Srila Prabhupada's View on Puri Maharaja
Apr 24, INDIA (SUN) — Jagabandhu Das is either blindly repeating propaganda he has been taught or purposely lying to discredit B.V. Puri Maharaja. He says: "Please do not rely on misinformation regarding someone advertising themselves as a diksha disciple of Srila Saraswati Thakur on their official website in order to deceive people."
Anyone who would take the one minute required to go to the website and read it will see that it clearly states Puri Maharaja received initiation from Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasawati and Diksha from from Ananta Vasudeva. There is even a separate heading in bold and all caps "DIKSHYA" under which it says: "He received Dikshya from Srila Ananta Vasudeva Para Vidyabhusan Prabhu as per the advice of the seniormost Sannyasis but later on left him for unavoidable circumstances."
This shows that Jagabandhu Das is only interested in insulting and criticising this senior Vaishnava, up to the point of lying about him, accusing him of being a cheater and liar for misrepresenting himself, etc. But the facts on Maharaja's website completely refute this Jagabandhu Das. I am not a follower or disciple of Puri Maharaja and have never even listened to one of his lectures or read one of his books. I am not writing this out of some blind attachment or affection for Maharaja. I am writing it because Jagabandhu Das is lying and trying to misdirect the innocent devotees who may not be aware of the situation.
Let this shallow person, Jagabandu Das, prove his statement and show where in Puri Maharaja's official website does he claim to have received Diksha (gayatri mantra) from Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasawati Thakur. If he cannot back up his lies, then he should hide himself from the devotees out of shame.
If he tries to defend himself by saying he didn't spend the one minute to even look at the website, yet still gave all of us big lectures about what lies the Maharaja was making on his website, then such a useless rascal as Jagabandhu Das should not even be seen or heard. Someone who would not take the time to see what someone has actually said, but quickly broadcasts insults and accusations about them without verifying anything is a most unfortunate soul wasting his time in cultivating offenses.
I felt so embarrassed for this individual while reading his reply, as he continuously glorifies himself on how he has received higher knowledge from his guru and therefore does not argue nor criticize anyone... yet his entire response is an argument and criticism of a senior Vaishnava. If you truly are not interested in argument, then why did you reply and argue your points?
I will agree with one thing, and that is he never engages in _fit_ argument, because anyone trying to debate a topic would first take the time to see what the other side actually says, but he was too busy listening to his own beautiful voice to take notice of what Puri Maharaja actually said about himself.
While claiming not to criticize, his first sentence calls Maharaja a liar and cheater trying to deceive people:
"Please do not rely on misinformation regarding someone advertising themselves as a diksha disciple of Srila Saraswati Thakur on their official website in order to deceive people."
His second sentence accuses Maharaja of being filled with ostentatious ambitions:
Look a little deeper into the history of Srila Saraswati Thakur's beloved mission from those without ostentatious ambitions..."
His fourth and fifth sentence glorifies himself as one who knows and perfectly practices the Vedic aphorism such as avoidance of argument (while he himself is busy arguing):
By the Grace of my teachers, I have learned and practiced the Vedic aphorism, that no one can be convinced by argument. Because of this, I never argue with anyone, about anything, ever.
His sixth sentence states all followers of Bhaktisiddhanta agree with him, yet it will been shown below that Srila Prabhupada, our worshipful spiritual master who is always free from envy, disagrees with him:
I was simply stating a simple fact that the real followers of Srila Saraswati Thakur all know.
His seventh sentence falsely says he is not criticising, when in reality every sentence is either a lie, criticism, or glorification of himself:
I meant no harm or criticism.
His eighth sentence then explains why "he doesn't criticize", its because "he is a truly advance soul". More useless glorification of himself:
May we be reminded of the teaching of Sri Rupa that truly high souls do not truly criticise others, for any reason, ever.
The rest of his letter is incoherent and not at all related to the topic at hand. He starts speaking about nonviolence and humility, and other completely unrelated topics.
In summary, beyond any doubt whatsoever, this lowly person, Jagabandhu Das, has publicly lied to the devotee community in order to criticise Puri Maharaja while simultaneously recounting his own "unlimited" glories. How shameless can one be? His garbage does not belong on such a beautiful site as the sampradaya sun. I agree that all sides of opinion and news should be represented, but there is a limit to free speech, and that is when one begins to deceive, falsely accuse someone, etc.
Please see his letter for what it is. It contains only 1) lies, 2) self glorification, and 3) criticism of a senior Vaishnava. I would suggest that such a letter be removed from this website, not for censoring other's opinions, but to remove his useless self glorifying lies. This may seem like a drastic step, but just think about this: If I were to write a letter, glorifying myself in every line, and then say Prabhupada is a liar and cheater because on his official website he said he was the king of England, would you print such an opinion? The answer is no, because it is completely baseless and untrue.
Below please see Srila Prabhupada's statements confirming B.V. Puri Maharaj is his Godbrother, having received harinama diksha from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasawati Thakur.
Your servant,
Jahnava Nitai Das
Letter to Puri Maharaj, Dec 2, 1970:
Perhaps you are my only Godbrother who has appreciated my humble service to the cause of Guru Gauranga. All my other Godbrothers are very much envious, as I can understand from their behavior.
Letter to Shyamasundara, May 29, 1971:
At the request of my Godbrother , Puri Maharaja, I have consented to go to Rajahmundry with party for a few days. ... The address in Rajahmundry is as follows: c/o B.V. Puri Maharaja; Sri Krishna Caitanya Ashram; Rajahmundry-1; E. Godavari (A.P.).
And just see how Prabhupada addressed Puri Maharaj in his letters with all humility, are we any bigger than Prabhupada, that we can criticise him and lie about him?
My dear Sripad Puri Maharaj,
Kindly accept my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.