Audarya Dhama: The Most Munificent Abode,
Part 38


Oct 31, 2020 — SRIDHAM MAYAPUR, WEST BENGAL (SUN) — Compiled by Sriman Padmalochan dasa.


Saranga Murari Thakur

The following description is given in Caitanya Caritamrta. Saranga Thakur was a resident of Navadvipa, and he used to worship the Supreme Lord in a secluded place on the bank of the Ganges. He did not accept disciples, but he was repeatedly inspired from within by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to do so. Thus one morning he decided, "Whoever I see first today, I shall make him my disciple."

When he went to take bath in the Ganges, by chance a dead body was floating in the water, and he touched it with his feet. This immediately brought life to the dead body and Saranga Thakur accepted him as his disciple. After this incident, Saranga Thakur became known as Saranga Murari Thakur, for the dead person had the name Murari.

Malini Devi's Birthplace

Malini Devi is the wife of Srivasa Pandit. The following story is narrated in the Caitanya Bhagavat: "While Nityananda Prabhu was living in the house of Srivasa Pandit, He made no personal effort to eat. Malini Devi looked upon Lord Nityananda as her own son, and she would feed Him with her own hand. One day a crow came and took away the brass ghee container. When the crow disappeared with the brass ghee container, Malini Devi became very upset. After the bird had hidden the bowl somewhere, it returned. When Malini Devi saw he had nothing in his beak she thought: "Now Srivasa Thakur will be very upset, for that was Lord Krsna's ghee bowl."

Being unable to think of any solution to this problem, she started to cry. At that moment, Lord Nityananda appeared on the scene and saw Malini Devi weeping for no apparent reason. Nityananda Prabhu simply laughed and asked her: "What is your problem, mother?" Malini said: "My dear Sripada that crow has stolen Krsna's ghee bowl." Nityananda said: "Mother, please do not worry, I will get the bowl back for you."

Then he laughed and said, "Oh crow, bring back the bowl immediately." Since Nityananda Prabhu is situated in everyone's heart, no one is able to disobey Him. Upon hearing Lord Nityananda Prabhu's order, the crow immediately flew away and returned with the bowl. When Malini saw this she fell unconscious.


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