Don't Believe The Hype
Feb 21, USA (SUN) To shed some light on both sides of the story concerning the hundreds of hidden audio recordings of Srila Prabhupada:
Ekanatha Prabhu: "We are hopeful that future funding will be made available from other sources as well."
Ekanatha Prabhu: "You again offered some financial support which I did not follow up with"
A wealthy and senior devotee (name withheld) repeatedly offered his help to the Bhaktivedanta Archives / Ekanatha Prabhu and he asks nothing at all in return but that the audio be released. But Ekanatha Prabhu refuses to even meet with him.
A devotee (name withheld) offered: "It costs almost nothing to publish audio files on the Internet. I am willing to host them myself at no cost to the Archives." (Many devotees have offered this service to Ekanatha Prabhu.)
Ekanatha Prabhu replied to only one of them: "Thank you for this offer" but unfortunately Ekanatha Prabhu never followed up on these offers or allowed it to happen!
Ekanatha Prabhu: "how we know that what's in the collection is authentic"?
I always thought that everything Srila Prabhupada said was authentic.
A devotee (name withheld) was told by the Bhaktivedanta Archives: "one of the reasons behind the chunks of missing audio was the fact that back in the days of the Bhaktivedanta Tape Ministry, the audio engineers clipped taped conversations down so they would fit onto off-the-shelf cassette tape blanks."
Ekanatha Prabhu: "We do not remove any of Srila Prabhupada's spoken words from the original audio. That is a given."
In 1997 a Bhaktivedanta Archives tape was sent to a reputed forensic laboratory for analysis of tampering, post recording, and the official results came back from the forensic laboratory as: "This recording exhibits strong signs suggestive of falsification. I do not believe that these deficiencies might possibly be the product of some mechanical process or problem with the recording or duplication process and I believe that they exist at what is considered to be a higher degree than that of coincidence."
But don't worry, Ekanatha Prabhu is stating for the record:
"Once again let us state for the record we are not:
Keeping secret,
Refusing to release,
Standing In the way in between Prabhupada and his followers,
Holding Srila Prabhupada's audio hostage.
Thank you."
But what is he thanking everyone for? For not following through with what we say to Srila Prabhupada every single morning for so many years now: "guru-mukha-padma-vakya, cittete koriya aikya, ar na koriho mane asa" - My only wish is to have my consciousness purified by the words emanating from his lotus mouth.
Ekanatha Prabhu: the entire original audio collection will be released... for us to project a release date now would be irresponsible.
Srila Prabhupada:
This is all nonsense. "Future." (devotees laugh) No future, sir. Immediately.
(December 4, 1973, Los Angeles)
"And we shall be misled by these rascals? They promise everything for the future. "Yes, in the future we'll do this. In the future we'll do that." Postdated check. "I'll give you a million-dollar check dated six months from now. Take it." Only the fool will be satisfied."
(A Less-Than-Doggish Civilization)
"A foolish rascal will accept. (laughter) You are rascal number one. You can accept that check, we are not going to."
(August 11, 1976, Tehran)
"But we are not so fool that we are going to believe in your future postdated check. We are not so fool."
(March 16, 1976, Mayapura)
IMPORTANT NOTE: I have nothing personal against Ekanatha Prabhu. I simply have something personal for hearing Srila Prabhupada! And Ekanatha Prabhu has locked up Srila Prabhupada in the Archives and refuses to let him out and preach to his devotees. I feel that this is a great offense. And to be honest, I am quite surprised that more people are not coming together to try to resolve this and have the transcendental recordings of our Founder-Acarya, a sat-guru and nitya-siddha, who descended from the Spiritual world to bring us back to the eternal abode of Sri Radha and Krishna by the power of transcendental sound vibration, his precious words.
Hare Krishna!
Your servant,
Bhakta Philip