Can I Be Krsna's Godbrother?


Nov 09, 2010 — UK (SUN) —

Dear Dusyanta prabhu,
I read your recent article.
I am not here to score points or "win" a debate.
regarding the subject matter of post-samadhi diksa, I always come back to a certain question...
it just sticks in my mind.
We also accept the siksa of our whole Guru parampara... do we not?
… HDG Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati… Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, right up to Sri Krsna speaking Bhagavad-gita.
Why should I not take diksa from them?
Why not?
I could take this line of thought further…
Why should I not take diksa from Sandipani Muni?
Would I then not be Sri Krsna's Godbrother?
The other question that springs to mind is…
How do I know that they have accepted me?
If I am a complete rascal, do they not have a right to say…
"Sorry… but you are not serious." "No, I do not want to accept you as my disciple."
I am saying all this because factually, I met a young man in Bhubaneswar (maybe 20 years old) who actually claimed to be a Godbrother of HDG AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
This young man claimed to have been given post-samahdi diksa from HDG Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati.
So my question would have to be...
why do I presume anyone would accept me?


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