On Wasting Time
Mar 13, UK (SUN)
I read Vrindavan das's recent article, wasting time.
Frankly, I do consider his condescending comments
If he considers discussing the importance of the
ongoing Parampara, the disciplic succession, "boring",
may I suggest he simply stop reading the articles
relating to this discussion.
I personally find such comments as his "boring".
Why is he wasting his valuable time?
He obviously has much more important things to do.
Of course,
if he wishes to discuss other issues then why doesn't
he simply present his article?
Then we can decide if we are wasting our valuable time
listening to what he has to say.
Let's hear what practical solutions Vrindavan das has
to "fix" ISKCON.
I would be prepared to give my valuable time to hear
what he has to say.
perhaps Vrindavan das is a spy or servant of Kali?
After all …
Vrindavan das is minimising what many devotees would
consider a very serious subject matter for discussion.
The subject of initiation affects everyone, does it not?
Does it not include Vrindavan das?
Unless Vrindavan das has been born and named as
Vrindavan das,
we can only assume he has also thought (hopefully)
very carefully about the process of diksa, before
taking diksa.
Is the process 100% crystal clear for him?
If so,
perhaps he would wish to share his insights with us
lesser mortals.
From his own comments, he does not seem too sure.
Yes of course,
there are many other facets of Krishna consciousness
also worthy of serious discussion.
Let us also give them due serious thought and
For many years the forum for free speech has been
long overdue.
Let us take advantage of this much welcome facility
provided by the devotees at the Sampradaya Sun.
I look forward to reading Vrindavan das's future articles.