Nov 19, CANADA (SUN) — A weekly response to Dandavats editorials.
Earlier this summer, an interesting article was posted on Dandavats by author Yugala-kisora dasa, entitled, "A Sharp Sword in a Soft Sheet". While I did not offer comments on the article at the time of its appearance in Dandavats, there were certain aspects I found to be troublesome. My primary concern was that the author quotes various mundane scholars, giving their opinion prominence. But their opinions are not in line with the way our Sampradaya presents the philosophy. Yugala-kisora dasa begins by quoting from English author, Elizabeth Bowen, then he refers to Daniel Sheridan and David Haberman. This quoted material is presented right alongside Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur and Srila Prabhupada. The author makes no comment on the fact that their position and opinion is strictly unenlightened scholarship. For that reason, I feel that it's somewhat offensive to quote them in the same article as one quotes the Sampradaya Acaryas without pointing this out clearly. It would be hard for an uninformed reader to distinguish one source from the other, which means the presentation lends itself to confusion about the philosophy.
That said, my intention today is not to directly appraise this particular article, but rather to refer to it because it serves as a means to connect another recent event I had, that I do wish to focus on. Yugala-kisora prabhu's article deals with the pastime of Putana, and draws upon the commentary given by two previous Sampradaya Acaryas, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, as well as our Srila Prabhupada. The Putana pastime is very relevant to a conversation I had recently with a godbrother.
I received this phone call from an old friend, who felt that it was his duty to update me on a circumstance that he finds very troublesome. I won't mention his name because of the nature of this unfolding story, which is painfully slow in being resolved. At issue is the GBC's long-standing committee that's been trying to deal with the circumstances surrounding Satsvarupa's falldown with his disciple, and his subsequent activities. I've previously written a great deal on the subject, but there is certainly more to be said.
This well informed godbrother told me about his recent communications with a Swami who is one of the committee members. The Swami was unwilling to reveal who the other committee members are. He said they're having great difficulty in even getting together to meet and deal with the matter. Although they've had prior meetings to discuss the issue, the Swami indicated there is a split on the committee, basically between the sentimentalists and the realists. Consequently the problem continues to exist and fester, and the GBC committee's indecision becomes a continually great disservice to Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON and the Sankirtana movement.
Upon reading Yugala-kisora dasa's article about Putana, I find numerous important parallels. Upon reading this article themselves, perhaps the committee members will be able to gain some inspiration and insight from the lessons presented in this pastime, and this will help them to deal with the circumstance of Satsvarupa, in the manner in which they are empowered and duty bound to do.
The story of Putana, which we're all very familiar with, has certain allegorical connotations according to our Sampradaya Acaryas. In this context, Putana represents the pseudo-spiritualists who are a symbol of the false gurus who deliberately deceive their disciples. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati takes it one step further and likens the demoness to religious institutions, which adhere more to established managerial forms than to the philosophy, at great expense.
As we apply this pastime to Satsvarupa, we see that he is essentially a false guru just like those described by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, and that he is falsely presenting himself to be a qualified representative of the Sampradaya. He will not face up to the reality of his own hypocrisy and he continues to misrepresent himself, the movement, and Srila Prabhupada.
On the other hand we have the religious institution, namely the GBC and their committee, who want to maintain their image and their sentimental conceptions, and therefore do not want to expose Satsvarupa for what he actually is. Consequently they are incapable of dealing with this slowly deteriorating situation, even though it is their duty to protect the devotees, the movement, and Srila Prabhupada's good name.
In Satsvarupa's case, it's not simply his disciples and followers who are at risk of being disturbed by his sinful activities. Satsvarupa is the author of not only Srila Prabhupada's Lilamrta, but of many other stories, as well. In fact, he fancies himself a great writer of stories. He tells stories of bugs, little mice, of so many nonsense things which he tries to dress up in some vestige of the Krsna consciousness. Interestingly enough, in the essay that Yugala-kisora dasa has presented, he refers to C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia, explaining that while these stories are completely fictitious, they are well-written and grab the imagination. At best, we can say that Satsvarupa's writings "grab the imagination", too.
First and foremost, Satsvarupa obviously has the desire not to be the perfect disciple, guru, sannyasi, and servant of Srila Prabhupada, but rather to be a 'great writer'". This desire overshadows and has contaminated his spiritual demeanour. Rather than serve as a stellar spiritual leader, he would like to be a famous writer, just like C.S. Lewis. In fact, his whole so-called Lilamrta is essentially just a story - a story told by Satsvarupa about Srila Prabhupada. It's not a biography, and it doesn't serve as a glorification of Srila Prabhupada. It is simply a means by which Satsvarupa, the novelist/storyteller, is given an opportunity to fulfill his material desires.
Another interesting aspect of the pastime of Putana is that the demon arrived in Vrindavan and transformed herself into a beautiful woman. Her disguise was so effective that she deceived even Mother Yasoda and Rohini, who couldn't detect the fact that she was a demon in hiding, or that her real nature was not what it appeared to be on the surface. Consequently they allowed her to give her breast milk to Krsna, and she covered it with poison hoping to kill Him.
I would liken this pastime to Satsvarupa's nonsense books and art. In fact, we can compare his entire demoniac lifestyle to Putana. If the true story was told, these similarities would become much clearer to all. But part of the true story is kept hidden by the GBC, who are in possession of the story as it was told by Satsvarupa's victim. This unfortunate woman became Satsvarupa's disciple in Ireland. He later seduced her, fell down with her, and essentially ruined her life and the faith of so many around them. If one could read her story, they would see more clearly just how demoniac, pretentious and hypocritical Satsvarupa really is.
Among the little information that has leaked out from this highly guarded and confidential document is the fact that Satsvarupa basically proposed to this lady that she remain his mistress. He wanted her to live close by him, so she could essentially 'sneak in the back door' whenever no one was looking. He wanted to keep his mistress hidden but available for when he desired some sex life, while he continued maintaining the guise of being a guru, sannyasis, and a highly regarded member of ISKCON. She, on the other hand, wanted him to be an honest person -- to give up sannyasa, marry her, and live a respectable life. It was she who actually called off the whole affair when she discovered what kind of a person he actually was.
At one point, this female victim went to India. Upon arriving there, very upset by this whole situation, she became very ill. Although by this time they had knowledge of the situation that had just transpired between she and Satsvarupa, the GBC just ignored her. They didn't help her one iota. In fact, these so-called leaders of the ecclesiastical institution tried to lay the blame on her rather than on Satsvarupa.
While a compassionate devotee informed the GBC that she needed help and that they should facilitate her getting well again, considering the fact that it was one of their own members who caused this to take place, still they didn't help her at all.
When we consider the pastime of Putana, we see that Yasoda and Rohini were unable to recognize Putana. Similarly, this victimized woman had been unable to recognize Satsvarupa for who he really was. Why then should so much responsibility be put on her to be the one to refuse, to take responsibility for participating in this arrangement, when Satsvarupa is supposed to be the big person with all the power and spiritual advancement? He's the one presenting himself as a sannyasis and guru. He's the one who the society is presenting as an enlightened and pure representative of Srila Prabhupada.
The only bright light in this whole affair is that the woman did regain her health and well being, with the help and her husband. He forgave her, and she has returned to an honest existence, no thanks to the GBC.
In the pastime of Putana, we read that Krsna would not let go of Putana's breast. Clearly recognizing her for the demon she was, He sucked out her life airs, at which time she transformed into her true demoniac form. She then expanded herself, destroyed twelve square miles of beautiful forests and orchards. In the same way, we see that Satsvarupa has been at the epicenter of nearly all the demoniac activities that have gone on since Srila Prabhupada departed, including the Zonal Acarya system and the Gopi Bhava Club. In fact, it was he who penned the many position papers in support of these asiddhantic platforms. It was Satsvarupa who wrote in defense of B.V. Narayana and the whole gopi bhava philosophy. It was Satsvarupa who covered up the tapes wherein Srila Prabhupada said that he was being poisoned. And of course, it was Satsvarupa who wrote the Lilamrta, which minimizes Srila Prabhupada's position and undermines his status as the Sampradaya Acarya. All this, what to speak of the rest of his absurd, asiddhantic nonsense writings. And most recently, because of his obsession with writing down everything that goes through his crazed mind, he even wrote about his sexual fantasies, which were undoubtedly related with this woman, albeit in a dishonest and indirect way.
I challenge the GBC committee to act in a manner similar to the male inhabitants of Gokula who, after Putana died, chopped up her body and burnt it. I am asking the GBC to take all Satsvarupa's books and burn them, along with his ridiculous "outsider" art, and his mythical reputation, and expose him for what he really is. He is destroying Srila Prabhupada's movement. He is undermining the GBC's position, which is that it's their duty to protect us from people like him. They should reinstate Srila Prabhupada as the Sampradaya Acarya by disowning, exposing and impeaching the poison that is in his Lilamrta. If they don't do this, if they don't act in this way, then they themselves are Putana, exactly as described by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur.
One of the first teachings of the Bhagavad-gita is that for those who have taken responsibility, such as being a GBC, it is their duty to act accordingly. It's the GBC's duty to do something about Satsvarupa, and to do it in an honest, open way. The clear, undeniable fact is that Satsvarupa is not only undermining the sastric position on guru and sannyasa, he's undermining Srila Prabhupada and the Sankirtana movement. By passively consenting to all his demoniac activities, the GBC are obviously not protecting us, but are instead protecting him - and themselves.
The inhabitants of Srila Prabhupada's movement, both inside the institution and outside, are having to live with the consequences of the GBC's not being able to act in a dutiful and timely manner. We can point to so many other Satsvarupa-like characters in the past who weren't dealt in the manner that the GBC - and only the GBC - are empowered to deal with them. We can talk about Harikesa, we can talk about Jagadisa, we can go all the way back to Jayatirtha, what to speak of Kirtanananda, the biggest demon of them all. And where were the GBC? This is their real business, not going 'round to Ratha Yatras and attending managerial meetings around the world. They have failed, time and time again, to do their spiritual duty.
Of course, anyone who dares to tell the truth about Satsvarupa will have to deal with the fanaticism of his foolish followers. I understand that the victim has actually been threatened by his disciples. This is another aspect of the story that emphasizes the need for the GBC to take action and start preaching our philosophy. It is their duty to preach and straighten out these contaminated persons who are in illusion, thinking that they're actually initiated by a bona fide guru, and are therefore members of our Sampradaya.
In reality, Satsvarupa is very similar to Putana. From the beginning, he appeared to be the pure, brahminical, honest, unpretentious member of the elite GBC. On the basis of that image, so many devotees decided to give the Zonal Acaryas the benefit of the doubt. Basically they concluded that if Satsvarupa thinks it's right then it must be right, because he's so pure, brahminical and honest. In reality, he was the worst. He's the one who wrote the position papers and went along with all sorts of demoniac activities, such as throwing out of Srila Prabhupada's movement his own disciples. He is responsible for so many devotees who were looking to him as their friend, callously ignoring their pleas for justice, which they were actually entitled to - just like Satsvarupa's victim is really entitled to protection and justice from being sexually victimized by Satsvarupa. But she's getting no help whatsoever from the institution. Instead Satsvarupa is getting all the help, with millions of dollars spent on his illness.
It has long been my contention that Satsvarupa's illness is a direct reaction for all his offenses. Yet to this very day, his disciples are waiting hand and foot on this useless person. All he does, really, is demonstrate how intensely attached he is to name, fame and position. And all these foolish people are rendering service to him, instead of to Srila Prabhupada. They could be giving the same time, energy and money to Srila Prabhupada, but instead they're wasting it on serving Satsvarupa. And when you consider all the effort and money that was put into editing, publishing and distributing his nonsense books, then we get into some major misappropriation of funds. What to speak of the million of dollars it took for him to write his story of Srila Prabhupada, the Lilamrta.
Satsvarupa is just a black hole for energy that should have been spent pursuing Srila Prabhupada's vision of spreading Krsna consciousness. In my estimation he has done the greatest disservice to Srila Prabhupada and the Sankirtana movement, yet there are fools on the GBC who still think that he has a "special place", and that he should be given special leniency because he was one of the most intimate associates of Srila Prabhupada.
Once Mother Yasoda and Rohini saw Putana's demon form manifest, they didn't ignore it and say oh, Putana is still so beautiful. They saw the demon form and reacted to it accordingly. The GBC have now clearly seen Satsvarupa's demon form, but they are simply ignoring it. Perhaps we can forgive the GBC for not seeing Satsvarupa's Putana form years ago, but that is no longer the case. Now his demon form is fully exposed, and the GBC cannot be forgiven for ignoring it.
Srila Prabhupada says that if you fall down into sex life, it means the Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu has withdrawn his mercy from you. He was withdrawn his mercy, and you are no longer being protected by the Spiritual Master. So this is the case with Satsvarupa. Lord Caitanya has withdrawn his mercy. The process of Krsna consciousness is a science, and refusing to acknowledge that Satsvarupa has fallen down into sex life, into craziness, is to simply ignore that science. To do so means that you are essentially changing the philosophy. For the GBC to continue on in this way is, in itself, simply demoniac.
Obeisances to Dandavats, to Yugala-kisora dasa, and to the GBC committee responsible for dealing with Satsvarupa.