The Mughal Influence on Vaisnavism, Part 54


Jagannatha Puri Dhama

Apr 25, 2019 — CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of the Mughal effect on Vaisnava society.

In our last segment we discussed the peace treaty negotiated by the Rajput general, Raja Man Singh, on behalf of Emperor Akbar. While the treaty was successfully concluded, none of the parties involved were actually were pleased with the solution.

Akbar had secured at least a temporary halt to the Afghans' attacks on Orissa and Bengal, and the Afghans were permitted to remain in the region, rather than being driven out. The local Orissan leaders got some renewed hope of arranging a better deal for themselves with the Mughals than they had managed with the Afghans. The Jagannatha Temple at Puri was put under the protection of the Mughals, and while this was an improvement in circumstances, it was still far less acceptable than the temple being returned to its Hindus congregants.

When the Afghan leader Sualaiman Karrani, who was once the ruler of Bengal, pushed his warriors south and conquered Orissa, he brought great misery to the Jagannatha Temple. In Orissa Under the Mughals, Dr. B.C. Ray tells the story of the Afghan desecration of Jagannath Puri. As will become clearer in tomorrow's segment, Dr. Ray has taken the position so many historians have, that Akbar was 'kindly disposed towards the Hindus'.

As described below, Akbar's 'benevolence' was at least an improvement over the despot Afghans, who were outwardly inimical to Lord Jagannatha personally, targeting the Deities even more than the temple environs during their campaigns of destruction. Nonetheless, Dr. Ray's glorification of Akbar's tolerance is exaggerated and not properly explained in the context of his overall mood towards the non-Muslims of India, which gives lie to any pretense of 'tolerance' for the residents of Puri Dhama.

"Sulaiman Karrani, the Afghan leader of Bengal, was first to establish Muslim rule in Orissa by destroying the power of Mukunda Harichandana, the last Hindu ruler of Orissa. With him came the Muslim soldiers, Muslim officials, Muslim traders and camp-followers with a new religion of their own not known to the Hindus of Orissa.

"The Afghan short-period rule as enforced did not accept in principle, the policy of toleration to the Hindus. The main objective of Kalapahar, the general of Sulaiman Karrani was to desecrate Jagannath who, to him, appeared as the embodiment of religion of the Oriya people. He broke certain portion of the temple of Jagannatha, plundered the store house and broke the idols of the gods. From his campaigns against the Hindu gods of Orissa it seems, that he was more interested in mutilating, breaking or desecrating the Hindu idols rather than destroying the temples in which the idols were placed. Such Afghan campaigns must have left the impression into the minds of the Oriyas that Muslims as a class of people, had no regard for other faiths and would continue to interfere in the free worship of Hindus more particularly in the famous temple of Jagannatha.

This fear of the Hindus in Orissa was set aside when Akbar's attention was drawn to this territory. Consistent in his tolerate policy towards the Hindus, as elsewhere in India, he denounced the iconoclastic and persecuting policy of the Afghan towards the Hindus in Orissa, and under his discretion, the treaty which was signed in the first Orissa campaign of Raja Man Singh, between him and Daud, included a clause to the effect that the Afghans should not invade or desecrate the temple of Jagannatha in future. This clause gave a new impression to the Hindu mind in regard to the liberal Mughal policy and made the Afghan rule more unpopular in the eyes of the Oriyas.

The Mughal fight with the Afghans, Mughal occupation of Orissa through a Hindu general like Raja Man Singh, and the most generous treatment of this Mughal general towards the highly reputed Hindu institution of Jagannatha and the recognition of Raja Ramachandra Deva the founder of Bhoi dynasty as the Superintendent of the temple of Jagannatha, by Raja Man Singh, removed for the time being the fear that their gods would be humiliated in the hands of the Muslims. Akbar's rule in Orissa based on the principle of tolerance and that of non-interference encouraged the Hindus to freely worship their gods. What impressed most the priestly section of the temple of Jagannatha was that Akbar's general Raja Man Singh's wife constructed the Mukti Mandap of the temple of Jagannatha.

The impact of liberal Islam on Orissa was practically over with the end of the reign of Akbar. The religious policy of both Jahangir and Shah-Jahan gave a twist towards traditional conservatism and orthodoxy though a regular religious persecution was not sanctioned.

In the reign of Jahangir, with approach of Hashim Khan in Orissa, the priests of Jagannatha were so much frightened at the probable invasion of the temple of Jagannath that, they perhaps with the advice or knowledge of Purusottam Deva the Raja of Khurda, took away the idol of Jagannath from the temple to the temple of Gopalji in Khurda.

Again another Muslim general known as Mukarram Khan injured the idol of Sakhigopal and invaded Khurda. Therefore the sevakas of the temple of Jagannatha in fear could not perform the festivals and apprehending the desecration of the idol of Jagannatha, they took it away to a place known as Gurubai. Then from that place it was brought to Gobapadara in Khurda Raja's territory and there the Chapa festival was celebrated.

Dola Melana Yatra at Khurda Village

The Muslim occupation of the Khurda capital drove Purusottam Deva from his palace and he along with his family was forced to reside at Manitri, on the border of Ranpur. But Gobapadar was no longer found safe for the worship of Jagannatha. Therefore the salagram of the idol was taken away by the sevakas on their cloth and was kept in Manitri. It appears that the idol of Jagannatha was to be kept there for a long time, as after the death of Purusottam Deva, his son and successor Narsingh Deva, was to take care of the idol in that particular palace. When the period of panic was over, the idol was brought back to Puri.

In the reign of Jahangir, Shah-Jahan rebelled and entered into Orissa with his followers to move towards Bengal. The very advance of the Prince scared away the priests. The sevakas again brought away the idol of Jagannatha to Khurda and worshipped there. It is only when Shah Jahan returned through Orissa to the Deccan that the idol of Jagannatha was brought back to Purusottam (Puri) for worship.

In the reign of Shah-Jahan, Mutaqad Khan invaded Puri, plundered the store of Jagannatha and slew Narasingh Deva, the Raja of Khurda. Madalapanji says that Narasingh Deva offered his head for the security of Brahmins and gods.

The reign of Aurangzeb is most disturbing and humiliating to the worship of Lord Jagannatha. With the beginning of the reign of Aurangzeb, Orissa had to feel more the impact or orthodox Islam than before. He was a puritan Muslim and was a great patron of conservative Islam. As soon as he became the Emperor of India he soon passed orders for the restoration of the Officers of the cannon law strictly according to Islamic rule. Such officers were appointed in every province and in every important town. So far Orissa was concerned, Shaikh Junaid was appointed Mujtahid at Cuttack. The following were two qazis who did their duty at Cuttack. One was Rahmatullah who, after being appointed to the post, violated the cannon law and therefore was dismissed for bad conduct. The other was Sayyid Muhammed Ghasu."


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