior (rathi), is worshiped by the Kauravas
(kaurava-pujita), created the universes (visva-karma), is the
giver of religion to the universes (visva-dharma), is the
happiness of the demigods (deva-sarma), and is an ocean of mercy
Text 53
siddha-gitah siddha-kathah
He holds the royal parasol (maha-raja-cchatra-dhara), has
all the qualities of a great king (maha-rajopalakshana), is
glorified by the siddhas (siddha-gita and siddha-katha), and is
fanned with white camaras (sukla-camara-vijita).
Text 54
tarakshah kiranasas ca
bimboshthah su-smita-cchavih
pracando megha-mandalah
His eyes are glittering stars (taraksha), His nose is
graceful like a parrot's beak (kiranasa), His lips are bimba
fruits (bimboshtha), His gentle smile is splendid and glorious
(su-smita-cchavi), His arms are elephants' trunks (karindra-kara-
kodanda), He is ferocious (pracanda), and He is splendid like a
host of monsoon clouds (megha-mandala).
Text 55
kapata-vakshah pinamsah
maha-vibhutir bhuteso
bandha-mokshi samikshanah
His chest is a great door (kapata-vaksha), His shoulders
are broad (pinamsa), His feet are splendid lotus flowers (padma-
pada-sphurad-dyuti), He is very powerful and glorious (maha-
vibhuti), He is the master of all living entities (bhutesa), He
is the liberator from material bondage (bandha-mokshi), and He is
the most wise and intelligent (samikshana).
Text 56
caidya-satruh satru-sandho
ajata-satruh papa-ghno
He is the enemy of Sisupala (caidya-satru), the end of His
enemies (satru-sandha), the killer of Dantavakra (dantavakra-
nishudaka), a person who has no enemy (ajata-satru), the destroyer
of sins (papa-ghna), and the ally of Lord Krishna's servants (hari-
Text 57
sala-bahuh salva-hanta
tirtha-yayi janesvarah
His arms are like palm trees (sala-bahu). He is the
killer of Salva (salva-hanta), a pilgrim (tirtha-yayi), the
master of all living entities (janesvara), a pilgrim to
Naimisharanya (naimisharanya-yatrarthi), and He who lived by
the Gomati river (gomati-tira-vasa-krit).
Text 58
gandaki-snana-van sragvi
vipasi sona-samplutah
He bathed in the Gandaki river (gandaki-snana-van),
wears a garland (sragvi), is splendid with a Vaijayanti garland
(vaijayanti-virajita), holds an unfading lotus (amlana-pankaja-
dhara), visited the Vipasa river (vipasi), and bathed in the
Sona river (sona-sampluta).
Text 59
prayaga-tirtha-rajas ca
sarayuh setu-bandhanah
gaya-siras ca dhanadah
paulastyah pulahasramah
He visited Prayaga, the king of holy places (prayaga-
tirtha-raja), and He also visited the Sarayu river (sarayu), and
Setubandha (setu-bandhana). He touched His head to the holy city
of Gaya (gaya-sira). He gives wealth in charity (dhanada). He
visited the sage Pulastya (paulastya), and He visted the asrama
of the sage Pulaha (pulahasrama).
Text 60
veni bhimarthi goda
tamraparni vatodaka
He visited Ganga-sagara (ganga-sagara-sangarthi). He is the
master of the seven Godavaris (sapta-godavari-pati). He is
the Veni (veni), Bhimarathi (bhimarathi), Goda (goda),
Tamraparni (tamraparni), and Vatodaka rivers (vatodaka).
Text 61
kritamala maha-punya
kaveri ca payasvini
pratici suprabha veni
triveni sarayupama
He is the Kritamala) (kritamala), Maha-punya (maha-punya),
Kaveri (kaveri), Payasvini (payasvini), Pratici (pratici),
Suprabha (suprabha), Veni (veni), Triveni (triveni), and
and Sarayupama rivers (sarayupama).
Text 62
krishna pampa narmada ca
ganga bhagirathi nadi
siddhasramah prabhasas ca
bindur bindu-sarovarah
He is the Krishna (krishna), Pampa (pampa), Narmada
(narmada), Ganga (ganga), and Bhagirathi rivers (bhagirathi).
He is all sacred rivers (nadi). He is Siddhasrama (siddhasrama),
Prabhasa (prabhasa), Bindu (bindu), and Bindu-sarovara (bindu-sarovara).
Text 63
pushkarah saindhavo jambu
kurukshetra-pati ramo
jamadagnyo maha-munih
He is Pushkara (pushkara), Saindhava (saindhava), Jambu (jambu), and Nara-narayanasrama (nara-narayanasrama). He is the master of Kurukshetra (kurukshetra-pati). He is Lord Rama (rama). He is Parasurama (jamadagnya). He is a great sage (maha-muni).
Text 64
ilvalatmaja-hanta ca
visva-jid visva-nathas ca
triloka-vijayi jayi
He killed Narakasura (ilvalatmaja-hanta), delighted
Sudhama (sudama-saukhya-dayaka), conquered the universe (visva-
jid), is the master of the universe (visva-natha), is the master
of the three worlds (triloka-vijayi), and is victorious (jayi).
Text 65
gado gadyo gadagrajah
gunarnavo guna-nidhir
guna-patro gunakarah
He is glorious with vasanta and malati flowers (vasanta-
malati-karshi). He is strong like a great mace (gada). He is
expert at fighting with a mace (gadya). He is the elder brother
of Gada (gadagraja). He is an ocean of virtues (gunarnava and guna-
nidhi), and a reservoir of virtues (guna-patra and gunakara).
Text 66
nirgunah saguno brihat
drishtah sruto bhavad bhuto
bhavishyac calpa-vigrahah
He is decorated with vine-flowers (rangavalli), enjoys
water-pastimes (jalakara), is beyond the modes of material
nature (nirguna), is filled with transcendental qualities
(saguna), is the greatest (brihat), is seen by the great devotees
(drishta), is heard by the great devotees (sruta), and is the
present (bhavad), the past (bhuta), and the future
(bhavishyat). He is the Supersoul, whose form is so small He
stays in every atom (alpa-vigraha).
Text 67
anadir adir anandah
pratyag-dhama nirantarah
gunatitah samah samyah
sama-drin nirvikalpakah
He is without beginning (anadi), is the beginning of everything (adi), is bliss personified (ananda), is the Supersoul who stays in everyone's heart (pratyag-dhama), is eternal (nirantara), is beyond the modes of nature (gunatita), is equal to all (sama, samya and nirvikalpaka), and sees everyone with equal vision (sama-drik).
Text 68
gudha-vyudho guno gauno
gunabhaso gunavritah
nityo 'ksharo nirvikaro
'ksharo 'jasra-sukho 'mritah
He is concealed (gudha) and He is openly manifested
(vyudha). He is filled with transcendental virtues (guna,
gauna, gunabhasa, and gunavrita). He eternal (nitya),
imperishable (akshara), unchanging (nirvikara), undying (akshara),
always happy (ajasra-sukha), and like nectar (amrita).
Text 69
sarvagah sarvavit sarthah
sama-buddhih sama-prabhah
akledyo 'cchedya apurno
'soshyo 'dahyo nivartakah
He is all-pervading (sarvaga), all-knowing (sarvavit), the
most valuable (sartha), equal to all (sama-buddhi and sama-
prabha), untouched by water (akledya), unbreakable (acchedya),
perfect and complete (apurna), never dried or withered
(asoshya), and never to be burned by fire (adahya). He is the
destroyer of the worlds (nivartaka).
Text 70
brahma brahma-dharo brahma
jnapako vyapakah kavih
adhyatmako 'dhibhutas ca-
dhidaivah svasrayasrayah
He is Brahman (brahma), the origin of Brahman (brahma-
dhara), the origin of demigod Brahma (brahma), the supreme teacher (jnapaka), all-pervading (vyapaka), and the greatest philosopher
(kavi). He is present in the hearts of all living entities
(adhyatmaka). He is present in the material elements (adhibhuta).
He is present among the demigods (adhidaiva). He is the
shelter of all shelters (svasrayasraya).
Text 71
maha-vayur maha-viras
prerako bodhako bodhi
trayo-vimsatiko ganah
He is the great wind (maha-vayu). He is a great hero (maha-
vira). As the power of action He stays in every body (ceshta-rupa-tanu-sthita). He inspires the living entities (preraka), and
enlightens them (bodhaka). He is the mist wise (bodhi). He is the
master of the demigods (trayo-vimsatika-gana).
Text 72
amsamsas ca naraveso
'vataro bhupari-sthitah
mahar janas tapah satyam
bhur bhuvah svar iti tridha
He expands in many incarnations (amsamsa). He appears as
a sakty-avesa incarnation (naravesa). He descends to the
material world (avatara and bhupari-sthita). He is Maharloka
(mahah), Janaloka (jana), Tapoloka (tapah), and Satyaloka
(satyam). He is the three planetary systems: Bhuloka (bhu),
Bhuvarloka (bhuvah), Svarloka (svah).
Text 73
naimittikah prakritika
atyantika-mayo layah
sargo visargah sargadir
nirodho rodha utiman
Although He appears in the material world (naimittika and prakritika), He is eternal (atyantika-maya). He is cosmic devastation (laya), cosmic creation (sarga), the secondary stage of cosmic creation (visarga), and the beginning of creation (sargadi). He is the greatest obstacle (nirodha and rodha), and the greatest protector (utiman).
Text 74
manvantaravataras ca
manur manu-suto 'naghah
svayambhuh sambhavah sankuh
He appears as the Manvantaravataras (manvantaravatara).
He is Manu (manu) and the sons of Manu (manu-suta). He is
sinless (anagha), self-born (svayambhu), and a friend of Lord
Siva (sambhava). He is like a great lance (sanku). He is the
ally of Svayambhuva Manu (svayambhuva-sahaya-krit).
Text 75
suralayo deva-girir
merur hemarcito girih
giriso gana-nathas ca
gairiso giri-gahvarah
He is the home of the demigods (suralaya), the mountain of
the demigods (deva-giri), Mount Meru (meru), splendid like gold
(hemarcita), and a great mountain (giri). He stays on a mountain (girisa). He is the master of the devotees (gana-natha) and a
friend of Lord Siva (gairisa). He stays in a mountain cave
Text 76
vindhyas trikuto mainakah
subalah paribhadrakah
patangah sisirah kanko
jarudhih saila-sattamah
He is the Vindhya mountains (vindhya), Mount Trikuta
(trikuta), and Mount Mainaka (mainaka). He is very powerful
(subala). He is the paribhadraka tree (paribhadraka), the sun
(patanga), the winter season ( sisira), Yama (kanka), Jarudhi
(jarudhi), and the best of mountains (saila-sattama).
Text 77
kalanjaro brhat-sanur
dari-bhrin nandikesvarah
santanas taru-rajas ca
mandarah parijatakah
He is Kalanjara (kalanjara) and Brhat-sanu
(brhat-sanu). He stays in a mountain cave (dari-bhrit). He is
Nandikesvara (nandikesvara), the santana tree (santana), the
king of trees (taru-raja), the mandara tree (mandara), and the
parijata tree (parijataka).
Text 78
jayanta-krij jayantango
jayanti-dig jayakulah
vritra-ha devalokas ca
sasi kumuda-bandhavah
He is victorious (jayanta-krit jayantanga, jayanti-dig, and
jayakula). He is the killer of Vritra (vritra-ha). He is the
planets of the demigods (devaloka), and the moon (sasi and
Text 79
nakshatresah sudha-sindhur
mrigah pushyah punarvasuh
hasto 'bhijic ca sravano
vaidhritir bhaskarodayah
He is the moon (nakshatresa), an ocean of nectar (sudha-
sindhu), the star Mrigasirsha (mriga), the star Pushya (pushya), the
star Punarvasu (punarvasu), the star Hasta (hasta), the star
Abhijit (abhijit), and the star Sravana (sravana). He is the
vaidhriti formation of the stars (vaidhriti), and He is the sunrise
Text 80
aindrah sadhyah subhah suklo
vyatipato dhruvah sitah
sisumaro devamayo
brahmaloko vilakshanah
He is the star Aindra (aindra). He is Sadhyaloka (sadhya).
He is the auspicious conjunction of stars (subha). He is the
bright fortnight (sukla). He is the astrological condition known
as vyatipata (vyatipata). He is Dhruvaloka (dhruva). He is
the bright fortnight (sita), the Sisumara-cakra (sisumara),
the planets of the demigods (devamaya), and Brahmaloka
(brahmaloka). He is beyond the material world (vilakshana).
Text 81
ramo vaikuntha-nathas ca
vyapi vaikuntha-nayakah
svetadvipo jita-pado
He is Lord Rama (rama). He is the master of Vaikuntha
(vaikuntha-natha and vaikuntha-nayaka). He is all-pervading
(vyapi), the master of Svetadvipa (svetadvipa), the Lord who has
conquered everything (jita-pada), and the Lord who stays on Mount
Lokaloka (lokalokacalasrita).
Text 82
bhumi-vaikuntha-devas ca
golokeso gavam-patih
He is the master of Bhumi-vaikuntha (bhumi-vaikuntha-deva),
the creator of millions of universes (koti-brahmanda-karaka), the
master of countless universes (asankhya-brahmanda-pati), the
master of Goloka (golokesa), and the master of the cows (gavam-
Text 83
sridharah sridharo lila-
dharo giri-dharo dhuri
He resides in Goloka (goloka-dhama-dhishana). The gopis'
embraces have become His necklace (gopika-kantha-bhushana). He is
the master of the goddess of fortune (sridhara). He is the master
of all handsomeness, glory, and opulence (sridhara). He is
playful (lila-dhara). He lifted Govardhana Hill (giri-dhara). He
is the maintainer of the world (dhuri).
Text 84
kunta-dhari trisuli ca
bibhatsi gharghara-svanah
gaja-carma-dharo gaji
He is Lord Siva who carries a trident (kunta-dhari and
trisuli), who is terrifying (bibhatsi), who roars ferociously
(gharghara-svana), who with His trident attacked an elephant
(sula-sucy-arpita-gaja), who wears an elephant-skin garemnt (gaja-carma-
dhara), and who rides on an elephant (gaji).
Text 85
antra-mali munda-mali
vyali dandaka-mandaluh
vetala-bhrid bhuta-sanghah
He is Lord Nrisimha who wears a garland of entrails (antra-
mali). He is Lord Siva who wears a necklace of skulls (munda-
mali), who is ferocious (vyali), who carries a club (dandaka-
mandalu), who is accompanied by Vetalas (vetala-bhrid), who is
accompanied by ghosts (bhuta-sangha), and who is accompanied by
Kushmandas (kushmanda-gana-samvrita).
Text 86
pramathesah pasu-patir
mridaniso mrido vrishah
kutah kalpanta-bhairavah
He is Lord Siva who is the master of the Pramathas
(pramathesa), the master of the Pasus (pasu-pati), the husband
of Parvati (mridanisa), gentle (mrida), powerful (vrisha),
the killer of His enemies (kritanta-kala-sanghari), most exalted
(kuta), and who appears as Bhairava at the end of time
Text 87
shad-anano vira-bhadro
kharparasi vishasi ca
sakti-hastah sivarthadah
He is Karttikeya, who has six heads (shad-anana). He is
Virabhadra (vira-bhadra). He destroyed the Daksha-yajna
(daksha-yajna-vighataka). He eats from a bowl that is a
skull (kharparasi). He drinks poison (vishasi), holds a sakti
weapon in His hand (sakti-hasta), and grants auspiciousness
Text 88
panditas tarka-vidvan vai
veda-pathi srutisvarah
When He releases arrows from His bow it makes a great
twanging sound (pinaka-tankara-kara). He wears tinkling anklets
(cala-jhankara-nupura). He is wise (pandita), a master logician
(tarka-vidvan), learned in the Vedas (veda-pathi), and the
master of the Vedas (srutisvara).
Text 89
vedanta-krit sankhya-sastri
mimamsi kana-nama-bhak
kanadir gautamo vadi
vado naiyayiko nayah
He is the author of Vedanta (vedanta-krit), learned in
Sankhya (sankhya-sastri), learned in Mimamsa (mimamsi),
known by the name Kanada (kana-nama-bhak and kanadi), known
as Gautama (gautama), and expert in philosophical debate (vadi, vada,
naiyayika, and naya).
Text 90
vaiseshiko dharma-sastri
vaiyakarana-kric chando
He is learned in the Vaisesha philosophy (vaiseshika),
learned in the dharma-sastras (dharma-sastri), learned in all the
scriptures (sarva-sastrartha-tattva-ga), the author of grammar
(vaiyakarana-krit), learned in the meters of poetry (chanda), the
Vyasa's son (vaiyyasa), nature (prakriti), and speech (vacah).
Text 91
kavya-krin nataka-pradah
pauranikah smriti-karo
vaidyo vidya-visaradah
He is learned in the Parasara-sastra (parasari-samhita-
vit), the author of poetry (kavya-krit), the giver of dramas
(nataka-prada), learned in the Puranas (pauranika), the
author of the Vedas (smriti-kara), the first physician (vaidya),
and very learned (vidya-visarada).
Text 92
alankaro lakshanartho
vakya-sphotah pada-sphotah
sphota-vrittis ca sartha-vit
He is the ornaments of poetry (alankara), the secondary
meanings of words (lakshanartha), the hinted meanings of words
(vyangya-viddhanavad-dhvani), and the meaning that first comes to
mind when one hears a statement (vakya-sphota, pada-sphota, and
(sphota-vritti). He knows the meanings of words (sartha-vit).
Text 93
sringara ujjvalah svaccho
'dbhuto hasyo bhayanakah
asvattho yava-bhoji ca
yava-krito yavasanah
He is decoration (sringara), splendor (ujjvala and svaccha),
wonder (adbhuta), joking (hasya), fear (bhayanaka), the banyan
tree (asvattha), and the philosopher Kanada (yava-bhoji, yava-
krita, and yavasana).
Text 94
prahlada-rakshakah snigdha
gatadhir ambarishango
vigadhir gadhinam varah
He is the protector of Prahlada (prahlada-rakshaka),
affectionate (snigdha), the glory of the Aila dynasty (aila-
vamsa-vivardhana), free of anxiety (gatadhi), Ambarisha (ambarishanga),
Gadhi (vigadhi), the best of Gadhi's descendents (gadhinam vara).
Text 95
nana-pushpa-dharah pushpi
pushpa-dhanva su-pushpitah
He is decorated with many jewels (nana-mani-samakirna and
nana-ratna-vibhushana) and decorated with many flowers (nana-
pushpa-dhara, pushpi, and su-pushpita). He is Kamadeva who holds a
bow of flowers (pushpa-dhanva).
Text 96
nana-varna-mayo varno
nana-vastra-dharah sada
He is fragrant with sandal paste (nana-candana-gandhadhya), anointed with the fragrant juices of many flowers (nana-pushpa-rasarcita), decorated with garments and ornaments of many colors
(nana-varna-maya), glorious (varna), always dressed in opulent
and elaborate garments (nana-vastra-dhara sada).
Text 97
nana-padma-karah kausi
ratna-kambala-dhari ca
He holds many lotus flowers in His hand (nana-padma-kara),
is dressed in silk garments (kausi nana-kauseya-vesha-dhrik),
wears a jewel cloak (ratna-kambala-dhari), and is dressed in
splendid clean garments (dhauta-vastra-samavrita).
Text 98
uttariya-dharah purno
pitoshnishah sitoshnisho
raktoshnisho dig-ambarah
He wears an upper garment (uttariya-dhara). He is perfect
(purna). He wears strong armor (ghana-kancuka-sanghavan),
a yellow turban (pitoshnisha), a white turban (sitoshnisha),
or a red turban (raktoshnisha). Sometimes He wears the four
directions as His garment (dig-ambara).
Text 99
divyango divya-racano
sarvopamo nirupamo
His limbs are splendid (divyanga), He is decorated with
great splendor (divya-racana), the residents of Devaloka gaze on
Him (divya-loka-vilokita), He is the best of all (sarvopama), He
is without peer ( nirupama), and He stays with His associates in
the realm of Goloka (golokanki-kritangana).
Text 100
krita-svotsanga-go lokah
kundali-bhuta asthitah
mathuro mathura-darsi
He stays in Goloka (krita-svotsanga-goloka), He is Lord
Ananta (kundali-bhuta), He is all-pervading (asthita), He stays
in Mathura (mathura), He gazes at the sights of Mathura (mathura-
darsi), and His eyes are like restless khanjana birds