Audarya Dhama: The Most Munificent Abode, Part 40
Nov 04, 2020 SRIDHAM MAYAPUR, WEST BENGAL (SUN) Compiled by Sriman Padmalochan dasa.
In this Rudradvipa live the eleven Rudra's who always chant the glories of Lord Caitanya. Here, Siva and his followers dance in bliss. Seeing this, the Devas shower flowers from the sky. (Navadvipa-mahatmya)
Rudra Para
Rudra, who is an expansion of Siva and who appears in unlimited universes, is also a guna-avatara and is the ornament of all the demigods in the endless universes. He also desires to be the servant of Lord Krsna. Sri Sada Siva always says, "I am the servant of Lord Krsna." "Intoxicated by ecstatic love for Lord Krsna, he becomes overwhelmed and incessantly dances without clothing and sings about Lord Krsna's qualities and pastimes."
(Caitanya-caritamrita Adi 6)
There are eleven expansions of Lord Siva, known as the Rudras: Ajekapat, Ahivradna, Virupaksa, Revata, Hara, Vahurupa, Tramvak, Savitra, Jayant, Pinaki and Aparajita.
The following story is narrated in the Navadvipa Mahatmaya. Once while touring, Vishnu Swami came here. Along with his followers he stayed the night here in Rudradvipa. His disciples started dancing and singing , and Vishnu Svami recited verses from Sruti and Smriti. Pleased by the discussion on bhakti, Lord Shiva showed himself. Upon his arrival in the assembly, Vishnu Swami became startled. He folded his hands in prayer and recited appropriate verses. Lord Shiva spoke, "All of you Vaisnavas are dear to me, your discussion on devotion has pleased me. Ask a boon and I shall grant it."
Offering his dandavats, Vishnu Swami, filled with ecstatic love said, "Please give us this one gift, that henceforth we shall be a perfect sampradaya teaching devotional service."
Hearing this, Rudra consented and named the sampradaya after Himself. Thus Vishnu Swami's sampradaya is called the Rudra sampradaya.
By the mercy of Rudra, Vishnu Swami stayed here and desiring of love of God, took to the worship of Lord Gauranga. Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared in a dream to Vishnu Swami, "By Rudra's mercy you have become my bhakta. Being very fortunate you came to Navadvipa and attained the treasure of bhakti. Now go out and preach the philosophy of Suddhadvaita. The time for my appearance will soon come and at that time you will appear as Sri Vallabha Acarya (founder of the Pusti-Marg sampradaya). You will meet Me in Jagannatha Puri and thereafter you will go to Vrindavan and perfect your sampradaya."
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