Goloka Dhama November Newsletter


Kartika Devata Srimati Radharani

Oct 28, 2012 — ABENTHEUR, GERMANY (SUN) — Hare Krsna dear friends, Jaya Srila Prabhupada! Please enjoy the November 2012 Newsletter for Goloka Dhama.

Damodar Masa (Kartik Month)

Srila Sanatana Goswami glorifies the month of Kartika in his book Hari Bhakti Vilasa. He advises all devotees to perform the Kartika Vrata for advancing in Krsna consciousness.

Kartika Vrata is the best vow, the purest of purifiers, and Kartika is the most glorious of all months. Kartika month is particularly dear to Lord Sri Krsna. This month is full of bhakta vatsalya. Any vrata, even the smallest, will yield huge results. The effect of performing a Kartika Vrata lasts for one hundred lifetimes, whereas ordinary vratas only last for one lifetime! As Krsna says in the Bhagavad Gita that He is the month of Nov-Dev, similarly, Srimati Radhika is the holy month of Kartik, which proceeds Krsna's month. Srila Rupa Gosvami refers to Srimati Radharani as the Kartika-devata or Kartika Devi. In other words, Sri Radhika is the goddess or the presiding Deity of the month of Kartika.

Srila Rupa Goswami and Srila Sanatana Goswami

The month of Damodar (Kartik) is from October 29th till November 28th, 2012.

During this month we will sing an hour of kirtan and bhajan anjd evetually a lecture. The program starts on 6 p.m.

Also we like to inform you about our celebrations in November:

    - Wednesday, November 7th from 6 p.m. Bahulastami

    - Tuesday, November 13th from 6 p.m. Diwali

    - Wednesday, November 14th from 5 p.m. Govardhan-Puja

    - Saturday, November 17th from from 5 p.m. Srila Prabhupada's disappearance day

Saturday, November 17th marks Srila Prabhupada's thirty-fifth disappearance day. We would like to specially adore him with our heartfelt offerings. We start the program sharp 5 p.m. with Guru Puja and a bathing ceremony. After that everyone is invited to read a personal letter, pray or speak in front of Srila Prabhupada. You can also bring gifts to Him.

After the Gaura-Arati we will watch a short movie about Srila Prabhupada and end the evening with Prasadam feast in His honor.

Our programs are full of interesting ceremonies and surprises and we would like to invite you cordially to come to Goloka Dhama and celebrate with us. You are welcome to come sooner and leave later and assist us in organizing the programs. Your help and ideas are always welcome. If you would like to help, email damodara-priya.sns@pamho.net..

More information about Bahulastami, Diwali and Govardhan-Puja can be found here:




Srila Prabhupada worshiping Radha London Isvara

Puja-Seminar Part 2

On Thursday, November 1st, from 6 p.m, we begin the 2nd Part of the Puja Seminar in Goloka Dhama. Participants will be familiarized with a full worship ceremony to Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai (with 16 upacaras) for 2 ½ days, i.e, till Sunday, 4.11., You will also learn the art of producing Deity-turbans. The seminar is free for overnight and prasadam will charge 20 euros per day. You require enthusiasm and a desire to get deeper insights into the Deity worship. No experience is required. Interested persons shall directly contact Damodara-priya dasi as soon as possible (Damodara-priya.sns @ pamho.net).

Future Announcement for Puja-Seminar on Christmas holidays

From Tuesday, 25.12., till Friday, 28.12. you can learn the basics in the Deity worship, Aratiks, sacrifices, puja with 16 upacaras to Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai. Interested persons shall directly contact Damodara-priya dasi (Damodara-priya.sns @ pamho.net).


We would like to inform you a program guide on our ceremonies during Kartika and to invite you to celebrate with us in Goloka Dhama.

    Bahulastami Wednesday, November 7th

    18:00 Bhajans & Damodarastakam

    19:00 Gaura-Arati & Nrsimha-Praysers

    19:30 narration about Bahulastami

    20:00 Prasadam: cake and tea

    Diwali Tuesday, November 13th

    18:00 Bhajans & Damodarastakam

    19:00 Gaura-Arati & Nrsimha-Prayer

    19:30 Narration about Diwali

    20:00 Prasadam: cake and tea

    Govardhan-Puja Wednesday, November 14th

    17:30 Abhisekha; Bathing ceremony of Govardhana-Silas of the congregation

    with Bhajans & Damodarastakam

    19:00 Gaura-Arati & Nrsimha-Prayer

    19:30 Narration about Govardhan-Puja 20:00 Maha-Prasadam feast

    Srila Prabhupada's Disappearance day Saturday, November 17th

    17:00 Guru-Puja to Srila Prabhupada

    Abhisekha; Bathing ceremony of the small Prabhupada-Murti

    19:00 Gaura-Arati & Nrsimha-Prayer

    19:30 Film about Srila Prabhupada

    20:00 Prasadam feast

Your humble servant,

Bhagavat Dharma Dasa


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