Is This Where ISKCON is Headed?


Dec 06, USA (SUN) —

A bunch of amateur wannabe academicians engaged in pseudo-intellectual intercourse: “Oh this is the ‘post-modernistic period’ and we are presently… Blah Blah Blahing about something we know nothing about… and yet…"

We all know that what Srila Prabhupada has given us is self-explanatory and needs no interpretation. However, they claim that everyone from the west has a ‘post modernistic’ perspective on life and therefore processes information in this way. What if someone had a Minimalistic view? Or an Existential view? A Hindu view? A Jewish view? A Christian view?

They have us intellectually debating the pros and cons of ‘Traditionalism vs. Modernism’, but we are not that stupid to engage in this sophistic banter, for we are neither Modernists or Traditionalists. We simply follow our Spiritual Master, Srila Prabhupada!

In their arrogance, they claim that their academic understanding is the right one and we are all wrong. That if only we would listen to them, the intellectuals, we will better understand Srila Prabhupada. If ‘they’ call a stick a snake and a snake a stick, then we must listen to them!

They fail to mention that Srila Prabhupada was educated by a western Christian education system! In his youth he had various political leanings and did not end up finishing his college training. Srila Prabhupada knew full well what he was dealing with when he established ISKCON, he just did not know how corrupt and low class people from the west were; nor how some of his disciples would turn out to be such big criminals, perverts and philosophical deviants. How some of them would become traitors and heretics.

So let them have their pseudo intellectual fantasies and re-mold institutional ISKCON into their perverted heretical program. We know that every dog has its day. Now they are doing this, and soon they will be out. As Srila Prabhupadanugas, kick them on their traitorous faces.


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