Truth Doesn't Need Filters


Jul 14, 2011 — UK (SUN) — In response to Kesava Krsna, I can only say the following... Srila Prabhupada did not hold back when speaking the truth during classes and in his purports. He did not water down anything, he told it like it is - as it is. Thus when senior devotees, or any devotee for that matter, engage in behavioral or philosophical deviation and refuse to even acknowledge that, what choice is there but to expose it for all to see?

What is the bigger crime? To damage faith of blind disciples or to allow them to be further convinced of their gurus so-called greatness, and then have to deal with their disappointment when the guru falls?

I have seen disciples of Harikesa who refuse to engage in Bhakti after all that happened. They followed their guru then with full faith, and now their faith in the process itself has died.

Kesava Krsna prabhu, did you see the photos of Hridayananda, a so-called sannyasi, with his arms around a female? Have you read the many testaments about experiences where disciples or godbrothers of gurus have been hurt?

You urge for sensitivity, but the truth can be painful at times. I was also hurt deeply by my former guru -- Bhakti Tirtha Swami, and I saw videos of him shortly before he left the body crying pools of tears like he was experiencing prema -- a public display of such symptoms is forbidden by scripture and even Srila Prabhupada did not show such tears. It was a daily occurrence for Bhakti Tirtha to make such public displays, as well as claim a likeness to certain associates of Mahaprabhu.

Am I to believe my former guru was a pure devotee, even though he behaved in public in a manner not befitting a preacher of Krsna consciousness? And I have not disclosed further items in this short response.

According to your philosophy, Kesava Krsna prabhu, we should protect the faith of disciples -- yes we should if there is no fault, but if faults are there, then it is the duty of other senior devotees to at least try to protect the weak faith of disciples IN THE VERY PROCESS that their guru claims to follow, lest the falldown of the guru damages even that.

Please look at it from the point of view of devotees that have been hurt, are still hurting, and also from the point of view of those who are trying to protect those devotees.

Do you think ISKCON is healthy right now? Think again! You have Internet satellites all over Mayapur now, gurus falling, Hinduism taking over temples, sannyasis being too close and attached to women...and so so many other issues that cannot be denied. And is it really ok for Hridayananda to own a house in Beverly Hills, listen to opera, no longer wear tilak, kanthi mala or a brahmana thread, using so-called medical reasons for it?

Face it prabhu, the only thing happening is that Krsna consciousness itself is being filtered and watered down, right before our very eyes, and this is becoming the norm.


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