Puri Chariots Ready to Roll


[ Photo: Sampradaya Sun ]


The temple town is packed, as neither a downpour on Saturday nor a heavy rain forecast for the next few days stopped devotees from reaching the hallowed place to watch the nine-day car festival, starting Sunday. The 3-km-long Grand Road, where the three colourful chariots of the sibling Deities will roll on amidst a million cheers on Sunday, is soaked in religious fervour.

The state government on Saturday gave finishing touch to preparations in the backdrop of a slugfest between priests and shrine administration over the ban on access of pilgrims onto chariots. The administration is also jittery after an axle of Goddess Subhadra's chariot broke on Wednesday, and was later replaced.

[ Photo: Sampradaya Sun ]

Riding on three colourful wooden chariots, Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra will set out on the 3-km journey to Gundicha Temple, Their birth place, amidst a pompous procession.

The millennia-old annual festival is billed as one of the world's longest surviving public celebrations. Even though a host of places on the Earth observe car festival with equal enthusiasm, the Rath Yatra at Puri is still the major crowd puller.

Unfazed by heavy rain on Saturday, thousands of devotees stood in long queues on Grand Road to enter the temple for darshan of the Deities, who were off limits to them since June 9, Debasnan Purnima festival. Restless devotees broke police barricades, leaving the cops on their toes.

[ Photo: Sampradaya Sun ]

"I am waiting with bated breath to catch glimpse of the Deities on chariots as foreigners like us are not allowed to enter the temple. It is the only occasion in a year when we have darshan of the Deities. Though weather experts predicted heavy rain, I will come and watch the Deities," said Harekrishna dasa, an ISKCON devotee from France.

Director General of police, K. B. Singh said adequate security arrangements have been made for smooth conduct of the festival. "The entire town, including the surrounding of Jagannath Temple, chariots, Gundicha Temple and sea beach have been fortified. Over 7,000 cops, including 125 platoons of police force have been mobilized," Singh said.

The pulling of the chariots is scheduled to start between 3.30 pm and 4 pm. Devotees will not be allowed to mount the chariots nor touch the Deities. "Devotees are strictly prohibited to climb the chariots throughout the nine days, as per 2014 Orissa High Court order. We will lodge police complaints if anyone violates the High Court order. Devotees can touch the chariots only at Gundicha Temple," another temple official said.

[ Photo: Sampradaya Sun ]

Over Rs 3 crore has been spent for this year's Rath Yatra. According to sources, around Rs 60 lakh was spent for the making of the chariots.


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