Another Reply to "Bhav Is Black"


Aug 10, NEW YORK (SUN) — A second reply to Rocana dasa's article, "Bhav is Black".

It is very sad to see that people such as Rocana will post articles representing the devotee community when in fact he is speaking for himself. As a long term member of this society I find it very disturbing to see someone such as Rocana or Payonidi das pontificate on a routine basis as if they are the mouthpieces for so many devotees. As a grown man I can easily express the way that I feel, without needing others to speak for myself. When accusing Bhavananda of something such as pedophile behavior, we should have irrefutable proof of such activities. Not simply hearsay as this is not admissible in any court of law.

When comparing someone to a snake or demon we should always proceed with great caution. Our material vision can limit our ability to see the value in others when it comes to the mission of Lord Caitanya. It is obvious to see myself that Rocana has so many bad feelings about the Zonal Guru System that he is on a campaign of contempt. I wonder how many devotees including Rocana himself would have step forward in Mayapur when the temple was attacked and allowed themselves to be drug thru the streets in chains. When Srila Prabhupada was made aware of this he said that these gundhas had come with the intention of doing the same to him. This is a testament to Bhavanada's love for Srila Prabhupada. It must also be noted that Srila Prabhupada was in tears when made aware of this.

As a devotee living in New York for some 20 odd years I know of a great many devotees that served closely to Bhavananda that will affirm that he was always chanting his rounds as also is the case now. So we should take great care when minimizing the service that others have done. As Rocana has pointed out on many occasions Bhavananda is gay yet he was willing to put his life on the line to serve Srila Prabhupada's mission.

To claim that somoeone's faith is destroyed by the nefarious activities of others is simply a clear indication that their faith in Krishna and in Srila Prabhupada was not very strong to begin with. I lived thru the Zonal Guru system, saw the fall downs of many of the gurus and yet would never want to live outside of the association of devotees. Remember Srila Prabhupada himself said be surprised by who stays not by who leaves.

Soap box preachers are the worst because they do not conduct themselves as gentlemen. Their own self righteousness breeds an arrogance so deep that they reveal their own true apathetic natures. I myself have no respect for pedophiles as I am a father myself, but there is a big difference between homosexuals and pedophiles.

The last thing that I will say is that if I were going to war I would want a man next to me that would put his life on the line just like me. I would not want someone that is simply shouting from the sidelines all of the time. Srila Prabhupada said that we should look for the honey rather than the stool. If we are here to represent him to others shouldn't we try to behave in an elevated manner as he would. Hare Krishna


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