"Climbing Chariots Is Against Religion"


Puri Gajapati Dibyasingha Deb with Sankaracharya at meeting
Photo: Sampradaya Sun

May 12, 2014 — JAGANNATHA PURI, ORISSA With Rath Yatra scheduled for June 29th, Puri scion and Chairman of the Jagannath Temple Managing Committee Gajapati Dibyasingha Deb on Monday urged the state government to immediately approve the committee's decision to ban the entry of devotees on chariots during the car festival.

"Based on the recommendations of Puri Sankaracharya Swami Nischalananda Saraswati we had decided to bring the reform and sent it to the law department for approval on November 7, 2013. Since Rath Yatra is nearing, the government should not make further delay," Deb said on the sidelines of a religious ceremony in Bhubaneswar.

He said the Sankaracharya's opinion is conclusive and the state government should not overrule it. Deb's remark assumes significance as a section of priests has been opposition the Sankaracharya's suggestions. The priests contended that the devotees should not be barred from climbing the chariot and they would boycott the forthcoming festival if the decision is not revoked. "Sankaracharya has already made it clear that the presence of pilgrims on chariots and touching the Deities is against the religion," Deb said. He asserted the Puri seer's recommendations would be implemented notwithstanding oppositions.

Two books, detailing the recommendations of the seer and observations of the temple's Mukti Mandap Pandit Sabha (a body of religious scholars), were released in Odia and Hindi language on the occasion.

Some people from the audience expressed their displeasure over the Sankaracharya's recommendations and demanded an open debate on the issue. "Neither the Sankaracharya nor the temple administration thought to take public opinion on the issue. If the Sankaracharya or the temple now feels it is anti-religious to climb atop the chariots, why did the religious scholars fail to invent the law in the past? Where were they when devotees were having access on the chariots," asked Deepak Mohanty, a senior citizen.

"If the police feel problem to regulate crowd and feel threat to the chariots, it is their lookout to control the crowd and strengthen security. We should not be prevented from once-a-year chance to climb the chariots," Mohanty said.


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