Transcription of the Conversation between
Mahavidya and Visvambhara


Sep 28, 2010 — UK (SUN) [Revised] As a follow on to Mahavidya prabhu's recent artifcle, "Lend Me Your Ears Again", here is a transcription of the conversation and an MP3 audio file which will be easier for some to listen to.

Visvambhara das: Can you hear me?

Mahavidya das: Vish, yes!

Visvambhara das: Can you hear me?

Mahavidya das: Yes, yes!

Visvambhara das: How are you? Are you okay?

Mahavidya das: Yes, fine, fine, sure.

Visvambhara das: Ok. I've got some good news for you.

Mahavidya das: Go on.

Visvambhara das: I broke the ice

Mahavidya das: Good, well done

Visvambhara das: Praghosa phoned me back

Mahavidya das: Who?

Visvambhara das: Praghosa

Mahavidya das: Oh! Okay,

Visvambhara das: He phoned me because I left him a message, you know this morning when I saw you

Mahavidya das: Yes, yeh yeh, sure

Visvambhara das: And after speaking to you

Mahavidya das: Uhuh!

Visvambhara das: Now he is ah, he phoned me back. He was just travelling to go somewhere and em he and I put all the cards on the table and I told him what happened two years ago

Mahavidya das: Oh! Well done, well done

Visvambhara das: Yes I told him and he said, you know what? He said, thank you for the report better later than never and he is going to, is going to put the report on the Management Council in January.

Mahavidya das: Excellent!

Visvambhara das: Now they're going to toss me up, these people. Now what we have to do Maha....

Mahavidya das: Yeah!

Visvambhara das: You know I am doing my best, you know, to prove you're right but you have to, please don't say, you know, that I told you about this, yeah?

Mahavidya das: Oh!

Visvambhara das: You already knew anyway, right?

Mahavidya das: Yeah well I had a, I heard it from, you know?

Visvambhara das: Maharishi already told you that where the cash came from? You already knew that

Mahavidya das: Yeah him and his dad told me a long time ago

Visvambhara das: All right and also you told me sometime back that, you know, Rukmini, you know, in Tesco he told you that that there was, you know, some stuff going on but he didn't really, he didn't really, you know, open up everything, you remember? You told me sometime back.

Mahavidya das: Yeah that was, oh a while ago, you know, like we said, you know. His you know, he's always scared of his losing his job so

Visvambhara das: Now, what's happening now, Praghosh he said, "okay that's a good thing". He said, "okay it is only you and ah", and he asked me if he um...if you have assumed these things or if you... Rukmini told me? I said no no, it was Rukmini who brought it up with me before we had the VAT inspection and then I told said that anyone else that knows. I said yes, Shamasundar was witness and I called him in the room and and me and Shamasundar we brought it to the Gauri's attention

Mahavidya das: Right, that is when he told you, he told you not to tell the GBC, right?

Visvambhara das: Well, Gauri told me ahm... He said, he said I will take care of it so he spoke to Prana they put the money in the bank. They banked all the money and then the next day he said to me, you know ahm

Mahavidya das: He couldn't, well yeah, and he couldn't have told Praghosh because this is the first Praghosa knows of it

Visvambhara das: He said that there is no need to bring it up on the higher level

Mahavidya das: Okay

Visvambhara das: for the GBC and management

Mahavidya das: So basically just keep it amongst ourselves then Visvambhara das:Well but I told Praghosh, you know, I'm sorry, I apologise if I didn't bring it up in the past

Mahavidya das: Mhh!

Visvambhara das: He said no no it is good you told me now eh.

Mahavidya das: That is good

Visvambhara das: I thought so

Mahavidya das: Because I just got a message from him via Jyesta that if I have problems I should take them to the police

Visvambhara das: Message from who?

Mahavidya das: From Praghosh via Jason that's what she told me this morning

Visvambhara das: Yes, yeah

Mahavidya das: So, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt once again. You know, I mean this man is just unreal. He is totally unreal.

Visvambhara das: Well, he said also that there is no legal requirement you know, about the money the having cash to not bank the cash, you know for long suspend the charity so that is another issue

Mahavidya das: I ac.....

Visvambhara das: I told him well it becomes an issue when we have bought the VAT isn't it? He said yes yes that is true. So em..

Mahavidya das: Plus the amount your telling me about it is not, you're not talking about the price of a Mars Bar. Right?

Visvambhara das: [Laughs] yeah! Are you recording me Maha?

Mahavidya das: No, why? What is up?

Visvambhara das: I can hear some blip blip bliping, you know

Mahavidya das: Probably my battery going Vish

Visvambhara das: Oh, it is your battery okay yeah, it is all right anyway you give my story I repeat it to the Management Council again or, you know, to the police you know or what ever

Mahavidya das: Mhm

Visvambhara das: The thing is that now I have to only be careful now because you see what is going to happen now because these people you know they are so coward, you know, Rukmini and Shamasundar. I am just hoping that they do not deny it. They start to say that I don't remember blah blah blah

Mahavidya das: Hm

Visvambhara das: Because I, I you know he brought it up to me. I called Shamasundar, Shamasundar didn't know anything about it, he was shocked he said that okay then they were arguing between the two of them, who was going to tell Gauri? and I said okay I will tell him and then one of you too will reconfirm to him

Mahavidya das: Hm

Visvambhara das: Then I spoke to Gauri and then Shamasundar spoke to Gauri afterwards

Mahavidya das: Yeah well anyway you're doing the right thing by bringing it out in the open Vish. I really do and I think, look were going to give them the benefit of the doubt and see but by the end of, you know, if he is bringing it up. I want to see what action he is actually .... because if he's not going to take any action then I am. I am just going to turn it over to the, you know. I've been through this before with them and they sent me a document saying, look there is no black economy, right? I mean I've got that document here. You know, I gave them every.. and then. Then they decided that well we're just going to kick you out because you took it further anyway so it's like - okay well here is your second bite at the apple let us hope they get it right this time

Visvambhara das: Hm, now Rukmini is going to be afraid to lose his job now.

Mahavidya das: Well it is not just Rukmini, Pranabandhu, right? I mean what did Pranabandhu do with all that money? I mean 50 grand (£50,000)we are talking about, that's per year... right?

Visvambhara das: Right, yes!

Mahavidya das: That's a lot of bucks, right? You know, it's all unaccountable because it's ah, it's ah em, you know it's under the, under the table. Like, and then, then Acharya, he is so stupid that he has giving the guy the money.

Visvambhara das: Yeah.

Mahavidya das: You know, I mean how dumb can they get? Right, plus the accountant knows Rukmini knew about it but he never said anything.

Visvambhara das: Right

Mahavidya das: Right, so they are all equally as guilty, you know but what I want to know is look. If the management, how do you know? do we know? do I know? that all these people they are still in the same positions. Acharya is still in the shop, Rukmini is still in office, Pranabandhu is still on the Finance Committee. How do I know this stuff is still not going on?

Visvambhara das: Well Praghosh is going to bring it up now..

Mahavidya das: And all they have to do is turn, all they have to do is turn round and say, oh we banked it! But who the hell knows because it has all been black none of these people have been disciplined, none of them have been removed. It has not been made public issue - that I that is my point, right?

Visvambhara das: When I told him I said you know Mahavidya wants to know if any disciplinary action is taken, you know, against, you know, these these activities against Prana and against Acarya

Mahavidya das: Yeah

Visvambhara das: We just want to know

Mahavidya das: Yeah

Visvambhara das: Then he said well that is nothing illegal that has been going on because we are allowed to have cash

Mahavidya das: Yeah but not 50 grand a year and then like.. what.. how much black cash are you allowed to have? Right? How much?

Visvambhara das: I say that

Mahavidya das: 50 quid? Not 50,000!

Visvambhara das: Cash flow they say

Mahavidya das: Yeah maybe 50 quid but not 50,000!

Visvambhara das: Yes

Mahavidya das: There's a big difference, you know there's a difference between a Mars bar and 50 thou! I mean take petty cash we are not talking about petty cash here Vish you are your talking about you know, tens of thousands of pounds over a long period of time

Visvambhara das: A few people nowadays have been asking, like Praghosh said ok, how come, Mahavidya knew about this? You know I said to him well the question, you see is not the crime for the person who told Mahavidya. The crime is why we should hide it? You know, people come to know, what is done in this world, you know, people come to know. They always come to know

Mahavidya das: Mhhm

Visvambhara das: The scene, the crime is the activities it is not the person who who grasses you know, the news, you know

Mahavidya das: Mhm

Visvambhara das: I just get very upset when when they start to say, how come you got to know?

Mahavidya das: Yeah well [laughs]

Visvambhara das: Everybody should know about it!

Mahavidya das: Yeah if they were transparent and open then there wouldn't be a problem. If everything was done by the book..

Visvambhara das: Well I told Praghosh you know that someone was working in the shop I didn't know mention any names and so the Acharya giving 15 grand a month to Prana.

Mahavidya das: HMM

Visvambhara das: He already knows anyway Prana about this because Acharya told him and and em you know he knows already. Maharishi told you already about these things and also I said another person he saw Mahavidya in Tesco's a few times. The members of the Manor, you know, before he told me he broke the news to me he even told himself to Mahavidya that things were not above board

Mahavidya das: Yeah

Visvambhara das: But he was afraid to speak so if the worst comes to the worst you have to bring up the

Mahavidya das: Oh I will I will bring it all up don't worry and if they try to cover it up and then

Visvambhara das: You know I don't mind to say that I brought up to you about the thing about the talking to Rukmini

Mahavidya das: Sure yeah

Visvambhara das: Anyway you know just I say I told you just to pacify you that everything was banked, you know,

Mahavidya das: Hm hm

Visvambhara das: And you are wondering, you know, if it is still going on or not

Mahavidya das: Mh, yeah well let's get to the bottom of it and let's see if they actually do something eh?

Visvambhara das: [Indistinct] the AGM so after on the 10th let's see what is happening on the 10 yeah?

Mahavidya das: And, if, I tell you, if they try and cover this one up. I tell you, I am definitely just going to you know, take it further

Visvambhara das: You know the only thing is now these people are going to probably if they deny it then they can make me into another Mahavidya, you see? That..

Mahavidya das: I don't, if they try and deny it then the answer is quite simple. The answer is quite simple if they try and deny it. I'll just you know, I'll just bring my friends along from the police and they will sit down with you and you can tell them the story and

Visvambhara das: No, you know what we should do..

Mahavidya das: And then they can go over to the Manor and do something

Visvambhara das: You give me the tape recorder you've got a tape recorder?

Mahavidya das: I got a dictaphone

Visvambhara das: Okay that is good then I'm going to I'm going to during prasad because I brought it up to Shyamasundar. He remembers very well and I'm going to I'm going to bring it up again, you know, formally yeah?

Mahavidya das: I think that's a good idea, yeah

Visvambhara das: And formally I'm going to tell Rukmini and then if he they deny it then I am going to put it on, you know, UK management Council and then

Mahavidya das: Yes and then so, otherwise they're just going to make you out to be a liar Vish.

Visvambhara das: Of course, but you know what? This is the sacred truth

Mahavidya das: Yeah, I know I believe you, I believe you Vish. I believe you and I appreciate your trying to do the right thing

Visvambhara das: Of course and if I was going to destroy... I would....

Mahavidya das: No, I don't think your out to destroy the society [laughs]

Visvambhara das: Exactly

Mahavidya das: You're not out to destroy the society [laughs]

Visvambhara das: Exactly but that's

Mahavidya das: It's just time to clean it up that's all

Visvambhara das: I kept it quiet for two years but because already I don't like these guys this Prana you know I just want to bring it up I don't care a damn about these guys

Mahavidya das: Yeah well I am

Visvambhara das: They've gone too far you know?

Mahavidya das: Yes well he has just gone too far he is just a little Mafiosa character I am fed up with it.

Visvambhara das: Okay Maha

Mahavidya das: Alright good luck

Visvambhara das: See you you take care

Mahavidya das: Good luck, thanks Vish, good luck

Visvambhara das: Haribol

Mahavidya das: Haribol

Visvambhara das: Haribol


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