Understood by the Sincere and Blessed


Aug 25, 2010 — AUSTRIA (SUN) — The importance of the Vaisnava Diksa Samskara according to Srila Prabhupada.

In response to the demoniac public denigration by Hasti Gopala dasa, Kurma dasa and George Smith of the vital Vaisnava Diksa Samskara, I wrote "Initiation by a Bona Fide Spiritual Master". The point being made is simplicity itself: the august Diksa Samskara is an essential element of Vaisnava-sadhana. And, importantly, those who are actually followers of Srila Prabhupada accept this essential nature of the Diksa Samskara as the clear and present teaching of the Gaudiya Sampradaya, and Srila Prabhupada in particular.

In our posting, these points of Vaisnava Siddhanta were established by wide sastric reference and are thus indisputable to the learned Vaisnavas. However, the presentation of such simple and basic concepts did not find favor with the most verbally-tangential George Smith.

Dear George has called for substantiation that he is "twisting Gaudiya Siddhanta", in particular on the current topic of Vaisnava Diksa Siddhanta. He repeats his impassioned public proclamation of self-anointment as a dedicated follower of Srila Prabhupada in his recent "Unmasking Rasaprema dasa: The Pot Calling the Kettle Black". Well, George only has to look to this own posting to see how unaware he is of his own denigration of the august Vaisnava Diksa Samskara.

We will give just two of the many misrepresentations of the Vaisnava Diksa Samskara shamelessly excoriated by our George. These misrepresentations serve to illustrate the "twisted" view that George has come to regard as normal. In fact, that which George takes as normal only serves to illustrate that George is badly in need of Vaisnava association to guide him out of his dark forest of wild mental speculation.

First George's Strange Take on Initiation:

    …"for you know and I know that only diksa is something that takes place among the pomp and spectacle of thousands, to the sound of trumpets and elephants and tympanis…"

Egotistically, George includes his audience in compliance with his bizarre depiction of Vaisnava Diksa. However, putting that gaff aside, of which Vaisnava Sastra or Acarya is this wacky characterization applicable? The obvious underlying intention is to pass off the august Vaisnava Diksa Samskara as some kind of show-business flashy performance. Such bare-faced offence against the Vedas and the merciful ritual performances of the Vaisnava Acaryas. How can a learned and devoted soul denigrate so openly the Vaisnava Diksa Samskara, equating it with some superficial "pomp and spectacle". Is this the description given in the Hari Bhakti Vilasa of Srila Sanatana Goswami.

Upon seeing George's above view of Vaisnava Diksa, then it is not hard to divine why George has never been blessed with this Divine Vedic Samskara.

Second, George Misinforms us:

    [Diksa samskara] "of what Srila Prabhupada himself has described a time or two as being a mere formality…"

Srila Prabhupada placed great importance on the formal ritual Samskara of Vaisnava Diksa. This is indisputable. However, George denigrates the Diksa Samskara as a "mere formality". Note the addition of the word "mere" meant to denigrate the importance of the august Diksa Samskara.

Below is a letter where Srila Prabhupada says the exact opposite to George: "It [Diksa] is not a mere formality."

    "Not a mere formality," Srila Prabhupada.

    "Mere formality," George Smith.

Thus, George does not just twist the teaching of Srila Prabhupada, but actually asserts the complete opposite to the teachings of Srila Prabhupada.

Here is the Relevant Letter:

Letter to: Ravendra Gupta, Vrindaban, 12 February, 1974

    Dear Ravendra Gupta,

    Please accept my blessings. I have only recently received your letter of February 6, 1974, due to travelling.

    I am very glad to hear you are following my instructions by chanting 16 rounds daily. In order to chant offenselessly, so that the chanting will have the greatest effect, one must avoid the four sinful activities. You have asked "How serious would it be for me if I should miss the golden opportunity to become your initiated disciple?'' You should know that the value of accepting a bona fide spiritual master is more than we can calculate. It is not a mere formality. Of course everyone is encouraged to chant Hare Krishna, but until one gives up sinful activities and becomes determined to serve Krishna through His representative then the firm fixing up of devotional service will not take hold, and there is every chance that one will fall prey to all sorts of material desires and have to come back again in the next life—and one cannot guarantee that he will be born in the form of life he may desire.

    I know you have been attending our temple in Boston sometimes, and that you wish to be a sincere devotee of Krishna. So go on faithfully with your chanting and pray to Krishna to give you strength for advancing in His service. It is a fact, however that we must become free of all material desire before going back to Godhead, and this can only be achieved by following the instructions of a bona fide spiritual master.

    Your ever well-wisher,

    A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


The above letter indisputably establishes the essential nature of the Vaisnava Diksa Samskara according to Srila Prabhupada, which is repeated innumerably by the Vedas and the Vaisnava Acaryas. However to George, the Diksa Samskara is "pomp and spectacle" and a "mere formality". Thus, despite his public declaration of being a "follower of Srila Prabhupada", he only displays his ignorance of Srila Prabhupada with his nonsense misrepresentation of Srila Prabhupada's teaching on the Diksa Samskara, which has been reverently followed since the beginning of the universe when Sri Brahmaji first heard the flute sound of Sri Krsna whilst atop the lotus flower.

Importance of the Vaisnava Diksa Samskara

Srila Prabhupada Purport, Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.2.18

    "Thus the importance of initiation is mentioned here. Unless one is initiated by the right person, who always carries within his heart the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one cannot acquire the power to carry the Supreme Godhead within the core of one's own heart.... Yogis meditate upon the Supreme Person within the mind. For a devotee, however, the Lord is present, and His presence need only be awakened through initiation by a bona fide spiritual master."

Thus, the proper performance of the Vaisnava Diksa Samskara awakes the presence of the Supreme Person within the consciousness of the sincere disciple. Therefore the importance and primacy of Vaisnava Diksa is indisputable – to the sincere and blessed.

Aum Tat Sat


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