Bhagavatastakam of Rasikananda, Verse 5


Rasikananda Prabhu's bhajan kutir

Nov 17, 2014 — INDIA (SUN) —


alokamrta-danato bhava-maha-bandham nrnam chidantah
sparsat pada-saroja-sauca-payasam tapa-trayam bhindatah |
alapad vraja-nagarasya padayoh premanam atanvato
vande bhagavatan iman anulavam murdhna nipatya ksitau || 5 ||

    By giving their nectarean darsana, they remove the great bondage of material existence from people. They destroy their threefold misery by the mere touch of the water that washed their lotus feet, and by talking together they spread pure love for the lotus feet of Lord Krsna to everyone. Bowing my head on the ground, I respectfully glorify these great devotees of the Lord at every moment.

Commentary by Bhajananandadeva Gosvami

Now the author describes the result of seeing, touching and talking to the devotees by pointing out how much powerful each of these can be, as stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, 1.19.33:

yesam samsmaranat pumsam sadyah sudhyanti vai grhah
kim punar darsana-sparsa-pada-saucasanadibhih

    "Simply by remembering such great personalities, our homes become instantly sanctified, so what to speak of seeing them, touching them, washing their feet, offering a seat, etc.?"

They give (danatah) their darsana (aloka), which is itself nectar. Here the affix tasil is used in the ablative sense. According to the Amara-kosa, the words darsana, aloka and iksana are synonyms of sight. Devotees remove (chindatah) the formidable bondage (maha-bandham) of the material existence (bhava) from people (nrnam), which was previously described. By the mere touch (sparsat) of the water (payasam) that washes (sauca) their lotus feet (pada-saroja), they destroy the threefold misery – adhyatmika, adhidaivika and adhibhautika – of the human beings. The word nrnam (from people) is to be connected to each sentence. By talking together (alapat) they spread (atanvatah) pure love (premanam) for the lotus feet (padayoh) of Lord Krsna (vraja-nagarasya). According to the Amara-kosa, the word alapa means talking to each other. As said by Sanatkumara:

yat-sambhasana-samprasnah sarvesam vitanoti sam

    "The discussions, questions and answers among devotees spread happiness to everyone." (Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.22.19)

(To be continued...)

Translated from the original in Sanskrit by Demian Martins, Baladeva Vidyabhusana Project:


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