16 / 64
Sep 30, WINNIPEG, CANADA (SUN) With all respects to Payonidhi das, there is another side to talks of the number of rounds of suddha Hari-nama japa. Of course, we must come up to the standard of chanting 24 hours pure rounds, but considering that the Hare Krsna explosion was due to long hours of service put in on street sankirtana, it is wise to consider Srila Prabhupada's priorities in these matters. Followers of other acaryas may refer to their respective gurus in this matter, as the number of rounds required is specified by our Sri Guru.
In Bhaktivedanta Swami's time, the priorities are: #1 Street Sankirtana, which may not be neglected under any circumstances! Everyone must go out for some time. If necessary, the temple doors may be closed for the sake of going out for sankirtana. #2. 16 good rounds of Harinama 3. Temple programs and Deity worship.
Srila Prabhupada has been known to complain of devotees "jappa-ing" instead of cleaning and engaging in practical services. He did not, during his sankirtana heyday, recommend anyone in active ISKCON life to chant 64 rounds, as there was too much to do in service of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sankirtana movement. He would even speak against this 64 rounds, and specifically mentioned that if anyone wanted to do this, they must eat only once a day. Srila Prabhupada's priorities were practical. Work now, samadhi later. Of course, we can say that for many of us, it now IS later! For others who are young and must work hard to spread this devotional spiritual awakening, best to follow Srila Prabhupada's instructions to be preachers first and foremost, otherwise we may become Babajis or offensive ritualists due to our fallen origins.
Briefly, we were also told by Srila Prabhupada NOT to create situations in which one or two sit at the top of a committee and control the resources and dish them out to the rank and file. This is not right, and is strictly forbidden amongst Godbrothers by Srila Prabhupada, as are salaries.
It must be understood that if the spiritual master says chant 16 rounds, that all the benefits of chanting go to the individuals following his orders, not that if they do not chant a minimum of 64 they will not receive the full Mercy of Sri Nityananda Rama. Rather, they are quadruply blessed, that chanting even only 16 rounds, they still easily become empowered brahmans and pure Vaisnavas! This is the extraordinary mercy and power of Srila Prabhupada.
If you doubt this, interview almost any of the many thousands of Srila Prabhupada's disciples, wherever you may find them, and you will be pleased to see total devotion to Srila Prabhupada, even chanting the required 16 rounds only. Such empowered devotion enabled ISKCON devotees to spread Sri Krsna's glories worldwide.
My respectful obeisances to my friend Payonidhi Prabhu, who has glorified the taking of the Names, following the footsteps of Srila Haridasa Thakura, and kindly makes a very good case for increasing our rounds so far as possible, and who always makes me remember Lord Prahlada Laxmi-Nrsmhadeva.