Gaura Purnima at Murari Sevaka



The winter is all but gone, already the budding trees and shrubs are showing new life. The warmth of the sun is increasing. This winter was not too difficult. The greenhouse is becoming packed with new life… seeds, seedlings, vegetables and fruits. Thus far in one year we have already have planted 20 chestnut trees, 10 muskadine grapes, 2 pear, 2 nectarine, 2 cherry, 6 figs, 2 crepe myrtle, more roses, one mimosa tree… etc. In the greenhouse there are started trees almost ready to go in…. a community planting on Gaura Purnima. I will send out a list of suggestions tomorrow.

We want to plant perennials… once planted they return each year. In the greenhouse there are several more figs, lilacs, blueberries, persimmon, focsia, 2 type of jasmine, several crepe myrtle, bay leaf, etc. We are going to fill Murari with flowers and fruits.

I haven't had much chance to update the website regarding Nityananda's weekend party, but it was a very happy time. And by the way, the mysterious missing silver Deity trays and objects pleasingly returned to the base of the altar on that happy day.

I am going to pick up Nitai Gaurachandra's new clothing tomorrow. I've been told it is very nice….I have inside info. The Lord's cows are doing very well, and are perky and happy, seeing the arrival of the spring season. We will be giving them special treats for the festival. Lalita, the new arrival, now 2 months old, still fits through my cabin door. Sadly some day she won't….. then what? I guess they all grow up and leave home, don't they?

Big plans for agriculture this spring… lots of veggies, and we will try to grow quantity mung and other beans… upland rice, sorghum, wheat, and other grains…

I hope to see everyone for this beautiful 2-day festival, your association is most desired. Below is the flyer… and this will probably be the final reminder.

Thank you again for your wonderful steady support of our humble effort to do something for Srila Prabhupada…

Hare Krsna, your servant in Prabhupada

Gadi das

If I don't get a specific list out of perennial plants to offer Nitai and Gaura, then just ask specifically for a flowering or fruiting perennial when shopping at Lowes, Walmart etc.

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Murari Sevaka / Murari's Kirtan Valley
532 Murari Lane
Mulberry, TN 37359-5635
(931) 759-6888
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