Three Big, Bad Eclipses on the Horizon
May 24, 2011 BLAGOEVGRAD, BULGARIA (SUN) From 'The Astrological Newsletter' by Mithuna Twiins Astrological Services.
"I'm 62 years old and in all my life I've seen nothing but disasters. Therefore devotees need farm communities away from the cities." HH Shivarama Swami of New Vraja Dham, Hungary, when asked about the "preparing for the coming disasters."(Skype conference, May 2011)
As reported in our Early Dec. 2010 edition of The Astrological Newsletter, we are now submerged in a sequence of seven eclipses, the maximum that can occur in a year's time. In that newsletter we pointed out the momentous eras of history that were precipitated by a "sequence of seven." We shall explain in a nutshell the ominous significance of eclipses.
We know that the life-givers of the Universe are the masculine Sun, the king of day, and the feminine Moon, the queen of night. In Bhagavad Gita (11.19), Arjuna, gasping in awe at Shri Vishwarupa, tells Shri Krishna shashi-surya netram, "Your eyes are the Sun and the Moon." The Sun and Moon are the loving eyes of the world by which Shri Krishna spreads His benediction rays of nourishment for the benefit of His parts and parcels. When the eyes of the Universal Form are blackened by the demon Rahu, there are naturally reactions upon the Earth. Thus, when the eyes of the day and night are eclipsed, it is natural that the earth and its little "leaders" here below should suffer untoward results.
According to the science of jyotish, various regions of the globe are ruled by the different signs of the zodiac. Much of this branch of the science, called mundane astrology ("the astrology of the mundus or world") or gola jyotish ("global" astrology) has been lost. Here at Mithuna Twiins Astrological Services, we are researching some of these lost elements of jyotish shastra as you will see in this article. By observing those places of the world that are affected during lunar cycles related to eclipses in the various signs, we have found a deductive method that might offer rough clues to the rashis or signs of nations. What is more important, however, is that eclipses tend to affect those places where they are visible. Nonetheless, Rahu's poisonous cloud is all-expansive.
The full Moon of Vaishakha-masa appeared this year on 17 May. As the swifter Moon pulled ahead of the Sun, beginning the first tithi of Jyaishta-masa, or Krishna pratipad, so we entered into a lunar fortnight that ends with an eclipse of the Sun, and which will be followed by two others in the coming two fortnights.
The three eclipses coming in June / July are as follows:
1.) 01 June 2011: New Moon--Partial solar eclipse in Taurus
2.) 15 June 2011: Full Moon--Total lunar eclipse in Scorpio
3.) 01 July 2011: New Moon--Partial (slight) solar eclipse in Gemini*
*For details regarding areas of visibility, click here
Furthermore, Rahu and Ketu will be changing signs into Scorpio and Taurus, their respective signs of debility, on 7 June. Places on earth that are affected by these three signs, Vrishabha, Vrischika and Mithuna are also likely to suffer negative impact. Add to this the rare yuga yoga preceding this coming threesome, which is also discussed in this edition of The Astrological Newsletter. Taken together, what does this combination of omens mean?
To arrive at some sort of deductive conclusion, let us turn our attention to those places of Mother Earth that were affected by eclipses in the Taurus / Scorpio axis and also Gemini in the Twentieth Century.
Table: 20th Century Eclipses
in Taurus, Scorpio and Gemini (Part One)

22 Nov 1900. Solar eclipse in Scorpio.
-Half a lunar cycle (2 wks) before the eclipse US Pres. William McKinley is sworn into office, only to be assassinated the following year. (Note: Signing of important documents, major purchases, political appointments etc. should not be enacted under the shadow of either impending or recent eclipses.)
18 May 1901. Total solar eclipse in Taurus.
-The stock market crashes the day before the eclipse. (Note: Taurus/Scorpio eclipses have disastrous effects on America)
-The Caerphilly mining disaster in Wales takes the lives of 78 miners on 24 May. (Note: Taurus is a fixed earth sign, hence it rules places like mountains where the earth is considered solid. This is disrupted by an eclipse in Taurus; hence mining disasters seem to be more frequent at this time).
28 June 1908. Eclipse of the Sun in Gemini.
-Simmering domestic revolt against the Sultan of Turkey now forces him to call elections and spells the coming doom of the Ottoman Empire. The Sultan of Morocco is likewise soon thereafter deposed. (Note: Eclipses generally foretell the fall of leaders all over the world.)
7 Dec 1908. Eclipse of the Moon in Taurus.
-28 Nov. Pennsylvania mining disaster takes 154 lives.
-28 Dec. Italy's 2nd largest city of Messina is destroyed by an earthquake. The quake triggers a tsunami with engulfs Reggio killing 70,000. (Note: More disasters involving "earth" after an eclipse in an earth sign).
4 Jun 1909. Eclipse of the Moon in Scorpio.
17 Jun 1909. Total eclipse of the Sun in Gemini.
-16 July 1909 Persia crowns the new Shah who at the time is only twelve years old, exactly 30 days (one lunar cycle) from the total solar eclipse. Shah Reza Pallavi will prove to be the last Shah of Iran. (Note: Though he reigned for many decades, his time in power was a checkered one. Hence, the effects of the eclipse-tainted inauguration would prove to follow him.)

27 Nov 1909. Eclipse of the Moon in Taurus.
12 Dec 1909. Eclipse of the Sun in Scorpio.
-11 Nov 1909. The ill-fated naval base of Pearl Harbor is founded. (Note: Never begin new ventures, buy vehicles, marry, or buy a house under an eclipse cycle).
-13 Nov 1909: Illinois mining disaster causes deaths of 259. (Note: Here we see another mining disaster after an eclipse in an earth sign. Scorpio also rules holes deep in the earth, hidden places. See how the effects of eclipses are often felt about 30 days (one solar or lunar cycle) from the event indicating that an eclipse contaminates the full luni-solar cycle that it involves).
-18 Nov 1909: 2 US warships are sent to Nicaragua after 500 revolutionaries are ordered executed by country dictator Zelaya. (Note: Scorpio is a watery sign ruled by the fiery, war-like Mars, hence the involvement of battleships.)
-17 Dec 1909: Death of King Leopold of Belgium. (Note: Leaders should take due caution. Death of kings, queens and public figures occur often around eclipses.).
17 Nov. 1910. Eclipse of the Moon in Taurus.
-23 Oct. 1910. King Rama of Siam dies.
-8 Nov 1910: Coal mine disaster in Colorado (USA) kills 79. (Note: Earth sign, disaster).
-20 Nov 1910: Mexican Revolution begins. Pancho Villa leads a peasant army in revolt against the President of Mexico, Porfirio Diaz. The uprising is financed by ex-political prisoner Francisco Madero from his stronghold in San Antonio, Texas. (Note: Rahu is a "shadow plant". Hence, shadow government interference is often at work in eclipse cycles. Therefore we must ask, who in America supplied Madero with the money to support an entire revolution?)
-15 Dec 1910: Prince Chun of China is forced to resign and is taken from Peking under armed guard. China soon becomes a Republic under Sun Yat-sen. (Note: The prince was taken in custody 28 days or exactly 1 lunar cycle from eclipse).
8 Jan 1917: Eclipse of the Moon in Gemini.
-11 Jan. 1917: Kingsland explosion goes off in New Jersey by "German saboteurs," becomes a reason for American entering WW1. (Note: No solid evidence was ever given that the explosion was caused by Germans).
-19 Jan 1917: Silverton explosion in Essex, UK, a munitions factory goes up as a result of a fire. 73 die, 400 injured, 900 buildings destroyed. (Note: two big explosions thousands of miles apart under Gemini, an air sign).
-31 Jan 1917: Germany declares submarine war on England. (Note: Rahu rules secret and subversive tactics).
19 Jun 1917: Eclipse of the Sun in Gemini. (Note: This is part of an eclipse threesome involving a lunar event in Sag on 4 July and a solar event in Cancer on 19 July)
-5 Jun 1917: Draft (conscription) begins in USA (Note: Rahu rules shadow interests who seize governmental power.)
-8 Jun 1917: Montana ore mine disaster kills 163.
-13 Jun 1917: London faces first bombing attack from German airplanes leaving 162 dead. (Note: Gemini is an air sign, hence--in this case--death from the air).
-26 Jun 1917: First US troops arrive in Europe for WW 1. (Note: Rahu rules intrigue and secrecy, and America's reasons for entering the war, or even the war itself for that matter, have never been satisfactorily established).
-1 Jul 1917: E. St Louis, IL, racial riots leave 250 dead. (Note: Riots and skirmishes are very common during eclipses when mob mentality rules.)
-16-17 July 1917: Russian troops mutiny and abandon their posts in Austria, many hundreds are gunned down by their commanding officers. (Note: Unregulated chaos reigns during times of the unregulated outcaste Rahu).
18 August 1917: Great Thessaloniki, Greece fire leaves 70,000 homeless and destroys one third of the city. (Note: The fire is exactly one lunar cycle after the last eclipse of this threesome).
14 Dec 1917: Eclipse of the Sun in Scorpio.
-6 Dec 1917: The Halifax Explosion, French ammunitions ship Mont Blanc and the Belgian freighter Imo collide in Halifax (Canada) Harbor. Over 1,900 are dead and blast is felt 60 miles away. (Note: Scorpio is ruled by incendiary Mars).
-12 Dec 1917: The century's second worst railway disaster shakes France with nearly 550 dead.
8 June 1918: Eclipse of the Moon in Gemini
-8 June 1918: The first Romanov is murdered in Moscow, Grand Duke Michael Romanov. The very day of the eclipse marks the beginning of the rise of the Bolsheviks and the beginning of the end of the old guard in Russia.
-22 Jun 1918: Indiana (USA) railroad disaster results in 68 deaths.
-9 Jul 1918: 1 day past one solar cycle, a Nashville (USA) train accident claims lives of 101. (Note: Similar accidents often coincide under eclipses).
Part Two of "Table of 20th Century Eclipses in Taurus, Scorpio and Gemini" will appear in the next issue of The Astrological Newsletter.
Mithuna Twiins Astrological Services
"Home of the Bhrigu Project"
Patita Pavana das Adhikary, Ed.
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