The Actual Founder of the Odd Rtvikism


Mar 16, USA (SUN) — A Rtvik has recently given some postings. He has not, in any of his postings, given proof of his odd idea, just a repeated declaration that it is correct. This propaganda approach is in itself an admission that he has no proof of his concocted interpretation. The Rtviks have no proof to offer and bypass this problem by just insisting that the weird idea is true. But who actually is the origin of Rtvikism? Who thought it up? What was his inspiration? When was the great moment? It's certainly not in Bhagavad-gita, in any of Srila Prabhupada's books, or any other Vedic literature. So where did it come from? Dear reader, read on and all will be revealed.

Is Rtvikism Odd?

In his last posting, the latest Rtvik apologist has protested against usage of the word "odd" to describe his interpretation of Srila Prabhupada's teachings. So, apparently, his idea is that "posthumous rtvik-diksa guru for the next ten thousand years" is not an "odd" idea. Well, actually usage of the word "odd" was meant as a generous understatement.

At his urging, let us now be more precise in our assessment of the "ten-thousand year posthumous diksa-guru" concoction. Such a concept is abnormal, atypical, bizarre, deviant, different, eccentric, extraordinary, fantastic, freakish, freaky, irregular, outlandish, out of the ordinary, peculiar, queer, strange, unconventional, unusual, weird, whimsical and irregular. Or one might say: "Just plain nuts." Now if you disagree, kindly give some proof from guru, sadhu and sastra to support your bizarre interpretation.

The Favorite Rtvik Word

We know you Rtviks have your one word proof "henceforward", so no need to repeat that 'proof' again. Yes, you have no sastra, no sadhu, and no order from guru. Here is your proof: out of the whole English language, you have just one word "henceforward" and the highly questionable meaning that you attach to it in the July 9th letter.

The meaning is highly questionable because the July 9th letter finishes with "The name of a newly initiated disciple should be sent by the representative who has accepted him or her to Srila Prabhupada…" "Sent to Srila Prabhupada", this clearly indicates that the system described in the letter was to operate while Srila Prabhupada was present amongst us. ABC.

Furthermore, if Rtvikism was to run for ten-thousand years why only eleven representatives with approximately sixty-years of life remaining are mentioned? Why is there no mention of a procedure for electing further representatives for the next "ten-thousand years". There is not even mention of some speculated "ten-thousand years". How could such basic points be absent?

Furthermore, if the system was meant to extend beyond the departure of Srila Prabhupada, then why is this absolutely crucial point not mentioned? There is no mention of the departure of Srila Prabhupada. Clearly this indicates therefore that the departure of Srila Prabhupada was not a factor under consideration in the composition of this letter. (The fact under consideration was that Srila Prabhupada was now ill and so he shouldn't be unnecessarily bothered so he could recover.)

Rtvikism Bogus Proved by July 9 Letter

So perhaps the best proof that Rtvikism is bogus is actually contained within the July 9th letter itself. Undoubtedly, the general body of the letter contradicts the proposal that Srila Prabhupada was instituting a system to run endlessly after his departure. Such is not mentioned. Rather, the opposite is mentioned: the newly initiated should have their names "Sent to Srila Prabhupada". So it is certainly "odd" that any honest or intelligent person could propose such an eccentric and peculiar idea on the basis of "henceforward". There is just no support in the context.

Conclusively, when this letter was composed and sent around ISKCON, absolutely no one in the society thought that it described a posthumous rtvik-diksa system for ten-thousand years. Absolutely no one. Now consider that: At the time, not one soul in ISKCON, even imagined the interpretation the Rtviks now give the letter. Even the present Rtviks didn't imagine such an interpretation at the time. Tamal Krsna Goswami, who composed the letter and therefore must have known Srila Prabhupada's intention for the letter, never declared he was composing a letter that would institute 'posthumous diksa-rtvikism for ten-thousand years'. Soon he initiated his own disciples.

Now if the composer of letter didn't have the idea of 'rtvik-diksa for ten-thousand years' in his mind as he composed the letter under the personal direction of Srila Prabhupada, isn't it plainly illogical to postulate such an idea on the basis of the letter? Is there any intelligence at all in the Rtviks?

The Founder of Rtvikism and His Disciples

So, where did the idea come from? When did Hell yawn? Well, many years after the departure of Srila Prabhupada, it came from a deviant character who eventually was sent to prison for not paying tax on all the drug paraphernalia he was selling by mail order! Perhaps he had been testing a lot of the drug paraphernalia himself when he came up with the idea. Yes, the origin of the posthumous rtvik-diksa idea may just be found in a puff of smoke emanating from some stoned what-not half-conscious in the backwoods of the USA. The glorious origins of Rtvikism!

Yet, for the similarly befuddled Rtviks, following their bemused founder, their outlandish misinterpretation of "henceforward" is cool enough. They want to throw out the way diksa has been given for literally billions of years. Throw out the way diksa has always been practiced by all sadhus and mahajanas in our sampradaya. Throw out the way Vedic sastra describes diksa. Throw out guru, sadhu and sastra and replace it with an interpretation of "henceforward" that clearly contradicts the context of the letter in which it is found.

The Rtviks cannot provide any validating proof from sadhu and sastra but blindly insist that this idea came from Srila Prabhupada. How can anyone be so plainly mistaken? How can any person be so ignorant? It is astonishing that anyone could propose that Srila Prabhupada would change everything he taught about the disciplic succession with just one word in a letter actually composed by his personal secretary while he was unwell. Astonishing. Having no proof, the Rtviks simply adopt the propaganda approach: posture that the lie is true, and then repeat the lie over and over again. However, the Rtviks are unaware that their propaganda involves the mad-elephant offence: They are determinedly presenting nonsense in the name of Srila Prabhupada.

When asked for sastric proof, one Rtvik answered: "It does not matter whether the Rtvik diksa system is mentioned in sastra or not." What a classic nonsense! So this is the tactic: when asked for corroboration from sastra, then just say that the sastra is irrelevant. What pure humbug.

The Destination of the Rtviks

Well Krsna, in the form of Vedic Sastra, is not irrelevant. The Rtviks should read the future of those who think that the sastra is irrelevant:

yah sastra-vidhim utsrjya
vartate kama-karatah
na sa siddhim avapnoti
na sukham na param gatim

"He who discards scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own whims attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme destination." Bg 16.23.

So dear Rtviks, here is your future result for the illogical misinterpretation that you are obstinately espousing: no perfection, no happiness, and no Goloka-Vrndavana. Not only that but you are compounding your offence by persistently propounding your nonsense, confusing innocent neophytes, in the name of Srila Prabhupada whose very life's work was to present the sastra, As It Is. This is certainly demoniac.

Yes, your future is very, very dark: no perfection, no happiness, no Goloka-Vrndavana. Just more whimsical, mental speculation and offensive misinterpretation as the shadows come to enfold you more and more.

We hope this is found helpful,

Your servant, Balavidya dasa


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