Nov 26, CANADA (SUN) — A weekly response to Dandavats editorials.

In last week's segment of Obeisances we focused primarily on the situation regarding Satsvarupa's status in ISKCON. Following the publication of that article, we received some very interesting feedback and more relevant information, which we'll comment on today. The reader should understand that it is not my intention to try to make Satsvarupa out to be something totally evil. In fact, I see the whole pastime with Putana as indicative of the 'silver lining' in such bad circumstances. The end result for Putana was that she was given salvation; it was a great boon for her to be killed by Krsna. In fact, it's philosophically stated that Putana had the same position as Krsna's own mother because of the nature of how the pastime transpired. Of course, in last week's article we were considering the Sampradaya Acaryas' comments on the Putana pastime as it pertains to the false guru.

We at the Sampradaya Sun have taken a position in regards to the Fifth Estate, which is that in a free society there must be freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Now some may argue that in Vedic culture this right or pillar of freedom was not one of the ingredients of society, but as I understand it, it certainly was. Brahmans were free to say whatever they wanted, and many brahmans did so, for example in the pastimes we read in Srimad-Bhagavatam. The brahman whose children continually died for some unknown natural reason went straight to he king, blaming him. Now in a Kali yuga context in a third world country, that would be tantamount to a death sentence. And in ISKCON today it's not much different -- if you criticize certain individuals, especially those in the old boys club (of which Satsvarupa is still a member), you can expect a harsh reaction.

Here at the Sampradaya Sun we're not under the dictates of the institution, however, and we feel it is our duty to Srila Prabhupada to allow devotees an opportunity to experience a society wherein they're given access to important information that will help them make the right decisions towards perfecting their human form of life. We are reminded of the quote which is featured down the left column of the Sun:

    "According to social conventions, it is said that one can speak the truth only when it is palatable to others. But that is not truthfulness. The truth should be spoken in such a straight and forward way, so that others will understand actually what the facts are. If a man is a thief and if people are warned that he is a thief that is truth. Although sometimes the truth is unpalatable, one should not refrain from speaking it. Truthfulness demands that the facts be presented as they are for the benefit of others. That is the definition of truth."

    ~ Bhagavad-Gita As It Is. Ch 10:4

So without being repetitive, I'll attempt to relay, as best I can, the relevant aspects of the information we received in response to last week's segment. Not surprisingly, the sources wish to remain anonymous, because they don't want to be victimized by retaliation. The individuals who provided this information were disciples of Satsvarupa at one point in time, but have since rejected him as guru. Some of the information comes from a devotee who's been an 'insider' at Satsvarupa's scene.

While our most recent information had been gleaned from Satsvarupa's website, which depicts the grand event of his taking up residence at his Mexican hacienda, we're now told that Satsvarupa is no longer living in Mexico. For whatever reasons, still unknown to us, the devotees who provided the money to buy the hacienda, Chandra devi and her husband Aghari dasa, have since changed their position. With the help of a local lawyer, they were able to prove that they provided the money to buy the house, and not Narayana Kavacha dasa, who had served as an intermediary in the transaction. It seems that Narayana Kavacha, one of Satsvarupa's co-servants, had managed to put his own name on the deed. He was very upset when the title was taken out of his name, although we understand he had never provided any money to purchase the place.

Of course, all this means that Satsvarupa and his entourage had to move out of the hacienda. Satsvarupa is now living in Dewey Beach, Delaware, near the ocean. He is living with another of his long-time supporters, Shastra dasa and wife. Despite their kind attentions, Satsvarupa's health has deteriorated since the move, and he is again suffering from intense migraines. He spends much of his time in bed, preferring complete silence and solitude.

Of course, the question comes to mind, why would the devotees who originally provided the facility in Mexico for Satsvarupa rescind on their original commitment? While we don't yet know the details, we understand that Sastra dasa and his wife are now also looking to provide Satsvarupa with alternative accommodation, perhaps in the form of a condo of his own. It is apparently too much of a burden for them to have him in their house full time. And as the story unfolds, this seems quite understandable.

There is apparently a very difficult dynamic in play amongst Satsvarupa's entourage, which in addition to Sastra dasa and wife, is comprised of Baladeva dasa and Narayana Kavacha dasa. There are allegations that Baladeva became addicted to prescription drugs taken from Satsvarupa, and that Narayana Kavacha was also pilfering Satsvarupa's medication for recreational use. And because these two personalities have attached themselves to Satsvarupa's party, it means that in order for Sastra dasa and wife to provide alternative housing for Satsvarupa, they would also be defacto supporting these two characters, who apparently come and go as they wish.

Narayana-kavaca dasa (left) and Baladeva Vidyabhusana dasa (right)

Another obvious question that arises in this sad affair is what Satsvarupa's own situation is with respect to his use of prescription drugs. If his caretaker has become addicted to these drugs, one can only wonder if Satsvarupa himself is addicted. And unfortunately, that may well be the case. Many persons who suffer from long-term migraines rely on heavy-duty painkillers for relief. One of the most popular these days is Oxycontin, which is a heroin deritivate. Oxycontin and drugs like it are effective for many, but are also highly addictive. Satsvarupa himself admitted that he was struggling with drug addiction at the time of his apology for the sexual falldown. We had heard that he'd gotten involved in a new therapy regime and had progressed beyond even the migraines, but he has now apparently returned to poor health. While we truly hope he no longer suffers from drug addiction, this may well be the case again. It would certainly explain Satsvarupa's continued outpouring of crazy writing, artwork and behaviour.

Coincidentally, a few years ago while we were still residing in Portland, Oregon, we had the unfortunate circumstance of dealing with a devotee who had been sent to the Hillsboro temple by their GBC, Harivilasa dasa. The devotee that Harivilasa sent to preach at the temple was being shipped out of Berkeley because he had a drug problem. When he arrived, we all learned that he was addicted to Oxycontin painkillers. It was horrifying to see the effect it had on him, which is not much better than watching an addict looking for a heroin fix. The drug just dominated his entire mind and being. So when we hear the circumstances at Satsvarupa's asrama, where one servant has apparently become addicted and the other may be taking prescription drugs for fun, we think it quite likely that Satsvarupa is also addicted. Otherwise, why would he allow this situation to go on? Surely even migraine headaches wouldn't prevent him from putting his pills under lock and key.

We've been harping for some time now about the fact that the GBC - and most recently the GBC committee in charge of dealing with Satsvarupa - has not resolved this ever-degenerating situation. We're now told that in fact, the GBC for the United Kingdom and Dandavats Editor, Praghosa dasa, has been advocating for Satsvarupa's expulsion and defrocking. Unfortunately, he has been overridden on the matter by Satsvarupa's good friends on the GBC, who are apparently 'throwing their weight around' on the matter.

Instead of doing the right thing, and removing Satsvarupa's status as guru and sannyasi, the GBC have implemented a plan whereby he must spend a certain amount of time with his godbrothers, and they have to look over his writings from now on, before he can publish them. We can only hope that these watchdogs are more on top of it than the ISKCON leaders who made the decision to incorporate Satsvarupa's now-defamed dime store sex novel into the curriculum at the Bhaktivedanta College.

The situation with Satsvarupa's ex-lover/disciple also continues to unfold. We understand that she has released to the GBC a report which contains all the correspondence that went between she and Satsvarupa. She did this in an effort to establish the extent to which Satsvarupa was infatuated with her rather than what many devotees are assuming (particularly Satsvarupa's disciples), which is that she seduced him.

While it appears that the GBC have still not been moved to action, we can see that Krsna is doing something. Basically, He's doing just what He did with Putana -- sucking the vital airs from Satsvarupa's life, this time in the form of headaches, pills, and friends who are actually enemies. And for all the sentimental comments recently made by kind-hearted devotees who advocate for care rather than criticism on Satsvarupa's behalf, we can see that the GBC are also not really Satsvarupa's friends. If they were, they would put a stop to this situation, just as they have put a stop to Satsvarupa's freedom to publish whatever nonsense he wishes.

In the meantime, the onlookers are left to wonder what's going to become of all of this. Basically it's just another blight on ISKCON and Srila Prabhupada, as yet another Zonal Acarya hits the dirt, being shot down by Krsna, because the GBC will not act as they are empowered and ordered to do. It seems that they prefer to just wait for Krsna to do their work for them, which He eventually does. And all the sentimentalism around how Srila Prabhupada would be so kind and forgiving is all a bunch of nonsense. Srila Prabhupada would never have tolerated even the Zonal Acarya system if he had been personally on the planet, had it been suggested to him before he left. And considering how quickly they came up with that plan after he departed, I'll never be convinced that they hadn't thought of it and planned it out well in advance. Of course they never mentioned it to Srila Prabhupada, because they knew he wouldn't approve. So to say now that Srila Prabhupada would be so forgiving of Satsvarupa is just ridiculous. Srila Prabhupada's main concern was the spreading of Krsna consciousness, and no one can ever convince me or anyone in his right mind that what's happening around Satsvarupa is somehow conducive to spreading Krsna consciousness.

If Satsvarupa's friends on the GBC were really his friends, they would have stepped in and done something about this problem a long time ago instead of just covering for him. If you have a good friend who's suffering, whether from headaches or addiction or both, and you know that his servants are not only incompetent but exploitive, then what do you do? You'd just let it happen? But the only thing the GBC worries about is having another person like Satsvarupa go down, further undermining their already tenuous position as "spiritual leaders". But it's inevitable that it's going to happen again, and that's why you're reading about it in the Sun.

I'm sure that the as yet unknown information about Satsvarupa's circumstances will not stay behind closed doors forever. Before long, we'll hope to hear why Chandra and Aghari dis-invited Satsvarupa from their hacienda. We may hear in due course what Sastra dasa and his wife have experienced with all the goings-on, just as in Ireland they found out that Satsvarupa was addicted to sex life and pills. We can only hope that these friends will take action soon, and do something not only for Satsvarupa, but also for Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya's Sankirtana movement. And how will full disclosure help instead of hurt Srila Prabhupada's movement? Well first, by employing truth to clear away untruth. Second, Satsvarupa's loyal followers have a right to this information - they have a right to know the truth about their fallen guru so then can make the necessary emotional break and move on to find someone who can actually help them to advance in their spiritual life. And third, Satsvarupa's confidential friends both on and off the GBC have a duty to disclose the facts of the matter so that new devotees are protected from Satsvarupa. We only have to look at the pictures of Satsvarupa's last trip to Trinidad to see that his disciples are still recruiting newcomers on his behalf - still convincing others that getting darshan of Satsvarupa, what to speak of giving him their hard-earned money, is of great benefit to their spiritual lives. Those who know and don't tell are responsible for all those in future who fall victim to this whole charade.

Obeisances to Dandavats, and to the GBC committee responsible for dealing with Satsvarupa.


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